Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The 'better late than ever' card reading for today! ~ Wish Upon a Star

Thank you for your patience!  I had a wonderful, but full day!  Your card this evening is from a new deck that I purchased today...'Magical Unicorns', authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Wish Upon a Star'...appropriate, since your reading is coming to you when its almost dark!!!  (Yes...Spirit DOES have a sense of humour!)
Doreen's message for you regarding this card is this:
"Make a wish and expect the very best."

My message for you this evening is this:
Just the other day, I purchased a piece of wall art that says, "Change your thoughts and you change your World."  We are being reminded this evening of the power of positive thinking and to engage again in the belief that what we wish for can indeed come true for us!  Another colloquialism , "To RECEIVE, you must first BELIEVE",  speaks to our trust that our dreams and wishes are attainable and will come true for us.  Indulge yourself in the child-like wonder of believing that to  wish upon a star means to send out into the Universe your most heart-felt desires and dreams for yourself... Indulge yourself in believing in your own possibilities!!!   As you lay your head to rest tonight, dare to dream...dream your way into your own potential!  What will you wish upon a star for?
Blessed be...

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