Thursday, September 19, 2013

Be Honest With Yourself

Your card today is drawn from the 'Daily Guidance From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Be Honest With Yourself' card, and Doreen's message on the card is this:
"Look into your heart and you will know the truth of this situation.  It's safe to admit the truth to yourself, for we will support and guide you through the necessary changes.  Lean upon us for courage and the strength to take good care of yourself.  Focus only upon your true desires, and they'll come to you upon angel's wings."

My message for you today is this:
Last evening you were asked to 'wish upon a star' and today you are being asked to be CLEAR and TRUTHFUL about the changes you need to pull into your life in order to fulfill your wish.  Tonight we have the beautiful full moon energy, which is wonderful in assisting us to release what no longer serves us...when we do this with INTENTION, it is all the more powerful!  Be honest with yourself about what no longer serves you, and set the intention to release it 'for the greater good of all' judgment here, about what you are releasing as having been 'good' or 'bad' was in your life for a reason and there were lessons.  Change can be intimidating at first, even when your heart and Soul know that it is necessary.  The first step is to be honest about the changes that need to be made and then to make 'room for the new', by 'releasing the old'.  Bless it, and release it, and then know that you are guided and supported in how best to move forward toward your desire(s).
If possible, have yourself a little 'releasement ceremony' tonight, utilizing the full moon energy.  I have the blessing of attending a full moon drumming circle at Pegasus Ranch tonight, and I will have set the intention as to what I wish to release for myself prior to that...the power of many drums honoring the full moon energy is an amazing experience, and I advise you to take part when/if you can. Having said that,  it is not necessary to drum...have your ceremony in whatever way feels right for could be just sitting quietly with yourself, wrapped in a blanket in the light of the moon.  I like to write down on paper what it is that I wish to release and then burn the paper, saying a prayer as I do so that 'this be released to the Light for the greater good of All'...use whatever words feel appropriate for you, setting your INTENTION is the most important aspect of this ceremony...  Today, look into your heart, be honest with yourself, and know that you are supported cosmically and by your guides and angels in making the changes that will best serve you!
Blessed be...

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