I hope you are all enjoying your holiday Monday! It's a beautiful, warm, summery day in southern Alberta...radiant! The first week of September, already! Wow!
Your card today is drawn from the 'Ascended Masters' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.
Ascended Masters are great spiritual teachers and healers who have agreed to serve as us guides and teachers as we navigate through our physical lifetime. Many, though not all, of the Ascended Masters have experienced life on Earth and acted as leaders and healers during their time here, also. Ascended Masters come from every culture and religion and are nondenominational...they happily assist any and all who call upon them! Your card today was 'found' on my office floor, even though I had not been working recently with that deck, and I had walked frequently past my office many times without having noticed this card laying there on the floor before! I am very conscientious about my card decks, and have them all contained in a large basket, with a large black silk cloth draped over them for protection...I honor my decks as sacred tools in connecting to the Divine. When I picked up this card, I knew that it was intended as your card for the day! Your card is the 'Take Charge of This Situation' card and it is aligned with the energy of the powerful Ascended Master, Moses, a courageous prophet who manifested miracles through faith, determination and intention. Doreen's message for this card is this:
"You have the power to heal and alter the course of this situation. It's time for you to take charge and assume a leadership position. First decide what you want. Be clear about the conditions that are acceptable or unacceptable to you. The Universe responds when you're clear about your aims and intentions. The ascended masters will support your leadership role."
My message for you today is this:
I have a strong sense that your card today is setting the tone for you for the week...this is not just your 'message of the day', but is speaking to how you set your week up... You are going to be encountering situations and opportunities this week where you will be asked to 'stand lovingly in your power', so be clear with yourself about where you stand and then be authentic in presenting your perspective and intentions! This is not only speaking to scenarios where you may be 'challenged' to claim your power within a relationship or circumstance...it is also about moments of opportunity being presented to you that will allow you to more fully engage in your life purpose in a clear and directed way! Be courageous and step into these opportunities when they extend themselves, knowing that you are supported and being leant the courage of the powerful Ascended Master, Moses!
This is not the week for passivity! It is an exciting week of opportunity for you!
Blessed be...
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