Friday, September 6, 2013

Beetle ~ Necessary Decisions For Goals

If you have visited my website, you will note that I began my studies in the metaphysical many years ago in Shamanism and that this is where I was introduced to the knowing that 'everything is energy'... Through my studies, I recognized that animals can act as spirit messengers in our lives if we remain open and aware.  Your card today is drawn from the 'Animal-Wise Tarot' deck, authored by Ted Andrews, considered to be one of the foremost authorities in understanding and connecting to animal spirits.  For more information about Ted and understanding about animals as messengers, you may want to refer back to the reading here posted on August 21/13 when the 'Frog' card was drawn for you from this deck...I have a detailed explanation about recognizing animal spirit messengers in that posting...  Just scroll down until you reach the reading that day...
At the conclusion of this week of powerful messages for you, the 'Beetle ~ Necessary Decisions For Goals' card fell out of the deck for you.  This is what Ted has to say about Beetle as a messenger:
"The beetle is one of the most varied of all insects...When Beetle appears, it indicates that now is the time to make the necessary decision to meet our goals.  Beetle signals a confirmation we are on the right track and we should pursue our goals.  If we do so now, we will succeed down the road.  We need not worry about whether our decisions are correct at this time.  When Beetle appears, any decision we make will be followed within a very short time (rarely more than 2 weeks) by a confirmation one way or the other of the correctness of our decision...The appearance of Beetle reminds us to be realistic and pursue our goals...we must do what we must if we expect to accomplish our goals.  The WORK will be necessary.  The results, though, are miraculous.  The work now brings a definite change for the better.  The  Beetle's front wings have thickened into hard covers, which shield and protect its soft underside.  Because of this, Beetle's appearance heralds a time of protection in our endeavors and decisions...Because there are so many types of beetles, it is not unusual that this card appears when we have multiple choices which may be making it difficult to make our decisions...Now is a time to prioritize and keep our focus grounded. We should not give up our pursuits or goals, but we must not ignore practicalities either..."

My message for you today is this:
How are you doing, thinking of a BEETLE as your messenger today?  All animal spirits can act as messengers within our lives, including insects!  (Wasp was a powerful messenger for me, personally, a few weeks ago!)  This card falls in perfectly with the theme being presented to you this week...  Did you implement the new moon energy last night to consciously and intentionally focus on what it is that you desire to pull into your life?  We remain in the residual new moon energy today and now you are being advised that, having set your clear intention, you must make the decisions necessary in moving toward your goals.  I love that Beetle reminds us that there is WORK involved in reaching for our goals, while also advising us of the rewards in doing the work.  You are being strongly encouraged to 'step into it' this week!  You are also being reminded that you are protected and supported in your endeavors!  I remain EXCITED for you!  
Blessed be...

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