Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Friday's Reading ~ Easy Does It

As I will be on my way to Arizona, and am unsure about internet connections, I am pre-posting your daily card reading for Friday, September 27/13.  Your card for Friday was drawn from the 'Magical Messages From the Fairies' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'Easy Does It', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Stop trying so hard to control everything and all the doors will open for you."

My message for you is this:
This is a great 'wrap up the messages of the week' card to come forward for you today!
It can apply to every message that you received  over the course of the week...
This card does not imply that you be PASSIVE and not take action in areas that you truly need is really guiding you to strive to move with EASE and GRACE, and to allow yourself to paddle with the current rather than to fight against it.  Interesting that your card at the beginning of the week was 'Peace' and your card at the close of the week is 'Easy Does It'!  You've heard the colloquialism, 'What you resist, persists'...  Often times, when we relax about something, the solutions clearly present themselves to us.  You have a 'team' that you can call on to guide and support you (including the Goddess, Sekhmet). Employ the power of prayer to assist you, see the steps rather than the whole staircase, and take it easy on yourself...don't push so hard!
This is also a message for you to take some time for yourself this weekend to relax.  
Blessed be...

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