Monday, September 16, 2013

Heaven Is Watching Over You

Your card today is drawn from the 'Saints & Angels' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Heaven Is Watching Over You', which is aligned with your Guardian Angel.  Doreen's message for you is this:
"Rest assured that God and your guardian angels are watching over you and your loved ones.  You're very loved, and you're not alone in this situation...or ever...This is a message for you to release any worries to Heaven."

My message for you today is this:
Beautiful way to begin your week...with your Guardian Angel stepping forward to remind you that you are being watched over and that you are loved!  When caught up in the mundane aspects of our physical life we sometimes 'forget about' the loving gift from the Creator that we were given at the time of our birth...our Guardian Angels.  It is my belief and experience that we are all born with at least 2 Guardian Angels...Guardian Angels are YOUR personal angels and they are with you ALL THE TIME!  They are unconditional Love energy, they do not judge us...THEIR sole purpose is to love and assist us on our life path. Just as with all angelic energy, they cannot intervene in your life without your permission due to the 'Universal Law of Free Will'.  Guardian Angels are high vibrational beings that have never been in the physical form, and although they are not gender specific, they DO present as either male or female, depending upon their primary role in our life, and the energies inherent in that role. When our Guardian Angels appear to us, they present themselves in a physical form that we can relate to and understand.  Having said that, you DO NOT have to have SEEN your Guardian Angel to have been in communication with him/her!  They communicate with us in a myriad of ways!  I guarantee you that you HAVE INDEED experienced the love and support of your Guardian Angels, and that you can easily recall some incidents in your life where you felt that there was something 'unseen' assisting you!  The goal is to become more conscious in making the connection and to utilize the support available to you more consistently.  How do you do that?  You is really that simple and that profound!  There are many guided meditation CD's available now to facilitate your opening up the lines of communication with your Guardian Angels, and they can be beneficial...but in truth, all it really takes is to acknowledge your Guardian Angel's presence in your life and then to trust, allow and believe the guidance and support being presented to you in whatever form it comes!  Their desire to communicate with you is as powerful as yours to communicate with them!  Don't complicate things!  How will you open yourself up to commune with your Guardian Angels today?  
Blessed be...

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