Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Loved One

This is your daily card reading for Thursday, August 7th/14.  I felt inspired to draw this card for you, while I am away on our lake holiday, so I am assuming that this message will resonate with you for some reason at this time.  Your card jumped out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Your friends and loved ones who have crossed over want you to know that they are with you.  They are wrapping their loving energy around you and ask you to feel peace and serenity within your heart and mind about their passing.  They are living and enjoying the other side and deeply desire for you to feel peaceful within this world.  They ask that you surrender any painful emotions you are holding on to, and allow their loving presence to flow within your heart---bringing forth peace and serenity.  Feel their loving energy and joyfully live the gift of life here on Earth."

My message for you today is this:
I took the photo of your card today amidst the branches of the beautiful cedar tree just outside our trailer.  Cedar is known to carry powerful healing energy, and is often incorporated in a smudge for healing purposes.  My guidance tells me that a crossed over loved one has a healing message for you at this time...
As I lay my hand upon the 'Loved Ones' card, the primary overwhelming energy that emanated from it was encompassing, unconditional Love energy---strong, yet gentle at the same time.  The energy truly felt encompassing, which was a reminder that our crossed over loved ones are never truly 'gone', but are in another dimension from which we can periodically experience being fully embraced in their Love for us~which always remains, of course.  Love never dies.  This card has presented for you today, because a crossed over loved one has been striving to make a connection with you.  Allow yourself to be open, and trust that what you experience is REAL.  Remember that crossed overs find inventive and unique ways of making themselves known to us here in the physical. Sometimes, crossed overs will present to us in our dream state; or they may use animals, birds, or insects as messengers to make themselves known to us; or we may hear a special song that we associated with a loved one; or receive a call from someone associated with that loved one; or 'accidentally' come across something that reminds us of that loved one; etc. etc...  
So, how will you know that you are actually experiencing the energy of a crossed over loved one?  Once you declare that you are open to such communication, you simply relax into it and allow it to happen in the way that they choose to orchestrate it---then, when it happens, you TRUST, ALLOW & BELIEVE...  As trite as it sounds, 'you will JUST KNOW'!  As always, give takes effort for crossed overs to lower their vibration to make themselves known to us here on Earth, so express your gratitude.  Today's message holds a very positive tone---encompassed in the power of Love---allow yourself to feel embraced in that.
Blessed be...

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