Thursday, August 28, 2014


This is your daily card reading for Friday, August 29th/14.  My apologies for missing posting your reading for Thursday, August 30th---I was very happily 'distracted' by the arrival of our kids from Brazil!
Your card today was drawn from the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is the 'Fearless' card, and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Fear is natural, normal and healthy.  It is a part of the human survival mechanism.  But sometimes fear can take us over in an unhealthy way and stop us dead in our tracks.
Dear Soul, you have received this card today because the energetic imprint of fear is blocking your necessary progress forward in your life.  The fact that you are experiencing fear right now is a sign that you are about to take a very important step forward on your path. It can also indicate that your path is being blocked from the negative, fearful energy that you hold.  
This card brings the soft, loving energy of Spirit to give you  the emotional support you need. It is strengthening your heart center to help you overcome the limiting fear-based thoughts, which are holding you back.  Too much of your time has been spent thinking about the things you think or feel you need to do in your life.  It is now time to begin taking action---one baby step at a time.
Where there is fear, there is often a lack of faith.  It's time to put your trust in the hands of Spirit.  There is a reason you are feeling called to take action.  And there is also a reason you are experiencing the blockage of fear as well.  Quite often, the one thing we fear to do, is the very thing which will lead us to our own empowerment. Fear is the factor which we must all overcome in order to step into our power.
Breathe, as you relax your body and release your mind.  Trust yourself.  Trust in the Divine. Begin taking the necessary steps forward---despite your fear.  Remember, fear is a feeling, not a reality.  You cannot remain small any longer.  Your heart is calling you forward.  Be brave.  Be fearless.  Just go for it!"

My message for you today is this:
Quite frankly, I wondered how my daily card readings would 'morph and change' following the transformational experience I had during my recent Immersion with Panache Desai.  As I was typing Cheryl Lee's message for your card today, I felt such alignment with her message and with Panache's message about how we are to EMBRACE AND EXPERIENCE ALL emotions!  Panache teaches that we are HUMAN in order to experience a MYRIAD of emotions and that our emotions SERVE US, if we allow ourselves to acknowledge each emotion as it flows through us.  Panache states that emotions are 'energy in emotion' and it is when we attempt to deny and 'stuff' our emotions, that they become blockages and roadblocks to our progress.  Acknowledge any FEAR your may be experiencing---without judgment of it as being 'good' or 'bad'---and honestly allow it to flow through you.  See your FEAR for the messenger that it is.  What is your FEAR trying to convey to you?  Is the fear that you are experiencing rooted in real possibilities or projections that are not based in reality?  Allow your FEAR to CHALLENGE you!  Fear can be exciting, because it indicates that you are on a precipice of pivotal change!  Wow! Breathe through it and take the leap of faith!  Feel the excitement!  Don't play it safe!  Be courageous!  CELEBRATE YOUR FEAR! You are SO SUPPORTED!
Blessed be...

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