Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Aeracura ~ Blossoming

This is your daily card reading for Tuesday, August 12th/14.  Your card today was drawn from the 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Aeracura ~ Blossoming' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"You are just getting started, so have patience with yourself and the process, and do not give up...
Message from Aeracura ~
In many ways, you are like a flower bud who is ripe and ready to open and grow.  Don't try to rush this process, as it's part of your beautiful path.  Enjoy learning new knowledge and skills.  Take your time to gather new ideas.  Nurture your body with plenty of fresh air, sunshine, water, and healthful food.  Soon enough, you'll get the unmistakable signal that it's time to put your learning into action.  Spend time among flowers, or work with flower essences and oils to support your growth process."

My message for you today is this:
The Celtic Goddess Aeracura (pronounced Air-uh-CURE-uh), has a strong affiliation with Mother Earth  and Nature Angels.  Her 'grounded' energy assists us in bringing into reality our dreams and ambitions.  Today, Aeracura acknowledges your desire to move forward on your spiritual path in the ways that you feel compelled to at this time, and she reminds you that sometimes patience is a necessary component to actuating our goals.  If you are feeling frustrated or stymied in any way in regards to achieving your dreams, ask Aeracura to assist you with this and to shift your perspective in order to release the stress; and to instead embrace the energy of excited anticipation and faith.  Understand that INTEGRATION is a necessary aspect of any movement forward.  This means taking the time to reflect upon what you have learned to this point on your path, and how it relates to your own unique way of expressing yourself into the World.
Aeracura is also reminding us today about the ways in which Nature and Mother Earth support us here in our physical lives, including through the use of essential oils and essences.  I personally know very little about essential oils, although I have a few that I regularly use for clearing space and creating sacred space (Frankinsence, Palo Santo Oil, Rose Oil, Sage Oil).  I was gifted a bottle of 'Abundance' essential oil by a dear friend---I treasure it and the intention with which it was gifted.  Another dear friend recently shared with me how to activate essential oils and how she incorporates specific oils as part of her daily regimen.  I have begun to hear more and more about essential oils of late.  I understand that this information has been coming into my frame of reference at this time for a reason.  I am highly sensitive to energy and of course, plants and their elixirs and oils have a vibration of their own.  Due to her strong alliance with the Nature elementals, Aeracura is encouraging us today to be open to any new information that serendipitously comes our way regarding essential oils and how they can support us. This doesn't mean that you will necessarily feel drawn to become an 'expert' in the area of essential oils (although you may), but just know that the information that comes to you will serve you in some way.  
Above all else, Aeracura presents for you today to bear witness to your blossoming...
Blessed be...

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