Sunday, August 24, 2014


This is your daily card reading for Monday, August 25th/14.  Your card today  leapt out of a deck that I purchased during my Immersion on Vancouver Island with Panache Desai last week.  I had the great fortune of attending a few yoga classes offered at the resort during my time there.  The yoga instructor's name was Angela Wiens and there was a powerful instantaneous connection between the two of us, so it is wonderful synchronicity that the 'Connection' card is the one that revealed itself for your reading today.  Angela is the author of the 'Yoga Inner Spirit Reflections' card deck that your card was drawn from today.
Angela is from St. Albert, Alberta.  Visit her website at  Angela is a beautiful Spirit and I am in deep gratitude for having made a connection with her.  Her card deck has beautiful energy.  
Angela's message for the 'Connection' card is this:
"I am connected to everything.  I release the illusion of separateness and embrace my connectivity with all living beings.
REFLECTION:  What thoughts or beliefs do I have that create a feeling of separateness?"

My message for you today is this:
Bring to mind when you have met someone for the 'first time' and you instantly felt a 'kinship' with that person---it feels as though you have known this person 'always'.  That was how I felt when I met Angela at the Immersion last week, and I have had the grace to have experienced this in my life on more than one occasion.  When this happens, it is not necessarily that we share the same backgrounds or life experiences or even that our current life experiences are in complete alignment---it is simply as if you already 'know' this person in a profound way---and that recognition of one another feels good and right, as though you are 'family' to one another.  When such 'connections' occur, it is my belief that you are in the presence of a Soul that is part of your 'Soul group'---that you have experienced an impactful connection with one another in a previous lifetime---and that your Soul recognized the Soul of the other, regardless of how you are each embodied in this incarnation.  This truly speaks to the the 'connectedness' to everything and to the ongoing aspect of our Souls.  How beautiful and reassuring is that?  
We are sincerely moving into a time in our consciousness here on planet Earth, when many are embracing the interconnectedness and the 'ONENESS' that is true 'reality'.  We are not separate from the Divine---the Divine is within each one of us.  The Light of Divinity is an integral part of YOU and it is ALWAYS there.  It is present in every physical expression here on Earth, including: the mammals, birds, insects and sea-life; the flora and fauna; the rivers, lakes, oceans and seas; the mountains and valleys; the Earth and the sky; and in Humanity.
You are being reminded today to feel the 'connection' and to feel it 'consciously' (it is also no coincidence that I was guided to call my spiritual business 'Conscious Connections'.)
Allow yourself to truly feel that loving CONNECTION and to know that your being here MATTERS!
Blessed be...
Angela and I at the fire gathering on the beach...

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