Tuesday, November 28, 2017


This is your card reading for Tuesday, November 28th/17.  Your card today drifted out of the 'Crystal Ally Cards' deck, authored by Naisha Aishan. Naisha has segmented her deck into 5 'suits'—Earth, Fire, Water, Wind and Storm. Each element has a signature card for that element and then certain crystals which hold the energies of that element are included in that suit. Your card today is the signature card of the 'Wind' element, and Naisha's message for the card is this:
"The element of Wind has blown into your cards today to remind you to listen to the voices of Spirit that are speaking. Spirit beings, guides, angels, and your own Higher Self can all utilize Wind energy to carry messages to you. When you quiet yourself and concentrate on the breath of the Wind within you open yourself to the guidance of these higher beings.
Wind may be indicating that you need to view the current situation through the higher chakras of the third eye and crown. Perhaps you need to use your mental energies in order to work out a problem. Or maybe you are being asked to open your intuition to receive an answer or new direction from the Spirit world. The energy of Wind may be telling you to 'use your head' in the current situation. When the power of Wind is invoked, you are being assured of a renewed clarity of thought, and an increased ability to use your mental abilities to affect change.
Take some time to invite the power of Wind into your life. Sit outside, and breath the Wind into your body. Utilize the power of deep breathing to create a clarity and enhance your connection to the subtle realms. Wind is calling upon you to listen to its voice within your deepest self."

My message for you today is this:
Here in south/central Alberta, we have been experiencing Chinook winds, carrying the warmer air our way and providing us with milder winter temperatures.  These winds bring with them a change in air pressure, which can be physically challenging for some; bringing on headaches and sinus issues.  This is indicative of how we are affected by the prevailing energies around us. We are vibrational beings and so of course we are affected by the energies we are in!  Wind is reminding you today that you need not fall victim to those energies, but you can actually UTILIZE those energies when you are conscious of them! 
The breath is one of the most powerful tools we have for shifting our vibration, and yet it is so underused.  How often have you heard someone say 'Just take a breath' when they are striving to assist someone with shifting anger, fear, anxiety, etc.?  To breathe consciously—as in yogic breathing (I have carried with me how a yoga instructor of mine used to say 'rest in the stillness of your breath' and I utilize that to find a place of peace), or Ha breath, or other means of intended breathing patterns—can relax, calm and center you. It literally shifts your vibration and can raise your vibration to bring you to the place where communing with your Higher Self and your Spiritual Advisors occurs more readily and easily. 
Place your focus upon your breath and allow yourself to breath deeply and slowly. Feel your body being energized with the oxygen and the rhythm of your breath. Then invite whatever guidance is being made available to you to reveal itself.  Spirit is reaching out to you and that is why the Wind card has revealed itself to you today.  
Blessed be...

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