Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Violet Flame

This is your card reading for Wednesday, November 1st/17. Your card today launched out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Violet Flame' and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Most of us experience a dark or difficult time at some point or another in our lives. And though it may feel like it will never end or never be better, the Violet Flame card is here to tell you that it will be.
The only way to conquer the shadows in our life is to turn off all the lights and face the darkness head-on. this is a process of purification. The Violet Flame shines its light, providing you with the way and means to see your way out of the inner darkness—once the shadows have been conquered. The experience you are having right now, although painful and challenging, is providing you with the means and opportunity to clearly see what is—and is not—working in your life anymore. It can help you to see how you have been allowing yourself to be in the world and how you have been holding yourself back It can help bring the clarity to recognize the people who help serve your highest good—and those who do not.
In the center of the fractal image is the symbol of the bat. In animal medicine, the bat is a symbol of change. He holds the light of the Violet Flame for you as a means of guiding you through this process of change. When you do make your way back, you will find that neither you, nor your life, is exactly the same as before. Change is an inevitable part of this process.
It is nearly complete sweet Soul. Just know, that once you have made your way through, you will be stronger; both within yourself and on your journey. You will have more clarity about your path and how you want to walk it."

My message for you today is this:
In truth, I initially doubted why this card had come up for your reading today. It seemed, at first, to be a rather 'dark' message for the energies of this time, as we move into a new month. Yet, as always, I trusted that it had presented for a reason and I understood the message for you today as I typed up Cheryl Lee's message for the card above.  
2017 is a '10/1 Universal Year of New Beginnings' and during this year, we have experienced periods of great transformation, which have not always felt 'comfortable'.  We have literally been pushed outside our comfort zone toward our potential.  How fitting that this card has presented on the day following Halloween, with the symbol of the bat meaning 'change'; and as we lead into the Full Moon this upcoming Saturday, which is about releasing that which no longer serves you.  We HAVE been asked to look at and acknowledge what is sometimes referred to as our 'shadow side' in this year of courageous expression of WHO we authentically came here to be. Our shadow is part of who we are, as we live in this physical realm of duality (dark and light).  As we acknowledge and recognize our shadow side, we've been asked to be clear about old ways of being—and patterns of behavior—that no longer serve us moving toward our new beginnings. We will ALWAYS have a shadow aspect to ourselves while we are human—and honestly your shadow side can serve you, at times. It helps you to navigate this human experience.  Your role as we come to the conclusion of this year of new beginnings, is to choose to CONSCIOUSLY look to the circumstances and experiences of this past year that have revealed to you old patterns that no longer serve you in moving forward, and the changes you need to make in that regard.  You may not be currently experiencing actual challenges, but may find MEMORIES of old challenges rising up at this time, for 'no apparent reason' (as I did last night just before falling asleep).  This is happening so that you can now fully integrate the lessons that were being shared with you through that experience.  I know NOW, that I would deal with what happened THEN, in a very different way, and from a more self-empowered stance, for example.  Allow the energy of the Violet Flame being presented for you today to shine upon you, providing you with healing and faith that you ARE living out your destiny. 
Celebrate the life-affirming changes you have made, and allow the changes you still need to make to be revealed to you—the Violet Flame will assist you with this, as we move toward the Full Moon.
Blessed be...

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