Friday, November 3, 2017

Universal Law of Essence

This is your card reading for Friday, November 3rd/17.  Your card today floated out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' deck authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Essence' and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Essence states that there is an energy—a spirit, a life force—that animates all life. The infinite, formless substance that all existence is made of is alive. It is whole, pure, perfect, harmonious, sacred, good, and loving. It cannot be hurt or destroyed. This essence, or spirit, of life is rarely seen with your eyes, but it can be felt. It is through your feelings and emotions that this essence is experienced. No description will fully capture what this essence is because it is beyond beliefs, perceptions, ideas, concepts, thoughts, and emotions. Nevertheless, it can be experienced through feeling. Your essence is the living, breathing fabric of existence that is always present and in a constant state of oneness. This law is reminding you that all of the good qualities of life are present right here and now within you, because they are the inherent qualities of your own life force. You do not need to seek outside yourself, When you define yourself by your name, your past experiences, accomplishments, failures, possessions, beliefs, thoughts, emotions, or any other idea or concept, you are only recognizing a small part of who you are. This card asks you to look deeper and to explore your inner world.  Discover the spirit that underlies form. When you do, you will automatically align with the essence of the entire Universe and, in the process, will align effortlessly with all Universal Laws.
Get in touch with the Law of Essence through meditation. Sit still and focus your attention on relaxing your body. After you have relaxed each part of your body, begin to focus your attention on the aliveness of your body. Notice your breathing, your heart beating, the sense of being alive that radiates within you. Relax and feel the life force and essence within for several minutes. This will refresh your mind and bring harmony to your emotions."

My message for you today is this:
As we lead into the Full Moon tomorrow, you are being asked to acknowledge that you are a spiritual being having a physical experience.  Some would refer to the essence of who you are as your Soul.  How can you express the essence of who you are out into the world?  This has been your calling and is truly what your 'life purpose' is.  We sometimes get caught up in thinking that our life purpose will be expressed through a significant event or undertaking during our lifetime. In truth, our life purpose will be expressed in a multitude of ways over the course of our lifetime.  Anytime you are focused upon sharing the essence of who you are, you are engaged in your life purpose. This occurs in what some may define as the 'small moments' of our lives, as well as during our monumental life experiences. While your essence is an integral aspect of who you are, you know that you are consciously connected to your essence through your emotions and feelings. The expression of of your essence is very heart-centered and heart warming. 
Utilize the Full Moon energy that we are now flowing into (remember that energy is in motion and flow and isn't 'clap on/clap off', and so we are already entering into the energies of tomorrow's Full Moon) to assist you with releasing old ways of being and patterns of behavior or beliefs that hold you back from the expression of your true essence. Recognizing that you are a Soul above all else, is empowering, enlightening and inspiring.
Blessed be...

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