Friday, November 10, 2017
No Place Like Home
This is your card reading for Friday, November 10th/17. Your card today dropped out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' card deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid. Your card is 'No Place Like Home' and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS: Authenticity; coming home to yourself; feeling at home; arriving at a place where you just 'fit'; being comfortable in your own skin.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE: Home feels safe and secure; it's a comfortable place to rest and create, a place that is known and you can call yours. This card signals that your ability to trust yourself and feel at home in your own skin is beginning to solidify as you claim your dignity and integrity, aspects of yourself no one can take away from you. You know who you are. You hold your head high—yet with neither pride nor humility. Instead, you stand as the observer, seeing through the eyes of your soul. This puts you in a position of power and strength. Authenticity is your home. You are safe here, in the house of your spirit and Spirit."
My message for you today is this:
I am SO THRILLED with the card that revealed itself for your message today! All year your messages have spoken to stepping into the AUTHENTIC expression of WHO you came here to be—of courageous expression. Your message today is indicative that you are becoming comfortable with that. It is my firm belief that we chose to incarnate at this time because of the accelerated spiritual growth being offered us, and that the SHIFT that had been spoken of so prolifically for some time was in reference to the spiritual shift and massive leap in spiritual maturation we have been undertaking as a collective. Just look to how more 'mainstream' it has become to speak about 'spirituality'. At one time we could only refer to any connection we made with the Divine under the auspices of religious tenants. We have evolved and matured spiritually to the point wherein we are seeking to make the connection to our Higher Self and to the Divine personally. Collectively, we are more open to and receptive to the knowing that we have SIX senses, rather than 5.
Many who are serving as spiritual leaders, teachers and advisors; healers; mediums and psychics are doing so OPENLY at this time; whereas in past lives they were likely persecuted for doing so. You no longer have to deny your gifts—you are able to share them openly as a loving act of service and an AUTHENTIC expression of WHO you are!
Granted, that with massive change, chaos often ensues during the time of adjustment. We have certainly experienced that in our personal lives and on the global scene this recent year. Your message today is that you are now emerging out of that chaos and upset and are moving into feeling comfortable living as the expression of your authentic self. This does not mean that further challenges may not present—these are part of the human experience that you are here to live. It means that you have now found that Divine CENTER that will lead you through any challenges from a more empowered place.
Tomorrow is an 11/11 day and it serves as a gateway to the energies we will be experiencing in 2018, which is an 11 year. You will find, progressively, that it feels 'uncomfortable' to be anything other than the authentic expression of yourself. You have indeed, come home!
As we head into November 11th—Remembrance Day—I also want to take this opportunity to express deep gratitude and honouring to those who sacrificed their lives; as well as the families who suffered the physical loss of their loved ones and the sacrifice that they made; so that we could live in a world that became open to authentic self-expression. Let us remember their bravery and ultimate sacrifice and choose to honour that sacrifice by having the courage to now live our lives fully in the freedom they afforded us!
Blessed be...
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