There will be no card reading today, but I wanted to share this very important information about today's New Moon in Libra on Thursday, October 19th/17.
New Moon's typically hold manifestation energy, with each holding it's own unique vibration in accordance with the other prevailing cosmic energies at the time. This New Moon is powerful in regards to relationships and personal connections. In that regard, I'd like to share the words of Wealth Astro-Numerologist, Tania Gabrielle, about the energies of this particular New Moon:
"It can be scary to be deeply intimate with someone - sharing all of you, especially parts you’ve protected.... But Uranus exactly opposite the New Moon is urging you to take that risk, let yourself be seen – fully.
And Mercury with Jupiter encourage you to speak your truth, use your voice to express your hopes.
It’s time to go out on a limb, take a leap of faith.
The same goes for attracting prosperity. Take that leap of faith into the unknown. That’s where the real treasure is!
Jupiter encourages you to give it a go!
Riches, honor and prosperity are yours when you welcome the unexpected, adjust gracefully to rapid change and remain patient about outcomes. Uranus certainly will inspire you to seek freedom – so just remember to breathe deeply through any restlessness you may encounter.
Something completely unpredictable can shift your life to the core...
You’re feeling really articulate now and confident about sharing your prosperity plans with others.
So take that step. Expect amazing results!"
I have intuited that 2017 is the year of 'courageous expression' and this is coming to the forefront at this time. Utilize the energies being offered you in moving forward in a positive way now. What seeds will you plant and ask the Universe to nurture along with you? Be clear and confident!
Blessed be...