Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Isolt ~ Infinite Self-Love

This is your card reading for Wednesday, November 9th/16.  Your card skipped out of the 'Awakening of the Divine' oracle card deck authored by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes.  Each of the cards in this deck is aligned with a goddess and a crystal.  Your card today is 'Isolt ~ Infinite Self-Love' and Velva Dawn's message for the card is this:
"Crystal:  Turquoise
Do you love yourself?  Do you completely trust the wisdom that can guide your path?
Do you see the beauty in others but not in yourself? Are you ready to fall in love with YOU? Do you really know who you are? What do you love to do?
Isolt is a Celtic goddess.  She is associated with true undying eternal love for yourself that can be amplified when you are outdoors in nature among the tree and flower spirits.  She can also help you connect with any deceased loved ones whom you are wishing to communicate with.
Our heart chakra is a vital energy center that naturally closes down when it is wounded. Many of us receive wounds through the many different experiences in our lifetime from birth until death.  If our heart chakra becomes clogged with scars from our wounds, then this energy center can't flow properly and you will develop a dis-ease associated with the organs and systems that are in the chest area, arms and hands.
Isolt is inviting you to begin falling in love with the depths of your soul.  She is asking you to begin falling in love with the depths of your soul.  She is asking you to begin looking into the mirror each day and to say one positive thing about yourself for 21 days.  This will begin to create a new cycle of deep self-love to awaken within.  Isolt wants you to get a dozen pink roses and put them by your bed.  Give Isolt permission to work on your heart chakra each night to begin removing the mask of self-doubt, self-judgment, lack of self-beauty, and any pain connected to your infinite self-love.
Our heart is like a rose, it has many petals to open, connecting you to the center of your own origin and finding your path to enlighten yourself and others on this planet Earth.  As you release the pain, fear and lower energies you will begin to see yourself and others from a higher perspective.  You will be able to see the light within their soul connecting to yours and to the infinite source.
AFFIRMATION:  My true essence is complete and the love that I have for myself is infinite and abundant.  Breathe in love and breathe out any negative thoughts that I am storing in my heart.  I am love."

My message for you today is this:
I took the picture of your card today with 2 of the crystal singing bowls that I have in my sacred room.  The pink bowl is infused with Rose Quartz and the blue bowl is infused with Turquoise.  These are beautiful energetic tools and I always play them in my sacred space when I prep the room for Akashic Records consultations that I am doing, or other spiritual work.  The Rose Quartz bowl is toned to the Heart/High Heart Chakra, and Rose Quartz being the crystal of unconditional Love, this is an amazing vibrational pairing.  The Turquoise bowl is toned to the Throat Chakra...our communication center and it's light blue color is the color of the Throat Chakra, so this is another amazing vibrational pairing.  There is also a raw piece of Rose Quartz and a raw piece of Turquoise pictured with your card today.  
While Velva Dawn has intuited that the crystal Turquoise aligns well with the goddess, Isolt's vibration; I believe that Rose Quartz would align well with her vibration, also, being the crystal of unconditional Love.  The combination is dynamic!   You are being supported by these crystals in embracing self-love and in communicating this from a place of self worth.
You may feel guided to lay quietly with a Rose Quartz crystal on your Heart Chakra and a Turquoise crystal on your Throat Chakra and to ask that these crystals and the goddess Isolt assist you in moving any blocks you may have in these 2 chakras to being fully open to expressing love of Self.  To love yourself is NOT egoic; but rather serves all that you are in relationship with. True authentic self-love means honouring the Divine within you and all that you came here to be...including those aspects of yourself that you may consider 'less than'. We have been, and will continue to be, in some pretty intense energies.  Love yourself through all that may be coming your way---the 'good' and the 'bad'.  Love is the highest vibration of all. You are a spark of the Divine. You ARE love...
Blessed be... 

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