Thursday, November 3, 2016

First Chakra ~ Archangel Michael

This is your card reading for Thursday, November 3rd/16.  Your card today flipped forcefully out of the 'Energy Oracle' card deck, authored by Sandra Anne Taylor.  Your card is 'First Chakra, Archangel Michael' and Sandra's message for the card is this:
"First Chakra, Archangel Michael
~Stability and Security~
Michael holds a beautiful globe of red energy at the first chakra, which is located at the base of the spine.  This is the place where your sense of stability and security is stored.  When this card is upright, it reveals that your energy is flowing freely regarding these issues.  Even if you've had problems with feeling secure in the past, these challenges are beginning to be resolved at this time.  
Archangel Michael is with you, bringing you strength and personal stability.  You are capable of taking action and moving forward on your path, so allow yourself to feel increasing faith in your own power and security now and always.
AFFIRMATION:  My first chakra is open to its perfect, healthy state.  I am strong, stable, safe, and secure.  The Archangel Michael guides and supports me always."

My message for you today is this:
The photo of your card today is taken with a beautiful Amethyst crystal piece that I have that is overlaid with Calcite.  Notice the natural white Calcite heart formation to the left of the card, and the Calcite 'spike' formations above the card.  I personally have always felt an energetic affinity between the crystal Amethyst and Archangel Michael, which is why I pictured the card with this piece today.  Many say that the crystal Sugilite aligns very well energetically with Archangel Michael's energy and so I have draped my Sugilite pendant over the right hand corner of the card here.   Archangel Michael's name means 'He who is like God' and Archangel Michael is considered the supreme protector.  I call upon him to protect myself and my family when we are traveling, and I call upon him to protect me energetically. It is Archangel Michael who assists us with cutting etheric energy cords. I personally use Archangel Michael as my 'gatekeeper' in regards to the clients and students who come to me.  I ask that  'those whom I may serve and who will also serve me, come before me', and trust that he will guide this to be so. You can also call upon him to bring you courage and strength and to assist you with your life purpose.  
Recall that the Archangels are light-beings and have the ability to bi-locate---to be in multiple places at once---so you are not taking them away from another by calling them to you.  
We have been experiencing some chaotic and powerful energetic times and cosmic events, so perhaps you have found yourself feeling a little 'shaken', or 'off-kilter', or unsure.  Know that you are not alone in this and that there is support available to you.   Those who are sensitive to prevailing energies and who share with us their knowledge and understanding about cosmic energies have been advising that we are truly moving toward a greater self-empowered place of being---even though it may not feel that way currently!  Archangel Michael has presented for you today to assist you with that Root Chakra (First Chakra) need to feel safe and secure.  He recognizes that we may require additional support with that right now and is letting you know that he is there for you.  Call upon Archangel Michael to lend you courage and the knowing that you are safe in moving forward on the path of authenticity and self-empowerment that you have been consciously walking toward in this  2016, '9' year of completion.  
Blessed be...

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