Your card today is drawn from the 'Magical Mermaids and Dolphins' deck authored by Doreen Virtue. (There you go, Patti! Your beloved dolphins!) The card that was drawn for you is the 'Yes' card. (And who couldn't feel good about THAT?!?) The message on the card is this:
"Your intuition is correct. Take action accordingly."
This is my message for you today:
The cards this week have led to this (I just LOVE how that works)! The strong message for you today...and this is ABSOLUTELY a message of that whatever you say 'YES' to today will manifest very quickly for you. Consciously CHOOSE what you will focus on today, regardless of the surrounding circumstances. Today could be a powerful lesson for you in how your thoughts can influence your reality. Notice the words,
"take action accordingly", on the card. For today, your action plan is to choose what it is that you will say 'yes' to, observe in the near future how the Universe supports you in that 'yes', and THEN take the guided action steps presented to you. Saying 'yes' alerts the Universe to your INTENTIONS, and so now the Universe can go to work to support you in your intentions, but then it is up to you to take the action steps that are aligned for you and presented for you.
Also remember...the 'self-empowerment' part is is up to YOU what you will say 'yes' to... Will you say 'yes' to the fact that your co-worker is going to drive you crazy all day, or will you say 'yes' to your having a calm, peaceful experience at work today? You see, it applies to the 'little' aspects of our lives, as well...
Blessed be...
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