Monday, May 13, 2013

Don't Compromise

Your card today is drawn from the 'Saints & Angels deck authored by Doreen Virtue.  The card that has been drawn for you is the 'Don't Compromise' card featuring St. Agnes of Rome.

My message for you today is this:
Interesting that this card comes up for you after being in the  energy of celebrating Mother's Day yesterday...  Those who have been in the role of 'Mother' understand COMPLETELY that there are times that you must stand in your convictions and beliefs, and that it IS possible to do so from a loving and nurturing place!  However, you do not have to have taken on the motherhood role to receive the message in this card today.
As many of you are aware, we are experiencing a great SHIFT energetically, and we are moving from the masculine dominant paradigm of the past to a more feminine energy paradigm.  The primary message for you in your reading today is not to mistake 'feminine energy' as complacent energy!  Understand that, you CAN stand firmly in your beliefs, your truth, and your personal power without 'walking over others'...
Simply put, the 'shift' is really about moving out of 'competitive' energy and into 'cooperative' energy...'cooperative' here means for the greater good of 'All', with the understanding that there IS enough for All... The BEST way to contribute to the greater good of All is to be YOUR BEST, TRUE SELF from a loving, heart centered space...
Don't compromise your truth and your right to be loved and respected...and take this stance from a place of LOVE rather than FEAR...Stand in your own power lovingly!

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