Wednesday, May 15, 2013


The card drawn for you today is from the 'Daily Guidance From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  The title on the card is, 'Listen', and the message on the card reads:
"Quiet your mind, Beloved One, and listen to our gentle reassurance that everything has been taken care of.  Stay in a quiet and receptive state, without worrying about the exact nature of your desire's manifestation.  A quiet mind and body hears us quickly and clearly.  This is our request to you:  Listen."

My message for you today is this:
So, yesterday you were guided to cut etheric cords, to clear yourself energetically so that you are not carrying anyone else's 'stuff' around with you and now you are being guided to continue with that clearing in yet another way.  You are no doubt aware of the 7 major chakra centers in your body...your root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, 3rd eye and crown chakras.  Another chakra center that is less commonly talked about, but is key in 'hearing' messages from your angels and guides, are the 'ear chakras'...they are located just above both your eyebrows at a 30 degree angle.  So, vertically, they rest between your 3rd eye and your crown chakra.  Your ear chakras become 'clogged' or 'imbalanced' when harsh words are directed at you, and it is important to clear and balance them if you are to clearly receive messages through 'clairaudience', or 'clear-hearing'.  Ask Archangel Michael (yes... HIM again! :-)  to assist you in clearing and balancing your chakras, including your ear chakras, sit quietly and allow, and it is done!  There are also various guided meditation CD's out there that can assist you with clearing and balancing your chakras, and I believe that the one published by Doreen Virtue includes the ear chakras...  Just know that if you set the INTENTION to have Archangel Michael assist you with this, sit quietly to receive this assistance, then so it is!  (You will find, as you follow my blog that the word INTENTION is HUGE for me in doing any Spiritual work!)
Once you have cleared and balanced your chakras, (this could be a whole other blog...'How to Clear and Balance Your Chakras', which I also teach in my course, 'Conscious Connections'), sit quietly, breathe and just ALLOW yourself to BE...  Do not try to force anything, your angels and guides WANT to communicate with you, and it is easiest for them to do so when you quiet your mind, breathe and LISTEN to the thoughts that come to you in this relaxed, receiving state... Understand that you do not have to be profoundly psychic to receive messages from your guides and angels---EVERYONE has the ability to receive guidance for simply set the INTENTION, then trust, allow, and receive.  Find some time today to clear your chakras (it takes only moments, with Archangel Michael), sit quietly to LISTEN and notice what 'comes to mind'!  Following this quiet time during which you set the INTENTION to listen to your guidance, also be cognizant of songs that catch your attention because the words 'speak to you', or a song that you hear repeatedly; conversations you overhear that seem to have a message for you; you 'just happen' to turn on your tv or radio at the time that words are spoken that you 'needed to hear' or that pertain to a question you asked for guidance about; or perhaps you experience some 'ringing' in one of your ears.  These are all instances of receiving messages through 'clairaudience'...As always, give thanks for the guidance.  Blessed be!

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