Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Universal Law of Intensity

This is your card reading for Tuesday, February 28th/17.  Your card shot out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Intensity' and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Intensity states that since thoughts are fuelled by emotions, the stronger you feel about a thought, the more power you give it. You focus the power of your mind through concentration and attention, and you focus the power of your energy through your feelings. Emotion is energy in motion; consequently, the stronger, deeper, and more passionate you feel about something, the more energy you are giving it.  The power of intensity works regardless of the destructive or constructive nature of the emotion. Focus on strengthening the feelings that correspond with what you desire to create. Intensify the feelings of enthusiasm, faith, gratitude, and healthy desire. This law teaches that energy builds---it gains momentum and strength---when it is held within and is not spoken about unnecessarily.  The inner world of thoughts and feelings is internal for a reason.  While you are in the creative process, you intensify this energy by keeping your ideas, desires, and vision private.  Hold your vision internally and live in alignment with it instead of talking about it. This card is telling you that the energy of your vision is intensifying.  Your ideas and thoughts are building inside of you and are being prepared by the Universe for manifestation."

My message for you today is this:
We remain in the energy of manifestation initiated by the New Moon and Solar Eclipse last Sunday.  Today is a 22 Master Day (2+8+0+2+2+0+1+7=22). As Elizabeth Peru shares in her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast for today (ElizabethPeru.com):
". . .the 22 energy supports you in building up structures of great worth and personal value. . . There is a strong force of inner will driving you ahead.  This has been building all through the eclipse season.  You are in the power seat.  Own who you are by using what you are good at. Destiny is being created by your positive attention. Let's step into March in strong form."
Elizabeth's message for today aligns beautifully with the card that presented for you today. Utilize the energies being offered you, and the Universal Law that has been brought to your attention, to consciously give an energetic boost to your dreams for yourself.  Hold positive expectations and embrace excitement energy when you 'think' about aspects of your dream. We have between 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts run through our head in a single day. Which thoughts will you fuel with the intensity of your attention and emotion?  Consciously placing your focus upon what you desire for yourself absolutely impacts what you will draw into your life as experience!  "When you're focused upon how good the good is the good gets better. ~Abraham~"  Yes...I am a quote lover!  I often use quotes as affirmations and 'perspective shifters' in my life.  The following quote is also so applicable to your message today:
"What you focus on grows. What you concentrate on is what you see more of in your life. ~Robin S. Sharma~"   Essentially, your message for today is to be consciously aware of what you give your energy and attention to.  Even if you have a challenging task on your 'to- do list' today; be cognizant of how you approach it and the energy you bring to it, as this will impact the outcome. 
Blessed be...

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