Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Tribe

This is your card reading for Tuesday, February 21st/17.  Your card flipped out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid.  Your card is 'The Tribe' and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS:  Community; belonging; being seen and understood by others; like-minded connections; a sense of family and friendship; knowing your place in the world.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE:  This card signals a new affiliation with a group.  Humans are social creatures, and we need to know we are useful to our tribes, families, and communities.  In a tribe, everyone has an important function and feels "I matter". Membership in the group provides a sense of belonging, of kinship, and of purpose that comes from working together for the greater fulfillment of all.  Perhaps you are part of a spiritual community, or an artistic one.  Perhaps you are in a learning community where you share your love of education.  Regardless of its form or focus, your community brings you joy. You will be inspired by it and want to contribute to it. Your contribution may be as small as showing up or as large as becoming its leader.  No matter your position in the tribe, your presence is needed."

My message for you today is this:
Well!  I certainly KNOW how today's message relates to me personally, as I am now actively promoting and organizing the Cross Creek Spiritual and Artisan Markets!!!  The word 'tribe' perfectly describes the vision we hold for the gathering of vendors and speakers we intend to gather here on our farm...a supportive community engaged in endorsing and celebrating each other and what we each have to offer to the world as individual members of a cohesive group...a tribe!!!
What comes to mind for you today as you contemplate the word 'tribe'?  There's a popular quote: "Your vibe attracts your tribe."  We have honestly been on (and continue to be on) a path of accelerated spiritual development and maturation.  In this process we are finding that some old relationships are falling away; some are growing ever stronger; and some new connections and relationships are being birthed.  No doubt you have been experiencing that it is virtually impossible for you to 'fake it'---as you may have done in the past---in order to 'fit in'.  What you could tolerate in the past has become intolerable on so many levels; and this may have caused some discordance in your life and in certain relationships.  This is not 'in judgment' of others, but in honouring of your authentic self.  Whereas your primary motivation in the past (as a sensitive Lightworker) would have been to ensure that you didn't 'hurt anyone's feelings or make them feel uncomfortable'; your primary motivation now is in being your authentic self and honouring your personal Truth.  Wow...has this caused you some discomfort along the way as you learn to navigate your way through this new way of being!!!  You are learning about true self-empowerment and that that comes from a peaceful place of standing in your own strength while not undermining another. This learning all serves to make you a valued, integral tribe member who understands that it is your unique contributions that make the whole more cohesive and worthwhile.  Cooperation rather than competition is the dynamic that we are actively moving toward as a collective.  Be conscious about the tribe that you align yourself with and know that you can best serve that tribe and yourself by bringing WHO you are authentically to it.
Blessed be... 

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