Friday, February 24, 2017


This is your card reading for Friday, February 24th/17.  Your card flipped out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Advancements', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"This is a time of change for you in the physical realm and it may involve making some big decisions. Whether it pertains to: changing jobs, making a career choice, beginning or ending a relationship or moving to a new home, you have some choices you need to make. Trust yourself to make the right choice.  Your guides are working with you to help you gain clarity and to move forward in your life.  Stay true to yourself and follow your heart's calling. These changes are definitely for the better---both physically and spiritually."

My message for you today is this:
I took the photo of your card today with my Citrine crystal singing bowl, that is toned to the Solar Plexus chakra (whose color is also yellow, like a glowing sun).  Those are raw pieces of Citrine crystal laying in front of the bowl in the photo.  Your Solar Plexus chakra (the 3rd charkra) is located between your navel and your heart and is the personal power energy center...key words associated with the Solar Plexus chakra are: 'I can'.  Citrine aligns beautifully with your fractal art card and message today!
In yesterday's message it was shared that you stand at a doorway.  That message continues for you today, as we draw ever closer to the New Moon and Solar Eclipse this upcoming Sunday.  There are absolutely signs and messages being shared with you at this time by Spirit and the Universe in terms of actions that you need to take in moving toward the best expression of yourself.  Pay attention and don't procrastinate!  
I love that this quote was shared synchronistically on Facebook recently, considering the energies we are in:  "Just for the record darling, not all positive change feels positive in the beginning. ~S.C. Lourie~"  Often times, even positive change pushes us outside our comfort zone initially.  You are having called to your attention the word 'Advancements' as titled on the card.  Think of these changes as 'advancements' or movement FORWARD!  You can do it!  Follow the guidance being presented.  Set your intentions and take guided action. Reach for the handle on that door and be courageous enough to turn it and pull it toward you...soon you will be stepping through that doorway (even if you do so taking baby steps!).
Blessed be... 

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