Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Universal Law of Intensity

This is your card reading for Tuesday, February 28th/17.  Your card shot out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Intensity' and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Intensity states that since thoughts are fuelled by emotions, the stronger you feel about a thought, the more power you give it. You focus the power of your mind through concentration and attention, and you focus the power of your energy through your feelings. Emotion is energy in motion; consequently, the stronger, deeper, and more passionate you feel about something, the more energy you are giving it.  The power of intensity works regardless of the destructive or constructive nature of the emotion. Focus on strengthening the feelings that correspond with what you desire to create. Intensify the feelings of enthusiasm, faith, gratitude, and healthy desire. This law teaches that energy builds---it gains momentum and strength---when it is held within and is not spoken about unnecessarily.  The inner world of thoughts and feelings is internal for a reason.  While you are in the creative process, you intensify this energy by keeping your ideas, desires, and vision private.  Hold your vision internally and live in alignment with it instead of talking about it. This card is telling you that the energy of your vision is intensifying.  Your ideas and thoughts are building inside of you and are being prepared by the Universe for manifestation."

My message for you today is this:
We remain in the energy of manifestation initiated by the New Moon and Solar Eclipse last Sunday.  Today is a 22 Master Day (2+8+0+2+2+0+1+7=22). As Elizabeth Peru shares in her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast for today (ElizabethPeru.com):
". . .the 22 energy supports you in building up structures of great worth and personal value. . . There is a strong force of inner will driving you ahead.  This has been building all through the eclipse season.  You are in the power seat.  Own who you are by using what you are good at. Destiny is being created by your positive attention. Let's step into March in strong form."
Elizabeth's message for today aligns beautifully with the card that presented for you today. Utilize the energies being offered you, and the Universal Law that has been brought to your attention, to consciously give an energetic boost to your dreams for yourself.  Hold positive expectations and embrace excitement energy when you 'think' about aspects of your dream. We have between 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts run through our head in a single day. Which thoughts will you fuel with the intensity of your attention and emotion?  Consciously placing your focus upon what you desire for yourself absolutely impacts what you will draw into your life as experience!  "When you're focused upon how good the good is the good gets better. ~Abraham~"  Yes...I am a quote lover!  I often use quotes as affirmations and 'perspective shifters' in my life.  The following quote is also so applicable to your message today:
"What you focus on grows. What you concentrate on is what you see more of in your life. ~Robin S. Sharma~"   Essentially, your message for today is to be consciously aware of what you give your energy and attention to.  Even if you have a challenging task on your 'to- do list' today; be cognizant of how you approach it and the energy you bring to it, as this will impact the outcome. 
Blessed be...

Monday, February 27, 2017

Apple ~ Believe in your dreams

This is your card reading for Monday, February 27th/17.  Your card today dropped out of 'The Nature-Speak Oracle' deck, authored by Ted Andrews.  Your card is 'Apple ~ Believe in your dreams' and Ted's message for the card is this:
"The apple tree has many magical and healing characteristics and it is a source of great myth and lore.  Its spirit is strong, gentle, giving and playful.
The apple tree blossoms are fragrant, promoting happiness and success. Its presence is a reminder that you always have choices. And some of those choices can lead to great happiness.
Choose to follow your dreams. Believe in them. Their possibility has never been as strong as right now for you. Spirit is working with you to manifest those dreams. New realms are truly opening."

My message for you today is this:
Ted Andrews was an internationally recognized author, mystic, clairvoyant and spiritual medium who was very closely aligned with the natural world.  His book 'Animal-Speak', which is an excellent guide as to how animals act as spirit messengers for us, is one of my absolute 'go-to' guides!  Ted Andrews transitioned in October 2009, yet his books and teachings remain current.  This oracle deck by Ted Andrews just came into my possession, and I LOVE the energy of it!  Nature is a wonderful 'grounding agent' that Mother Earth offers to us. Ted has broken this oracle deck up into 4 'suits': Landscape Oracles, Flower Oracles, Tree Oracles, and Season & Climate Oracles.  I didn't separate the suits for your reading today, but merely left the deck in tact and allowed whatever card to reveal itself for your message today. The Apple tree card aptly presented. Trees absolutely hold their own energetic vibration! I know that many of you have experienced this as you have walked about or traveled through forested or treed areas.  As we have traveled extensively through the southern states on our motorcycle, I have literally fallen in love with the energy of the giant Oak trees that we often encountered in our travels! (And when I read Ted's message in the guide book for this deck, I now understand why I am so drawn to the Oak tree energy!)
We remain in the 'afterglow' of yesterdays New Moon and Solar Eclipse. Continue to focus upon what it is that you now wish to manifest or draw into your life. You have done a lot of intense 'clearing' over the past month, in order to invite in what it is that you now desire. 
I have 3 beautiful angel wall hangings displayed together here in my home, that were made for me by my friend, Kathy Lloyd.  They say, 'Trust', 'Allow', and 'Believe'.  You have no doubt read these words in the messages I share with you here, a multitude of times!  These are key words, in working with Spirit, in my opinion!  Trust that Spirit is indeed communicating with you; allow the guidance to come to you; and then believe in the guidance that you receive.  You are currently in the 'believe' aspect of moving forward! 
BELIEVE that the Universe is indeed conspiring in your favour, when you are striving to live your life consciously and in alignment with your Soul's guidance. Though we may still be in the throes of winter here in Alberta, allow the energies being offered you by the Apple tree in this oracle card to support you in believing in your dreams.  You may even want to actually eat an apple!  Savour it, and give thanks!  This quote speaks so perfectly to your message today:  "A seed hidden in the heart of an apple is an orchard invisible. ~Anonymous~"  It's time to plant your seeds!!!
Blessed be...

Friday, February 24, 2017


This is your card reading for Friday, February 24th/17.  Your card flipped out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Advancements', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"This is a time of change for you in the physical realm and it may involve making some big decisions. Whether it pertains to: changing jobs, making a career choice, beginning or ending a relationship or moving to a new home, you have some choices you need to make. Trust yourself to make the right choice.  Your guides are working with you to help you gain clarity and to move forward in your life.  Stay true to yourself and follow your heart's calling. These changes are definitely for the better---both physically and spiritually."

My message for you today is this:
I took the photo of your card today with my Citrine crystal singing bowl, that is toned to the Solar Plexus chakra (whose color is also yellow, like a glowing sun).  Those are raw pieces of Citrine crystal laying in front of the bowl in the photo.  Your Solar Plexus chakra (the 3rd charkra) is located between your navel and your heart and is the personal power energy center...key words associated with the Solar Plexus chakra are: 'I can'.  Citrine aligns beautifully with your fractal art card and message today!
In yesterday's message it was shared that you stand at a doorway.  That message continues for you today, as we draw ever closer to the New Moon and Solar Eclipse this upcoming Sunday.  There are absolutely signs and messages being shared with you at this time by Spirit and the Universe in terms of actions that you need to take in moving toward the best expression of yourself.  Pay attention and don't procrastinate!  
I love that this quote was shared synchronistically on Facebook recently, considering the energies we are in:  "Just for the record darling, not all positive change feels positive in the beginning. ~S.C. Lourie~"  Often times, even positive change pushes us outside our comfort zone initially.  You are having called to your attention the word 'Advancements' as titled on the card.  Think of these changes as 'advancements' or movement FORWARD!  You can do it!  Follow the guidance being presented.  Set your intentions and take guided action. Reach for the handle on that door and be courageous enough to turn it and pull it toward you...soon you will be stepping through that doorway (even if you do so taking baby steps!).
Blessed be... 

Thursday, February 23, 2017



This is your card reading for Thursday, February 23rd/17.  Your card today pitched out of the 'Gaia Oracle' deck, authored by Toni Carmine Salerno.  Your card is 'Achievement' and Toni's message for the card is this:
"~Keep focused on your dream~
You will soon achieve a goal you had set for yourself.  Your hard work and persistence is about to pay off. Know that you deserve all the success that is coming your way. Quietly acknowledge this to yourself as you celebrate your achievements. Thank the Earth and universe for this blessing in the knowledge that all you do is a co-creation with the higher powers that be. Then, refocus your attention back to the task at hand. Do not lose sight of your original purpose and intention.  This is only the beginning; much more can be accomplished provided you keep focused on your dream. Remember what is truly important to you. It may be helpful to set a new goal. This could be bigger and more fulfilling than you ever imagined.
AFFIRMATION:  I give thanks for all the success coming my way.  All I do is a co-creation with my higher self and the universal light of love.  I keep focused on my dream. What I imagine, I create.  I am grateful for what I have achieved."

My message for you today is this:
I have shared here often my perspective that energy is not 'clap on/clap off'---but rather, it is in flow--- and so we feel the energies of the Moon cycles leading into the actual day of the Full or New Moon, and in the days following.  Many of us are already experiencing the incoming energies of the upcoming New Moon and Solar Eclipse in a few days. There are also other intense cosmic energies prevailing at this time.  If you are particularly sensitive to energy you are likely experiencing some 'discombubulation' right now!  Even as you feel the positive push to move forward; old memories and even 'burdens' from the past may be arising in your consciousness.  Spirit is encouraging you to understand that this is a time when you are SO SUPPORTED in moving forward and that you have the power to choose where you will place your FOCUS.  Acknowledge (rather than deny) the memories of old ways of being and woundedness that may be arising; bless these memories as you affirm that you have learned much and have grown exponentially through them; then choose to consciously place your time and attention upon creating your dream!  New Moon energy is the energy of manifestation.  You are literally approaching a doorway now. Get clear about the goals you wish to set for yourself in what I have intuited as the year of 'courageous expression'.   Faith is required here, also, as Divine timing is at play.  Hold your dreams close to your heart, and share them with others discretionally.  Spirit and the Universe will let you know when it's the right time to share them, and you will know because it will simply 'feel right and joyful to do so'.  
Blessed be... 

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Isolt ~ Infinite Self-Love

This is your card reading for Wednesday, February 22nd/17.  Your card today slipped out of the 'Awakening of the Divine' card deck, authored by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes.  Your card is 'Isolt ~ Infinite Self-Love' and Velva Dawn's message for the card is this:
"Do you love yourself? Do you completely trust the wisdom that can guide your path? Do you see the beauty in others but not in yourself? Are you ready to fall in love with YOU? Do you really know who you are?  What do you love to do?
Isolt is a Celtic goddess. . .she is associated with true undying eternal love for yourself that can be amplified when you are outdoors in nature among the tree and flower spirits. She can also help you connect with any deceased loved ones whom you are wishing to communicate with.
Our heart chakra is a vital energy center that naturally closes down when it is wounded. Many of us receive wounds through the many different experiences in our lifetime from birth until death.  If our heart chakra becomes clogged with scars from our wounds, then this energy center can't flow properly and you will develop a dis-ease associated with the organs and systems that are in the chest area, arms and hands.
Isolt is inviting you to fall in love with the depths of your soul.  She is asking you to begin looking into the mirror each day and to say one positive thing about yourself for 21 days. This will begin to create a new cycle of deep self-love to awaken within.  Isolt wants you to get a dozen pink roses and put them by your bed.  Give Isolt permission to work on your heart chakra each night to begin removing the mask of self-doubt, self-judgment, lack of self beauty, and any pain connected to your infinite well of self-love.
Our heart is like a rose, it has many petals to open, connecting you to the center of your own origin and finding your path to enlighten yourself and others on this planet Earth.  As you release the pain, fear, and lower energies you will begin to see yourself and others from a higher perspective.  You will be able to see the light within their soul connecting to yours and to the infinite source.
AFFIRMATION:  My true essence is complete and the love that I have for myself is infinite and abundant. Breathe in love and breathe out any negative thoughts that I am storing in my heart.  I am love."

My message for you today is this:
We are in some powerful ascension energies of late!!! This pushes us to 'dig deep' and to consciously examine WHO we are at the deepest level.  Yes...you have already done a great deal of work regarding self-discovery and authentic expression of Self.  Now we are being asked to 'take things to the next level', so to speak.  As Elizabeth Peru states in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast':  "Doorways of inner truth are now open, as the bridge between heart and voice is clearing this week. . .Integrity and authenticity are on offer. If you wish to embody these characteristics and life values then act today from your heart and see where it leads you."
Be gentle with yourself as you may feel your physical body and your psyche adjusting to the incoming higher vibrations.  Understand that there may well be some 'heart hurt' arising for you to release...perhaps memories of old wounds are coming bubbling to the surface, even though you felt that you had 'dealt with those hurts' already.  Simply acknowledge these old heart hurts as they arise, bless them for the lessons incurred, and further release them. This is NOT happening in order to pull you backwards, but rather, in acknowledgment of how far you have come!  The healing of these old wounds at the deepest level is what will now allow you to speak your Truth from that higher vibrational place of self-love and self-empowerment, rather than from victimhood.  Focus upon the self-love that you have worked to create in your life.  The goddess Isolt has presented for you today to assist you with that.
I have taken the photo of your card today with my Rose Quartz Heart/High Heart crystal singing bowl, and a large piece of raw Rose Quartz crystal that was lovingly gifted to me. I think of Rose Quartz as the stone of unconditional Love, and this includes self-love. Utilize this beautiful crystal at this time to support yourself and to celebrate your growth in striving to reside in self-love.  'You've come a long way, baby!'  It is in nurturing the love that we hold for ourselves that we can then best express our love to others, in all ways.
Blessed be...

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

The Tribe

This is your card reading for Tuesday, February 21st/17.  Your card flipped out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid.  Your card is 'The Tribe' and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS:  Community; belonging; being seen and understood by others; like-minded connections; a sense of family and friendship; knowing your place in the world.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE:  This card signals a new affiliation with a group.  Humans are social creatures, and we need to know we are useful to our tribes, families, and communities.  In a tribe, everyone has an important function and feels "I matter". Membership in the group provides a sense of belonging, of kinship, and of purpose that comes from working together for the greater fulfillment of all.  Perhaps you are part of a spiritual community, or an artistic one.  Perhaps you are in a learning community where you share your love of education.  Regardless of its form or focus, your community brings you joy. You will be inspired by it and want to contribute to it. Your contribution may be as small as showing up or as large as becoming its leader.  No matter your position in the tribe, your presence is needed."

My message for you today is this:
Well!  I certainly KNOW how today's message relates to me personally, as I am now actively promoting and organizing the Cross Creek Spiritual and Artisan Markets!!!  The word 'tribe' perfectly describes the vision we hold for the gathering of vendors and speakers we intend to gather here on our farm...a supportive community engaged in endorsing and celebrating each other and what we each have to offer to the world as individual members of a cohesive group...a tribe!!!
What comes to mind for you today as you contemplate the word 'tribe'?  There's a popular quote: "Your vibe attracts your tribe."  We have honestly been on (and continue to be on) a path of accelerated spiritual development and maturation.  In this process we are finding that some old relationships are falling away; some are growing ever stronger; and some new connections and relationships are being birthed.  No doubt you have been experiencing that it is virtually impossible for you to 'fake it'---as you may have done in the past---in order to 'fit in'.  What you could tolerate in the past has become intolerable on so many levels; and this may have caused some discordance in your life and in certain relationships.  This is not 'in judgment' of others, but in honouring of your authentic self.  Whereas your primary motivation in the past (as a sensitive Lightworker) would have been to ensure that you didn't 'hurt anyone's feelings or make them feel uncomfortable'; your primary motivation now is in being your authentic self and honouring your personal Truth.  Wow...has this caused you some discomfort along the way as you learn to navigate your way through this new way of being!!!  You are learning about true self-empowerment and that that comes from a peaceful place of standing in your own strength while not undermining another. This learning all serves to make you a valued, integral tribe member who understands that it is your unique contributions that make the whole more cohesive and worthwhile.  Cooperation rather than competition is the dynamic that we are actively moving toward as a collective.  Be conscious about the tribe that you align yourself with and know that you can best serve that tribe and yourself by bringing WHO you are authentically to it.
Blessed be... 

Cross Creek Spiritual and Artisan Market

I am BEYOND EXCITED to announce that we will be holding this market here at Cross Creek Farm on June 10th/17!!! (With another market planned for July 8th/17)
Check out the full event posting on my Facebook page:  Conscious Connections With Linda
We will be hosting vendors and speakers/presenters throughout the day.
Sweet Leaf Cake Co. will have their cupcake truck on site offering gourmet cupcakes, wraps, panini's and a selection of beverages. Come spend the day with us in a welcoming country setting!  We would LOVE to see you here at our inaugural market on June 10th/17! 
It's going to be an amazing day!
Love and blessings,


This is your card reading for Monday, February 20th/17---Family Day!  Your card today revealed itself by flipping over in the deck as I was shuffling.  Your card is 'Wisdom' from the 'Universal Wisdom' oracle card deck authored by Toni Carmine Salerno.  Toni's message for the card is this:
"You are a wise and beautiful old soul.  This card confirms that you have taken the right course of action or have responded in a just way in a recent matter.  Sometimes the best thing for all concerned is to say 'no'.  Your recent response will empower you and everyone else involved.
To have wisdom is to stand in your own truth with love and respect in your heart for yourself, all of humanity, the Earth, and all living things.  Allow yourself to be flexible, like the willow tree that sways with the wind yet remains strongly rooted in the earth.  Life is constantly changing within and around you, yet your core essence remains the same.  Love and wisdom do not change, they only grow stronger.
Continue to live and respond to all in your life through love and truth, for in doing so, you honour the spirit of all living things."

My message for you today is this:
Have you noticed how, in 2017, many of your readings here have held the theme of 'personal Truth'?  I so appreciate how Toni aligns 'personal Truth' with 'wisdom' in his message for this card!  Residing in your personal Truth doesn't imply imposing it upon others...'wisdom' means to live your life from your own personal Truth despite the circumstances and prevailing energies around you.  Of course, this is not always easy, but you have reached a place of spiritual maturity wherein you cannot do otherwise. It's simply too uncomfortable. You may have found that certain challenges have presented to you of late that have 'tested' you in some way in regards to your personal Truth.  Yet, can you see now that these occurred to actually bring you clarity and conviction about what IS TRUTH for you.  As Toni shares with us, being firmly rooted in your Truth doesn't mean to take on a stance of inflexibility. Energy and life are always in flow; and it is painful to strive to remain stiff and unmoving when the winds of change blow.  Rather, secure your foundation in your Truth and accommodate yourself to situations from that rooted place.  Think of someone that you see as 'wise'.  Is that person formidable and intimidating or does that person seem to be quietly self-empowered and confident?  True wisdom is expressed from a peaceful place within.  
Does this mean that you now approach everything from a place of personal Truth and wisdom?  Not likely...you are human, and so are here to experience a myriad of emotions and experiences, and you won't ALWAYS respond from your higher self.  No self-judgment about that!  Yet you now hold this awareness and clarity about your Truth, and therein lies your wisdom. Celebrate the growth you have made to come to this place of understanding.
Blessed be...

Friday, February 17, 2017

Phenacite ~ Initiation

This is your card reading for Friday, February 17th/17.  Your card today flipped out of the 'Crystal Ally Cards' authored by Naisha Aishan.  Your card is 'Phenacite ~ Initiation', and Naisha's message for the card is this:
"When Phenacite appears in your cards, you can be sure that an initiatory experience will soon follow.  There may be a new guide coming into your life, or perhaps there is a rite of passage ahead that will be an opportunity for deep growth. 
This Ally signals the time of awakening, of changing from chrysalis to butterfly.  You can no longer claim the ignorance of a child when answering for your creations. You are being asked to take responsibility of an adult for all that you are experiencing, and in so doing, acknowledge your own power to create the life you are destined for. Now is the time to invoke the energy of Phenacite in preparation for your initiation into the new role that the Universe has in store for you. 
CHAKRA:  Third Eye and Crown chakras
AFFIRMATION:  I dedicate myself to the path of the spiritual initiate."

My message for you today is this:
Your message today really speaks to your spiritual maturity and to the work that you have done to bring you to where you are now.  Phenacite is a very high vibration crystal that is in resonance with the higher vibration that living your life from an authentic, conscious place aligns with.  It has presented for you today because you are at a time in your life where you are 'coming into your own', so to speak.  Your Higher Self is speaking to you and your Soul is calling to you.  Pay attention to what 'crosses your mind' today and to the guidance that is being shared with you.  Do your best to find some quiet time for 'reflection'...away from technology or other distractions.  Be in nature, if possible, and allow the stillness to envelop and quiet you.  You may literally find yourself contemplating 'the meaning of life'...this is a deeply spiritual day of reflection that will serve you in moving forward in a Soulful way.
Blessed be...

Thursday, February 16, 2017


This is your card reading for Thursday, February 16th/17.  Your card today propelled out of the 'Return of Spirit' card deck authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Confidence', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Perhaps you are not aware of how great you really are.  Maybe you have been doubting yourself or your purpose in life. Have you been questioning whether you are enough, good enough, able or worthy?  In some way you are in need of a confidence boost.  And this is Spirit's way of telling you that you are doing just fine. Spirit believes in you and you need to believe in yourself too.  It will take time and effort on your part, but the rewards of having self-confidence will be well worth it.  
You may not do things perfectly; of course you will make mistakes.  But mistakes are simply opportunities to learn how to do things differently.  It is always easier to see the greatness in others.  Seeing another person's gifts, talents, abilities, and successes is much easier than seeing your own.  This is a cosmic mirror from the Universe, and it's reflecting back to you, all of the incredible qualities that you really do have. . .Now it is time for you to feel confident about you. . .It isn't about you proving anything to yourself or others.  It's about knowing that you are important in Spirit's plan and that you are worthy. Who you are and what you have to offer is so very important.  It's time for you to believe in YOU, the way Spirit believes in YOU."

My message for you today is this:
I feel that your message today is more about the ACTION aspect of embracing being confident in yourself; rather than the understanding and acceptance of all that you have to offer the world.  You have honestly come to a place wherein you DO know and realize within yourself that YOU are a unique offering to the world.  So, you have that internal confidence. The message for you today is about now having the confidence to courageously express that out into the world.  Another facet of the message for you today is to understand that making the decision to be the fullest, authentic expression of who you came here to be doesn't mean that you will not encounter some challenges along the way and that's okay!
We live in an energetic world in which energy is in flow and ever-changing.  'Mis-takes' will be made and adjustments will be necessary and you need to realize that that is all part of the creative process. In the words of Albert Einstein, " A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."   Living your life authentically doesn't mean smooth sailing all the time...you are going to encounter weather and even the occasional storm; but if you remain true to your internal compass, you will navigate your way back on course with ease and grace and new learnings as well. 
The cosmic energies today are very supportive for you to 'walk your talk' and to put into action what you know to be true about you.  Spirit is buoying up your confidence to do so. Perhaps this will be in regards to advocating for yourself in someway in your career or in relationship.  Perhaps now is the time to initiate that heart-centered project.  Hold positive expectations and that is what you will experience!
Blessed be...

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Return to Silence

Happy to say that I think I've turned a corner with this cold/flu!  Beginning to get some energy back and so look to this upcoming weekend for the BIG REVEAL about what I am so excited to share with you!  (Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!! :-)

This is your card reading for Wednesday, February 15th/17.  Your card flipped over to revela itself in the 'Universal Wisdom' card deck, authored by Toni Carmine Salerno.  Your card is 'Return to Silence', and Toni's message for the card is this:
"This card has shown up in your reading today to remind you that the true essence of life exists not in the external world but within.  If there is confusion or trouble in your life at this time remember, the clarity you seek will not be found in the outside world.  Confusion is a result of scattered energy, the constant thoughts you emanate as you struggle to find answers.  Return to the peace and tranquility that exists deep in your heart and soul and all will seem clearer.  The harder you struggle, the more confused you will feel.  Life is not meant to be a struggle, so stop getting caught up in external events and start listening to your inner voice.  Meditate and you will discover a great sense of peace.  The clarity you seek is within you."

My message for you today is this:
When challenges present to us it is a common reaction, initially, to drop into the 'worst case scenario' in regards to outcome.  This is human nature for many.  Yet, if we seek to resolve any issue for the 'greater good of all', then we must strive to envision a positive resolution to conflicts that present in our lives.  Don't judge yourself if you spend a brief period of time in anger, self-defense, accusation, etc... Sometimes we have to run through this gamut of emotions almost as a form of 'releasing' them before we are prepared to truly see things from a 'higher perspective'.  When we are involved in some sort of disagreement or conflict--especially regarding those that we are in close relationship with---it is easy to allow the 'hurt' to cloud your understanding of what is actually happening.  The message today is that it is important that you take some time to separate yourself from the drama of the external conflict and seek understanding of what is REALLY happening on a deeper level, from the place of peace within yourself, in order to bring this disagreement to it's best possible resolution.  Acknowledge your role in this situation...be very real with yourself about this!
We have been---and continue to be---in such dynamic energies!  This is reflected in our relationships, also.  If you find yourself experiencing some challenges regarding a relationship at this time, you are advised to 'return to silence' and to envision a peaceful, positive outcome. Understand that in some cases this could mean that the relationship doesn't move forward; but if you have been of integrity and have honoured your personal Truth, without attempting to dishonour the other, then that is still a peaceful resolution and for the greater good of all.  The quote: "The words 'silent' and 'listen' have the same letters" comes to mind for your message today...allow yourself to be silent and listen to the guidance being offered you.  Choose to consciously step outside the chaos of the drama that may be happening in this relationship and strive to see the underlying issue that is seeking resolution.  Focus your attention upon the possibility of a mutually beneficial outcome for all concerned.  You CAN be the calm amidst the storm, even as you reside in your Truth.  The only actions you have any control over are your own.  Find that place of peace and clarity within yourself so that your actions are a reflection of your authentic Truth.
Blessed be...

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Bast ~ Independent

This is your card reading for Tuesday, February 14th/17---Valentine's Day!  Your card today skimmed out of the 'Goddess Guidance' oracle deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Bast ~ Independent', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Your independence is a foundation for your strength and success...
MESSAGE FROM BAST:  Like the cat, you're fiercely independent, yet you also need affection and playful companions. Now is the time to balance your social interactions with solitude.  While you may ask others for their opinions, ultimately you must make your own decisions.  Your freedom and independence are top priorities, so ensure that these characteristics are nurtured.
VARIOUS MEANINGS OF THIS CARD:  Spend time alone. * Give yourself permission to play. *  Ask for your needs to be met. * Make your own decision. *

My message for you today:
Happy Valentine's Day---a day to celebrate LOVE---and this absolutely begins with LOVE OF SELF!  To be independent doesn't imply being solitary.  In the context of your message today, I feel that it means honouring yourself so that you can be the authentic expression of Soul that you came here to be.  When you are clear within yourself about WHO you ARE, and you strive to live your life from that place, you are then able to bring your best self into any relationship. For so long, we were taught that it was 'selfish' to acknowledge our personal needs and desires.  Yet, if you are not in touch with your needs and desires and are merely living your life according to someone else's interpretation of what your life should look like; then you are not living your life authentically.  
You can absolutely experience 'freedom' within a loving, committed relationship---the freedom to be who you are meant to be.  I always advised my children that in choosing their life partner, 'Choose someone who lifts you up---who encourages you to be the best version of yourself.'  I will say that my husband has pushed me at times in our marriage, because he has seen potential in me that I dared not dream for myself.  Sometimes, quite frankly, I was annoyed when he did this, because he was pushing me outside my comfort zone; but even in my annoyance, I understood that he was doing it because he believed in me (when sometimes I was struggling to believe in myself).  It's very empowering to have someone advocate for you in that way, and your Soul is calling to you to do that for yourself, also! 
A well known quote of Oprah Winfrey's, "God can dream a bigger dream for you than you can dream for yourself, and your role on Earth is to attach yourself to that divine force and let yourself be released to it."  Trust that you are YOU for a reason!  Celebrate that today, on this day of LOVE...  
Yes, today is a day to honour the loving relationships in our lives and to give thanks for them, but it is also a day to be conscious about how you show up in your close relationships and to strive to do so authentically.  To be vulnerable enough to share with another from a Soulful, authentic place is the most loving act there is.
Blessed be... 

Monday, February 13, 2017


Whoa!  My apologies for the late posting of your reading today...this cold/flu is a stubborn one!  Hopefully I will be feeling myself again very soon...in the meantime, thanks for your patience!  In total honesty, I am further frustrated about feeling sick and lethargic physically, when I am so excited about sharing some exciting news with you, and in getting that ball rolling, so to speak!  Yet, I also firmly BELIEVE in Divine timing and that the Universe will orchestrate the timing of my sharing so that it is optimal, so please stay tuned! 

This is your card reading for Monday, February 13th/17.  Your card today revealed itself from the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Treasures', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"What was once hidden from view can now be seen.  Laying within you are may inner treasures and gifts.  This is your time of discovery.  You have special and unique skills that you have hidden, like pearls in a shell.
It is happening now.  Stay grounded and clear.  The spiral in the card shows the Universal energies are working with you to help uncover what lies within.
Understand however, that once fully uncovered, you will be asked to use these gifts in service to others and the planet."

My message for you today is this:
We are at a point of resetting our lives in order to live our lives from the point of 'courageous expression' that is the theme for 2017.  The recent Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse served to assist us in energetically releasing at the deepest level, what was once restricting you in a certain aspect of your life. You are now in the 'driver's seat' and are approaching your life from an empowered place of authentic expression.  This is a mind-set that precedes the action of doing so.  The changes and opportunities that will be presenting to you will require commitment on your part, and even determination.  Perhaps you feel as though there are so many 'inspired ideas' incoming at the moment that you find it difficult to 'focus' upon where you are meant to place your time and attention.  You ARE being guided about this.  You WILL come to a cohesive understanding of how and when you are meant to share your talents and abilities.  Pay attention to the people and openings that come into your frame of reference...particularly if they 'challenge' you in some way!  Petrified Wood is a wonderful crystal to utilize at this time for 'grounding' yourself!  Be aware, and be ready to be 'seen'!
Blessed be...   

Friday, February 10, 2017

Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Tonight!

So...I had planned to share a posting with you today about something I'm very excited about, but that darned cold that I was valiantly trying to avoid has taken hold at the moment, and I am honestly not feeling well...
So, thank you for your patience...this cold hasn't dampened my enthusiasm for what I will be sharing, just changed up the timing a little for the big reveal!  :-)  Please stay tuned!

In the meantime...we will be experiencing an intense Full Moon and Penumbral Lunar Eclipse this evening...be sure to consciously take in the magic that this cosmic energy will be offering!
Love and blessings,

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

I'm home!!!!

We arrived back from our awesome vacation at Rarotonga, Cook Islands!  It turned out that weather was a factor in our return flights and it was a long, drawn out journey home.  We are now acclimating back to this weather and time zone, and are so grateful to reconnect with our kids and grandson!  
I will be active in posting here again regularly, beginning later this week, and I have some exciting news to share with you so stay tuned!  I am so grateful for this rejuvenating get-away, but now I am ready to truly dive into 2017!  
Love and blessings,
