Friday, October 24, 2014

The Universal Law of Gratitude

Good morning from Anthem, Arizona!  We have arrived to our place in Arizona from our trip to Brazil, and I will be posting your daily card readings (Monday through Friday) on a regular basis, once again!
This is your daily card reading for Friday, October 24th/14---the day following the New Moon lunar eclipse last evening.  Your card floated out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana LaPointe and Marlene Chapman. Your card is the 'Universal Law of Gratitude' card.  Lara, Dana and Marlene's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Gratitude states that the feeling of appreciation is a powerful vibration that attracts further good and generates more conditions in your life to feel grateful about. Gratitude puts you in harmony with what you want .  In order to attract more of what you want into your life, you must be grateful for what you already have.  Things are good and desirable because we value them; other things are considered worthless and undesirable because we do not appreciate them.  Even the circumstances you judge to be bad and undesirable have value.  Challenge yourself to appreciate both the good and the bad that you encounter.  This card is telling you that the power to create better conditions lies within your ability to appreciate your current conditions.  The attitude of gratitude makes the current moment enjoyable---it also draws more good toward you.  The Universe is reminding you that you can speed up the creative process by focusing more attention and energy on gratitude.  Keep appreciating the good that already exists, and watch how more good things flood into your life."

My message for you today is this:
How serendipitous that this card presented for you today!  The New Moon lunar eclipse last evening---and the cosmic energies leading up to and out of that event---highly encourages letting go of what no longer serves you and setting firm intentions for what you wish to draw into your life.  This 'season' of eclipses that we are in, is conducive to manifesting what you desire for 2015, so be cognizant and conscious of where you place your thoughts and your intentions at this time.  As I was sitting this morning (due to traveling, I was unable to carry out this exercise yesterday, but we still remain in the New Moon eclipse energy into today regardless) composing my list of what I wish to consciously and intentionally release; and then what I consciously and intentionally wish to draw into my life circumstances in the upcoming year; I realized that it is necessary to feel gratitude for ALL that led me to this time and place.  This is also the message that your card today brings forward for you.  As you CONSCIOUSLY release what no longer serves you; do not drop into self-judgment or regret regarding past experiences that you may deem as 'negative'.  Rather, employ the powerful manifestation energy of the Universal Law of Gratitude with the understanding that ALL experiences lead you to where you are today.  Choose consciously and intentionally to feel grateful for the learnings; and now employ the lessons and learnings that you have from the past to carry you forward in a new way.  We truly are in an INTENSE time of conscious manifestation!  You are so supported in expressing your SOULFUL SELF out into the world!
Utilize the Universal Law of Gratitude to keep your intentions and self-expression in the highest vibration.
Blessed be...

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