Thursday, October 30, 2014

Archangel Michael

We were on the air for 1 1/2 hours, and time flew by!  If you were unable to listen to the show live, you can access it on at, by clicking on 'Archives' and selecting 'Angel Empowerment'.  I am in deep gratitude for sharing this experience with my friend!  Thank you to the callers who took the time to call in; and to all who listened!  Joyful!

This is your card reading for Thursday, October 30th/14. As Cindy works closely with Archangel Michael, I chose the 'Archangel Michael' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue, for your reading today.  Two cards sailed out of the deck together---the 'You created this situation, and you have the power to change it' card; and the 'Use your imagination...and you'll see the answer' card.  Doreen has posted a prayer from Archangel Michael on each card in this deck, and then has the meaning for the card in the guidebook.  Doreen's messages for the cards are:
~You created this situation and you have the power to change it.~
"My Prayer:  Thank you for letting me lean on your strength and for reminding me of my personal power.  Please guide me to manifest and heal according to Divine will, creating peace and blessings for everyone involved.
Message:  This card is a reminder that YOU are a powerful creator, made in the image and likeness of the Divine Creator!  You're not a passive victim; you have the right and skills to rise above and change everything in this situation and relationship.  However, as long as you blame others or believe that they're controlling you, you'll remain stuck.  But by calling upon God and Archangel Michael, and then taking charge according to your guidance, you can change everything in miraculous ways.
Possible specific meanings: *Let go of blame toward yourself or others. * Write down a list of action steps and then follow through with one or more per day. * Have an honest discussion with the other person in this situation. * Take one or more steps today toward turning your dreams into reality. * Give yourself permission to make healthful life changes. *
~Use your imagination...and you'll see the answer.~
"My Prayer:  Dear God, thank you for granting me the wisdom and creativity to see your miracles in new and unexpected ways.  I gratefully and gracefully accept and appreciate your help [describe the situation].
Message:  The angels are giving you guidance and answering your prayers, yet their messages may seem out of the ordinary and unexpected, so you'll need to use your imagination to understand them.  Let go of preconceptions or old beliefs of what won't or can't happen.  The angels have unlimited resources, and they've orchestrated a solution that you can see if you believe that everything is possible.,
Possible specific meanings:  *Sit down with pen and paper and start brainstorming. * Move forward with your idea, no matter how far-fetched it may seem. * Your ideas are the answers to your prayers. * You've fully supported as you pursue your dreams. * Jot down a list of what you believe can't or won't happen, and then burn it as a way of opening your mind to all possibilities. * Know that you deserve to receive Heaven's guidance and gifts. *

My message for you today is this:
Archangel Michael's name means 'He who is like God'.  Archangel Michael is the supreme protector and he also assists us with issues pertaining to our life purpose.  Many experience his aura as royal purple in color, and a crystal said to align well with his energy is Sugilite. The Archangel's vibration is such that they have the ability to bi-locate---to be with multiple souls simultaneously---therefore, you are not pulling Archangel Michael from another when you call upon him to assist you.  My friend, Cindy Smith, whom I mentioned above, works very closely with Archangel Michael and has asked him to be with her at all times to assist her in her spiritual work and her own life experience, as well.  
Archangel Michael's messages for you today remind you of your self-empowerment and that you are a powerful manifestor.  Michael also reminds you of the Divine support and guidance that is available to you, so that you can seek out what is in your greater good and in fact, for the greater good of All.  His message is a very positive and uplifting message about you as the co-creator of your life experience. When you strive to CONSCIOUSLY CREATE, you invite in the experiences and situations that are of the highest vibration.  Trust in your connection to the Divine, where unconditional Love resides for you. Step into your power and receive the guidance being offered you.  Call upon Archangel Michael to assist you in receiving and discerning what your next empowered step(s) will be toward manifesting your desired outcome.
Blessed be...

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