Friday, November 22, 2013


Your card today is drawn from the fractal art deck, 'Return of Spirit', authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card today is the 'Recognition' card, and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"It is important that we each feel recognized and seen for our hard work and unique contributions we make to this world.  This is why the Recognition card has come to you today.  The Universe does see you and all that you do. You are being given the recognition, love, and support which you deserve...Whether you are just beginning or are already working on a project or idea, be aware that the actions you take now could lead you to being recognized publicly.  This could be on a small scale or with the public at large. Either way, your current efforts will be recognized in the future.  No matter what it is you do or how well you feel you are doing it, Spirit is giving you a cosmic pat on the back.  You have done well.  Now just allow yourself to really take that in--good job You!  With the empowerment you gain in feeling recognized and appreciated, you will then be given the opportunity to begin to pay it forward.  Every time someone you encounter does something that impresses you, be sure to tell them.  Not only will you completely make their day, but you'll be surprised how good it will make you feel as well!"

My message for you today is this:
Notice the reflective aspect in the fractal art image of this is as though to symbolize that what you 'put out there' is reflected back to you, only in a slightly bigger way.  That is the message that came to me for you as I lay my hand upon this fractal art card.  When we are coming from a 'heart-centered place of service'...that is, when we are sharing our unique gifts and talents with the world from that Loving, giving space, we are not doing so in order to achieve recognition or accolades, yet that is when you will find the greatest compliments and positive comments will come your way from others.  They sense that you are 'in your purpose'...that you are 'in your joy' radiate that to others and the Love that you are sharing shines through whatever it is that you are doing!  You will find that you inspire others to reach for that experience for themselves when they witness it in you!  You have been URGED all week to really step into all that you are and the message coming forward for you today to 'wrap up the week' is that the Universe recognizes you for doing so.  I know that, for me personally, when I am given recognition for the Akashic Records consultations that I do, for instance, it has been difficult for me to receive the positive comments, at times, because I have felt as though I am dropping into Ego, which CANNOT be the energy that I am in when I am in a 'heart-centered place of service'!  I have come to understand that when someone expresses recognition and appreciation for having had a consultation with me, they are reflecting back to me that they have witnessed me 'in my purpose' or 'in my joy' and are acknowledging that, and so now I receive that recogntion with gratitude.  I also understand now, that as Cheryl Lee has stated in her message above, " will be surprised how good it will make you feel as well", when you honour another with your recognition, and it is not fair to deflect or deny the recognition that someone is expressing toward you.  So...when recognition comes your way, embrace it wholeheartedly and celebrate that you are making your own unique contribution to the world as only YOU can!  Openly express to others your appreciation and recognition of their contributions, also...  
Blessed be...

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