Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Your card today is drawn from the 'Saints & Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is the 'Confidence' card, which is aligned with the energy of St. Michael, the Archangel.  Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Archangel Michael is with you, shoring up your confidence so you can fearlessly face (and even enjoy) the tasks before you.  This archangel is protecting you against negativity, helping you to remain optimistic and filled with faith, and ensuring that only people and situations of high integrity come to you."

My message for you today:
Interesting that I had contemplated using the 'Archangel Michael' deck to draw your card from for today's reading and then Archangel Michael presented himself from within the 'Saints & Angels' deck anyhow!  Obviously, you were meant to hear from Archangel Michael today!  Also 'synchronistic' that I had used the words to 'shore up your confidence' in a reading for you this week and now Doreen's message has the same wording for you...remember, there are no coincidences, only synchronicities!  There is a definite theme presenting for you this week!  You are being strongly encouraged to step into all that you are, and you have been given the support today of Archangel Michael, who is the Archangel that assists us with our life purpose.  Archangel Michael is also known as the supreme protector and so, as you move forward on your path, call on him to keep everything in it's highest vibration of Love & Light.  I implement Archangel Michael as my 'gatekeeper' when I am engaged in my spiritual 'work'...for example, when I am doing a consultation/reading for a client, or an event, I call on Archangel Michael and ask that I may be of the highest service to those who present to me and that 'they also be of service to me'... It took me some time to understand that I needed to include the last part in my invocation.  In doing so, Archangel Michael can then act as my gatekeeper and bring before me as clients those whom I may best serve while also best serving myself.  In my work, I always focus on 'coming from a heart centered place of service', which requires making myself very open and vulnerable. Call on Archangel Michael to be with you as your gatekeeper and protector so that you can CONFIDENTLY allow yourself to be open in the ways you need to be.  Remember that, as an Archangel, Michael has the ability to bi-locate (to be with multiple Souls at one time) because he is not in the vibration of a physical body, so by calling him to you, you are not keeping him from being with another.  Understand that, every step you take along your path is carrying you not get caught up in the angst that you are not moving forward quickly enough!  Everything in good time! Archangel Michael has made it clear that his support is being offered to you today, but you must ask...angels and archangels are governed by the Universal Law of Free Will, and they cannot intervene in our lives without our permission.  Ask Michael to help show you the way and when the next step is presented to you, take that step with CONFIDENCE!
Blessed be...

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