Monday, November 25, 2013

Present Moment

The hibiscus bloom in the photo above was plucked from one of our hibiscus bushes in our back yard here in Arizona...after the past couple days of rain and the return today of sunshine, there are now a proliferance of blooms on the bush...beautiful!
Your card today is drawn from the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is the 'Universal Law of Present Moment' and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Present Moment states that all power is in the present.  You do not have any power in the past, and you do not have any power in the future.  The only time and place where you have full access to your power is in the now..."

My message for you today is this:
This deck is a fractal art deck, and when I lay my hand upon it, the message that came forward for you today is that all we ever truly have is the here and now, and when we seek to calm ourselves and to find our 'stillness within' we can only do so by fully embracing and being in the 'now'.  In the deepest state of meditation, however that looks for you (working out to rock music; getting 'lost' in playing a musical instrument; dancing with abandon and joy; creating pieces of artwork through painting, sketching or sculpting; simply sitting in silence in nature; etc., etc.,), you are completely experiencing being in the are FULLY IN THE PRESENT MOMENT.  This card has come forward today to remind you that your self-empowerment resides completely in the present moment, as in those times of deep reflection.
Yet, this Law speaks to something more complex than that...we live in this physical experience and it is necessary to 'plan ahead' and to 'look to the future' in order to create the circumstances that we desire for ourselves.  It is not possible for most to be in a deep meditative state at all times and still function in this world that we live in!  Rather, use the power of the NOW, those moments of strong connection with SELF, and your true self-empowered state to provide you with guidance as you look to the future and what your greatest desires are for yourself.  Allow yourself 'in the present moment', to reside in the energy of what your desired outcome would feel and be like, even if you are not currently truly experiencing that circumstance physically.  In this way, you co-create, using the 'Law of Present Moment' and the 'Law of Attraction' to bring into your experience the circumstances that will assist you in manifesting what you desire.  Bring to mind something that you desire to pull into your life experience...allow yourself to reside 'in the present moment' in what that would feel like and look like as though you were actually experiencing it now.  This makes an impression upon the Universe, because the present moment is where your self-empowerment lies.  Then, it is up to you to take guided action when opportunities are presented to you to assist you with the manifestation!  You've heard this said so often lately...'Be present'...  Be present and aware in order to PRESENT your best self to the world!
Blessed be...
I was reading a posting by Wayne Dyer, who was speaking to his most recent show on Hay House radio and these words jumped out of his posting to grab my attention immediately:
"Remember, the point of power is in the present moment."  THAT'S this message that came forward for you in your message today, so obviously it is a prevalent theme at the moment (pun intended)!  How awesome!  I say 'Thanks', I say 'Amen'!

1 comment:

  1. I love the packet of cards call, the universal laws of conscious creation by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte and Marlene Chapman. I've searched but was unable to find them to purchase. Does anyone have any information were to buy them?
