Friday, October 6, 2017


This is your card reading for Friday, October 6th/17. Your card today flipped over within the deck to reveal itself as I shuffled, and is from the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid. Your card is 'Why?' and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS: Motives driving intention; the power of knowing the 'why'.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE: There is a great power in understanding your motives right now. The Oracle asks you to be very clear about WHY you're asking this question, looking for this answer, behaving in this way, and, most important, making this choice. Knowing your 'why' is the key to fulfillment. When you are clear about it, your intention will then be a magnet for miracles. Motives define the nature of your experience—when you think about something, feel it, and then act on it. This invisible 'why' is the life force energy within the seed, which brings it to life and holds the potential for growth."

My message for you today is this:
We remain in the energies of yesterday's Full Moon, and a powerful one it was! Recall that I shared with you that some were calling this Full Moon the Truth Full Moon—that the energies of this Full Moon were urging us to go within and to honest with ourselves about the whole Truth of who we are—including the shadow aspects of ourselves. We live in this physical dimension of duality, and so where there is Light there is also shadow. What shadow beliefs or ways of being were drawn to your attention that you desire to shift as you move forward? What no longer serves you?  The energies of this Moon are serving to release the obstacles that are real or perceived in keeping you from experiencing your heart's desires. These were being brought to the Light so that we could shift such old patterns, thereby further empowering ourselves.  No self-judgment; only releasement and the intention to move forward in a new, empowered way.
Your card today has presented because it is key that you now stand fully within the INTENTION of WHY you choose to do what you do.  You have seen me write here on many occasions that to me to set an 'intention' means to 'plant a seed'—it does NOT mean that you are attempting to control exactly how the seed with germinate and grow—it is the underlying ENERGY you bring to something.  How wonderfully synchronistic that Colette also uses the analogy of the 'seed' in regards to intention and motive!  It is time to be clear and truthful with yourself about the 'why' (the intention) of your actions toward your dreams and desires.  Understand that it is your intention that is fuelling the outcome. When your intention (motive) is in alignment with your greater good, and thereby the greater good for others, the Universe will support you in what seems to be miraculous ways. 
If you have been experiencing a 'road block' of some kind, be still and ask yourself "What is the honest underlying intention I am bringing to this?  Is the underlying intention I am bringing to this coming from a place that honors my Higher Self? If not, how can I shift this?"
Perhaps you 'thought' that your intention was to be of service, but when you really look at the choices you have been making your underlying intention was that you didn't want to disappoint someone who held an expectation of you.  Can you feel the difference in the underlying energies of each of these motives, even though they might 'seem' to be similar?  When you understand the 'why' of your intention, you fuel it!  The Universe is urging you to move forward and to do so from an empowered place!  Know your 'why'!
Blessed be...

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