Monday, January 2, 2017

Universal Law of Service

This is your card reading for Monday, January 2nd/2017.  Your card today propelled out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana DaPonte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card (this card is so perfect for today, that it brings tears to my eyes!) is 'Universal Law of Service', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Service states that serving the interests of the whole serves the interests of the individual as well.  You are part of something bigger than yourself.  Acknowledging your interconnectedness allows you to be in the service of all life.  When your intention is to serve others, you automatically align yourself with the Universe because you expand your awareness to include the interests of the whole. This is one of the most powerful questions you can ask:  how can I serve?  No act of service is insignificant.  All positive actions ripple out into the Universe and affect the collective vibrations of humanity as a whole.  This card is guiding you to shift your perspective from asking what others can do for you to asking, instead, what you can do for others.  Take a look at the situations and circumstances in your life and ask yourself where you can find opportunities to be of greater service. If there is something that you have been seeking but have not found, or if you are not sure what direction to take, it may be time to focus on service. Remember that the Universe is in perfect balance, and through service you will receive just what you need."

My message for you today is this:
As we begin this new year, the card that presented for you today brings up strong emotion in me!!! This is because it is in such perfect alignment with the incoming energies from which we can set our intentions for the upcoming year!  2016 was a blessed and also challenging year for many, but there was so much that was 'soulfully accomplished' in preparation for this '1 year of new beginnings' numerologically.  You were literally being pushed to a place where you were ready to share who you are, authentically, with the world---where you are not only willing, but where you feel that you MUST share what it is that you came to this world to share.  The time is NOW!  In 2016, we worked our way through both perceived and real blocks that had been preventing us from doing this.  
The Universal Law of Service will also assist you in finding the strength, courage, and commitment to being the fullest expression of yourself moving forward.  We understand that our Ego is not our enemy---it is a necessary aspect of our 'self' in navigating our way through this physical dimension.  Yet, when we are in 'service'...that is, when we are sharing from our Highest Self...we cannot be in Ego.  'Ego' is about 'self', and 'service' is about 'others' is how most would describe it; but we have evolved to an even deeper understanding of 'service' (which is why it so beautiful that this card presented for you at the beginning of this new year).  When we are in service, through sharing the unique talents and abilities that we have been gifted to share with the world, doesn't if feel positively JOYFUL, and GRATIFYING, for us as well as those that we are sharing with?  We have come to the powerful understanding that being of service from a Soul-centered place is not 'giving ourselves away', but rather 'sharing of ourselves for the betterment of others AND ourselves'!  What a beautiful revelation and understanding!!! was WORK to get to this elevated place of understanding, but we are here!  We now hold the understanding that it is in giving that we receive...and it is in receiving that we give!!! Ah! THAT has been, as Lightworkers, the greatest challenge of understanding---that we are worthy of receiving 'monetary payment' for the sharing of our gifts.  In order to hold balance in our own lives and universally, there must be an exchange of energy.  An important lesson to have integrated as we move into this powerful year of expressing all that we came here to be! 
Numerologists say that we are in a '1 year of new beginnings'.  Panache Desai has intuited 2017 as the year of 'dynamic enlightenment'.  I had intuited that 2016 was the year of 'conscious creation'---and I do feel that over the course of that year we became more consciously aware of our unique gifts and abilities that we are meant to share in this lifetime.
I see 2017 as the year that we are to take that integrated learning into action, and so I am intuiting it as the year of 'courageous expression'.  I truly believe that this year will find many bravely stepping into the expression of their unique gifts and abilities from a place of 'service'---which will only serve to elevate their lives and the lives that they touch, and thereby humanity as a whole!  
I have long embraced the mantra: 'Creator, how will you express yourself through me today?' as my means of being of service.  Yet, for many of us, we received over the course of last year, specifics and details as to exactly how we are to now 'courageously express' our gifts out into the world. It is time to be brave enough to do so!  Here we go...
Blessed be...

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