Your card today is drawn from the 'Archangel Oracle Cards' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Each card in the deck is aligned with an Archangel. Your card today is the 'Gentleness' card, which is aligned with Archangel Sandalphon. Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Archangel Sandalphon: Be very gentle with yourself at this time. Surround yourself with gentle people, situations, and environments."
My message for you today is this:
Archangel Sandalphon is one of only 2 Archangels who have been in physical form (the other being Metatron). Archangel Sandalphon was the Prophet Elijah, while here on Earth, and was ascended as an Archangel due to his contributions to the betterment of humanity during his Earthly existence. His aura is experienced by many as turquoise in color, and the crystal Turquoise is said to align well with his energy. He is known to be the bringer of peace and for healing aggressive tendencies. Sandalphon has stepped forward for you today to encourage you to embrace a peaceful, quiet approach to everything you encounter today...consciously choose to feel and be peaceful, regardless of the energies that may be swirling around you. This timing is wonderful, as we head into the full moon in Aries energy tonight, with the last lunar eclipse of 2013 occurring just prior to the full moon.
We have been in some pretty intense cosmic energy of late. It is the perfect time to focus on being gentle with ourselves and ensure that we do NOT drop into self-judgment or self-criticism as some issues may have presented for us lately that are REALLY presenting so that we can release them and clear them away. This allows us to move forward in a positive way. Honour yourself and your journey and recognize that you ARE on a journey, which means misstepping and changing directions sometimes as you find your way. Employ this evenings beautiful full moon energy to assist you in releasing what no longer serves you (remember that this energy continues for 24 hours either side of a full moon). Ask Archangel Sandalphon to ensure that your releasement be gentle and cleansing. Allow yourself to retreat into peace and quiet and to experience feeling calm and centered within yourself. Indulge in a salt crystal bath with candles and soft, soothing music (Sandalphon is also the Archangel associated with music) as you just allow yourself to just BE... Sit in the light of the full moon quietly, while holding a turquoise crystal (or whatever crystal you feel compelled or guided to hold) and allow the energy to encompass and support you as you gently release and clear yourself of any heavy energy you have picked up lately. Be gentle with, and indulge yourself in whatever way will bring you a sense of serenity, knowing that honouring yourself in this way will also serve those around you as you bring your best self to all that you do! Sandalphon has stepped forward for you today to assist you with this.
Blessed be...
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