I was just sent the link to the photos posted for the Celebrate Your Life conference in Phoenix this past November 2015...guess who was shown in meditation at one of the break out sessions? Yep...that is myself, and my friend, Patti, to my left! Awesome!
So grateful for the entire experience!
Love and blessings,
Monday, November 30, 2015
Hummingbird ~ Joys, Dreams, and Accomplishments
This is your card reading for Monday, November 30th/15. Your card today floated out of 'The Animal-Wise Tarot' card deck, authored by Ted Andrews. Your card is 'Hummingbird ~ Joys, Dreams, and Accomplishments', and Ted's message for the card is this:
"Though one of the smallest species of birds, the hummingbird is also one of the most amazing, awakening a sense of wonder in everyone who encounters them. Hummingbirds have long bills and tongues that enable them to extract nectar from flowers. In fact, they are often critical to the pollination of many flowers, and thus Hummingbird's appearance signals a time of new nectar within our lives. New joy is manifesting around us and our dreams are closer to being fulfilled. We are entering a period of accomplishment.
The Hummingbird is a skillful flyer, able to hover and to fly backwards and forwards, and is so skilled that it shows no fear toward any other bird. No other bird can fly backwards, and this reflects the re-awakening of the past and the drawing of new nectars from it. Past dreams and opportunities to manifest them are resurfacing. Take advantage of them at this time.
Regardless of the present circumstances or those of the recent past, Hummingbird's appearance always heralds joy and accomplishment. We will begin to see the attainment of our dreams. Opportunity is manifesting around us and we should grab it heartily. Hummingbird signals a time of blessings and new sunshine. New ventures of success and renewed health are the promise.
Hummingbirds are fiercely independent and seen to revel in freedom. They are also extremely hard workers and very playful. Hummingbird promises successful accomplishment as long as we set about in our own unique way and have fun with it.
The ruby-throated Hummingbird is a wonder of migration, making journeys of several thousand miles, on what food and energy it has stored in its tiny body. Scientists still are unsure how it is able to store up enough energy to make such a journey. But it does. Because of it, the Hummingbird is a symbol for accomplishing what seems impossible. The Hummingbird helps us to find the miracle of joyful living."
My message for you today is this:
Such a beautiful way to close out the month of November and to begin the week that leads us into December! Hummingbird has appeared in the cards today for you as a messenger of encouragement and also of validation. You ARE on the right path. Sometimes it seems that the journey is longer than we had anticipated to get 'there'---only to find that once we get 'there'; the blessings and learnings on the journey were as important to our spiritual growth as the actual getting 'there'!
So go ahead and fearlessly embrace your dreams and plans and actively pursue them; with the understanding that Divine timing and Universal knowing is at play in ways that we cannot always fully appreciate in each and every moment. Those who have achieved 'success' and accomplishment in ANY facet of their lives acknowledge that prior to having attained their goal, they met with various perceived 'stumbling blocks' and missteps, that in retrospect actually served them in the big scheme of things. Approach your dreams and goals with joyful enthusiasm as this 2015 'year of conscious action' draws to a close, and lovingly gaze back upon how far you have come thus far! Embrace the energy and tenacity of the Hummingbird as it is being offered you, to support you along the way.
Blessed be...
Friday, November 27, 2015
This is your card reading for Friday, November 26th/15. Your card pitched out of the 'Messages From Your Angels' deck, right onto the floor! This deck was authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card today is 'Oceana', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Take action. You're in touch with your truth in this situation, and you need to trust your gut and lovingly assert yourself...
Dive right in! There's no need for more research or time. You can trust your feelings on this one. I will guide you through the actions that are necessary, considering the circumstances. Your main concern is to avoid procrastination at all costs. Break the situation down into small steps so that you don't become overwhelmed. Then, take those steps in regular intervals.
You already know what to do about this situation, and you have made up your mind to take action. I am here to validate that your decision is on the path of Light. Although there might be some temporary or emotional turmoil, this will soon be replaced by a lightness of spirit akin to gently floating on a summer breeze.
Sometimes you may feel too emotional or tired to take action. That is because you're unsure of the 'correctness' of your decisions. Usually, unfounded guilt is the culprit that is draining your energy and happiness. This is when it's very important to call upon the angels to shore up your faith. Notice how the doors open smoothly with each step you take. That is one more sign that you're taking the best course of action."
My message for you today is this:
We are heading into a traditionally 'busy' time of year...the Christmas season. This is also the close of a calendar year and the lead in to the next calendar year; wherein we naturally begin to evaluate what we have accomplished over the past year and if we have met our goals. It is very easy at this time of year to drop into a state of 'overwhelm' as we become inundated with 'to do lists' and goals that have not come to fruition. I have frankly, been finding myself doing just that! 2014 has absolutely been a year of ACTION for our family! Both of our 'children' ( 29 and 27 years old!) and their spouses have moved back to Canada from Brazil; it was decided that we would host our daughter and son-in-law's wedding celebration here on our farm next July, and so we have become 'inspired' to take on several projects here on the farm that had long been on the to-do list, but now take priority (such as tearing down old decrepit farm buildings on the original farm site, and building structures for the wedding celebration). Our kids also arrived home with their dogs...one of them a 9 month old pup. Our first grandchild blessed our lives in August of this year and changed everything in the most beautiful way! Add to that the ongoing wedding plans and preparation aside from building and 'unbuilding' outdoor structures... So our household has been happily chaotic with all the changes that abound at this time.
A friend posted on Facebook the other day that she had completed her Christmas shopping and THAT threw me into an absolute panic! Yikes! I AM that person, typically, who has her Christmas shopping done by this time, but not this year!
Also, I have been judging myself about not having dedicated any time of late to a project that I began earlier in the year that is very close to my heart and that is absolutely soul based. Yet, when I list here all that has been going on, that self-judgment is crazy!
I share this with you as an example of how even the best laid plans can take on a life of their own, and our means of being of the Light at these times is to take an objective look at what actions we CAN take at this moment, rather than to become overwhelmed with the steps we feel we need to take.
Our children moving back to Canada from Brazil has been my heart's desire---I can decide to consciously choose to reside in gratitude that it has transpired sooner than any of us had anticipated and relish in this time together and our family preparations for the wedding next year; or I can waste this time feeling guilty about other projects that I believed would have come to fruition by now. I SO appreciate Doreen's message from the angel Oceana, "I will guide you through the actions that are necessary, considering the circumstances." I LOVE gift shopping and wrapping and am usually 'ahead of the game' in that regard. That will likely not be my circumstance this year, but I will have all of my kids home here in Canada for Christmas and will be supporting them in making the transition to their lives back here in Canada---as my brother-in-law said to me, "Dreams do come true!"
Choose to take a CONSCIOUS look at what is going on around you and at what you can reasonably expect of yourself in checking off your 'to do' list. Look back at ALL that you have accomplished in 2015, and do not allow unfounded guilt about what you perceive that you 'didn't accomplish' hold you back from moving forward in a positive way with what you can and WILL accomplish! Shift your focus! Focus upon ALL that you have accomplished and achieved as we move toward the close of this calendar year, and notice how acknowledging that inspires, rather than deters, you from moving forward. Ask Oceana to assist you with this.
Blessed be...
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Nike ~ Collective Victory
This is your card reading for Thursday, November 26th/15---the American Thanksgiving Day. Your card today skimmed to the desk surface from the 'Awakening of the Divine' oracle deck, authored by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes. Each card in this deck is aligned with a goddess. Your card today is 'Nike ~ Collective Victory', and Velva Dawn's message for the card is this:
"Are you finding the old way of competition is no longer bringing harmony to your soul? Are you ready to let the old patriarchal paradigms melt away from your root chakra? Are you ready to work together for the unified glory of oneness for the human collective and our divine Mother Earth?
Nike is the goddess of personified victory also known as the Winged Goddess of Victory . . . Nike is the goddess of strength, speed and victory. She works very closely with the Greek goddess Athena.
You may have drawn this card to affirm that you are feeling the need to play an important leadership role in moving from an individual competitive victory to a unified collective victory. In sports, we need to shift the competitive thinking mind to a heart based trust of the collective. Releasing competition and supporting one another in our strengths to build th light on the planet is key in collective victory.
Have you been feeling the heavy old engrained energy of your childhood programming weighing you down with negative self-sabotaging thoughts? Ask Nike to help you release any old fear based programming of competition from the mind which may have imbedded negative self-sabotaging mind chatter for many years after this took place. Give thanks to your old coaches, parents, teachers, leaders of group, and other individuals who led from the place of the mind versus the love of the heart.
Have you been called to assist in the harmony of all life? Are you living upon Mother Earth to bring a balanced perspective of respect for one another, love for each other's perception and spiritual growth, and developing a deeper trust for working with the ebb and flow of karmic healing on our planet? If this resonates with you, then listen to your heart and begin to speak your truth with love and strength to a light in the collective victory of ascension upon Mother Earth.
Now is the time to lead the world to a victory of unification, a balance of the divine feminine and masculine from the heart space."
My message for you today is this:
I have stated many times in my messages to you that the great shift that we are in here on planet Earth encompasses moving from a paradigm fully engaged in the masculine, to a paradigm that embraces the feminine. 'Masculine' and 'feminine' do not refer to 'male' and 'female' in this case. The term 'masculine' refers to the competitive framework under which our society has operated; and the term 'feminine' refers to a cooperative framework toward which the 'shift' is moving us. We are (gradually) moving away from the 'dog eat dog' means of meeting our needs to the understanding that the Universe is abundant, with enough for all, when we work in collaboration with one another. We are maturing to the understanding that we are not SEPARATE, as was held by our old belief system. We are all, in effect, FAMILY...in the global perspective...and that is not meant just as a platitude! With social media and the internet and the vast expansion in technical communication; it is impossible to ignore what is happening on planet Earth on a global basis. We are 'aware' in a way that we have not had access to in the past, of what is occurring globally. And with that knowing, we have come to a place where we now understand that what happens to another---although it may be thousands of miles away---impacts us also. We are FAMILY.
This does not mean that we need actively embrace into our own experience all members of our global FAMILY...just as in our nuclear family, sometimes it is necessary to love certain family members from 'afar'. This simply means that we now hold the knowing that we are not separate and that the Golden Rule ('Do unto others as you would have others do unto you') can be appreciated on the deepest level, for what we do to another, we ARE in essence doing to ourselves. We are NOT meant to simply abandon all aspects of the masculine, societally---rather, we are seeking to bring BALANCE of masculine and feminine for the greater good of All.
The goddess, Nike, has presented for you today because you are one of those Souls who contracted to be here at this time of great shift, to assist the greater collective in moving forward into the new paradigm of feminine/cooperation. Your are here to be an expression of LOVE. You are here to assist in redefining 'family' on a global basis. You are here to exemplify that to shine your Light brightly in no way dims the Light of another---and conversely, that it serves no one to dim your Light. THAT is your task...to shine your Light! Call upon Nike to assist you in fulfilling your role.
Blessed be...
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
My apologies for missing your card reading Tuesday---our household is happily chaotic these days and yesterday was a FULL day, but I intend to give notice if I will not be posting a reading on any given day. Sorry that there was no notice given for missing yesterdays!
This is your reading for Wednesday, November 25th/15---the day of the Full Moon!
Your card flipped out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid.
Your card is 'Breathe' and Colette's message for the car is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS: Patience; waiting; going slowly; wellness; meditation; trust.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE: Patience in all things is called for right now. What do you need to do when you're in a rush? Slow down, of course. Meditate, and trust. Breathe, and repeat. Humans cannot exist without drawing breath. Now is the time to allow the life-giving element of air to replenish your body, your being, and your very existence. Stop to smell the roses, breathe in the sunlight, and release the darkness---and miracles will appear."
My message for you today is this:
The first thing that came to mind for your message today, as I typed up Colette's message for you is the power of a Full Moon's moonlight, and that it would serve you well to breathe in the MOONLIGHT, as well as the sunlight on this day. I also appreciate the synchronicity of her message 'release the darkness', as Full Moons are typically associated with assisting us in releasing what no longer serves us...yet, each Full Moon also holds it's own unique energy conducive to the surrounding global energies at that time.
Elizabeth Peru, in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast', has this to say about today's Full Moon:
"This is a very chatty and cerebral Full Moon. Your head will be charged up and could easily over-run your heart if you're not aware. The way to take advantage of the high vibration we are under is to break out of any self-imposed social restrictions you normally place upon yourself...
Over the next 24 hours it's important to be involved with activities that you enjoy and that are beneficial to your soul. TALK YOUR LIFE UP and listen to what you are saying. We are looking to strike a balance between what we say and what we do. Express how you really feel, for it will elegantly reveal your next action steps over the coming days..."
So...in other words, you may find that your 'head is spinning' or that you feel slightly scattered in the energy that abounds today. I LOVE that the 'Breathe' card presented for us to remind us that the absolute most effective way to center ourselves into our hearts is through our breath. I so appreciate the phrase that a wonderful yoga teacher shared with us many years ago: "Rest in the stillness of your breath". Panache Desai often advises us to "Bring your awareness to your breath" as he guides us through meditations and vibrational adjustments. Both are beautiful phrases and reminders that it is through focusing upon our breath---not attempting to change or MANIPULATE it, but merely OBSERVING it---that we slow ourselves down and bring ourselves back to a Soulful place. It is from this Soulful place that we know what our next best course of action would be. It is from this fundamental place that we then express our authentic self, which is centered in LOVE.
Know that the internal 'chatter' that you may be experiencing in the energies of today's Full Moon are messages you are receiving from the Universe, and that the best means of tapping into and accessing those messages amidst the chatter, is through relaxing into your breath. To focus upon your breath brings you into the present moment and draws your attention away from all the external noise and distractions. To focus upon your breath naturally 'slows you down'. It allows you to become deeply receptive, rather than reactionary. (There is a reason that we were advised to 'breathe and count to 10' before acting upon our anger!) Our breath is the most underused facility of calming and centering that we have naturally available to us; physically, emotionally and spiritually. Today's Full Moon is reminding us of that. Consciously breathe in the Full Moon energy being offered up to you. Utilize your breath as the beautiful gift that it is, on ALL levels.
Blessed be...
Monday, November 23, 2015

This is your card reading for Monday, November 23rd/15. Your card flipped over in the deck to reveal itself, as I shuffled the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Self-Talk', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"This is a high energy card and it is directly related to how you are treating yourself! Note how the teeth inside the mouth point inward in the image. Your guides are telling you that it's time to work on being kinder to yourself. It is important that you become aware of your self-judgments and inner dialog. It's time to start consciously talking to yourself as if you were your best friend---using kindness and compassion. You do this for others, now it is time to do it for yourself."
My message for you today is this:
If you follow my readings, you have ascertained by now that I do not believe in 'coincidence'---but in 'synchronicity'! I strongly believe that synchronistic events and experiences are one means by which the Divine guides and communicates with us here on this physical plane. As always, when I am doing a card reading for you, after setting my intention, I intuitively choose a card deck from my multitude of decks (I am finding that I no longer 'resonate' with some of the decks that I previously did, and I am seldom drawn to them---is anyone else finding that, also?). I fan the deck over my heart chakra and ask for the message of the day to be revealed for the greater good. Then, as I shuffle, a card (sometimes two) reveals itself. I take a picture of the card in whatever way I feel guided to--I sometimes stage the card in a few different ways and then choose the photo that 'feels right' to post with the reading.
Why am I sharing all of this with you? Today, when I staged the 'Self-Talk' card, I took the photo of the card with a Cinnabar Quartz crystal sphere that is on the desk of my office. I am blessed to have a large variety of crystals in my home, and while I love them all, and value the energy they infuse my home with, I don't 'know' definitively what the energetic properties of each crystal are, necessarily. After typing up Cheryl Lee's message for this card above, and having taken the photo of it with the Cinnabar Quartz, I was guided to look up the metaphysical properties of this beautiful crystal---and then I understood exactly 'why' I had been guided to take the photo of the 'Self-Talk' card with it! When we trust and just 'go with it', the Divine will communicate with us in just this way...
Here's what I found on 'The Magic of Crystals.com' regarding Cinnabar Quartz:
"...Cinnabar Quartz works with the emotional energy body and will help you to let go of deeply held resentments, disappointments, and/or fear. It can support you in reviewing the choices of your life without judgment or avoidance. You recognize that everything is continually shifting energy and that it can be manipulated and changed.
Since Cinnabar stimulates the Root and Reproductive Energy Centers and aligns them with the Third Eye it supports stronger intuitive insight and the ability to imagine potential futures while grounding a person with a sense of reality..."
Synchronistically, this crystal perfectly supports the message of the fractal art 'Self-Talk' card for you today. Employ the energy within this fractal art card, in unison with the energy of the Cinnabar Quartz crystal; to support you in striving to CONSCIOUSLY 'speak' to yourself in kindness and compassion today! Understand that the words you use internally and externally about yourself hold power. Let go of residual self-judgment and self-criticism. Understand that your time here is a journey, and bless the lessons you have learned and will continue to learn along the way. Express LOVE toward yourself today and then bear witness to how that 'colors' the way that you perceive your potential and possibility for moving into the future in a Soulful way. Louise Hay has long promoted the 'mirror work' that she has found to be transformational in her life, in which you simply look into the mirror, into your own eyes (which are the window to the Soul), and say aloud, "I love you...I REALLY love you..." Quite honestly, it may feel uncomfortable to begin with---we are not used to expressing self-love in this way and have been taught culturally that to do so is 'wrong' and 'egoic'. Yet, in order to be a true expression of LOVE to others, you must first hold love for yourself. So, I encourage you today to take a few moments to employ this beautiful exercise in self-talk that Louise Hay shares with us. In fact, I encourage you to do so from this day forward. It only takes but a moment of your day, and can impact your day in amazing ways.
Blessed be...
Thursday, November 19, 2015
This is your card reading for Thursday, November 19th/15. Your card today skipped out of 'The Spirit Messages' oracle card deck, authored by John Holland, whom I had the good fortune of taking in a pre-conference workshop with at Celebrate Your Life in Phoenix in early November. Your card today is 'Love', and John's message for the card is this:
"Love is the foundation of your existence, and you're just as worthy of RECEIVING as you are of GIVING love and compassion. While love can be a beautiful emotion, it is equally a form of energy that propels you through life.
We're reaching out to you at this important time in the hope that you'll discover new and meaningful ways of nurturing and loving yourself. Love is energy, and that beautiful force is also part of you. To experience and feel the power of love in one's lifetime can be one of the most beautiful, significant, and life-changing events that your soul can acknowledge and receive. Yet, love is so much more than being able to say that you've loved another person.
Love is not meant to be a fixed destination; it's about the journey. It's the process of becoming the person you were meant to be---a person living and loving from the heart and soul. You ARE love, and you ARE worthy of love! Now is the perfect time to weed out the people and situations that are not empowering you, and surround yourself with those who can gently encourage you to be all that you can be!
Start your journey by letting the energy of LOVE enter your heart and your life. By doing so, it will allow you to receive and give love, and to radiate as the pure soul that you truly are."
My message for you today is this:
I so appreciate how John reframes the way in which we look at the word LOVE in his message for this card! He speaks not only to 'feeling' love but advises that love itself is an energy! The spiritual mentors and leaders of today are taking us to the next level of understanding regarding LOVE and all of the other emotions that we experience here in our physical being. Panache Desai describes emotions as 'energy in motion'. Emotions, such as love, fear, anger, joy, etc. are all vibrational energy. Panache also advises us that there are no 'good' or 'bad' emotions---these emotions are simply energy---it is how we choose to ACT on these emotions that matters. To simply deny so-called 'bad emotions' such as jealousy or resentment, causes them to become what Panache terms as 'densities' in our being. He advises that we allow ourselves to acknowledge and experience these emotions as they arise and to then just allow them to flow through us, rather than to attempt to deny or squash them down. This does not mean that you need to take immediate physical action based on that emotion! Merely acknowledge within yourself that that particular person or situation annoyed or upset you, and then take CONSCIOUS action, rather than merely be REACTIONARY. Panache also says that emotions are guideposts to help us navigate our way through our lives. We are not meant to reside in the energy of love continuously throughout our entire physical experience---we are here to experience the myriad of emotions that are available to us and to learn and grow through this. Yet, LOVE is always sought as the vibration we seek and reach for, and that is a good thing, for it is truly the core of our being! At the Soul level, we are LOVE.
The vibration of LOVE is the highest vibration. SOURCE or the DIVINE or CREATOR or GOD---or any way in which you choose to 'label' it, is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE energy.
In this physical experience, we are blessed to experience unconditional LOVE energy through our relationship with the Divine; but also in many interpersonal relationships such as with our parents, our children, dear friends, and even our pets. I was in the deepest appreciation for this perspective that Neale Donald Walsch shared with us in his presentation that I attended at the Celebrate Your Life conference:
"You can withdraw your approval without withdrawing your love. Unconditional love does not mean approving unconditionally someone's behavior."
This stated so eloquently what I have experienced in this lifetime within a few of my close relationships. I have been pushed in this lifetime to love some people from afar, who were once integral to my life, and that is okay. I have come to the place where I am grateful for the learnings and for the love. Yet, Neale also advised that we can DECIDE to be the fullest expresssion of unconditional love, and this includes love for ourselves...advocating what John Holland also shares in his message above.
See LOVE from this expanded perspective that has been presented for you today. We are maturing spiritually at such an accelerated rate at this time of great shift, that our perspectives and understandings ARE constantly developing and unfurling---opening us to greater levels of awareness. As the Beatles sang, "All you need is love,"---yet we are coming to deeper and more complex understanding of what 'love' means...
Blessed be...
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Go the Distance
This is your card reading for Wednesday, November 18th/15. Your card leapt out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' card deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid. Your card is 'Go the Distance', and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS: Endurance; strength; the long haul.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE: To bring your dram to life, you must think long-term and pay no attention to the fluctuations in the current of your experience. Joy and disappointment commingle with opportunities, so there is no need to fear the occasional obstacle. Life is not a sprint. This card is a reminder that you have endurance, strength, and fortitude to carry you all the way. Remain true to yourself. Your authenticity alone with keep you in alignment with the energy of miracles. What is yours will never be withheld from you. Remember that!"
My message for you today is this:
As I was typing Colette's message for this card it came to me how the message for this card today is SO evident in Colette's life and what has transpired for her over the past few years. As is stated in the description about the author for this card deck, Colette Baron-Reid is:
"...an internationally acclaimed intuition expert and psychic medium, know affectionately by her clients as 'The Oracle'; a keynote speaker; and an artist, entrepreneur, and visionary..."
Yet, I must say that I have literally witnessed her 'coming into her own' over the past few years, as I had the privilege of seeing her at various events. My first occasion to see Colette in person was 3 or 4 years ago at a 'Women's Wisdom' conference in Phoenix, AZ, in which she, Doreen Virtue, Denise Linn and Lisa Williams presented together for the weekend. I found Colette to be warm and approachable, but very self-effacing. Although it was obvious that she had a deep desire to be of service with her gifts, he was not standing fully in the confidence of who she was and what she had to offer. There was a certain timidity to her.
That is NOT how she presented herself at the workshop that I took with she and John Holland in Phoenix at CYL recently! She was confident and effervescent and unapologetic about who she is authentically. Although she remains warm and approachable she no longer holds the 'approval seeking' persona that she previously had, I felt.
When I had attended Colette's 'Messages From Spirit' event in Calgary earlier this year, I had already noted the shift in her. She shared with us that she had come to a point wherein she was so discouraged and hurt by attacks made upon her through multi-media following her appearance on the Dr. Phil show, that she made the decision at that time to quit doing readings and events. Although she had been working and presenting as an intuition expert for many years by this point, she was just so deeply wounded by the poison directed her way that she didn't believe that she had the strength or courage to continue on.
Spirit had another plan for her! She had a previously booked event that she felt that she needed to fulfill her commitment to, and so she said to herself, "I will do this one remaining event, and then I am DONE with this." As 'fate' would have it, this event was a powerful affirmation and validation of her gifts and the positive impact she could have for others by sharing her gifts. It was 'life-affirming' and she found within herself the courage and strength and deep KNOWING of who and what she is meant to be in her expression here on Earth. She actually came out of that very painful experience following the Dr. Phil show stronger for having moved past that obstacle and she has attained clarity and a renewed and stronger sense of personal purpose that can no longer be deterred by the ignorant rantings of others. She shared with us at the recent Celebrate Your Life conference in Phoenix that she was recently picketed at an event, and rather than drop back into that wounded place, she invited the picketers to come speak to her about what it is that she does, so that they could gain understanding. Of course, they didn't take her up on her offer, but chose to stand firm in their uninformed stance, which is what those who attack others impersonally always do. She did not take on their opinions or allow them to impact her in any way this time. So you see, what presented at first as an 'obstacle' (the cruel reactions of some following her appearance on the Dr. Phil show), actually became a pivotal point of embracing self-empowerment! Indeed, at times when we look back upon how certain obstacles have served us, we are even able to bless the obstacles!
If you are being authentic in your expression of self, the Universe conspires to support you in doing so, even if it may not feel that way in every moment of your journey. Trust in the 'big scheme of things', and strive to 'go the distance'.
It seems that Colette has once again acted as 'The Oracle' in your reading today, just as her clients have labeled her---as I felt compelled to share this life experience of hers to illustrate the message of the card today! Thank you, Colette!
Blessed be...
Saturday, November 14, 2015
No card readings Monday, November 16th or Tuesday, November 17th/15
There will be no card readings on Monday, November 16th or Tuesday, November 17th/15, as my husband and I will be travelling home to Canada from our home in Arizona.
Time has flown! Looking forward to seeing our 'kids' and their spouses and also our awesome grandson, Tatem!
Check back here on Wednesday, November 18th/15 for your next card reading.
Love and blessings,
Friday, November 13, 2015
Universal Law of Stillness
This is your reading for Friday, November 13th/15. Your card slipped out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal card deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman. Your card is 'Universal Law of Stillness', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Stillness states that, in its unexpressed state, the consciously intelligent essence that permeates all life is still and static. The individual mind can harmonize with the infinite mind by entering this still and static place. In this state, you are receptive to inspiration, intuition, and spontaneous problem-solving. Thought is naturally active and dynamic, but a mind constantly busy with thought creates tension and disharmony. The most powerful creative state is a relaxed state. You experience stillness when you are feeling relaxed. In order to feel utterly relaxed you must be in a state of complete trust and surrender. Stillness also enable you to observe what you are thinking. As an observer, you can pick and choose what you want to think about and how you want to feel. When you are still, you are simply being. The message of this law is to quiet your mind, relax, and let go. Slow down, unwind, and practise non-doing. Learn how to observe and govern your thoughts by practising the art of stillness."
My message for you today is this:
As I was typing up the message from the authors for you, it came to me that 'stillness' is really a misnomer---often times, we may find the stillness in our minds, when our body is moving! We hold this preconception that in order to still the mind, and find that 'zen' place; we must be sitting cross-legged or in the lotus position and 'don't think, don't move'! I have come to the realization that often times, it is easiest to 'still the mind' when I am walking in my coulee, and I am not ACTIVELY STRIVING TO STILL MY MIND! That is to say, that in order to still your mind, let go of striving to still your mind as though it were a task you must complete! TRUST and SURRENDER are the key words shared in the message from the authors of this deck. Dan Millman--author of the 'Way of the Peaceful Warrior' series of books (whom I had the great good fortune of seeing as a speaker at the recent Celebrate Your Life conference here in Phoenix)--spoke to us in his presentation about how competitors in sports are most successful when they are in 'the zone', wherein they still the mind and surrender to their natural state of being, trusting that their body will move as it has been trained to and allowing themselves to embrace the flow of that. I am paraphrasing Dan Millman here, but essentially he spoke to how there is actually 'stillness' within when an athlete is competing optimally at the highest level. It is that 'zen'/still place, where the mind is quieted and you are not bombarded by 'thought', that athletes become 'addicted' to...the peacefulness of it. So, my message for you today is to understand that achieving that state of stillness of the mind is done differently for different people. Many find 'stillness of the mind' while engaging in yoga poses. My friend Jaden finds one of his most receptive, creative places is while working out in the gym with rock music blaring in the background. My friend Lynda is a runner, and it is 'peaceful' and 'still' for her when she is running in nature. I am most certain that my friend Patti dropped into a beautiful moment of stillness when she was out on her waverunner yesterday and had the dolphins cresting and jumping around her---no 'thought's' in her head about 'to do' lists at that moment in time---just complete and utter awe and gratitude!
Another message that comes to mind for you today is that---even as we are definitely growing more aware of the need for stillness in today's society, we are often so engaged in multi-media that we don't fully embrace the opportunities for stillness that present themselves---we are bombarded with it! Listen...I am MOST grateful for Skype and cell phones and texting and WhatsApp messenging and all of those technological advancements that have gifted me with the ability to communicate freely with my children who were living all those miles away in Brazil! However, we have allowed these 'tools' to overtake our lives to the point that people are so attached to their cell phones that they can't put them aside and allow themselves to 'be in the moment'! How many times do we now see people together, each checking out their cell phones, rather than being in the moment with the person right in front of them? How sad is that? It is a new type of distraction from being in the present moment, I feel...and I would even go so far as to say, a new addiction for some people. It is up to US to make the conscious decision to make our cell phones and multi-media enhance our lives, rather than to take away from it. The multi-media that is available to us CAN distract us from and pull us out of stillness, if we allow it to. Utilize your cell phone/email/facebook etc. as a means of CONNECTION, rather than as a means of DISCONNECTION. Be present with what is actually in front of you! Allow yourself to actually embrace moments of stillness rather than to distract yourself away from them. It is in the moments of stillness that you most poignantly experience your connection to Self and the Divine...
Blessed be...
Thursday, November 12, 2015
This is your card reading for Thursday, November 12th/15. Your card sprung out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Revealed', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Do you know how beautiful you truly are? It's time to stop hiding from the world. The Universe is calling you. You have so much to offer, so much to give. This card is a reminder for you to see who and what you truly are. You are a part of the One. You are beautiful and perfect in every way.
When you hide yourself you are withholding, not only your energy---but your Love. Love for yourself and Love for others. Embrace yourself and all your quirks---we all have them! Let yourself be free. Let yourself shine."
My message for you today is this:
Look upon the myriad of vibrant colors in this fractal art card. The beauty of this card is that there is such a variety of color, and shapes ,and expressions within the image---so it is here on planet Earth. We are not MEANT to be duplicate expressions. The beauty is that we are alike enough that we can hold compassion for one another, and yet unique enough that we need not be concerned about replicating another. As Oscar Wilde so eloquently said, "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." When we understand this, we take the pressure off ourselves about attempting to be that which we are not, in order to please others.
2015 has been a powerful year of pushing toward authentic expression and you will be feeling this profoundly as we draw to the close of this year.
In addition, at this time you will readily recognize when another is not expressing their authentic self, or truth-telling, and you may find it difficult to be in the presence of that person or even remain in close relationship with him/her. I call this my 'bullsh*t monitor', and this is one of the 'gifts' that I have been given in this lifetime, which has been a real pain in the neck at times. It is part of being an empath. You FEEL and KNOW when someone is expressing the truth or not, whether you choose to acknowledge or act upon it or not. Often times, in close relationships, even when we have this 'knowing', we choose not to acknowledge and deal with it. Well...the energies we are in, and will continue to be in, will make it very difficult for you to simply bury your head in the sand, especially in regards to matters that are important to you. This is part of honouring yourself and and being honest and true with yourself.
So, the Revealed card holds two messages for you today... Know that you are truly beautiful and that it is imperative that you express your authentic self into the world---reveal who you ARE! And also, know that your recognition of the authenticity of other's will be heightened. Honour your feelings about this. No judgment here...only discernment about who and what now resonates with you. NO ONE person resides in their truth ALL of the time---that is not what this is speaking to---this is speaking to recognizing that you may be moving out of alignment with some people and situations as you step more firmly onto your authentic path. That is o.k.! Bless the lessons that that person or situation brought to you and understand that just as you are now being urged to authentically reveal yourself, the truth in others is being revealed, also...
Blessed be...
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Belief & Manifestation
This is your card reading for Wednesday, November 11th/15---the 11th day of the 11th month---an 11:11 day! Your cards today zipped out and dropped to the floor together, from
the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman. Your cards are 'Belief' and 'Manifestation', and the author's messages for the cards are:
~Universal Law of Belief~
"The Law of Belief states that belief, or faith, is a dynamic force that sets the Universe into motion and crystallizes the content of your thoughts into form. A thought without the conviction of belief to fuel it is just an inert idea. As soon as a thought becomes belief, whether consciously or subconsciously, it becomes energized and sets the process of creation in motion. The stronger the belief, the more power is invested in that thought. The Universe is reminding you to pay attention to which thoughts you breathe life into with the power of belief, because your fearful and destructive thoughts are manifested into form just as your loving and constructive thoughts are. The Universe is encouraging you to use the power of belief in your current circumstances. Fortunately, because belief is a thought and a feeling and can be created internally--on demand--it does not require the presence of physical evidence to make it powerful. You have the power to believe regardless of external circumstances. The more often you believe in your vision when confronted by doubt and fear, the stronger your faith will become. Eventually, faith will attract the outcome you desire."
~Universal Law of Manifestation~
"This Law states that all existence manifests intelligently from the internal to the external, from the invisible to the visible, from the formless into form. Mind and essence are the internal attributes of the formless substance. These are expressed through you as your ability to think and feel. The Universe acts and moves intelligently to create your external reality from your internal world of thought and feeling. First, create the conditions you want within your thoughts and feelings, and the Universe will then be set in motion to create the situations and circumstances necessary to bring these conditions to fruition. This card is telling you, it is important to know what your job is, and what the Universe's job is. Your job is to choose what you want to create and to consciously entertain thoughts and feelings that harmonize with what you want. Once you have done this, let go. The Universe will begin at once to draw to you what you need to realize your ideal. At when the opportunities present themselves and leave the rest up to the perfection of the Universe. It is important to let go and trust, because the Universe works in ways you can never fully comprehend."
My message for you today is this:
Once again, I am amazed at the way in which Spirit strives to communicate so eloquently with us! These two cards that revealed themselves for you today compliment each other so well, and present in perfect, Divine timing on this 11:11, New Moon day (and New Moon energy is known to assist us with manifestations and 'new beginnings')
The first thing that 'comes to mind' in my message for you today, is that, in my session with Dr. Joe Dispenza at the Celebrate Your Life conference, he shared with us that science has shown that we have between 60,000 to 70,000 thoughts per day---and 90% of those thoughts are the same ones as the day before! Now, imagine if EVERY thought you had were to manifest into being? Yikes! What the spiritual leaders/teachers/mentors of today are sharing with us is that your thoughts alone are not 'enough'---in order for your thoughts to hold any 'charge' Universally---these thoughts must be 'fueled' by the energy of emotion and belief or faith in order to manifest into being. Thank God for that...literally!!!
On this powerful day of manifestation, know this:
~These cards did not present in unison for you today 'by accident'...they hold the message for you that FOCUS upon specific thoughts, married with your belief and faith in these thoughts, is what holds the power point of manifestation in your life.
~This message is being shared with you in the energies of the New Moon, and on an 11:11 day, which inspire manifestation...again, no 'accident'.
What 'thoughts' that you hold as 'desires' for yourself would you choose to CONSCIOUSLY focus your attention upon at this time, to fuel with faith and belief that they will manifest into your experience? Spirit is urging you to do so and to assure that the Universal Laws are there to support you in doing so. Utilize the profound New Moon energy of this day to assist and support you, also.
As Elizabeth Peru shares with us in her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast (www.elizabethperu.com), the energies today with the 11:11 and New Moon, have this to offer us:
"This New Moon is a particularly strong one. Why? Well, we are seeking truth and authenticity. Honesty is high on the list too, as you will see through false hood in a flash. We are demanding that we take responsibility for where we are at in life...Keep the focus where it needs to be to ensure your power stays fluid and potent."
If I learned one POWERFUL LESSON at the Celebrate Your Life conference that I attended, it was to believe implicitly in SYNCHRONICITY (which I already 'felt' that I believed in, but I have embraced that belief at a whole new level now)! It is NO COINCIDENCE that the Universal Law of Belief, and the Universal Law of Manifestation cards revealed for you together, on this powerful 11:11 and New Moon day! I KNOW that to be true...
You are a powerful co-creator with the Universe! Lovingly create the life you desire!
Blessed be...
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
This is your card reading for Tuesday, November 10th/15. Your card today dropped out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' card deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid. This is Colette's newest deck, that has just been released, and that I purchased after my workshop with her at the Celebrate Your Life Conference. It is a beautiful deck! Your card today is 'Yang', and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS: The masculine principle of movement and creative activity; the power to make things happen; taking action.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE: Yang represents the power of action, the energies that propel the world forward, and manifesting thought and desire into concrete form. Now is the perfect time to act, for you can easily build momentum and make headway. What you want will come to fruition if you proceed confidently. This card signifies new life and is a sure sign that obstacles have been overcome. There is no reason to hesitate. You are the shaper of your destiny now."
My message for you today is this:
I have shared many times here that 2015 is what I am calling the year of 'conscious action'. We have spent time over the past few years---at this juncture of the 'great shift in consciousness'---clearing and releasing and gaining clarity about who we are authentically and how we desire to express our authentic selves with the world. These are all necessary steps, but as we draw near to the close of 2015 and move into 2016, the ACTION aspect of 'conscious action' is coming into play. You have done the background work and have laid the foundation...now begin to work on the structure. Take action! Whether this be in regards to a creative project; a work project; a relationship; or in the way you desire to be in the world on a moment to moment basis; now is the time to employ what you have reflected upon and to take the action to bring it into being. Pay attention to the synchronicities and opportunities that Spirit presents and then ACT upon them...
Blessed be...
Monday, November 9, 2015
Celebrate Your Life Conference 2015 in Phoenix!
WOW! WOW! WOW! I am in the deepest gratitude for the incredible opportunity and experience of having attended the Celebrate Your Life 2015 conference in Phoenix, AZ this past weekend with my dear friend, Patti! We have embarked on this adventure together previously when we attended the Celebrate Your Life conference in Sedona, AZ, Nov. 2013 (this is where I experienced my first full day workshop with Panache Desai...so grateful).
This weekend's event marked the 20th Anniversary of the Celebrate Your Life conferences, which are hosted and produced by Mishka Productions, with Liz Dawn at the helm. In honour of this, there was a dinner and gala on Saturday evening that held many wonderful moments, including a collaborative performance by all of the presenters/speakers of a very special song composed specifically for this event by Barry Goldstein, Grammy winning artist.
Also, Wayne Dyer was to be a keynote speaker on Saturday morning. There was a beautiful tribute to Wayne Dyer and his teachings given by his close friends and colleagues in the family of Celebrate Your Life presenters. Very touching and poignant.
This conference held some full circle moments for me as I attended lectures/presentations by James Redfield (author of the Celestine Prophecy) whose book I had read many years ago and which had impacted me so significantly at that time; and Dan Millman (author of the Way of the Spiritual Warrior series of books) whose writings I had also devoured earlier on my path of discovery. To have the opportunity to spend time with these authors who had influenced my spiritual growth early on, allowed me to fully appreciate their influence.
I chose to attend sessions with powerful teachers whose messages have inspired and enlightened me at past events, such as: Neale Donald Walsch, Gregg Braden, Colette Baron-Reid and John Holland.
I also made the choice to attend sessions with teachers I had not previously experienced: Dr. Joe Dispenza and Joan Borysenko---fascinating!
As always, there were those moments and unscripted incredible experiences within the event that occur as expressions and 'teachings' from the Divine, also...
~ Patti & I chose to take in the full day pre-conference workshop offered by Colette Baron Reid and John Holland on Friday. While we were in session with Colette in the morning, Liz Dawn, the CEO of Mishka Productions popped into the back of our conference room to pass on something to one of the volunteers---she was trying to go unnoticed, but Colette saw her from the stage and called out 'Hi, Liz Dawn!', drawing all of our attention to the back of the room. Liz Dawn said...'No...I am not here...I don't have any make-up on...I was just trying to pop in and out' and Colette mischievously then introduced her to the group as the creator and head of Mishka Productions, for those who didn't already know! Having failed at being unobtrusive,Liz Dawn then just HAD to share with us the story of what had just happened because she was literally vibrating with the excitement of it. There is a Mishka registration desk that all conference participants must go to prior to the beginning of the conference to pick up their event badge, which has your particular 'break out session' selections listed on it. You must have this badge with you in order to gain entry to the various sessions that you are attending. A man had approached the Mishka desk that morning and given his last name and the when the volunteer pulled the badge with his last name on it, it had a woman's name on it. She said, there must be some mistake, because the badge with your last name (an unusual last name) has a woman's name '_____' on it. The man looked shocked and stepped back and asked "How do you know my daughter's name? I haven't seen or spoken to her in 5 years!!!" And then he said "Wait...is this the Diabetic Conference? I am attending the Diabetic Conference!" And the volunteer informed him that no, the registration desk for that conference was on another floor of this center...this was the Celebrate Your Life conference, and he left to find that conference. 15 minutes later, his daughter showed up to pick up her badge for the event and the volunteer contemplated whether or not to share with her what had happened. Of course, she did! So, as Liz Dawn was telling that part of the story, a young girl in our conference room jumped up and said, "That's me!" Liz Dawn had withheld names at this point, so as not to impinge on the person's privacy in case she wanted to remain anonymous...but she just HAD to share this story! Liz Dawn ran to the young woman, whose name was Valeska, and they hugged! We were all in awe! Valeska confirmed that her Dad had left her life 5 years ago with no contact between them since. She had spent time in Sedona the previous Monday attending a healing session where she had set the intention to heal the relationship with her father! Liz Dawn asked Valeska if it would be ok if Liz Dawn tried to find her Dad at the Diabetes conference and then arrange a meeting between them. Valeska replied that the synchronicities of all of this were just too blatant not to pursue that, so she agreed. And...Liz Dawn DID track down her Dad and he agreed to meet with his daughter! Talk about Divine intervention and Divine timing! Unreal!
As Liz Dawn shared...she had not 'popped in' to any other conference room on that morning but ours, and she just felt compelled to share the story with our group despite not wanting all eyes on her, when she had no make-up on, etc.---and in that room was Valeska! As Valeska shared with all at the conference this next day when Liz Dawn called her up on stage to share this incredible story, the meeting with her father was brief and gave her what she had prayed for...the opportunity to hug him and tell him she loved him and so, if it goes no where else from here, she is grateful for that. Such beautiful synchronicity!!!
~Also...as Patti and I were sitting in my truck waiting in line to enter the parkade to the hotel early Saturday morning, two women on the sidewalk walking toward the conference center beside us, began waving their arms excitedly at us and looking SO HAPPY to see us! We waved back, although we didn't have a clue who they were, but Patti rolled down her window as they approached to speak with us. They had seen the dealership logo on the back of my truck which was from a dealership in Olds, Alberta, and they said "We are here from Sundre, Alberta!!!" They were excited to see people from their area! They also advised us that the conference center parking lot was full, which was why we were waiting in line out on the street and they directed us how to get to the other parkade one block over. So we thanked them, continued on our way to that parkade and laughed at this 'coincidence' (I do not believe in 'coincidence'---only synchronicity') but I said to Patti that I know quite a few people in the Sundre area who are into spirituality, so I wish I could have talked to them more and asked their names. Once we had our seats for the large group session which was a tribute to Wayne Dyer, wherein all 1500 conference participants were attending, who do you think I 'ran into' when I went to the restroom? One of the 'Sundre ladies'!! I said to her that I know quite a few people in Sundre, including my friend, Cheryl Davies, and she then said that Cheryl's oldest daughter, Robin is her best friend, and that they grew up together!
I told her how Robin had lived with us in our home at Crossfield while she was doing her student teaching practicum at Crossfield School a few years ago...she said that she had been there during that time to meet Robin for lunch! What are the 'odds' that within a crowd of 1500+ people, our paths would cross again so that we could share in that synchronistic moment? And what session was I attending following the Wayne Dyer tribute? My session with James Redfield, author of the Celestine Prophecy, which speaks to sychronicity as a means of Divine communication and guidance!
I just had to share these stories with you to illustrate that when we strive to be aware, the Divine finds the most creative ways in which to communicate with us. Our role in this is to TRUST, ALLOW AND BELIEVE!
Blessed be...
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Divinity & Gifted
This is your card reading for Thursday, November 5th/15. Your cards bolted together out of the 'Return to Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your cards are 'Divinity' and 'Gifted', and Cheryl Lee's messages for the cards are this:
"You are a beautiful, wise and loving soul who has braved the perils and difficulty of incarnation to be here on Earth and in service to humanity. You uplift the energy and consciousness of others through the work that you do, whether you are aware of it or not. There are billions of souls residing on the planet at this time, yet only a small number of them are here to help humanity evolve to its fullest potential---and you are one of those souls. Who you are is a gift to this world. Even at the best of times it can be difficult to remember this; especially when being human feels so real.
Your connection to Spirit is much stronger than you think. You are a living, breathing channel of the Divine. It moves through you in all that you do. It flows through the words that you speak, even when you don't intend it to. In every situation, you are a transmitter of the higher cosmic energies and wisdom.
It is those who have the greatest gifts who most often face the biggest challenges in life. Hold your head up and keep your faith. These challenges are the means to seeing and understanding the strength, wisdom, and compassion you hold within yourself. On a higher level, your soul chose to have a direct experience of the trials you have faced. Through each event, you have become better equipped and skilled, so that you in turn could help others.
You are a very special soul, with an important part to play in the healing and betterment of the people on this planet. You are born to be in service to humanity through the Divine gifts and knowledge you have carried with you into this lifetime. You are here to ignite the light in others, to realize their own divinity."
"This card is a reminder that you are most certainly talented, gifted, and skilled in a very special way. It's time to stop looking outside and comparing yourself to others. Your gifts were never intended to function or work exactly the same as another person's gift. By looking at how others are more gifted or better than you, you are unintentionally sending energy out into the Universe which says you are less than. This action is the very thing that is blocking your gifts from developing to their fullest potential. You cannot compare yourself to anyone else. If you see greatness in someone else, it is because you hold that quality of greatness within you. That is how the world mirrors ourselves for us, by seeing others in ourselves.
This card can also come if you are experiencing fear or apprehension about sharing your gifts with the world. Underlying this fear are beliefs and doubts about whether you are enough, or good enough. And Spirit is asking you to start addressing those beliefs immediately. Sometimes our fear of sharing our gift is the very thing that blocks us from discovering how we can best use it in service to others.
In either case, the Gifted card comes because you are doubting yourself; questioning who you are as a person or whether you have anything of value to give. Your unique gifts are very needed here on the planet. Spirit is asking that you place your doubts aside and start to cultivate self-worth and personal value. You were given certain gifts, because only you could bring them to the world in the way you do. Trust your soul's wisdom in choosing the path you are on, and the gifts you are here to give."
My message for you today is this:
These cards are a beautiful compliment to one another---how wonderfully synchronistic that they appeared together with their powerful message for you today! Allow yourself to take in and assimilate the messages shared with you through these cards...bask in the knowing that you are here for a REASON and that your life MATTERS!
Do not allow doubt and fear to hold you back any longer---THAT is the message and affirmation being sent to you today---the time for remaining small, in order to make others more comfortable is over.
Also synchronistically, I came across this quote shared on Facebook, that drew my attention and that speaks to your reading here today:
"You can't change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react to it."
Those who attempt to make you feel 'less than' or who strive to keep you small are really just reflecting their own internal insecurities. Do not allow others 'gossiping' about you (which is far more cowardly than speaking to you directly, and is typically how those with low self-esteem will choose to approach things) be the lens through which you view yourself.
Choose how you react to judgment and criticisms about you. Be real and authentic and honest, and own what you need to own, then let the rest slide peacefully on by. If you are being of integrity then you are honoring yourself and your gifts. A confident, self-assured person is never threatened by the achievements or accomplishments of another or feels threatened by them. Those who are truly sharing from their heart what they are here to share, celebrate when others are also doing so. Confident people understand that someone shining their Light in no way diminishes another's Light. You ARE worthy! You ARE gifted!
It is not arrogant to embrace the knowing that you have something of importance to share and that you are impactful far beyond your own realization...this knowing serves the collective, as well as yourself! When you shine your Light, it illuminates the world...
Blessed be...
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Eos ~ Rebirth
This is your card reading for Wednesday, November 4th/15. Your card slid out onto the tabletop from the 'Awakening of the Divine' card deck, authored by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes. Each of the cards within this deck are aligned with a goddess and your goddess today is 'Eos ~ Rebirth'. Velva Dawn's message for the card is this:
"Are you ready to shift into the new patterns of ease and grace? Are you willing to let go of the darkness and the pain? Can you feel the expansiveness of the energy of the New Dawn? Are you willing to be part of the light that diminishes the duality on Earth?
Eos is the Greek, rosy-fingered goddess of the dawn and is equated by the Romans with Aurora. Eos is a winged goddess who rides a chariot across the sky ushering in the dawn. Her horses are Lampus and Phaethon. She and her siblings Helios (the Sun) and Selene (the Moon) were numbered among the second-generation Titan gods. Eos rose up into the sky from the river Okeanos at the start of each day, and with her rays of light dispersed the mists of the night. She was sometimes depicted riding in a golden chariot drawn by winged horses, at other times she was shown borne aloft by her pair of wings.
This card may come to you as an affirmation that it's time to step into the energy of the New Dawn and release the old baggage that has been holding you back. It's time to quit resisting the divine whispers to let go and embrace the New Dawn before they become louder and stronger. Now is the time to be willing to let go of the old patterns of control and working hard. Eos is inviting us into a reality of love, oneness, ease and grace. Our thoughts create our reality.
This card may bring up an area of darkness in your life that you have been suppressing and may not have had the time to deal with it, or have been wanting to feel the pain that these experiences caused in this lifetime. Invite Eos into your life to assist in transmuting the pain, grief, anger, jealousy, bitterness, and resentment that you may still have in your cells from your experience. You may wish to ask Eos to also bring forth any darkness that you have buried deep within your chakras to be healed with the light of the New Dawn.
We are entering into a phase of high vibrational light. You need not to be ashamed from your darkness, as it gave you the wisdom to share and support in the light. We needed duality to learn the connection of love and oneness. You may wish to go outside at dawn as the sun rises and give thanks to your experiences of darkness and know that they have been a very valuable tool in culminating inner wisdom for the expansion of your light."
My message for you today is this:
I am currently reading the book 'I Can See Clearly Now' by Wayne Dyer. Wayne was to be one of the keynote speakers at the Celebrate Your Life conference I will be attending this upcoming weekend in Phoenix. Wayne passed away unexpectedly, yet peacefully, in his sleep at his home in Maui on the night of a Super Full Moon---August 29th/15, at the age of 75 years. Rather than replace him on the speaker's agenda, it has been decided that the other keynote speakers will pay tribute to Wayne Dyers teachings over the past 40 years...which is the most fitting means of paying tribute to him, as he saw himself as a teacher about all else.
I bring this up because one of the themes within his book 'I Can See Clearly Now' (which is being touted as his memoir of sorts) is that the pivotal and life changing experiences which absolutely charted the course of Wayne's successful, meaningful and impactful life as an author and speaker addressing self-development were moments of 'darkness', as Velva Dawn has defined it in her message above. That is to say that Wayne held an understanding that ALL of the experiences in his life (including spending a number of years in the foster care system as a child) SERVED him and directed him in becoming exactly who he was meant to be as a beacon of Light. In this book he actually explains how specific incidents in his life experience acted as a navigational system which he believed to be Divinely orchestrated on his behalf---yes, even the 'negative' ones!
Frankly, as I was typing Velva Dawn's message for Eos, I was reluctant to share with you what seemed to me to be a 'negative' message---I do not believe in dwelling in the past and old hurts at the cost of embracing the present moment and the potential and possibility that it holds. I am all about self-empowerment, rather than residing in victimhood. Yet, I DO understand how 'old hurts' impact our view of the world and how we experience it. Therefore, when I reached the point in Velva Dawn's message where she stated 'We need duality to learn the connection of love and oneness', I understood better the message that she was conveying. That is what 'brought to mind' what I needed to share with you regarding Wayne Dyer and how he chose in his lifetime to encapsulate the LEARNINGS within the 'dark experiences' that inevitably occur in someway in any person's time here on Earth. We are here to experience the duality that this Earth walk offers to us---otherwise we would not have agreed to be here. You cannot know light if you have not experienced dark.
You cannot fully appreciate joy if you haven't experienced pain.
We ARE indeed in a time of pivotal change and opportunity spiritually, here on the Earth at this time. You chose to be here because your Soul recognized this. Today's message is reminding you of that. Understand that ALL of your life experiences have served to make you who you are---step out of any self-judgment regarding this. Allow the energy of the sunrise and the goddess Eos to assist you in taking on a stance of self-empowered appreciation of ALL that you are! (Isn't it beautifully synchronistic how the sunrises and sunsets have been particularly spectacular of late? I have seen amazing photos taken and shared on Facebook by friends who are not professional photographers, but who have captured gorgeous sunrise/sunset moments!)
Blessed be...
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