Wednesday, October 28, 2015

I have been happily distracted by my Grandson!

My apologies for missing posting your card readings on Monday and Tuesday without any notification that I wouldn't be posting!  Our son and daughter-in-law and Grandson, Tatem, arrived to Arizona for a visit on Sunday.  I have been happily distracted, and loving every minute of it!
One photo here is of Tatem and I heading out for a morning walk.
The other photo was taken as our family headed out to the Arizona Cardinals Monday night football game---great game---Journey sang the national anthem and the Cardinals won!
I will not be posting your readings this week while I bask in family time.  Look back here on Monday, November 2nd/15 for your next card reading.
Love and blessings to you,
(Wasn't that an incredible Super Full Moon last night?)

Friday, October 23, 2015


This is your card reading for Friday, October 23rd/15.  Your card bolted out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Magical', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Embrace the magic within all of your day to day experiences.  Think back to the days of childhood, when anything could happen.  Begin to expect the unexpected. Many small, yet wonderful surprises are coming your way.  This is the calling of the Universe to return to child-like wonder and belief that anything can happen.  Look for the magical in the mundane and watch as life transforms from the ordinary into a mystical adventure of the unexpected."

My message for you today is this:
When we speak about the 'wonder of a child', we are speaking to their FASCINATION with the world---their perspective of awe and wonder at even the 'simple' aspects of their experience.  It is one of the reasons it was so joyful for me to be an elementary school teacher and also a mother. Small children have a way of bringing us back to what is truly important and 'real'!  
Look at the image on the card and notice the reflective aspect of the image.  It is as though the top portion of the image is being reflected by the bottom, but with some slight changes. The message here is that ANYTHING will be viewed slightly differently depending upon the 'eye of the beholder', and their perspective at that moment in time.  We ALL view the world a little differently depending upon the day and where we are 'at' physically and emotionally on that day. 
Just for today, set the intention that you will look upon your world with 'fresh eyes'.
Allow your gaze to lovingly fall upon your surroundings...  
What do you tend to take for granted? Consciously give thanks for it.
What is it that no longer feels in alignment with who you are now, although it once seemed to 'reflect who you are'?   Shift it up.
What would you draw into your experience and your environment if you 'could'?  Visualize that as though it were already there, and actually feel and experience it.
Choose today to see yourself in a world of opportunity and possibility and even WONDER! You were a child once---allow yourself to experience that child-like wonder once again. All IS possible!  If you reside in the belief of fear, scarcity and lack, then that will be your experience---even in that moment.  If you choose to believe in MAGIC and potential and possibility, then that will be your experience, also!  Rather than taking even the small blessings within your life for granted, choose today to truly witness them---you may then be surprised at how other blessings 'magically' occur for you!  
Blessed be...

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Leadership ~ Archangel Gabriel

This is your card reading for Thursday, October 22nd/15.  Your card skimmed out of the 'Archangel' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Leadership ~ Archangel Gabriel', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Archangel Gabriel:  It's time for you to assume your leadership power and position, and lovingly guide others...
Embrace your power in a loving way, and use it for the greater good.  I'll guide your actions so they inspire and motivate others.  I'll also replace any self-doubt about your qualifications with an increased desire to serve, help, and teach.  When your focus is more on 'How may I serve?,' then you won't worry about what others may think of you.  Focus upon your strengths, the many lessons you've learned, and how good it feels to be a living example of following one's Divine guidance."

My message for you today is this:
Archangel Gabriel's name means 'Messenger of God', and as such, Gabriel is often referred to as the 'communication angel'.  Many experience Gabriel's aura as copper in color, and a crystal said to align well with his energy is Citrine, as well as the metal, Copper (I personally experience Gabrielle's energy as a feminine energy...of course, the Archangels are Light Beings who have never been in physical form and thus are neither male nor female.  Yet, they present themselves in ways that we here in the physical can relate to.)
There are MANY arenas and situations in which you may take on a leadership role.  Your 'audience' need not be numbered in the hundreds for your leadership to be effective and impactful!  You may take on a leadership role within your own family in assisting someone to move through a challenging situation. You may take on a leadership role by organizing a charity event within your community.  You may take a leadership role by assisting a close friend in healing through an illness.  And may even take on a leadership role in a more 'public' way that requires you to make yourself more 'visible'!  
Last year, I was asked 'out of the blue' by a close friend to be a guest on her radio show. Let me tell you...I DID NOT see that one coming!  As frightened as I was about 'exposing' myself in this way (I was still somewhat in what I call the 'psychic closet' with various people in my life), I agreed to do it.  I agreed to it, because I knew beyond a doubt that this experience had been Divinely orchestrated and that it had been presented in my life for a reason.  So...I chose 'faith not fear', as my daughter says!  What an incredible, uplifting, affirming, joyful experience it was!  We were to be on the air for a half an hour, with the provision that we could remain on for over an hour if 'all was going well'---we remained on for over an hour!  If you had ever suggested to me that I would find being a guest on a LIVE radio show speaking unscripted about spirituality, I would have called you crazy!  Even now, having actually experienced it, it feels surreal to say that I loved speaking on a live radio show---this in NOT the vision I hold of myself!  The moral here is that when Spirit presents you with opportunities to take on a leadership role, beyond even what you would imagine for yourself, choose 'faith not fear' with the knowing that the Divine holds a higher view than you do here in the physical.  The Divine recognizes your potential and possibilities. Step up!
Archangel Gabriel has presented for you today to encourage you and support you in embracing the leadership role that has, or will be, asked of you in the near future.  Do so, with love and compassion and you cannot go wrong!
Blessed be...

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Divine Timing

This is your card reading for Wednesday, October 21st/15.  Your card today dropped out of the 'Healing With the Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue (this was Doreen's first published deck...published in 1999).  Your card is 'Divine Timing', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Pay attention to doors that are opening and shutting for you right now.  Walk through doors that open, and learn from the doors that shut.
Your prayers are being answered; there is no doubt about that.  However, everything operates according to the Universal Laws of Divine Timing.  This means that certain pieces of the puzzle must first fall into place so that other parts can come to fruition.  If you try to skip or rush certain pieces or parts, the whole plan will lack a solid foundation.
Don't try to force open any doors that appear closed to you.  Instead, ask your angels for guidance to see if the door closed because of negative expectations, or if it's simply a sign of Divine Timing.  Look for other doors that DO open, and walk through them with faith and gratitude."

My message for you today is this:
Allow me to share how the message today resonates personally with me, with the intention that you will relate to this in some way within your own life experience, also.  I have had a project that is very close to my heart (and that feels completely aligned with my Soulful purpose), which I had had to 'put on the back burner' due to my time and energy being drawn in other directions over recent months. I had been very frustrated with that, and was asking myself why these circumstances of feeling 'overwhelmed with demands on my time' were presenting when I had this heart-held project in the works that I could give no time to?
Now...I am in Arizona and I DO have this window of time---I have allotted myself the time---yet I have been 'forcing the inspiration', it seems.  Just this morning, before the card for your reading revealed itself, I had the thought that perhaps something 'else' had to happen before I am meant to take the next step with my project.  The conference that I will be attending here in Phoenix in early November 'came to mind'.  
Inspiration cannot be FORCED!  We live in this physical reality wherein our 'time' is so scheduled.  I was literally attempting to schedule INSPIRATION, for heavens sake!  I am not denying that to bring any project to completion---including Soulful ones---requires a level of discipline.  Yet, there is also a degree of 'creative flow' that occurs when you are in alignment with Divine Timing---I experienced this profoundly when my 'Empowering Yourself Through the Akashic Records™' course was birthed. It's as though things are 'flowing through you' and it feels effortless, and yes...Divinely orchestrated. Joyful, even.
Just because YOU may have determined that 'now is the time', because it all fits conveniently into your calendar of events, does not mean that the Divine views things in the same way.  There are often underlying energies at work that we are not aware of here in the physical.  
Personally, I am going to relax into my project, rather than attempting to force it into being. I will have faith in Divine Timing.  I will continue to hold this project in my heart and make myself available to attend to it as the doors present themselves.  I don't mean to imply that I will just passively sit back and expect it to 'create itself'.  I will be conscious and mindful and will take 'conscious action' when the Divine presents a doorway.  Simply put, I will have faith and I will surrender to Divine Timing.  To 'surrender' does not mean that you don't take action---it means that you take 'guided action' rather to attempt to orchestrate every aspect. In what area of your life does surrendering to Divine Timing resonate with you today? Choose to 'surrender' to it.
Blessed be...

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


This is your card reading for Tuesday, October 20th/15.  Your card today skimmed out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Surfacing', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Every time we allow ourselves to step out beyond our boundaries or find a way to get past our fears, the entire Universe celebrates. It isn't easy to let the world see us, and Spirit knows this.  But we are here to allow our true expression and to allow the deepest parts of ourselves to rise to the surface---to be seen and shared.  The Surfacing card comes when we are about to face the challenge of stepping up and stepping out into the world.  
You could be asked to speak publicly, give a presentation, perform, release a novel, or anything which involves putting yourself out there. Whatever it is that is going to be asked of you will involve shining your Soul's light in some way, for others to see.  You might be feeling scared as hell and wanting to run as fast as your legs will carry you.  But this is why the Universe has given you this card today. Look carefully at the image.  There are hundreds of tiny bubbles rising to the surface.  Take a moment to energetically feel the colors.  There is a lot of joy in there.  This is Spirit's way of reassuring you that this process brings with it much joy and celebration.  This is a part of your Soul doing what it has come here to do.  You just have to get past yourself first.
The Surfacing card can also come if we have been brave and expressed our truth in some way.  It comes if we have shared a part of ourselves, our gifts, or our talents. Spirit is here to acknowledge you and your bravery.  Every time you allow the expression of your soul, it is cause for celebration.
There is a whole lot more to you, just below the surface.  These are aspects of yourself which you are not fully conscious of yet.  When the Surfacing card comes, it means that these hidden qualities are about to rise to the surface.  Enjoy this time of self discovery."

My message for you today is this:
It is raining this morning here in the desert of Arizona.  How appropriate, considering the card that revealed itself for you today!  Rain---particularly in the desert---is highly cleansing and nurturing, and brings to the surface that which may have been 'camouflaged' under a layer of dust and dirt.  It is a beautiful respite from the often incessant heat, and thereby encourages certain aspects of nature to reveal themselves, rather than to remain in refuge from the heat.  Essentially, when it rains, in many ways the desert 'comes alive'.  All that life was always was simply sitting dormant and not fully revealed. 
There is a distinctive, fresh, enchanting scent that is in the air following a desert rain.  There is quite honestly a sense of optimism and positivity, also.  Energetically, you can sense the latent potential that the desert offers.  You will often witness certain cacti blooming on the day following a rain---after the rain we had here the other day, a cactus in our front yard that we had never seen bloom, had a solitary, glorious bloom (it is pictured below). The potential for that to occur had always been there, it just required the right set of circumstances for it to manifest.
Such is the metaphor that this desert rain is sharing with us today!  You have within you Soulful expression that is meant to be shared.  The Surfacing card has presented for you today to remind you of that!  The energies at this time are conducive to you expressing yourself in a Soulful way---in YOUR own unique Soulful way!  You are now in the energies of a nurturing desert rain, which is washing away any latent fears and is also providing you with the encouragement to allow your true self to be revealed and shared.  Be brave...the joy that you will feel in expressing yourself authentically will honour your Soul!
Blessed be...

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Universal Law of Cause and Effect

So happy to be back to posting your daily card readings here!  Our motorcycle trip was amazing, but I sincerely love doing these readings for is a heart-centered act of service for me for sure, and I appreciate what Spirit brings forward for us!
This is your card reading for Monday, October 19th/15.  Your card dropped out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' card deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Cause and Effect', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Cause and Effect states that nothing happens by chance because every effect has its cause.  Your thoughts and feelings have effects, your actions and inactions produce effects, and your choices and reactions cause effects.  The nature of the thought and action you generate matches exactly the nature of the effect you cause.  If you cause 40% happiness and 60% disharmony in your life, this is exactly what the Universe returns to you. The natural process of cause and effect is generally experienced with a time delay: cause takes time to unfold into effect.  This process can be sped up by aligning all aspects of your being---your thoughts, feelings, and actions.  The more aligned you are in your full being, the faster your results will manifest into form.  You can use the wisdom of this law to produce the results you want to experience in your life.  When you know what it is you want to create, discover what will cause the effect you desire.  What thoughts would you need to be thinking?  What feelings would you need to be generating?  What actions would you take? What attitude would you hold?  When you understand what is needed to bring about the  results you desire, all that remains is to think, feel, and act accordingly.  This card is telling you that you have the power to cause the results you desire."

My message for you today is this:
The first thing I need to say is that the message today is NOT intended to drop you into some level of self-criticism for whatever your life circumstances may be or may have been in the past!  This is meant to be an EMPOWERING message that inspires you to step out of any perceived victimhood in any area of your life experience.  Shift your perspective from that of 'life happening TO you', to that of being a 'conscious co-creator' of your life!  You DO have that choice!  Step out of any 'woe is me' attitude into 'what action can I take to shift things for myself?'  You have the power!  As Glinda, the Good Witch, says to Dorothy in 'The Wizard of Oz', "You've always had the power".  Yet, just as Dorothy, sometimes you have to go through certain life experiences before you consciously realize it. Once you DO realize it, you can strive to be a conscious co-creator of your life experience.  And then, when life presents you with unforeseen circumstances, you can choose to take conscious action, rather than to be simply reactionary...can you feel the difference?  
THAT is the underlying energy of the Universal Law of Cause and Effect:  taking responsibility for your own life.  Empowering yourself.  Honoring yourself. 
This great shift that we have been in is supporting us in this!  We are being inspired to live our lives from a Soulful place and from an authentic place; rather than to simply conform to the social conventions of the masses.  We are being urged to develop our own individual connection to the Divine, rather than have another dictate to us how we must be in relationship with the sacred part of ourselves.  As was shared in the author's message above, the most effective means of employing the Law of Cause and Effect is through the symphony of your thoughts/feelings/actions.  If you simply have a thought that is not fuelled by your emotions and then taking conscious action, the thought remains dormant.  
You are being reminded today that you CAN orchestrate certain aspects of your life are maturing spiritually!  Celebrate all that has led you to this place and time and utilize the Universal Laws and current energies that support you in moving forward.
Blessed be...   

Friday, October 16, 2015

Back from our motorcycle adventure!

We are back to our home in Arizona after over 3 weeks away on our motorcycle adventure!
This photo was taken riding through the vibrant fall colors in Vermont, early in our trip.
We began our journey from Sanford, Florida, where we had stored our bikes at the conclusion of our spring trip 2015. We loaded up the bikes and took the overnight Amtrak train from Sanford to Washington, D.C. (1450 kms). We then rode 8050 kms on the motorcycles through 26 states and D.C.! 
We had the pleasure of riding through some amazing scenery and on spectacular riding roads (you really DO experience things more vibrantly from the back of a Harley).
Our trip was also punctuated with other great experiences along the way, such as:
~touring the Harley Davidson factory in York, Pennsylvania
~riding our Harley's directly in front of Yankee Stadium as we headed to our hotel in the Bronx, N.Y.
~seeing 'Les Miserables' on Broadway (AMAZING!!!)
~the 'Hop On/Hop Off' guided double decker bus tour of New York City, including Ground Zero
~taking in a Yankees baseball game at Yankee Stadium 
~touring Harvard campus, walking the historic 'Freedom Trail', and dining in the infamous 'Little Italy' district of Boston, Massachucets (dessert was delicious cannolis!)
~feasting on lobster and seafood in Maine
~taking in Niagara Falls from Buffalo, New York on the 'Maid of the Mist' boat tour
~touring 'Falling Waters' just outside Pittsburgh, incredible architectural masterpiece designed by Frank Lloyd Wright
~sharing the road with the Amish carriages through the beautiful countryside in Ohio
~riding through stunning mountain passes with incredible fall colors in absolute 'Rocky Mountain High'
~rafting the Colorado River in red rock canyon country at Moab, Utah
The following photo was taken riding into Moab through the red rock canyon country...

SO grateful for this adventure and for the awesome friends that we shared it with!
Watch for the return of your daily card readings on Monday, October 19th/15.
Love and blessings to you,