Monday, September 21, 2015
No card readings from Tuesday, September 22nd/15 to Monday, October 19th/15
There will be no card readings from Tuesday, September 22nd/15 to Monday, October 19th/15, while we are away on our motorcycle trip touring the northeastern United States.
I will be posting the odd photo along our journey, so watch for those!
Love and blessings,
This is your card reading for Monday, September 21st/15. Your card dropped to the floor from the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' deck authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman. Your card is 'The Universal Law of Gender' and the author's message for the card is this:
" The Law of Gender states that existence is comprised of masculine and feminine energies rather than the physical or sexual attributes of male and female. Women have both feminine and masculine energies, and the same is true for men. The feminine principle is receptive whereas the masculine principle is dynamic in nature. When combined together, these energies are a creative force. The properties of your masculine energy are outward projecting and are experienced as your conscious mind, action, force, will and directive nature. The properties of your feminine energy are inward drawing and are experienced as your unconscious mind and your receptive, attracting, and intuitive nature. This card is telling you to use both your masculine and feminine energies to create your ideal reality. Use your feminine energy to receive ideas and inspiration and use your masculine energy to act upon those inspired ideas. The Universe is asking you to observe yourself and notice the balance of your masculine and feminine energies. Are you taking too much action without inspiration? Are you inspired with many great ideas but are not acting upon them?
Harness the power of this law by balancing these parts of yourself."
My message for you today is this:
As we head toward the Fall Equinox, I would add that we have been striving to balance the masculine and feminine energies as a COLLECTIVE, as well as individually. What we do and how we choose to 'show up' as individuals absolutely impacts the collective. Know this to be cannot begin to conceive of the 'ripple out' effect that you have!
You may have noticed experiences and people showing up in your life recently that have been challenging you to reach for balance between the masculine and feminine aspects of yourself. This is in perfect synchronicity with the prevailing energies that we are in. Understand that although it is unlikely that you will consistently maintain a perfect balance between the masculine and feminine energies you embody---in truth, you are not MEANT to do so consistently---you ARE being pushed at this time to create a state of balance. This state of receptivity/action is where you need to be to best embrace all that is being offered to you energetically at Fall Equinox in terms of fully stepping onto your Soulful path.
Blessed be...
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
No card readings Thursday, September 17th/15 until Monday, September 21st/15
There will be no card readings from Thursday, September 17th/15 until Monday, September 21st/15, as we travel to our home in Arizona...
Love and blessings,
Artemis ~ Protection
This is your card reading for Wednesday, September 16th/15. Your card dropped out of the 'Awakening of the Divine' oracle deck, authored by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes. Each card in the deck is aligned with the energies of a divine goddess. Your card (and goddess) today is 'Artemis ~ Protection'. Velva Dawn's message for the card is this:
"Do you feel that others aren't honoring your boundaries? Are you planning on traveling and could use that extra support? Are you going through a situation in your life where you could use that extra support to make that move? Are you in a toxic relationship or marriage? Are you very empathetic and are feeling very low energy around you? Do your children need extra protection? Do you not feel safe in your home?
Artemis is a Greek goddess who carries a bow and arrow at her side, waiting to protect herself and her loved ones. She's a warrior spirit inside and out, ready to defend the ones she loves.
You may have drawn this card as you are in a toxic relationship in your life. This could be an intimate relationship, a marriage, a friendship, family, or a co-worker. Artemis is stepping forward to assist you in protection so that you can gain clarity on what you need to do in order to maintain healthy boundaries in this relationship. Is it time for you to leave this relationship? Are you in physical danger? Is your karma healed with this person? Close your eyes and ask Artemis to give you a clear sign. If you feel a sense of expansion within your body when you ask these questions is most likely 'yes', and it's time for you to close this door and await the miracles that will present themselves to you.
Are you an empath? Do you pick up what everyone else in a crowd is feeling? Do you have anxiety? The first thing you can do when you feel a pain in your body or a sensation that appears when you are in a large group of people is to ask your body, 'is this my pain or my sensation?' If you hear an internal 'yes' then that's your affirmation that there is something that you need to release within yourself. But if you hear an internal 'no' then you can send that energy back to the person in the crowd with love and light, and usually the pain or sensation will leave your body immediately upon recognition that it's not yours.
You can also call upon Artemis to protect you auric field when you are going to be going into a space where there are other people and you will feel her strong energy expanding around your auric field.
If you are going to be traveling you can call upon Artemis to energetically be by your side with her bow and arrow expanding your auric field and keeping you safe from energetic pollution as you move through airports and travel to your destination with safety and support.
CRYSTAL: Arrowhead Black Obsidian
AFFIRMATION: I am divinely protected as I begin to ignite the inner warrior goddess within myself. I am a powerful, wise, loving person who creates healthy boundaries in my life."
My message for you today is this:
We are moving into the final Mercury Retrograde for 2015, and it is occurring in conjunction with the eclipse season, so the energies will be even more intense. This is a beautiful opportunity to clear up any areas of your life that you wish to before the Fall Solstice and the amazing energies that we will be moving into at that time, in terms of manifesting our Soul path on a deeper level than ever before!
Artemis has stepped forward as a supportive energy to encourage you to remain empowered, regardless of how others may present themselves to you at this time. Know and understand that particularly those who irritate, disappoint or even hurt you are showing up in your life as the Universe urges you to remain rooted in your own TRUTH. Lovingly just bear witness to---and choose not to engage in---any drama that others may attempt to drag you into as they struggle with their own issues of self-worth. These people are truly serving you in bringing clarity as to how you will allow others to treat you...what you would have once allowed, is no longer 'ok' with you. Your personal boundaries have shifted dramatically; as has your intention to honour yourself by not allowing others to cross those integral boundaries. This is key in moving forward as you are meant to!
Although Artemis presents as a warrior goddess, the message today is not that you need head out into battle. Simply take on an empowered stance and focus your time and attention upon those who uplift you and who see and appreciate your authentic self...who are not intimidated by your Light, but who celebrate it. The others are presenting to you as contrast, so bless them for the learning, and then do not expend any further energy their way. Know that Artemis and her protective energy is here for you to assist you in doing so.
You ARE strong, and you are wise, and you are loving, as Velva Dawn's affirmation above states...and you are safe in expressing that!
Blessed be...
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Protecting Treasure
This is your card reading for Tuesday, September 15th/15. Your card today literally got 'stuck' in my hand as I was shuffling. Your card is from 'The Enchanted Map' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid. Your card is 'Protecting Treasure' and Colette provides 2 meanings for her cards, depending upon whether they present upright or reversed, as some authors of decks do. Typically, I only share the message for the card in the upright position, but today I am guided to share both perspectives, because I sense that the message in reversed position will speak to some of us at this time, also (although I haven't even read Colette's messages yet). Colette's messages for the card are:
"You are always protected and Divinely directed...
UPRIGHT: Although this is a time of great risk, know that at a fundamental level you are able to move forward safely and securely. The proverbial nest egg is safe and sound no matter the fluctuations in the world. Guardian angels and other guides are whispering to you, making you aware of their protective presence.
Your loyalty is an important theme now. Nurture that which you hold dear. This is a good time to strengthen bonds of friendship and ensure their integrity. If you feel tested right now, know that a true and loyal heart always achieves its aim. Take refuge under an angel's wing. You are not alone and have no need to fear. Embrace your courage.
REVERSED: Do you too easily give your loyalty to those who haven't earned it? This is a time to assess your personal loyalties and discern whether they're being returned in kind. Some relationships are made for convenience, and some favor one side over the other. Vulnerability born of fear may lead to being taken advantage of. Perhaps the imbalance in your relationships is due to a conscious choice you've made. If so, make sure you aren't being hurt by the arrangement. If you believe you've found some kind of protective refuge, be aware that there may be a price to pay.
You may also need to reassess whether you're compromising yourself in any way to achieve what is an illusion of safety. Be true to your dream and remember that the angels will bring the right people your way to further the path of your highest good. Remain cautious, and be conscious of the give-and-take in all relationships and projects at this time. Don't give away the farm for a smile."
My message for you today is this:
Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow! To post these readings, I honestly just intuitively choose a deck; pray over it while holding it over my heart chakra; and then shuffle that deck until a card reveals itself. Most times, as I type up the messages, it is as if I am somehow 'removed' from what is being presented, and it just flows. The messages that I share with you begin to come to me, even as I type up the author's message for the card, and so I don't consciously 'receive' the author's message. There have frankly been days where I have looked back, and thought, "Well, I should have paid more attention to the message that presented today, considering how my day went!"
Today's message, however, speaks so directly to me---there are specific lines within the message that speak so profoundly to me at this moment in time, and I am in the deepest gratitude to Spirit! My prayer, as always, is that this reading serves you in some way, also...
Blessed be...
Monday, September 14, 2015
This is your card reading for Monday, September 14th/15. Your card today shot out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Freedom', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"It's time to come out of your shell. This shell, which did serve you in the past to provide protection for your tender heart, is no longer needed. The time has come to begin to allow yourself true freedom. This world and your soul both need you to let your light and your heart shine. Allow the past to be the past and move forward in this present moment. Do this in small steps at first if you need to. Moving away from your protective shell means allowing your true heart to be seen, but it also means allowing others in---on a deeper level than you have been able to allow before."
My message for you today is this:
Today is a 22 Master Day, so how beautifully synchronistic that this card revealed itself for you today. As Elizabeth Peru states in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast' for today (you can obtain access to this helpful daily guidance regarding cosmic energy by logging into her website: and following the promptings there):
"The week opens on some strong energy. Today is the second to last 22 Master Day for 2015. We are being called to act in our highest interests now that the first eclipse of September has occurred. We are now in the eclipse doorway. Over the next two weeks we are creating a new way of living that will carry us into 2016. This is your opportunity to shed your past, break away from your old habits and begin life anew, on your terms. All that is required is the daily work of change and non-resistance on your part. The cosmos helps you greatly as the week begins..."
You have been receiving the message for some time now that you are meant to share your luminosity with the world...that the time to remain 'small' and to hide yourself away is long past! As I lay my hand upon this fractal art card, the energy that emanates is warm, and protective, and ENCOURAGING! Gaze upon the swirling image in the center of the card and allow yourself to see how shining your Light, by presenting your authentic gifts into the world, ripples out and is healing and empowering for not only you; but also for those who are in your sphere of experience and relationship. Utilize the energies of the day to support you in reaching for personal freedom---the FREEDOM to express yourself into the world as your Soul has been calling you to...from an empowered, authentic, and worthy stance. Choose---in any and all interactions that present to you today---to approach them from that stance and see how you move through your day with ease and grace and flow. It feels 'natural', doesn't it, once you step into it? It takes far less energy to be yourself than to wear a mask or disguise yourself. You are ready! Trust in that!
Blessed be...
P.S. ~ WOW! And again, synchronistically, I just came across this quote that speaks to today's message beautifully in regards to embracing the freedom of being YOURSELF:
"Don't stay where you are tolerated...
Go where you are celebrated!"
LOVE this!
Blessed be...
Friday, September 11, 2015
Coming into Power
This is your card reading for Friday, September 11th/15. Your card bolted out of the 'Gateway' oracle card deck, authored by Denise Linn. Your card is 'Coming into Power', and Denise's message for the card is this:
"I step into my power boldly and confidently...
CARD MEANING: You have been gathering your inner forces and are coming into your own strength. Assume your power. Accept the vibrant truth that all you need is already within you. It is safe to own your deepest inner gifts.
THE UNIVERSE WANTS YOU TO KNOW: If you have given away your authority to someone or something else, now is your chance to reclaim it. Pulling this card indicates that it is time to stand in your own light. If you are holding on to any beliefs that you won't be liked or will be rejected if you step into your potential, let them go! The more you shine in your own radiance, the more others can see the glow of their own capability. Your strength can heal others and bring light into the hearts of many."
My message for you today is this:
There are many Lightworkers who have kept themselves 'small' in the past, in order not to make others 'uncomfortable'... We have been afraid to share our brilliance, in the fear that there will be those who will dim our Light, and that we will be hurt in the process. Well, that has been part of the great shift that we have been in...coming to the understanding that we are MEANT to share our Light, and that doing so only inspires others to share theirs!
Of course, you will encounter along the way, those who---in their own insecurity---may attempt to hold you back or drag you down. The difference is now, that you will not allow that! You have energetically evolved to a place where you can no longer tolerate such behavior and you will find that the relationships and situations that do not serve you in expressing your best self into the world are falling away. What is challenging is when such people and situations present within your own 'community', where you believed that you were among those who held to the same values and beliefs that you do. I have had this very circumstance present in my own life in the recent past, and it is sadly disappointing. Yet I recognize that where I once would have taken on the 'peacemaker' and 'people pleaser' role, I now choose to shift my focus, time and energy away from that which does not resonate with me; to stand in my own power; to honor MYSELF; and to shine my Light despite those who would seek to dim it! It has been a long and arduous process to get to that place, of course, but it is the energies that we are in and the growth that we contracted to by choosing to be here on the Earth plane at this time. We are moving away from the competitive paradigm to the cooperative paradigm, and while it is true that you will undoubtedly encounter those along the way who remain stuck in the competitive (despite declaring that they absolutely are not), choose to align with those who truly support one another and celebrate the Light that they witness in one another...who are not only supporting of you until they feel threatened by your brilliance. You will intrinsically recognize those who are authentic in this, and will be repelled by those who are not---trust yourself in that.
As we move into the energies of the powerful New Moon in alliance with the partial Solar Eclipse this weekend, we are being supported in this time of new beginnings and in embracing our own SELF WORTH.
OWN who you are... HONOUR yourself... SHINE your Light... And in so doing, you inspire the same in others.
Blessed be...
Thursday, September 10, 2015
My apologies...
My apologies that there was no card reading posted earlier today...
Technical difficulties, despite my being a 'tech goddess'! Ha!
(And we aren't even fully into Mercury Retrograde yet!)
Check in here tomorrow for Friday's reading...
Blessings to you,
Technical difficulties, despite my being a 'tech goddess'! Ha!
(And we aren't even fully into Mercury Retrograde yet!)
Check in here tomorrow for Friday's reading...
Blessings to you,
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
This is your card reading for Wednesday, September 9th/15. Your card dropped out of the 'Life Purpose' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'Strength', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Everything you've experienced in your life has made you strong and courageous...
You're stronger than you realize, according to this card. Your career dreams require inner resolve and courage, and you've built those qualities from your life lessons. Everything you've ever experienced has brought you to this moment, and you're more prepared than ever to start a new project and persevere to complete it.
It's human nature to shy away from projects that are perceived to be difficult or that bring up fears of failure. Nonetheless, these projects are calling your name. Whether you're guided to write that book, change careers, return to school, start your own business, or present your artwork to the public, you have the strength to do so!
Which path do you think will lead to greater joy: taking steps in the direction of your dream (even if you're unsure whether the dream is viable or whether you're taking the right steps to achieve it)...or endlessly procrastinating? Which path will ultimately be more painful to experience: risking defeat or humiliation by taking action...or playing it safe?"
My message for you today is this:
We are in the energy of taking action based upon what is important to us. I am in such gratitude for the way in which the UNIVERSE conspires in our favour when we strive to live our lives consciously...even in those times when it may appear otherwise from our limited perspective here in the physical. Challenges that we have been faced with thus far in this intense year, have been bringing us personal clarity and have been pushing us toward self-determination, self-worth, self-empowerment, and SELF LOVE (as has been presented to you in previous readings this week)! We are being brought to a place where we simply have no choice but to pursue what is Soul-driven for us. We are finding it more and more difficult
to 'meld in' to circumstances and relationships that are no longer in resonance with who we are NOW. Soul is urging us to allow it to take the lead as we navigate our way through this particular incarnation. This DOES NOT mean that we will not continue to experience all that being human implies...we contracted to be here in physical form and so we will continue to be exposed to circumstances, situations and interactions that are part and parcel of that. What IS shifting and evolving, is that many are choosing to live their lives more CONSCIOUSLY, and so we are no longer engaged solely in 'survival mode', but rather seek to honour our soulful selves and to express that out into the world.
As Panache Desai has often stated, "You are not don't need to be the eyes of the Divine you are perfect, and always have been".
The challenges that you have met in this lifetime have shown you that you ARE strong and courageous...and even if those challenges brought you to your knees, you are now standing. Remember that...witness and acknowledge the strength and fortitude that have carried you through some trying times in your life. See how those times have validated your belief in yourself and your potential. Those experiences served you and were not 'mistakes', just as YOU are no mistake!
I had to script and speak publicly in our community, my own parents' Memorial Services when they passed; because neither wished to have a traditional funeral. Since then, anytime I have had to speak publicly, I say to myself, "If I could do THAT, then I can do THIS!" Just as the clematis vine in the photo with your card today is determined to bloom---despite the cold weather we had recently, and the lateness of the season---so too can you choose to 'bloom' regardless of it seeming as though the circumstances may not be optimal for doing so. As you strive to move forward in some facet of your life, look back to times when you surprised even yourself with your 'backbone' and your ability to survive what you believed previously that you could not. Use this knowledge to shore yourself up and to live your life ON PURPOSE...THAT is what we are all being encouraged to do. Be authentic...shine your Light, as only you can!
Blessed be...
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Messenger of Emotion
I trust that you enjoyed your September long weekend, despite the rain and even SNOW that some experienced here in south/central Alberta! This is your card reading for Tuesday, September 8th/15. Your card zoomed out of the 'Guardian Angels Tarot' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. Your card is 'Messenger of Emotion', and Doreen and Radleigh's message for the card is this:
"SITUATIONS: This is the beginning of an emotional experience that could grow into something deeper. You may receive a letter, a call, or a text or e-mail conveying feelings that you hadn't realized were developing. A friend or colleague may provide you with information that generates an emotional response from you. It's safe to let your feelings show! Sparks of intuition give you insight into a situation.
PEOPLE: A very gentle and loving person who has only the kindest of intentions. Someone who wants to open his or her heart to others, but feels shy or uncertain about doing so. An avid daydreamer. An intuitive youth. Romantic but inexperienced. Artistic and sensitive.
ADDITIONAL MEANINGS OF THIS CARD: Invitations to events. Giving or receiving an apology. Revelatory sleeping dreams."
My message for you today is this:
Emotions will be running high this week as we head into the New Moon with a partial Solar Eclipse, and are also experiencing the shadow of Mercury Retrograde. How you deal with your own emotions, as well as the emotions of those around you, is truly a choice. You can choose to employ your amped up intuitive abilities and OBSERVE (notice I am not asking you to DENY) strong emotions that arise; then take guided action from that deep-seated place of knowing. Or, you can simply choose to be reactive. The point in bringing these choices to your attention is that we have been seriously purging and clearing away old ways of being and patterns of behavior that are no longer in alignment with who we are NOW. Perhaps those patterns served you at a certain point in your life, but that is no longer the case, and so we have been PUSHED and PRODDED by situations and people to recognize and acknowledge those patterns; and then to realize how they are not supportive in our lives any longer. You DO NOT have to react to another's angst, for example, nor do you need to make it your own. Those of us who are highly sensitive used to feel that to be supportive meant to 'share in another's burden', so to speak. We are learning that to have empathy for another does not imply that you need TAKE ON their pain, but rather, bear loving witness to it; acknowledge it; and support them in discovering their own strength within it.
You may very well experience strong LOVE in situations that you encounter today, also. Part of our journey over these last months, and particularly in August, was in developing our sense of SELF LOVE, and self worth. When we embody SELF LOVE, we invite and attract TRUE love into our life experience, as well. Love may very well be expressed to you today and your heart may swell with profound love for another. Receive and give love with an open heart and allow yourself to be vulnerable in both giving and receiving. The colloquialism, 'It is easier to give than to receive', didn't come about by accident. If someone pays you a compliment; or surprises you with a gift of their time; or even the gift of apology---receive with an open heart!
Employ the strong energies and the strong emotions that may very well arise today from a conscious perspective. Choose to react from a conscious place, rather than to be reactive.
Understand that you are progressing your Soul in a beautiful way through all that you have experienced in the intensity that has been 2015. Do not fear strong emotion, as we have been taught to do in the past---utilize the energy that it provides in propelling you forward on your Soul path. Panache Desai states that emotion is simply 'energy in motion'. Allow the emotions and the energies of the day to assist you and to further direct you.
Blessed be...
Friday, September 4, 2015
Beloved One
This is your card reading for Friday, September 4th/15. Your card leapt out of the 'Archangel' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'Beloved One ~ Archangel Chamuel', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL: I'm helping you with your spiritual soulmate relationship.
ADDITIONAL MESSAGE: Love is in and around you right now. You don't need to search for it. Rather, by holding loving thoughts and conducting loving actions, you attract and manifest love in all aspects of your life. Call upon me to guide your thoughts and actions, to bring romance into your life. Converse with me regularly about your love life. I can help you fall in love with your life, and heal and manifest wonderful relationships."
My message for you today is this:
Archangel Chamuel's name means 'He who sees God'. Many experience Chamuel's aura as pale green in color and a crystal said to align well with his energy is Green Fluorite. Archangel Chamuel's calming energy assists us with achieving a state of peace and relieving anxiety...I also call upon him to help me find missing objects (like misplaced car keys; or as in Doreen's message above...a soul-mate relationship)!
Much of what we experienced in the energies of August and beginning energies of September, as we move toward the eclipse season, has been initiating a deep state of SELF LOVE. I know...often times it hasn't felt that way! We have been challenged in relationships and in circumstances to stand in our power and to acquire clarity about who we are and how we wish to express ourselves in the world from an authentic standpoint. People and circumstances may have been 'pushing your buttons'. See these situations as opportunities to get clear within yourself about where you stand on things and how you wish to be treated. You've no doubt heard the quote, 'You teach people how to treat you'. Well that is certainly the energy we are in at this time. Some situations are forcing us to look in the mirror in terms of how we approach relationships, and to readjust or even release old patterns of behavior. All of this has been serving you...yes, I said SERVING you! The message for today is not only about romance, although that may certainly be an area in your life where you have been experiencing some adjustment and realignment both internally and in your interactions. When this card presented today, the message was that this is about SELF LOVE and stepping fully into that, in order that all of your relationships honour you. Chamuel's gentle energy will lovingly embrace and support you in loving yourself enough to be authentic in your interactions and in 'teaching others how you wish to be treated'. Soulmate relationships do not refer only to couples and life partners. We experience soulmate relationships in various forms...when we share in a 'Soul Sister' relationship, for example...a friendship so deep that you can actually feel the Soul connection. You KNOW the honouring that you feel in such friendships---it feels effortless and uplifting to be in that person's presence. See the relationship challenges that you may have been experiencing as pushing you toward an intense understanding of your SELF and your expectations and boundaries. Doing so will invite even more soulmate relationships into your life experience; and will also take your current relationships to a deeper, more soul satisfying level!
Blessed be...
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Archangel Michael
This is your card reading for Thursday, September 3rd/15. Your card bolted out of the 'Healing With the Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue (the first deck she ever published). Your card is 'Archangel Michael', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"CARD MEANING: This powerful Archangel is with you right now. He gives you courage and helps release you from the effects of fear...
Through this card, Archangel Michael is making his presence known to you. He is the symbol of true courage, stemming from knowing that God's love is the only power there is. Michael is letting you know that, as you make changes in your life and as you encounter challenges, you are safe and secure. God and the angels help you stay true to yourself during trying times.
Have heart-to-heart discussions with Michael often. Pour out all of your concerns to him. Don't worry about overburdening him. Michael, like all of the archangels, is able to be with everyone simultaneously who needs him. He has no limitations of time or space, so he can help you and others concurrently."
My message for you today is this:
Archangel Michael's name means 'He who is like God'. Michael is often referred to as the 'supreme protector' because his major theme is to assist us with fear, and clearing energy.
Archangel Michael also supports us with our life purpose. Recall that I have stated here many times that 'life purpose' does not refer solely to your CAREER; although, if you are indeed living your life 'on purpose', then your career WILL reflect your life purpose.
We are in the energies at this time, that have us feeling a sense of URGENCY to take steps in truly living our lives 'on purpose'. This means letting go of old patterns of behavior and belief that may stifle our creative expression...some have shared with me that they were feeling anxious and a little sad yesterday. My advice was to relax into it and to take some time to clear your energy, as in taking a wonderful Himilayan sea salt bath or shower; and to also employ the support of crystal energy to help you release and also to lift you up and fill you with Light, following the releasing (Smoky Quartz is wonderful for clearing, Petrified Wood is great for grounding, and Selenite is a gentle yet high vibrational stone for bringing in the Light and Angelic energy...although there are MANY other crystals that would assist, also). That energy may have carried over into today as we move toward the 'get 'er done' energy that we are heading into. Think of what you are experiencing now, as preparation for moving into a 'lighter' place that is in resonance with your authentic self and who you are NOW. Call upon Archangel Michael to be with you and to support you---as Doreen suggests in her message to you above, speak your fears or concerns to Archangel Michael, or journal them to him, if that feels more appropriate for you. Ask him to cut cords and to clear you of that which is not yours and which no longer serves you. Energetically sensitive people are also picking up on the abounding energies and the 'angst' of the it go!
There are 44 cards in this deck, and only one is an Archangel card
---the Archangel Michael card---THAT is the card that revealed itself for you today, so know that Archangel Michael was determined to make himself known to you! You ARE supported by the Angelics, including your own Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides...don't forget to call upon them to assist you...particularly during these intense energetic times!
Blessed be...
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Universal Connection
This is your card reading for Wednesday, September 2nd/15. Your card skipped out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Universal Connection', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"The guidance you are now receiving is truly Universal. Take time daily to connect with your guides and Angels. They wish to connect with you as much as you wish to connect with them. They are working very closely with you and you are being encouraged to journal at this time. This is a great story you are writing. It is your personal story and it is unique to you and only you. Write poetry to express the emotions you are feeling. Write down your dreams and synchronistic events that occur. This card calls for putting your connection and experience with Spirit into writing."
My message for you today is this:
Just yesterday I was gifted a beautiful journal by a dear friend, to celebrate the birth or my first Grandchild, entitled 'A Grandparent's Legacy---Your Life Story in Your Own Words'. Her thoughtful gift brought me to tears. I understand that in writing in this journal for my Grandson and then in someday sharing it with him, I will be sharing MYSELF on a very deep level. The written word can be very powerful.
When you take the time to express with the written word what you are feeling and experiencing, you 'anchor' in those feelings and experiences. It's almost as though you become the 'observer' and can thereby be more objective. Recording your thoughts and feelings and experiences also brings them to your consciousness and often inspires reflection, contemplation, and integration---essentially it makes these things seem more 'real'.
You need not commit to spending hours journalling daily, in order to acknowledge and record the connection with Spirit that you experience. Sometimes I simply jot a quick note on my desk calendar as acknowledgment and reminder of an instance when I KNOW that Spirit was communicating with me. For example, a Hummingbird presented itself at the hanging fuchsia plant on my deck a couple of days ago, during a visit from my sister-in-law. We rarely see Hummingbirds here (unlike at our home in Arizona) and especially this late in the summer. My sister-in-law and I had been discussing my departed mother-in-law, whose name was Joy; and Hummingbird means 'joy' and 'renewal'. When Hummingbird presented, we looked at each other, KNOWING, that this was a beautiful 'sign' from Spirit. I quickly jotted the word 'Hummingbird' on my desk calendar, on the date that it happened, as a reminder and validation of how Spirit strives to communicate with us.
The current energies are inducing a LOT of dreaming and disrupted sleep patterns. Take the time when you awaken to jot down what you dreamt when you awaken. There are likely messages there for you. Also, pay attention if you have been having a tendency to awaken at the same time, even briefly, each night. Look that time up in Doreen Virtue's 'Angel Numbers' book, to see if there is a message there for you.
When I do card readings for myself, I always 'anchor them in' by journalling them. I have journals for just this purpose, that I keep with my card decks. I layout the cards, and then I make a quick drawing of the layout and label which cards presented in each position. Sometimes that's all I journal, and other times I also write about what came up for me in that reading. I don't do this so much so that I can refer back to these readings at a later date, but rather to draw the information to my conscious awareness at that moment. I find that 'writing it down' brings it to my consciousness more effectively.
The message today is to acknowledge, through implementing the written word, what Spirit is communicating to you; and also to remind you that Spirit IS striving to connect with you!
Blessed be...
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