Friday, July 31, 2015
Deeper Look
This is your card reading for Friday, July 31st/15---the day of the only Full Blue Moon in 2015! Your card today flipped out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Deeper Look' and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"You are opening to a unique perspective. You are now able to see below the surface---to gain a much deeper understanding of what is taking place. This not only applies to your life, but to your understanding of other people as well. You will be able to see the smallest detail and see the energetic pattern of what is occurring. You'll see the consequences, both positive and negative, of your decisions and where they will lead you. This gives you the ability to offer sound counsel to others and to lead your own life in the right direction."
My message for you today is this:
Is anyone out there feeling like you've been through the wringer? It's been a challenging week of highs and lows and issues being brought to the surface, that perhaps you felt you'd dealt with long ago. I personally am feeling rather 'wrung out' right now. I have experienced moments of crystal clear clarity, insight and validation; interspersed with gut-wrenching moments of self-doubt, heart-hurt, and confusion. I have had moments of sincere gratitude for my 'sensitivity' and moments of wishing it away, because to feel so strongly can sometimes feel overwhelming. Some very strong emotions have presented in unexpected ways this past week and so when the 'Deeper Look' card presented on the day of the Blue Full Moon, I initially thought, "OH, NO!!!! I DON'T WANT TO LOOK DEEPER! ENOUGH SOUL-SEARCHING, ALREADY!!!" I literally had a moment of frustration this week when I said, "I don't want to feel things so deeply...I am tired of it...I just want to skim the surface of life for awhile!"
Yet, as I lay my hand upon this fractal art card, I felt a calming energy and a real 'groundedness'. All that has been brought to the surface was intended to be cleared on a very deep level. Particularly in regards to relationships, we are 'coming into our own' and that can be confusing and painful, as we learn anew how to be our own best advocate. What we once tolerated in terms of how others behave toward us is no longer 'ok'. And situations have likely presented that have challenged you to take a stand in that regard...even with loved ones. Actually, most likely with those who are closest to you. As came up with a client yesterday, to stand in your own power and to be 'empowered' NEVER implies disempowering another. It is a delicate balance that many of us are striving to achieve. A quote that I saw on Facebook recently said: "Being both soft and strong is a combination very few have mastered." And when I read that I realized that THAT had been the underlying theme in the relationship issues I (and likely many others) had encountered leading up to this Full Blue Moon!
So...bathe yourself in the energies of this super charged Full Blue Moon and allow it to shine it's Light upon you and to reenergize you after what may have been an energetically tumultuous week for you. I share with you the excellent advice of Elizabeth Peru of DeltaWaves, in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast', her 'Tip of the Day' for this Blue Full Moon (check out her website: for insight into cosmic energies):
"Did you know that the light of a Full Moon is perfect for energizing your crystals, power objects and also your sacred physical body...
-Tonight why not indulge in a Moon Bath as you go outside and 'Moon Bake'.
-Place your favorite crystals, jewellery or objects out under the Moon's light.
-Leave them outdoors overnight so they can soak up the magnetic healing rays of this Full Blue Moon.
-This is the perfect night to be outdoors meditating or simply standing under the light of the Moon.
-Allow your feet to make direct contact with the earth and raise your palms to the Moon.
-Feel the Moon's rays pour through your hands as you draw down the lunar energy, into your body, super charging your field with the Moon's glow."
Excellent advice from Elizabeth about how to utilize this incredible energy being offered us at this time! Yes...Full Moon's are about 'releasement of that which no longer serves you', but each Full Moon also has it's own unique qualities in relation to the other pervading cosmic happenings at the time. Allow this Full Blue Moon to reenergize and support you, even if it means sleeping with your bedroom shades up and allowing the moonlight to bathe you in that way... It is all about intention...
Blessed be...
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Creative Writing
This is your card reading for Wednesday, July 29th/16. Your card bolted out of the 'Archangel' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'Creative Writing', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Archangel Gabriel: Make time to write down your thoughts in a journal, or pen an article or book...
ADDITIONAL MESSAGE: Your soul longs for creative expression through writing. I can help you schedule this activity. Honor any inner nudges that guide you to write. The writing may be for your own enjoyment, or may be a cathartic experience of self-expression in a private journal. As you work with your connection to the written word, you may receive Divine guidance to write articles or books for publication. Call upon me at any time to guide you through this process."
My message for you today is this:
I personally 'see' Archangel Gabriel as feminine in form and therefore refer to this Archangel as Archangel 'Gabrielle' (the feminine version of the name). Regardless of whether you experience this Archangel as masculine or feminine, the name means 'messenger of God'. As I have often said here, Archangels are Light Beings, who have never been in physical form. They present to us with a certain physique, because we are here in the physical and so we can better relate to them in that way. There is no 'right' or 'wrong' way to interpret this beautiful Divine energy that is a gift from the Creator in helping us to best navigate this human experience! Yet, each Archangel DOES hold a certain unique vibration and 'theme' that they are aligned with. Archangel Gabrielle is often referred to as the 'communication angel'. Many experience her aura as copper in colour and a crystal said to resonate well with her energy is Citrine.
Today, her message for you is in regards to written communication. It is no 'coincidence' that journalling came up for you in your reading a couple of days ago, either. Journalling and writing are powerful means of 'sorting through' and 'anchoring' in, thoughts and feelings from your Higher Self and the Divine. The journal pictured with your card today was gifted to me by a dear friend, who understands my LOVE of writing. The cover says 'Creativity Takes Courage', and that is so requires being vulnerable, which is the most courageous thing that we can ever do. The energies of the day are conducive to getting clear about what your talents and abilities and aptitudes are by recognizing what you are intrinsically GOOD at. Automatic writing (merely sitting and allowing 'whatever' comes to mind to be written down); journalling; and consciously creating lists or 'action plans'; are all being supported and encouraged for you today. Archangel Gabrielle will assist you, but remember that---due to the Law of Free Will---you must ask for this assistance. At times, we get frustrated that 'our prayers are not being answered' in the time and manner that we would wish. Or that the Angels are really not hearing our prayers or requests for assistance. Odd, isn't it, that one of the most challenging writing assignments can be to write about and list what we are GREAT at? We could easily sit and rattle off all that we perceive we need to improve upon. But, ask us to write about what we ROCK AT, and we become reticent and struggle to come up with responses, even when we know that we will be the only ones seeing what we have written! Well...the Universe and the Divine is letting you know that it's time to shift that up!!! OWN your talents and abilities. If you can't even acknowledge your awesomeness to yourself, how can you expect others to? As Elizabeth Peru says, "You are the one directing your life path. The universe and all spiritual forces work on your command." So...utilize the tool of creative writing to get clear within yourself about just what it is that you 'command'. Archangel Gabrielle will guide and support you in doing so, if you request it. I have always held the belief that 'words have power'---utilize the power of the written word today to promote yourself in all ways!
Blessed be...
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
No card reading today...I had an encounter with a wasp's nest!
There will be no card reading today as I was stung multiple times last evening, when I inadvertently stepped near a wasp's nest! I took this photo this morning of this odd insect that looks like a wasp, except for the very different coloring...but that's as close as I want to get to a wasp for awhile!
I looked up 'Wasp' as a messenger in Ted Andrew's 'Animal-Speak' Pocket Guide:
"Protection is strong around you. Dreams are fulfilled through practical efforts and fulfilling your role and responsibilities."
As my husband and I were outside on our property deciding precisely where to construct the reception building for our daughter's wedding celebration here on our farm next July, I took the wasp's interlude with me to mean that we WILL be supported and that the weather and all other 'intangibles' will be in our favour; as long as we continue with the practical preparation for this event. I told my daughter that I took that hit for her to ensure a wonderful day---what a mother will do for her child, right? :-)
Recall that in your message yesterday, it came up that animals will serve as messengers from Spirit for us---that they are a messenger if they capture our attention in some way? Well...Wasp messengers...message received! It just seems ironic somehow that they mean 'protection'?!?
Blessed be...
Monday, July 27, 2015
This is your card reading for Monday, July 27th/15. Your card flipped out of 'The Enchanted Map' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid. Your card is 'Moonlight', and Colette's message for the card is this:
"Your intuition allows you to see beyond the mundane, logical and analytical. Follow it...
Moonlight beckons. Come, and trust your intuition to lead you into places that may not seem logical. Your hunches will be right on target. Resist 'second-guessing' yourself, for your alternative perception is especially sharp right now. You can see beyond the surface of things and truly read between the lines. This is a good time to use oracle cards or other systems of divination to gain information.
Remember that the language of intuition is a symbolic one. It comes subtly through a hunch, a 'tingling', a clear sound, or an animal or object crossing your path. Spirit is sending you messages to help you now. Success is yours if you follow the signs."
My message for you today is this:
As we head into the Blue Full Moon this Friday (the second Full Moon in July and the only Blue Moon for 2015), how appropriate that this card presented for you today! Utilize your intuition to guide you in moving in the direction that will best serve you. Trust in your 'gut feelings' and those inner knowings that you have been experiencing very strongly of late---they are real. This is a great time for journalling and for 'anchoring in' those intuitive 'hits' that you have been receiving. As Colette suggests in her message to you, you may also wish to utilize divination tools that you feel a strong connection with, such as oracle cards, or a pendulum. Also, be aware of the animal messengers that present to you by drawing your attention. They may come to you in the physical, or on a billboard or book cover or even on the television. How do you know when they are a messenger? You will draw your attention and you will just KNOW. You may wish to use Ted Andrew's book, 'Animal Speak', to look up the messages that particular animals have to share with us. Perhaps a crossed-over is making their presence known to you by dropping a feather, a coin, or interfering with electrical systems in your home. The message is that you are in a heightened intuitive state right now, which is being supported by the cosmic energies that are prevailing. Be open and aware and TRUST, ALLOW and BELIEVE in how Spirit is communicating with you.
Blessed be...
Friday, July 24, 2015
It Is Safe For You To Love
This is your card reading for Friday, July 24th/15. Your card was drawn from the 'Romance Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue, because Venus is moving into retrograde in relation to Earth (which happened last in Dec. 2013)---so the focus will be on relationships!
Your card is 'It Is Safe For You To Love', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Open your heart to give and receive the highest energy of all...
This card indicates that you've been protecting your heart from hurt because of painful relationship experiences. However, the angels can only bring as much romance as you'll allow inside. If you have a shield around your heart, how is love to get in? A closed heart repels the sensitive partner you're trying to attract.
Following your inner guidance will protect you and simultaneously allow you to feel loved and loving. Trust your intuitive senses with respect to other people's trustworthiness, and open your heart to those who are kind and gentle. Ask the angels to bring caring individuals (including a romantic partner) into your life, and they'll do so...provided that you listen to and follow their guidance."
My message for you today is this:
This message is not only in regards to romantic relationships. We have the blessing of experiencing 'soul-mate' relationships in a multitude of ways in our lifetime. Some friendships will be soul-mate relationships, as will some family relationships...a soul-mate relationship is not limited to our partner or spouse.
LOVE is honestly the highest vibration. Unconditional Love is the vibration of the Divine. There is no doubt that each and every one of us has experienced deep wounds and hurt in regards to giving and receiving love at sometime in our lives. Relationships can be very challenging, but it is here that we learn the most about OURSELVES!
Just for today, choose to look for the blessings (YES...there were blessings!) and the learnings that you have experienced in every relationship that you have been in---even the hurtful ones. To 'risk' being vulnerable enough to enter into a relationship of any kind really means trusting in ourselves---trusting that we can nurture ourselves and 'be there' for ourselves no matter what. Therefore, to love deeply is a very courageous and vulnerable act, and an act of true self-empowerment! To share your AUTHENTIC self is a leap of faith and the greatest gift you can ever bestow upon another. To be in relationship with another with whom you share that bond is what it means to be in a soul-mate relationship.
Your Soul truly knows and recognizes such people, just as your Soul truly knows and recognizes those who have come into your life for other reasons... Pay attention to and trust in what your Higher Self is telling you, and honour that. You are not a victim! You are so supported and already unconditionally loved for ALL THAT YOU ARE RIGHT NOW by the Divine!
Blessed be...
Thursday, July 23, 2015
This is your card reading for Thursday, July 23rd/15. Your card skimmed out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Fertile', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"This is the card of creation and fertility. Although it can signify the possibility of pregnancy, it usually appears as encouragement to begin taking action. Now is the time to start the groundwork for your deepest inner desires, dreams, ideas or plans. All the conditions are right for setting things in motion; to bring things from the world of thought to the world of form."
My message for you today is this:
What are you feeling the urging or desire to 'bring to fruition' in your life at this time? Regardless of other responsibilities and items on the 'to do' list, you are being advised that today you are to devote at least some of your time and energy to cultivating the soil for that.
Allow yourself to be fully present and focused upon that which is calling to you and then witness how the Universe supports you in taking some action steps toward your creation.
Perhaps you will spend some time in quiet contemplation of how best to move forward with your plans. Perhaps you are meant to make yourself vulnerable and take that next step that you have been hesitating to take due to fear or lack of trust (like make that phone call, or post that announcement). Perhaps you are already excited about taking that next step but have not because of your perceived time constraints. Know that in the context of your day, YOU likely are the one placing these time constraints upon yourself. As far as the abundant Universe is concerned, there is 'time enough'---so set your priorities. Can some of the mundane tasks of the day that you had set as priority wait, just for today, in order that you engage in moving forward with your deepest dreams and desires? (The pile of laundry will not sprout wings and fly away, and WILL still be waiting for your attention tomorrow)! The energies of the day are such that you are being hugely supported in creative endeavors...why not take advantage of that? Make the choice to take conscious action today, in whatever way you feel 'inspired' to. Pay attention to what your heart-center is saying to you and give your time and attention to that for at least a portion of the day.
Utilize the prevalent fertile energy of the day to support you in this.
Blessed be...
Sunday, July 19, 2015
No card readings on Monday, July 20th and Tuesday, July 21st/15
There will be no card readings on Monday, July 20th/15 or Tuesday, July 21st/15, as I will be joyfully teaching my 'Empowering Yourself Through the Akashic Records' course to amazing, beautiful Souls! I am so excited, and looking forward to our time together!
Feeling grateful!
Friday, July 17, 2015
Perform every act as if it were your last.
This is your card reading for Friday, July 17th/15. Your card dropped to the floor from the 'Healing Cards' deck, authored by Caroline Myss and Peter Occhiogrosso. Your card is 'Perform every act as if it were your last'. Caroline and Peter's message for the card is this:
"All the spiritual masters tell us to make every decision and choice as if our whole life could be changed because of it. Today, be mindful only of who you are in each and every action...
Marcus Aurelius was a pantheist and Stoic philosopher who believed in the Divinity of the cosmos as a vast, intelligent being with a soul. He stressed the harmony of all things and the importance of resigning oneself to whatever occurred. As Emperor of Rome from 161 to 180, he was also a remarkably moral philosopher-king who hated war and corruption, was magnanimous toward his enemies, and freed many slaves. But his most lasting achievement is probably his 'MEDITATIONS', brief snippets of wisdom, many of which were written while he reluctantly led his army against hordes of invaders. Some of his one-liners sound like they could have been written yesterday: 'Stop talking about what the good person should be, and just be that person.' The maxim on this card is timeless, and captures the goal of putting yourself fully into each moment that all the mystics acknowledge."
My message for you today is this:
How often do we hear from the spiritual mentors/teachers of our time, 'Be in the moment'?
How fascinating that the very words and ideologies that we view as CURRENT were often proclaimed by philosophers and spiritual leaders so very long ago!
Yet, it is my belief that we are, and have been, undergoing a massive shift in consciousness that implies that we, as a collective, are better able to receive and HEAR what is being shared than we were in the past. We are maturing, spiritually.
Due to the heightened energy that we are now experiencing---many have referred to it as a 'quickening'---this reminder to live CONSCIOUSLY is key at this time. This does not in any way imply that we live our lives without taking any perceived missteps, or making any 'mistakes'. It means that we live our lives 'on purpose'---that we pay attention to what is being presented to us and then we consciously choose to ACT rather than to REACT. Can you sense the difference in the underlying energy behind 'action' and 'reaction'? That is what is being brought to your attention in your message today.
You are so supported on this amazing journey of self-discovery and self-determination! The opportunities for this are being offered to us now as they have never been offered before. But we still need to step into it. It takes courage and conviction to live your life in a conscious way that honours who you are at your core. Embrace the opportunity being offered you!
Blessed be...
Thursday, July 16, 2015
This is your card reading for Thursday, July 16th/15 (my awesome hubby's birthday)! I chose the 'Mary, Queen of Angels' deck for your reading today, and didn't 'realize' until I was typing just now about it being my husband's birthday, just WHY I was guided to this deck. Both my husband and I have had experiences during traumatic times in childhood, when Mother Mary has made herself known to us; and we both feel a strong affinity with her gentle, yet strong, maternal energy. So...'naturally' I would be drawn to her deck and her energy on my husband's special day! We are also in the energy of the New Moon, and today is a 22 Master Day numerologically! Wow! (More about this later). The card that flipped out of the deck for you is 'Patience', and the Doreen Virtue, who is the author of this deck, has this message for this card:
"I trust in Divine timing...
God's timing is perfect, as this card reminds you. When you pray for help, that request IS heard and answered. If your prayer involves other people, their freewill decisions influence the timing of the outcome. Heaven knows this, and devises ingenious solutions that arrive at exactly the right moment.
You received this card as a reminder to have patience with God's plans and solutions. If you try to control, force, or push your own agenda, you may miss out on an infinitely better alternative. Ask Mother Mary to help you demonstrate her infinite patience and trust in God's timing."
My message for you today is this:
The current New Moon and 22 Master Day energy is literally propelling you to take action and strive toward manifesting your Soul-based desires. Here is what Elizabeth Peru advises us about 22 Master Days in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast', that you can access through her website:
"22 MASTER DAY: 1+6+0+7+2+0+1+5=22 and 2+2=4
Over the six months from March 29th until late September we are experiencing a period of seventeen 22 MASTER DAYS. This span of 22 Master Days signifies a QUICKENING has arrived on Earth. The months of April to September will be significant for developing new and strong foundations in your life.
...The 22 Days are here to help us BUILD LIVES OF GREATER MEANING, PERSONAL REWARD, DIGNITY AND RESPECT. In this week, where the theme is 'Life Re-Set', today's 22 Master Day is aptly timed, so take great advantage.
The 22 energy is a high master energy, being Angelic (and highly responsible) in nature. The Angelics invoke the energy of 22, which asks for temperance and justice in all ways.
The 22-day also breaks down to a 4 day. The four vibration asks that you utilize a slow and steady approach, applying DILIGENCE AND PATIENCE with all of your tasks. Four is the number of trust and solidarity often challenged by taking a healthy risk from time to time, that's where the 22 comes in to push us along."
I SO APPRECIATE Elizabeth's 'down to Earth' perspective and insights into the prevailing cosmic energies that I have always absolutely FELT AND EXPERIENCED, but do not have the background or knowledge to UNDERSTAND! I was so grateful to have been introduced to Elizabeth's site, which offers the 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast' that she publishes weekly, and that can be accessed for a nominal annual fee! I highly recommend her site, if you are highly sensitive to energy and would appreciate guidance and understanding about how best to utilize, rather than 'fall victim to' those energies.
So...again...beautiful validation as to the message that Mother Mary has brought forth for you today! Even as we are being pushed to 'walk our talk' and truly step onto our heart-centered path; we are also being advised that the Universe holds a bigger dream for us than we could even imagine for ourselves! Call upon Mother Mary to assist you in navigating your way through this energy of 'urgency' and to temperate it with a healthy dose of 'patience', in terms of how your dreams and desires will all play out! Just as a Mother sees the great potential in her child, so too does Mother Mary hold that vision of you!
Think back to situations in your past, where you had become frustrated with how life was not moving in the direction or timing that you felt it should; only to see later that the actual outcome was better than what you had been pushing for. Mother Mary is here for you on this day of magnificent potential, to envelop you and gift you with patience and trust in Divine timing, even as she appreciates your enthusiasm!
This is a powerful day of manifestation! Allow yourself to feel and be inspired! By all means, make plans and take action steps! Yet, surrender as to EXACTLY how your plans will play out...hold the knowing that the Universe is INDEED conspiring in your favour.
Blessed be...
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
The High Priestess ~ Archangel Haniel
This is your card reading for Wednesday, July 15th/15. Your card flipped out of the 'Angel Tarot Cards' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine. Your card is a major arcana card (one of 22 cards within the deck that deal with the major themes in our lives), 'The High Priestess ~ Archangel Haniel'. Doreen and Radleigh's message for the card is this:
"You drew this card because the answers you seek lie in your feelings and emotions. Trust your intuition and the power of your natural psychic abilities! Also, pay attention to your dreams and any intuitive messages you receive, as they're accurately guiding you.
There's no need to race into action right now, however. Instead, take time to gain more insight, since things may not be as they appear on the surface. Withdraw from the noise of daily life and ask for guidance from your angels and guides. Everything you need to know will be revealed to you in time; just have patience.
ADDITIONAL MEANINGS OF THIS CARD: Silence is golden. Study spiritual topics. Keep your dreams and desires to yourself. Learn from emotional situations.
ARCHANGEL HANIEL is the goddess-like angel of grace and feminine spirituality (such as intuition and clairvoyance). Like a true high priestess, Haniel will act as your spiritual teacher and advisor to aid you in discerning which feelings and ideas to follow as trustworthy guidance. Call upon Haniel to increase your clarity in connecting with the angels."
My message for you today is this:
As we head into the powerful manifestation energy of tomorrow's New Moon---which will be encouraging us to embrace and honour the intuitive aspect of ourselves---Archangel Haniel presents to support us in this. Haniel's name means 'Glory of God'. Many experience her aura as bluish-white in color, and a crystal said to align well with her energy is Moonstone. How beautifully synchronistic that she has offered her energy to us at this time of the New Moon! It is time to get CLEAR on what your intuition and Higher Self are directing you to do! We will be held in strong manifestation energy, so focus your attention upon what you wish to draw into your life. Yesterday, you were asked to release at the deepest level, what no longer serves you, in order to create the space to invite in what will now serve you. Trust in your emotions as guideposts as to how to best move forward. The pervading energies ask you to acknowledge your deepest desires and longings with clarity and intention. DO NOT doubt in your potential or the possibilities that will be offered you. As a friend and I discussed the other day, to set an INTENTION is much like planting a SEED, while understanding that we cannot orchestrate exactly how that seed will grow...that is for the Divine to determine! So...plant the seed, and nurture it by taking guided action and tending to it, but surrender to exactly how and when it will fully bloom!
We are impacted by the lunar energy of New and Full Moons on 24 hours either side of it's actual occurrence, and each New and Full Moon holds it's own unique qualities. In preparation for the peak of the New Moon tomorrow, begin today to set clear intentions for yourself and focus upon the POSITIVE. You will witness the seed that you have planted sprout and reveal itself to you in ways that you could not even imagine; if you continue to hold positive expectations and TRUST, ALLOW and BELIEVE in a magnificent outcome!
Blessed be...
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Surrender & Release
This is your card reading for Tuesday, July 14th/15. Your card slipped out of the 'Healing With the Angels' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'Surrender & Release'. and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"CARD MEANING: Let go, and allow God and the angels to help you. Everything that you release will either be replaced by something better, or will be returned to you healed...
When you hold on tightly to a part of your life that's not working, it has no room to heal. Whether you're unhappy with your love life, finances, career, home, or health, this card asks you to let go. If you hang on to these aspects of your life because of fears such as 'What if I can't find someone or something better?' then the situation will only worsen.
However, if you're willing to open your hands and allow the situation to be freed, one of two situations will occur: Either it will be washed away from you and replaced with a better situation, or the situation will heal in a miraculous way. By drawing this card, the angels ask you to try not to control the outcome of your troubling situation. Let go, and let God help you!"
My message for you today is this:
You may be like me, and prefer to use 'Creator' or 'Source', rather than 'God', in reference to the Divine. 'God' holds such varying connotations imposed by certain factions of humanity and religious sects, over time. The Divine is actually unconditional Love energy, and is present to support us...not to judge or control or punish we navigate our way through this physical experience. So, you will see me use 'Creator' or 'Source' or the 'Divine', rather than 'God', in reference to the 'All'.
The message for you today, as we head into the New Moon on Thursday this week---which will hold the energy of new and empowered beginnings---is to release that which no longer serves you at this juncture of your life, in order to make room for that which will! The extended message is that you are supported in doing so---cosmically and etherically, by the pervading energies and by your Spiritual 'team' of Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels and the Angelic Realm. Consider this analogy: Why struggle to carry a load when there is a wheelbarrow available to you? It is not necessary that you suffer and agonize when moving forward in your life. Allow yourself to be supported, just as a wheelbarrow would support you in carrying the load. In 'carrying that analogy further' (pun intended!), be sure to 'dump' the load that you have carried in your wheelbarrow, when the contents of your wheelbarrow have served their purpose for you. THAT is the energy of the day!
You may find yourself saying: 'But I have done so much releasement work already!' Know and understand that there are levels of releasement, and you are being asked to release at the deepest level at this time. Don't try to 'force' anything---notice that the word 'surrender' is also part of your message today.
As Elizabeth Peru states in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast' for today:
"The focus now is on personal freedom.
Personal freedom comes when we lovingly and openly look upon our past and any hurts in a reflective and non-judgmental way.
Right now you are recognizing, acknowledging and therefore, releasing any guilt or shame that binds and holds you back.
Simply focus on who you are in this moment with all your glorious soul's potential fully intact. Then use this potential today. Use it your way."
Perfectly stated!
Blessed be...
Monday, July 13, 2015
This is your card reading for Monday, July 13th/15. Your card slipped out of the 'Manifesting Wealth & Wisdom' oracle card deck, authored by my dear friend, Jaden Sterling. Your card is 'Signs', Jaden's message for the card is this:
"The Universe is reminding you that signs come in many different forms and will come more often when you ask.
ACTION: Ask the Universe to show you signs that you are on the right track regarding your question or situation.
Look for the creative ways the Universe answers your questions.
Acknowledge a sign when you receive it by recording it in a journal.
Be grateful when the signs come and for the information they bring."
My message for you today is this:
Spirit communicates with us in a myriad of ways---as unique as the individuals with which Spirit is communicating! The Divine WANTS to support us here in our Earthly embodied experience---be open and aware of that support being made available to you. Once you consciously open yourself to receiving signs and messages, you will often be in awe of how Spirit makes itself known to you.
My dear friend, that I was so happy to spend time with yesterday, is a highly VISUAL person, and so she 'sees' signs more than anything. Someone who is highly AUDITORY will likely experience signs from Spirit through hearing, primarily. And someone who is CLAIRISENTIENT, or a 'feeler' may receive signs through physical sensations for the most part. Regardless, the key is to TRUST, ALLOW and BELIEVE the signs when they are presented to you.
As Jaden states in his message, you can absolutely ASK for a sign. Then what you must do is SURRENDER into how Spirit will bring that sign to you. This past March, I asked Spirit to give me a CLEAR AND UNDENIABLE sign regarding a venture that is VERY close to my heart. It was integrally essential that I receive validation from Spirit that I was moving forward in the way that I was meant to, as this was a HUGE step for me. I then surrendered myself as to when and how this sign would be delivered. A couple of days later, I went down to the room in my home that is my personal sacred space and is where I conduct my consultations with clients. I had burned incense in the room when I was last in it, and the incense holder was sitting on my reading table. As I sat down, I saw a beautiful red leaf, about an inch tall, standing (stem down) at the end of the burnt incense stick! This was the beginning of March in Alberta, and in winter! We have a walk-out basement, and my room has a large window by my reading table, but the windows in our home had all been long closed up against the snow and cold and there was no 'logical' means of explaining how this real (and still supple) red leaf had found it's way to rest in my incense holder! I couldn't help but see it, also, because I would be moving my incense holder off my table and back to it's usual place in the room. AND my primary Spirit Guide's name is RED LEAF! Not only had Spirit orchestrated a beautiful validation for me that I WAS on the right track, I also understood the message that my Spirit Guides and Guardian Angels were supporting me in this undertaking! I sat and cried in deep gratitude for this perfectly delivered message and sign from Spirit that I could not have imagined into being! That amazing red leaf is now displayed in a small glass jar in my sacred space. It is dry and 'shriveled', and no longer supple; but it serves as a beautiful reminder for me that Spirit will find incredible ways to communicate with us if we ASK and are open to RECEIVING! I say 'Thanks', I say 'Amen'!
Understand that often times the signs that you receive will be subtle, and it is up to you to pay attention. When something draws your attention in the course of your day, such as: a phrase on a billboard as you drive by; a song on the radio; a conversation that you overhear in the check-out line that relates to something you have been 'wondering about'; certain number sequences; the appearance of a feather or a coin (or a leaf!) in an unexpected place; a cloud formation in the sky; an animal in a natural setting; a phone call from someone just as you were thinking of them; or any synchronistic event. These, and others, are the 'signs' that Spirit will employ in communicating with you. How do you know that it is indeed a 'sign'? It draws your attention and focus in the context of your busy day, and you simply have a 'knowing'. Always express gratitude to Spirit for the signs as they present. Gratitude is a powerful manifesting energy, and by expressing gratitude you let Spirit know that you have received and are open to receiving.
I would love to hear from you the ways in which Spirit has made itself known to you...
Your sharing will allow others to see the multitude of ways in which Spirit will relate to and support us here in the physical...
Blessed be...
Friday, July 10, 2015
Be Proud
This is your card reading for Friday, July 10th/15. Your card flew out of the 'Spirit Messages' deck, authored by John Holland. Your card is 'Be Proud', and John's message for the card is this:
"It's time to celebrate all that you've achieved, all that you are, and all that you will become! Every once in a while, it's important to stop and acknowledge what you've achieved and to be proud...
We are so proud of you. The Spirit World wants you to stop right now and listen! We want you to honour the hard work you've done and pat yourself on the back. Whether you've moved through a difficult or painful situation, achieved significant success at work, conquered a new skill, learned a favorite sport, or simply that you just let go of everything that was holding you back for your highest good, this card is letting you know how vital it is to honour and acknowledge yourself by feeling proud.
Pause for a few minutes and hold this card. Enjoy the moment while you bask in your own pride, as you let the warmth of that feeling wash over you; and as you do, you feel the sense of accomplishment and smile for the whole world to see. Right now it's all about celebrating your successes. Once again, be proud of how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go!"
My message for you today is this:
This message from Spirit is a beautiful way to close the week! Rather than 'hold this card', as John suggests in his message above, you may lay your hand upon the card in the image here; or simply gaze upon it for a moment, and allow yourself to bask in appreciation of SELF.
Some may say that to take pride in yourself and your accomplishments is 'self-serving'---you bet it is! It is important to honour yourself! Having a healthy attitude of self worth is crucial in approaching your life from an empowered and loving place! How can you TRULY love and honour others if you don't first love and honour yourself? Frankly, too often we spend our time in self-criticism and judgment; rather than in realizing and recognizing our accomplishments and successes. We attempt to keep ourselves small, so as not to seem too 'full of ourselves' or 'conceited'. There is a considerable difference in the energy behind being PROUD and being CONCEITED. Pride is energetically fuelled by self-worth; and conceit is energetically fuelled by a lack of self-worth. When you hold pride in yourself you are confident and positive in your approach to life and your endeavors. When you are boastful you are actually attempting to compensate for a lack of confidence and self-esteem.
So...BE PROUD and do so unashamedly! Take some moments today to pay tribute to YOU and all that you bring to the world! The world would not be the same without you in it and that is the TRUTH! The Divine views you as perfect, in all your imperfections! Afford yourself that same perspective.
Just for today, set aside those niggling little self-criticisms that you sometimes place upon yourself. Set aside any disappointments and even any hurts. Allow today to be about the positives that you have experienced, and reside in that energy. Choose today: to celebrate all that you are, all that you have been, and all that you will become! Honour YOU!
Blessed be...
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Freedom & Speak Your Truth
This is your card reading for Thursday, July 9th/15. Your cards flew out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your cards are 'Freedom' and 'Speak Your Truth', and Cheryl Lee's messages for the cards are:
"It's time to come out of your shell. This shell, which did serve you in the past to provide protection for your tender heart, is no longer needed. The time has come to begin to allow yourself true freedom. This world and your soul both need you to let your light and your heart shine. Allow the past to be the past and move forward in this present moment. Do this is small steps at first if you need to. Moving away from your protective shell means allowing others in---on a deeper level than you have been able to allow before."
~Speak Your Truth~
"It is time to speak your truth. You no longer need to hold back what you have to say for fear of what others may think. You are being asked to speak up and share your feelings, your wisdom, and whatever is on your mind. When you have something to say, yet hold your words back through fear, you create a blockage in your energy and life. Speak up.
What you have to say is important and worth being heard. If you are a public speaker or have a desire to speak publicly, this card encourages you to use your voice and claim your power."
My message for you today is this:
Your cards today are a beautiful compliment to one another. It has come up so much for us in 2015---in what I am calling the year of 'conscious action'---that we are meant to be expressing ourselves in an authentic and Soul inspired way. The energies of this time not only support, but encourage us to do so! This is due to our spiritual maturity and evolution that urges us to share who we ARE with the world for the betterment of All. We have come to the understanding that to be SENSITIVE is a gift, rather than a detriment. Humanity, as a collective truly is moving toward acceptance of individuality rather than conformity. Yes...we are doing so gradually, but if you look around you you will see the ways in which change HAS been occurring, even incrementally. You can do your part to effect this change by having the courage to be vulnerable by choosing to speak your truth and also by 'walking your talk'. Stop hiding from the World! This does NOT imply that you should IMPOSE your viewpoints and ideologies on others, but rather that you be open and willing to SHARE them when opportunities arise to do so. Due to the prevailing SHIFT that we are in, you will find that you become increasingly uncomfortable whenever you fail to do so. Whereas you may have been able to 'bury' or withhold your true feelings in the past, in order to ensure that you remain anonymous or 'safe' or even in order to conform; you will now find that there is an undeniable urgency within you to express your TRUE SELF. You are not imagining this! The spiritual growth that you have accrued compels you to be true to yourself in every way!
When you do so, you inspire and encourage others to do the same for themselves. You are indeed free to speak your truth and to share yourself with the world! While this may not have been the case in the past (both in this lifetime, as well as in past lifetimes) it IS the case for you now... Embrace this time and opportunity.
Blessed be...
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
No card reading today---Wednesday, July 8th/15
There will be no card reading today, Wednesday, July 8th/15. Visit here tomorrow for your card reading for Thursday.
Blessings to you,
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
White Tara ~ Sensitivity
This is your card reading for Tuesday, July 7th/15---a '22' Master Day in numerology. Your card slipped out of the 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'White Tara ~ Sensitivity', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"You are becoming increasingly sensitive. Avoid harsh relationships, environments, situations, and chemicals...
MESSAGE FROM WHITE TARA ~ As you've purified your inner world of thoughts, actions, and intentions, it's natural that you seek purity in your outer world as well. This is to acknowledge your heightened sensitivity, which is as real as it seems! You've stripped away the outer protective layers of unneeded defenses, which blocked your psychic and spiritual awareness. Now you're on the path of ascension, which calls for your heightened awareness. And with this awareness comes new levels of sensitivity to the impure and harsh. Your body is a trustworthy instrument of measurement of your tolerance level. Steer clear of that which your body signals you to avoid. Take excellent care of your body, and it shall serve you well!
ABOUT WHITE TARA ~ White Tara is an aspect of Tara, a female Buddha and Hindu Mother Creator. The many female faces of the Buddha and Mother Creator are represented as various colors of Tara. White Tara represents purity, maturity, and compassion. The eyes on her hands, feet and forehead allow her to be aware of all prayers. She helps us live long and peaceful lives."
My message for you today is this:
As we are becoming more attuned with our Spiritual selves, we are aware that this physical body is a beautiful instrument gifted to us to house our Soul during this lifetime. I loved and appreciated how my friend, Jaden Sterling, stated in his presentation at a recent event that he co-hosted, "If you don't take care of your physical body, then where are YOU going to live?" How true! When you honour your physical body---the body temple, as some refer to it---you also honour your Soul. There is a reason that so many new 'sensitivities' and 'allergies' are making themselves known to us at this time. We ARE becoming more 'sensitive', as we consciously open ourselves to the energies that surround us. Excellent health is our NATURAL state of being. Yet, our bodies react to the stimulus and environments that we are exposed to. We are becoming increasingly aware of this and can therefore choose to be conscious about caring for the body temple.
White Tara has presented for us today as a reminder that our body is our temple. She will assist us in taking the necessary steps to honour our bodies and to live a healthy lifestyle.
Your increased sensitivity is a GIFT from the Divine---yet learning to navigate your way through these increased sensitivities can feel challenging at times. Many people have been struggling with increased weight gain as a means of 'protecting' themselves from the sensitivities they have been experiencing. No self-judgment here---but White Tara has presented to let you know that there are other healthier means by which to manage your increased sensitivity. Open yourself up to the knowing that 'you are in perfect health' and then be aware of what the Universe presents to you in terms of opportunities that will serve your pursuit of optimal health. Perhaps a friend asks you to attend a yoga class with her. Perhaps you 'just happen upon' a book or some information about nutrition that you feel drawn to read about. Look to the ways that Spirit will communicate with you and direct you to living your best life. It is not necessary to 'stifle' your increased sensitivity, but rather to learn how best to embody it. You are meant to be a sensitive Soul...embrace that and strive at the same time to take care of the beautiful gift of physicality that you have been given...
Blessed be...
Monday, July 6, 2015
Unexpected Visitor
This is your card reading for Monday, July 6th/15. Your card whirled out of the 'Enchanted Map' card deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid. Your card is 'Unexpected Visitors', and Colette's message for the card is this:
"If you expect the unexpected, you'll be prepared for miracles...
Detours, surprises, and paradigm shifts...expect the unexpected No matter how detailed your plans are, and how clear you believe the road ahead to be, there are times when the best plans are waylaid by unforeseen circumstances. At first, detours may seem inconvenient, but a surprise turn of events signals that the adventure of life is beginning to get interesting. No one can plan synchronicity---for fate and destiny to meet---except Spirit, who knows what you can't comprehend for now. Life is full of surprises, so stay on your toes and enjoy this exciting new adventure you weren't expecting. There is a plan for your life that may not match up with your agenda."
My message for you today is this:
Let me tell you...I can most certainly relate to the message that Colette has for your card today! Ever since the Spring Solstice, my personal life/family life has been the epitome of 'unforeseen circumstances'! All good things---but circumstances that were often changing on a daily basis, and that have impacted my own life situation in a very significant way! The life circumstances and spontaneous decisions that have been made over the past few months by my adult 'children' and their spouses have significantly impacted my life also! One such example is our sudden decision to make a trip to Brazil recently to attend our daughter's civil marriage ceremony in Sao Paulo! All of this came up very suddenly and unexpectedly! I also could not have foreseen that our son and daughter-in-law---living in Brazil for the past 4 years---would be moving back to Canada this past Spring, and significantly shifting their career and life strategy in moving forward!
I firmly believe that the Divine guides us through synchronistic events that we could not orchestrate on our own behalf, because we do not have the omnipotent vision that Spirit holds for us. It has felt these past months as though each day has presented a new possibility for how my life is 'playing out'...and so, this reformed 'control freak' has been doing my best to flow freely with the changes that abound! I have had a strong sense that---even as I sometimes struggle to keep up with the magnitude of changing circumstances---'things are happening as they are for a reason'.
So, the message for you (and for me) today is to embrace the unexpected that presents in your life and to know that the Divine is somehow co-ordinating certain situations that are in your best interest in the long run---even though you may feel off-kilter, at times. Settle in to the knowing that we here in the physical can't always see the 'big picture'. Understand that some of your greatest blessings and miracles come to be through 'detours, surprises, and paradigm shifts', as Colette expresses in her message.
The Truth is, the only certainty is in the present moment. This does not imply that you are to see yourself as a martyr---merely existing and submitting to the whims of what is happening around you! We humans were gifted with Free Will, which means that we can choose the perspective that we will embody in navigating our way through the situations that present to us. Life is indeed, an adventure---you can choose to take on that perspective, or you can choose to be fearful of the unknown. I was recently reminded of a quote that I had displayed in my home some years ago, when my life situation was undergoing dramatic change: 'May my Spirit flow freely down the river of change'. I love that quote, and find it to be calming and reassuring! Perhaps, when you find that your boat is rocking, it will serve as a reminder to you, also, that change is inevitable and the only thing that you can control is how you choose to move through it. Think back to past times in your life when you have had to 'shoot the rapids' and how you discovered the blessings awaiting you in the calm waters later. The boat you were in, always kept you afloat, didn't it? Remember that you are so supported by the Divine and by your Spiritual advisors. Call upon them to assist you in moving through life with ease and grace...and to embrace the blessing that those 'unexpected visitors' bring to you!
Blessed be...
Friday, July 3, 2015
Bast ~ Unified Strength
This is your card reading for Friday, July 3rd/15. Your card flipped out of the 'Awakening of the Divine' goddess oracle card deck, authored by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes. Your card is 'Bast ~ Unified Strength', and Velva Dawn's message for the card is this:
"Do you feel called to work together as a team to work for victory? Are you ready to let go of the old paradigms where there is only one winner on the podium? Is now the time for you to use your strength to follow through with that step in a decision that has been whispering to you for a while now?
Bast is an Egyptian goddess who represents strength, independence, and wisdom. She strives to forge forward and overcome any and all obstacles that she may encounter on her path of her true-life purpose. Bast has the qualities of a cat, independent and strong.
This card is an affirmation to you that it's time to make that move that you have been waiting to. Bast is here to affirm that it is the right divine time to move ahead with that change in your life. She will support you energetically and will align all of the resources you will need to move through this change with ease and grace. When you release the old you will amplify your inner strength and trust. Please know that you are never walking alone as the goddesses will illuminate your path.
You are a leader moving forward showing others that it's possible to achieve your dreams when you follow through with your intentions and create healthy boundaries for yourself to achieve these goals. When you trust your intuition and follow your heart's desires you will amplify your own light within which will illuminate the light for others to follow their own goals and desires. We need to come together supporting one another in achieving a collective union of dreams lighting up the planet with the presence of collective victory.
CRYSTAL HEALING: You may wish to place the brown tiger's eye crystal upon your solar plexus chakra to balance your independence between Mother Earth and Father Sky.
AFFIRMATION: I am strong and I am supported by the divine feminine. I am a leader of love and enlightenment. I chose the path of spiritual expansion feeling a deep sense of peace within."
My message for you today is this:
This card is perfect as coalition of the messages that have presented for you this week. You are aware that the energetic Shift that we are undergoing as a collective, is moving us away from the old competitive paradigm to a new cooperative paradigm societally. We are bringing to light the conscious awareness of our 'ONENESS' and that we are inherently connected to one another. Therefore, what happens to one, in some way impacts another.
We are realizing that in striving to live our best life, this inspires and encourages others to strive for the same and positively impacts those around us. We understand that it is not 'selfish' to seek to live a heart-centred, Soul driven life---rather, it is empowering to All. We also are coming to the understanding that the Universe is ABUNDANT, with more than enough for All. We are moving out of the old 'dog eat dog' paradigm, into the knowing that someone having or achieving something in no way intimates that we will have to do without. Our old viewpoint of 'lack and scarcity' IS being rigorously challenged during this powerful time of change that we are undergoing collectively. The Shift has been the underlying reason for the radical adjustments that we have been experiencing here on Earth, especially since 2012 and more recently, since the Spring Solstice. These adjustments will obviously be ongoing for some time, but keep in mind that we ARE progressing, and that you chose to be here at this time of accelerated growth, spiritually and societally!
The most effective way to move with ease and grace through all of the changes that are occurring is to express yourself authentically from your Soul. Use the gifts that the Divine has bestowed upon you to make the world a better place. You need not make yourself known on a global scale in order to affect a positive change. The message for you today is that what you do in your own backyard, impacts others in ways that you cannot even begin to imagine, due to the ONENESS of the ALL. Support and encourage others to express their best selves out into the world also, with the understanding that each person is unique in their expression, so in truth, there IS NO such thing as 'competition'.
The energy is such at this time that you are beyond supported in, as Elizabeth Peru of DeltaWaves states in her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast: "Bringing in new ideas and concepts; acting on your inner brilliance; meetings and pitches; open and clear conversations; following through from your heart; being expressive with no holding back."
So, strive to live your life in a conscious way, with the INTENTION that the world is better off, having you in it---because it is!
Blessed be...
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Taking Action
This is your card reading for Thursday, July 2nd/15---the day of this enlightening Full Moon whose energy is exceptionally influenced by the pinnacle conjunction of Venus and Jupiter!
Your card flipped out of the 'Gateway Oracle' card deck, authored by Denise Linn. Your card is 'Taking Action', and Denise's message for the card is this:
"I enthusiastically embrace life's boundless possibilities...
CARD MEANING: Don't hesitate! Whatever you've been putting off, now is the time to act. Stand tall, raise your fists to the sky, and leap into action. Break out the champagne, for victory is in reach.
THE UNIVERSE WANTS YOU TO KNOW: Action creates momentum. Whatever you have been wishing and waiting for, this is the right time to move forward without looking back. Quicken your spirit by taking action now. Even if you have to face your fears in order to do so, look them in the eye with a calm and clear gaze and forge ahead. The action you take now will reap immense rewards in the future.
QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF: In what area of my life should I take action now? What blocks me from acting, and how can I overcome this? What is the most direct action that will yield the greatest results?"
My message for you today is this:
Wow! What amazing incentive this Full Moon energy is offering us in taking action to express ourselves as Lightworkers! We have come to a place in our spiritual growth and spiritual maturity that we now understand we need not look OUTWARD and compare ourselves to others, or attempt to emulate how other Lightworkers shine their Light. Our mission is to emanate our own unique Light in our own unique way! The current energy is that of excited anticipation and an urgency to 'walk our talk'---that being the 'talk' that your Soul is speaking to you. You may find that you have a heightened sense of despondency or disappointment directed at your Self, at times when you fail to express yourself authentically or place yourself in situations that do not resonate with who you TRULY ARE. Whereas in the past, placing yourself in such situations or circumstances or relationships could be uncomfortable, yet 'brushed aside'; you have now come to a place, spiritually, where your Soul will not easily tolerate anything that is out of alignment with your authentic expression of SELF. If ever you find yourself engaged in activities or interactions which are not in sync with your own personal energetic vibration and embodiment of Light, you will know! Do not step into self judgment...see the feeling of disappointment, guilt or shame as indicators that you have strayed from your own best interests and make the necessary adjustments. In other words, use your emotions as 'guideposts', as Panache Desai would say, to bring you back to the path that your Soul has intended for you. Your Soul recognizes that you have chosen to be here at this time of amazing opportunity for acting on the heart-centered, Soul driven way of being, and the energy of this particular Full Moon today is the wonderful culmination of cosmic energies that have been building to encourage you to 'take action' in that direction!
Typically, Full Moon energy encourages releasement of that which no longer serves us...this spectacular Full Moon has been building since Solstice and is actually ACTION oriented. Can you feel the vibe of possibility and potential and possitivity? The Universe is cosmically inspiring you to be the Lightworker than you came to Earth to be...bask in the light of the Full Moon this evening and feel the incredible support that is being made available to you. The Divine sees your Light---the time has come to take the necessary action in sharing it with the world as only you can!
Blessed be...
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
We are back from Brazil, where we attended our beautiful daughter, Chelsea's, civil marriage ceremony! We now officially have a wonderful new son-in-law, Eduardo, whom we have grown to love, also! Feeling blessed to have witnessed this momentous occasion in our daughter's life, and to welcome Eduardo into our family with joyous anticipation of their future life together!
AND...Happy Canada Day!!!
The card for your reading today zipped out of the 'Return to Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Vibrational', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Some souls come to the earth plane to simply experience life. Their lives focus on personal interactions---not on the betterment of the planet or on humanity itself. You, however, are not one of those souls. You have incarnated for a much bigger reason. The core energy of who you are and the vibrational field you carry, has a profound effect on all those with whom you come in contact. You may already be aware of this---or you may not.
There is nothing you need to do to make your energy stronger, better or higher in frequency. It does not need to be adjusted, altered, or activated. It already is all of those things. By believing that your energy needs to be improved, you are actually limiting the force and flow of it with thoughts of lack.
You did not come to this earth to improve your energy. You have come to this earth to use your energy! You are an energetic powerhouse and the Vibrational card has come to remind you of this.
You have the ability to effect and uplift the energy of anyone you come in contact with. Spirit is asking that you place your awareness on this. You, and the energy you hold, is intended to aid and benefit your fellow human. In your own unique way, through whatever it is you do, your energy makes an important and valuable contribution to this planet.
It is time for you to claim your energy and the power you hold. By focusing on how you use it and how it affects others, you are aligning your field to its intended purpose---to make a lasting and positive change in the lives of others."
My message for you today is this:
It is ironic how Lightworkers---those beautiful Souls who are here on the Earth at this time for the betterment of humanity as a collective---are often the ones who most intensely doubt their own worthiness. These Souls frequently are extremely self-critical and hold themselves to very high standards that would be impossible for anyone here in the physical to meet. 'How could I POSSIBLY be a Lightworker?' they ask, when I have been less than perfect in so many aspects of my life? The truth is, that there is NO SUCH THING AS PERFECTION when you choose to be embodied in this physical reality! To hold yourself to such standards is simply beyond ridiculous! The other absolute Truth is that the Divine sees you as PERFECT, even in all of your IMPERFECTIONS. These same Lightworkers tend to be very forgiving of the imperfections in others, and even seek to support and assist others in moving through the challenges in their lives without judgment or criticism. Yet they do not afford themselves that same allowance.
The Vibrational card has presented for you today to remind you that your presence---your vibrational presence---is a gift to the world! This does not imply that you have lived every aspect of your life without having experienced pain, regret, shame, guilt, jealousy, or any of the other emotions that some label as 'lower energy' (when in truth, all emotions are simply 'energy in motion'). The variance in the totality of your life experiences is what allows you to hold understanding and compassion for the challenges that ALL face in choosing to be embodied here on Earth. Acknowledge the Divine spark of Light within you and know that you have agreed to share your own unique vibrational cadence as a healing force here on Earth. How this is expressed is unique to you and may only be offered through you. Step out of the expectation that being a Lightworker implies having lived an exemplary life and a life beyond redemption---quite the opposite! It is usually those who have pulled themselves back from the depths of 'darkness' who have the brightest Light to share! How do you best shine your Light? It's simple---allow your Light to emanate from you and stop dimming it! It is TIME to be all that you are here to be, in every nuance and expression! Understand that NO ONE else can bring what YOU have to share, vibrationally, to this Earth plane!
Shine on, Lightworker!
Blessed be...
Eduardo & Chelsea
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