Friday, May 29, 2015
Intuitive Nudges
This is your card reading for Friday, May 29th/15. Your card skimmed out of 'The Spirit Messages' card deck, authored by John Holland. Your card is 'Intuitive Nudges' and John's message for the card is this:
"Intuition is the language of the soul. We are all born aware with a profound sense of inner knowing. Intuition is one of the greatest gifts we possess, which keeps us connected to our higher selves, the Universe, and to our Divine Spirit...
This card comes forth at this time because we here in the Spirit World hear your request for an answer. We ask you not only to seek guidance from us, but also to listen to your natural intuition that is sending you nudges. The answer is already waiting for you.
You were born intuitive---everyone is! As life has a way of adding ever-increasing layers and years of responsibility to your physical world, it's often hard to peel back those layers so you can feel, sense, and know when an answer arrives. We ask you to trust and embrace what you're physically feeling as your body works in partnership with your intuition. Be aware of your dreams, synchronistic signs, books that may come to you, people entering your life, or even numbers that keep reappearing. These are intuitive nudges. Once you learn to trust your intuition, you will see yourself and the world in a way you never thought possible!"
My message for you today is this:
We are naturally intuitive beings---as John alluded to in his message to you---we often lose touch with this part of ourselves, or are not consciously aware of it, as we are inundated with external stimuli in moving throughout our lives. It seems that, the more 'mired down' we are by life circumstances, the more disconnected we become with the intuitive aspect of ourselves. Yet, your intuition is your most accurate means of navigating your way through your life, and it is at times of trial and tribulation that we REALLY need to tune in to what Spirit is communicating to us! Rather than DENY what you are FEELING as you strive to make your way through the day, why not ask what your emotions are striving to convey to you? Feeling ticked off? Ask yourself what is underlying that. You KNOW that it is probably not the circumstance in the present moment that is causing your anger---and if you are feeling rage, then it is definitely a build up of experiences that has brought you to feel that. So, rather than attempt to squash your rage, take a look at it, and see it for the messenger that it is for you. It is here to motivate change within your life. If you find yourself feeling rage, it is because something has not been 'sitting well with your Soul' for some time in your life and you are being pushed to the point of changing it! Unless you make the unconscious choice to just squash your rage and continue on in the same way of being---then the rage will continue to build inside you until it will likely explode out of you in a way that will serve no one, most especially you! The point here, is to step out of judgment about the feelings that you experience and see them as guideposts offered up to you by your intuitive self. I use the emotion of rage as an example, because it is an emotion that is commonly judged heavily, when it is really just 'energy in motion' as all emotions are (as spiritual mentor, Panache Desai, is known to state). RAGE is not 'bad' in and of itself. It is what you DO with that energy...the action that you take because of experiencing it...that determines whether you will UTILIZE this energy to affect needed change within your life, or allow this energy to overwhelm you to further detriment. The truth is that we are often reluctant to move out of what is familiar, even when it has become uncomfortable to us...we need to become MORE than uncomfortable before we will move toward necessary change. Rage can be a beautiful motivator to affect change within our lives, as well as in the collective. Recall how RAGE was the motivating energy behind such monumental historical
changes in society such as the abolition of slavery in the United States---Martin Luther King absolutely strove to incite rage in the masses as a means to end slavery!
Your intuition speaks to you through your emotions, as well as how you feel in your body (emotion is often experienced through our physical). Sadness will bring us to tears; anger will cause our blood pressure to rise; love will 'warm our heart'; joy will cause us to laugh; and on it goes. Make the conscious effort to pay attention to how your emotions and your body are conveying the messages of your intuitive self to you, and trust in this! By acknowledging---rather than attempting to squash or deny---your emotions, you make the empowered choice about how you will employ this information in navigating your way more
consciously and EFFECTIVELY through your life... Your intuition is a gift...use it to enhance your life in every way!
Blessed be...
My apologies for not posting your card reading yesterday!
My apologies for not getting your card reading posted yesterday (May 28th)...
I began my day with an early morning 2 hour Skype call to Shanghai, China (a 14 hour time difference!) with my daughter-in-law's brother and his girlfriend, who are currently living and working in Shanghai. They have their Masters degrees in graphic design, and they are assisting me with a project that I have been holding close to my heart for some months now. So...I got inspired and a little off track yesterday, and the day just flew by! Thank you for your understanding...
Blessings to you,
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
This is your card reading for Wednesday, May 27th/15. Your card sprung out of the 'Awakening of the Divine' goddess card deck, authored by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes.
Your card is 'Hestia ~ Eternal Light', and Velva Dawn's message for the card is this:
"Do you recognize the eternal light in others? Is your own eternal light shining brightly or have you dimmed your light due to fear? Are you ready to burn away old past life patterns of being one in harmony? Do you still have some past life fear of allowing your light to be seen and your wisdom to be heard?
Hestia is a Greek goddess known as the keeper of the flame. She is a virgin goddess of the hearth, home and chastity. She is the daughter of Rhea and Cronus and sister to Zeus. Her symbols are the hearth and the kettle.
Hestia's message to all is that it's time to burn away the ancient veil that has been keeping the eternal flame sacred and invisible to others. She is inviting you to give her permission to burn away all that was symbolically placed over the origin of the flame of the eternal light. It is now time to connect to this eternal flame that is connected to the origin of all life. This flame lies deep within the core of our Divine mother.
This card may come as an affirmation to you that now is the time to accept your role as a light bearer for the human collective. You may have been getting messages that its time to let your light shine brightly for all to see your authentic self. No more dimming your light, letting others control your decisions and thoughts. You are a strong leader and it's time to share your love with the divine.
Your solar plexus chakra (power center) represents your hearth within. Now is the time to remember your infinite connection to the eternal light and feel the strong expansion of your power center as you ignite your own eternal light from the source of Hestia. Don't be afraid to shine brightly so that other light bearers can step forward connecting to the infinite circle of light. This will in turn invite others to come out of the darkness trusting infinitely that they are safe in this lifetime.
It is time to come out of hiding. Mother Earth needs all of us to accept our role in lifting the darkness and embracing the trust in the light. We will use our past life wisdom as tools for teaching others to expand and awaken in the light. Hestia is inviting anyone who isn't yet awakened to stand in the circle of light releasing his or her fear and feeling the support of oneness.
You can also use the visual of the flame to burn away any fear that you have of allowing your wisdom and light to be seen and heard by others. Doing this visual during a full moon using the girasol quartz crystal upon your solar plexus chakra will burn away the veil of fear within.
CRYSTAL: Girasol Quartz
My message for you today is this:
Fire is dispells the darkness, literally! Fire has long been utilized as a tool for 'releasing' and 'clearing' in order to allow for resurrection or to create the space for the 'new' to come in. Recall the well known quote about the Phoenix rising from the ashes.
Fire is transformative. And the spark of Divinity that is within you resides in your Solar Plexus Chakra---the control center of your body.
Today, align with that Divine spark and visualize it expanding within you and then emanating from your body. Share your LIGHT!
Interesting how this card presented for you a week prior to the Full Moon on June 2nd...see this as an opportunity to approach the energy of that Full Moon (in Sagittarius) with the intention of releasing fully that which holds you back from fully shining your Light...
Blessed be...
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
No card reading today...
There will be no card reading today...check back here tomorrow for a card reading though!
Blessings to you,
Monday, May 25, 2015
'Empowering Yourself Through the Akashic Records™' dates are set!
YAY! YAY! YAY! The dates are set! 'Empowering Yourself Through the Akashic Records™' Levels 1 & 2 will be held on Thursday, June 18th & Friday, June 19th/15 and FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER you will have the opportunity to complete the course in a short period of time, with Level 3 and Practitioner on Monday, June 22nd & Tuesday, June 23rd/15. These two course components occur on either side of the the Summer Equinox on June 21st/15! Divine timing! I am excited! One of my recent spiritual mentors, Panache Desai, has been speaking to the importance of the equinoxes in this year of action (I am calling it the year of 'conscious action') as portals for spiritual growth and development. Space for this course is honestly limited, and I will not have the opportunity to share this course with you again until Nov./15, so if you feel called to this, do not delay! You may choose to take Levels 1 & 2 only and then take Level 3 & Practitioner at a later date, if that is what works for you. Check out my website:, click on 'Courses' on the sidebar, and scroll down to the 'Empowering Yourself Through the Akashic Records™' course for more information. Take advantage of the Early Bird Pricing. This is a powerful and EMPOWERING time to be pursuing this together, and I am beyond excited to share in this experience with you!
Blessings to you,
This is your card reading for Monday, May 25th/15. Your card dropped to the floor from the 'Messages From Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue (this was the first deck that Doreen ever published and the first deck that I owned). Your card today is 'Isabella', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Yes, the timing is right for this new venture. A happy outcome follows your positive expectations...
ADDITIONAL MESSAGE: In answer to your question, yes, this situation is everything you hoped it would be. It is still a good idea to keep your eyes open and pray for angelic assistance along the way. Even ideal situations require adjustments as you move forward. However, we angels foresee smooth sailing with this decision.
The opportunity is even more favorable because of the timing. Several pieces of the puzzle have now fallen into place. You have also learned some invaluable lessons that have prepared you. Your patience has paid off, and and now it is time for you to reap the rewards. Take bold steps, while listening to the wise guidance of your heart as you move forward fearlessly."
My message for you today is this:
This message is coming through strongly for you today---DO NOT get caught up in the SPECIFICS of how your desired outcome comes to be, or in the timing of it. KNOW that even greater than what you have desired for yourself is on it's way to you and your 'job' in all of this is to SURRENDER to the possibilities that are being brought to you. Remember that 'surrender' does not imply inactivity or passivity. In this instance, it means to surrender to the Universal flow that is available to you and to move WITH it, in harmony with it. The fish that is swimming with the current of the river, rather than against it, is still in action and is moving forward, but with greater ease than when it attempts to swim against the current. Utilize the energies, opportunities, and synchronicities that are being presented to support and assist you...knowing that you must be aware and open in order to recognize these opportunities. These opportunities may come in 'disguise'---meaning not in the form that you had imagined or 'scripted' for yourself. Sometimes synchronistic events seem to be unrelated to what we desire to bring into our lives, so be cognizant and aware. I met unexpectedly, a person who I now know will be pivotal in assisting me in bringing to completion a project that I have been holding close to my heart for some time now. I had been 'asking' for just such a person to present for me, but I could not have guessed the circumstances of how that would happen! And then, that same person was unexpectedly present again at an event that I attended shortly thereafter, as validation from the Divine that my instincts about connecting with her for my project were correct. is up to me to take the action required in contacting her formally to take my project to the next level. So:
I had a desired outcome (the perfect person to assist me with the next phase of my project);
the Universe brought that person to me in Divine timing (this DID NOT happen just as soon as I made request...I had spent quite some time in researching this, and had recently decided to 'surrender' to it, because I hadn't yet come across what felt 'right'); and then my 'gut feeling' about her was validated when our paths crossed again; and now it is up to me to take the guided action, which is to approach her with my project. I will further share with you that 'Isabella' is the name of one of my Guardian Angels, and so the card today is just further validation of the Divine connection I have with this person, and that my Guardian Angel is giving my moving forward with this project her blessing. Do you see how this works?
Whatever it is that comes to mind for you today, surrender into it, with the knowing that it is on it's way to you. 'Surrender' in the way that I have described above---let's call it 'actively surrendering'! Then, be cognizant of how the Divine and the Universal forces communicate with you. Know that your Guardian Angels are there with you supporting you. Ask for assistance from the Divine and it will be given! (I am in gratitude to you, Isabella! <3)
Blessed be...
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Upcoming Course Dates for 'Empowering Yourself Through the Akashic Records™' in June 2015
Upcoming course dates being offered in June 2015, for 'Empowering Yourself Through the Akashic Records™' ~
Levels 1 & 2...
Life has been happily frenetic with family since our return home from Arizona in early May, but I have now determined some dates that I am able to offer this 2 day course that is positively a key part of my purpose to teach! It is unlikely that I will have the opportunity to teach this course again until late Fall (November).
There have been requests for this course and I have also been feeling a deep, heartfelt URGING to share it! So the potential dates are:
~ Thursday, June 18th/15 and Friday, June 19th/15
~ Saturday, June 20th/15 and Sunday, June 21st/15 (this is Father's Day, just so you know...)
~ Monday, June 22nd/15 and Tuesday, June 23rd/15
~ AND, although this is not a preferred date for me, if it had to be on a weekend for students and the Father's Day weekend couldn't work, then I would consider Saturday, June 13th/15 and Sunday, June 14th/15.
Although I have not done so previously, it is even conceivable that I may teach all four levels over the course of 4 days in the time frame offered above, so let me know if that interests you.
It is so JOYFUL for me to teach this course and to witness others step into their own empowerment! Check out my website:, click on the 'Courses' page on the sidebar, and scroll down through the courses to find the Akashic Records courses information.
Private message me here to register, or for more information. You can also email me at
We do have limited space to offer students to stay here overnight for a small fee. You will be given all details about accommodation and food once you register.
I warm-heartedly look forward to our time together!
Blessings to you,
Friday, May 22, 2015
Cosmos of the Heart
This is your card reading for Friday, May 22nd/15. Your card flipped out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Cosmos of the Heart', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"You are now being called to embark on a new path in your journey. This is an inner path. It is the path of your Heart. It is here where you are discovering your greatest strength of all---that deep connection to your Higher Self and inner guidance. Others may be surprised by your choices. They may even react strongly to them. Do not allow this to stop you. Send those individuals loving energy and continue on letting your Heart direct the way. Take note of the synchronistic events occurring around you as life unfolds in its own divine way."
My message for you today is this:
The photo of your card today was taken with one of my treasured Amethyst crystal pieces that was gifted to me by my husband...can you see the calcite upside down heart on the upper right hand side of this piece? I refer to Amethyst as the 'harmony stone', because it's vibration is calming and reassuring. When you follow the true guidance of your heart, which is where Divine love resides, you will feel a calmness and 'knowing' that you are doing what is right for you---perhaps you will feel this in 'symphony' with some trepidation about the HOW of moving forward, but you will KNOW in your HEART that this is truly right for you!
That is your message today. Only YOU know what is in your heart, and it is up to you to honour that. Do you best to trust in what you FEEL in your heart, and then take guided action when opportunities and synchronistic events are presented to you that will take you in the direction that your heart and Soul is striving for. Employ the energy of Amethyst and it's calming, yet high vibration energy to assist you, by having Amethyst in your space or wearing it (particularly over your heart chakra). Surrender as to trying to orchestrate how your heart-felt desires will transpire, but DO take the necessary action as the Universe presents opportunities to you. Remember that others may not initially understand your path, but that is okay---it is YOUR path, after all. Be the trailblazer in your own life. The only true regret is to not have lived your life FULLY, and to have allowed your fear OR the fear of others to hold you back from doing just that. Dare greatly! Follow your heart!
Blessed be...
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Deep Freeze
This is your card reading for Thursday, May 21st/15. Your card is from 'The Enchanted Map' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid---I purchased this deck at her event, 'Messages From Spirit', that I attended on May 19th, in Calgary. Your card, that literally bolted out of the deck, is 'Deep Freeze'. I had Colette draw and sign a card for me at the book signing/photo session following the event (an awesome idea that my sister-in-law, Rita, came up with when we attended one of Colette's events together in Phoenix, AZ a few years ago)---this serves as a sort of 'mini-reading'. If you look carefully at the card in the photo, you will see Colette's 'signature' in the upper right corner---yes---this is the card that she drew for me and that she gave me a brief message about! I had gone through the very same procedure this morning to prep the deck for your reading that I always do, and I shuffled the deck thoroughly, so I find it beautifully synchronistic that this card presented for you today, as well! I therefore trust that this message will resonate with those who come across it! Colette's message for this card is:
"Everything has its season. Now is the time to put activity on hold while you rest...
The cold winter beckons you to slow down and put a 'freeze' on things that are not yet ready to bloom. It's time for regeneration and hibernation. Forgo ambitious activity. A 'pregnant pause' allows ideas to gestate; projects to shift and change; and relationships to go through a dreamy state of being, not going anywhere---not needing to.
This is also a time to put all your arguments on ice. Nothing beneficial will come away from any of them. Self-care is the most important activity reflect, read a good book, or get a massage. Rest and dream."
My message for you today is this:
When Colette pulled this card for me, my friends and I couldn't help but laugh out loud at the accuracy of it! I had, on our drive into Calgary, appreciated the loving support of my dear friends as I literally RANTED about the constant state of 'overwhelm' that I had been feeling over recent weeks as I juggled to keep multiple plates spinning in the air regarding circumstances in our family. Add to that, that I have been feeling a very STRONG URGING to get on with some creative projects that are very close to my heart regarding my spiritual work, and well---that's why Colette intuited that I may be in need of some rest! Yet, having the chance to rant (release the tension I was feeling) to my friends, and feeling their loving understanding and support without the need to 'fix' anything (because they can't---the circumstances just are what they are right now), shifted something in me, to the point that I felt the feeling of 'overwhelm' drop away. I went from feeling overwhelmed and exhausted to shifting my perspective to just taking one step at a time, rather than running the whole race in my head before I even left the starting blocks! I realized, as I told my story, that I had been needlessly exhausting myself by placing pressure on myself to achieve everything at once, and that some of my 'projects' were actually in gestation. I will have the time and opportunity to address the spiritual projects I am so excited about in the near future---the Universe knows all about Divine timing and so I need to relax and allow the 'ideas to gestate', as Colette says in her message. Those projects are merely in a state of 'pregnant pause' right now, and that is okay...
I share this with you, to illustrate that 'rest' can mean a whole lot of things in our lives. Sometimes it simply means to shift our perspective or means of approaching the circumstances that life is presenting to us at the time. Sometimes it means releasing the tension of the feeling of overwhelm in whatever way works for you (and taking the time to do so, even when your mind will tell you that you don't have the time---you really do!):
taking a sea salt bath; laying for 10 minutes in the rejuvenating 'legs up the wall' yoga pose;
going for a walk in a natural setting; having a Reiki treatment and/or massage; speaking with a loving, supportive friend... You get the idea...give yourself the gift within the chaos, of stepping out of the chaos momentarily, in order to rest and refuel---and allow yourself to be fully in the moment when you do so! Rest in the knowing that you have 'time enough'...because in reality, you do! It is only our overactive minds that would have us believe differently. Hibernate...even if it must be a brief hibernation. You will be all the more productive and positive when you gift yourself with this.
Blessed be...
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Great night with Colette Baron-Reid!
I am so GRATEFUL to have spent an amazing evening with my dear friends last night, attending the Colette Baron-Reid event, 'Messages From Spirit'! It was a powerful evening and an EMPOWERING one, as well, in so many ways! I am in deep gratitude!
Blessings to you,
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Soul's Purpose & Success
This is your card reading for Tuesday, May 19th/15. Your cards dropped together out of the 'Wealth & Wisdom' oracle card deck, authored by my dear friend, Jaden Sterling. Your cards are 'Soul's Purpose' and 'Success', and Jaden's messages for the cards are:
~Soul's Purpose ~
"Time to align your work with your Soul' purpose. The Universe is gently nudging you in the direction that will allow your purpose to be revealed.
If you are already doing work that is in alignment with your purpose this card indicates blessings are coming your way.
ACTION: Ask yourself what you are here to do on earth, look within to discover your purpose and allow for the magic of your purpose to unfold.
Clues to your Soul's purpose can be found in the things you enjoy doing and that make your heart sing."
"Drawing this card serves two purposes. First, it is important for you to know a successful outcome is certain regarding your question and , secondly the Universe knows success can be measured many different ways and you will benefit by expanding how you define success.
ACTION: In writing, expand on your definition of success.
Progress is achievable, perfection isn't. Strive for progress and forget perfection.
Success truly is a journey, enjoy your journey as much as possible; life will be so much more fun."
My message for you today is this:
These two cards are perfect to have presented together for you today!
I appreciate how Jaden refocuses our attention as to how we need to define 'success'. You may be highly productive and successful and SATISFIED in your life without having acquired accolades or awards.
Here's a radical idea...SUCCESS is not something that you ACQUIRE, but rather, it is all about your internal PERSPECTIVE! The absolute deepest sense of SUCCESS occurs when you are in complete alignment with your SOUL'S PURPOSE...which is quite simply the purest expression of who you are as an individual. And when you are in alignment with your Soul's expression, you automatically draw to you abundance in all ways (including financial) because you are in sync with the Universe...if you allow yourself to RECEIVE!
Understand that to live your Soul's purpose is NOT only speaking to your chosen career, although that is certainly one aspect of it. Living your Soul's purpose will more than likely be expressed in a multitude of ways over the course of your physical lifetime. You will know that you are living 'ON PURPOSE' when you feel the heart-centered warmth and well-being that is LOVE energy. You can be living your life 'on purpose' while you are engaged in anything that leaves you feeling fulfilled...even the mundane aspects of is not only the grand accomplishments and gestures that are soulful acts. I so appreciate the wisdom in Martin Luther King's quote about just that:
"If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as a Michaelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, 'Here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well."
I know that you have come across people in your lifetime who seem so happy and satisfied in their lives despite living in circumstances that may be judged by others as 'unsuccessful'.
So, do NOT waste your time in comparing yourself to others or in lamenting over your perceived 'lack of achievement' in your life. Instead, look to what it is that YOU have to offer as an individual to this world that you are living in, and if that is to sweep the streets as only you can, then celebrate that in yourself! KNOW that what you offer is impactful in ways you cannot even imagine and then strive to reach for the internal feeling of SUCCESS that acknowledges your SOUL'S PURPOSE.
You are here for a reason---you make a difference and true success is an inside job!
Celebrate yourself today and allow yourself to be embraced by memories of those moments in your life, already, when you felt in alignment and that you were authentically expressing your best self out into the world.
Blessed be...
Monday, May 18, 2015
Awakening Ancient Wisdom
This is your card reading for Holiday Monday, and New Moon, and Mercury Retrograde today, May 18th/15! Wow!
Your card is from the 'Gateway Oracle' card deck, authored by Denise Linn. Your card is 'Awakening Ancient Wisdom' and Denise's message for the card is this:
"Deep inner knowing is emerging within me...
CARD MEANING: The wisdom of the ages dwells within you. It is arising now. The chalice of wisdom is being offered to you. Profound enlightenment is growing within you, even if you are not aware of it.
THE UNIVERSE WANTS YOU TO KNOW: The wisdom of your ancestors, your predecessors, and all of history exists deep within you. An inner portal is opening as this sacred information pours into your consciousness. You have always possessed innate knowledge, but at this juncture, simply by being still, you are able to access it with even greater perception. You are a wise being, and your wisdom is very supportive and helpful to others."
My message for you today is this:
This is indeed a powerhouse day, cosmically! Today we have the New Moon; the beginning of the 3 week period of Mercury Retrograde; and today is also a '22' Master Day, in numerology! Wow! Here are some vignettes of what Elizabeth Peru has to share in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast' for today:
"Over the next 24 hours the Moon becomes dark and we go into the seat of the soul. We converse with our most important, heart driven desires. This energy of newness springboards us into the unknown (and what we love). It's been building all weekend...
This New Moon is asking you to get down and get grounded by acting on what is good for you. Your body will be calling for some much needed attention. Ensure you take an honest appraisal of your physical needs. Upgrade your diet and fitness routine. Now is the perfect day...
We are re-setting and planning now for what will fully develop in six months at the Full Moon in November...
Make fresh plans today and start acting on them...
Enjoy this process of quietly working away at your personal mastery...
I strongly encourage you on this 22 Master Day to move ahead with important projects...
The Mercury Retrograde begins today and over the next 24 hours we move into one of the most powerful periods for self-evaluation and renewal of 2015. So go with it, love it and embrace it will all your might...
A Mercury Retrograde regresses us. It takes us back over old ground...This period is excellent for owning your power... You are now becoming the messenger in your life, which is what Mercury triggers in us. Mercury can also create some fast moving communication. You will need to be quick witted, have a good sense of humour, and stay on your toes over the next 3 weeks... The next 3 weeks give us daily opportunities to move information in and out of our core, authentically. You'll be able to get to the finer detail in all communication and you'll be so glad you did. We are open to and indeed we will be uncovering old pieces of information that seemed to elude us till now..."
Elizabeth's message coincides beautifully with Denise's message for your card today!
Be open and aware as to the ancient 'knowing' and wisdom that reveals itself to you in the very near future. It is being delivered to you in order to enhance your life and so that you may be the conduit in sharing it with others for their greater good, as well. Relax into this process, rather than attempting to orchestrate or 'script' exactly how it will all play out. Let go of any frustrations, to the best of your ability, and strive to be the 'observer' of these circumstances---while understanding that the Universe is truly conspiring in your favour.
These are exciting and volatile energies we are in right now!
Blessed be...
Friday, May 15, 2015
This is your card reading for Friday, May 15th/15. Your card bolted out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Caretaker', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"You are an endless giver. If anyone has a need or requires assistance in any way, you are right there to help. Essentially, you are an Earth Angel. Every life you touch is made better---whether you know it or not. Your heart is big, and the support and love you give is even bigger. You are one of the souls who are here to either nurture the world or the people in it.
However, there comes a time when we have to consider our own needs over others. We have to make our own well-being a priority, even if that means it may not please others. You have to come first right now. Although it may feel as if it is going against your very nature to do so, it is vital that you put yourself first. Your physical and emotional well-being needs to be nurtured and maintained. This ensures that when you do give to someone else, what you give has substance.
Your personal value cannot be defined solely in what, or how much, you give to others. Your value and worth as a person come from all the incredible qualities that make you, YOU. Maybe this is the time you finally say 'no' or create a boundary. In some way, it is time to give to yourself, and restore a balance in your life.
You are a beautiful soul with much to give, and a beautiful soul who deserves to receive. If there is something you need, or if you could use a little assistance, Spirit is encouraging you to allow others the opportunity to give to you. You know from your own experience how good it feels to give. So now you need to give the ultimate gift, and allow someone else to give to you. It's time to allow the caretaker to be taken care of."
My message for you today is this:
I took the picture of your card with the book 'True Friend' on purpose this morning! The message for you is to be a true friend to YOURSELF! Just as you would lovingly reach out to a friend you needed your assistance in any way, the Universe is asking you to do the same for your own sweet soul and to recognize the needs that YOU have at this time.
In these vignettes of her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast', Elizabeth Peru says that today is a good day for: "Self-care and self-love...Under this cosmic influence you are called to change any situations that disempower you...Stand up for YOU right now...Make the changes the Universe is so supporting you to do...It's a powerful 24 hours."
So...first I selected intuitively the deck for today's reading; then, as always, I held the deck fanned out against my heart chakra and prayed over it; then I shuffled the deck and a card dropped out of the deck to reveal itself; and THEN as I was typing my message to you, I was inspired to look to Elizabeth's message for us today, which synchronizes wonderfully with what your card presents, as well. Do you see how the Universe conspires to support us? Beautiful...
Keep in mind, as a caretaker, that is the role that others are used to seeing you in and experiencing you in...therefore, when you step out of that role, even briefly, this may throw those around you off kilter. 'What do you mean you aren't able to (fill in the blank) for me right now? But I need you to do this for me!' This does not mean that the person who is thrown off kilter does not legitimately love and care for you, but rather that your current pattern of behavior is not what they are used to experiencing with be prepared for their possible (and probable) reaction. No need to defend your actions or your inability to do as they ask at the time...just lovingly state that you aren't able to do that right now. Be a true friend to YOURSELF, and honour your needs.
Being a caretaker is an integral aspect of who you are, and this is not meant to criticize or downplay that wonderful part of's message is simply stating that you need to take the same care of YOURSELF as you do of others. You cannot share water with another if your glass is empty. Do not GIVE of yourself to the point of depletion---that is not true GIVING, but rather is SACRIFICE---very different energetically! Learn to recognize when you are giving in a way that is healthy for yourself and the other and when you need to pull back and take care of yourself. Set healthy boundaries and learn when to say 'no'.
This is an important lesson for you in this lifetime, and you are being so supported by the Universe in integrating this lesson for yourself at this time!
Remember not to lay the 'blame' on anyone else if you are feeling is up to YOU to lovingly take care of YOU. Once you integrate this knowing, those around you will honour you in this way, also. will take some time and adjustment, but that is the way of any and all worthwhile change, isn't it? Be your own TRUE your own caretaker!
Blessed be...
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Divine Feminine
This is your card reading for Thursday, May 14th/15. Your card skimmed out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Divine Feminine' and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"This card asks you to begin operating more from a feminine flow of energy, whether you are male or female. It asks that you allow your power to flow from within, instead of using force. Be mindful of using a gentle approach to people and situations. The role of nurturer and healer is important for you and these gifts will blossom when you allow them to naturally emanate from you. Focus on your relationships with the people you interact with. You will find that more will be accomplished, while creating peace and harmony for all involved."
My message for you today is this:
I have shared with you many times here that to be truly self-empowered NEVER implies disempowering another....this is reflective of the Divine Feminine. To stand in your own place of empowerment means that you believe in yourself and your own personal convictions, despite what may be swirling around you and THAT is powerful, indeed!
Attempting to push or even 'badger' or 'bully' another into your way of thinking is actually disempowering to the perpetrator as well. It is indicative of low self-esteem and insecurity residing in the person who is attempting to force their will upon another. Think about this the next time someone is attempting to push you in a direction of thought or action that just does not resonate with you. Simply by embracing the knowing that they are coming from what is actually a disempowered place, you disarm them. Do you see what I am saying here? No retaliation or 'taking a stand' is required from you in order that they not overpower you...all that is required is that you recognize where they are coming from and that you do not take on what they are attempting to send your way. All you REALLY need to do is to connect fully with your inner Divine Feminine and stay true to who and what you know yourself to be. No reaction whatsoever can be very disarming to one who is attempting to push you or push your buttons. It is your reaction that they are looking for and that is what feeds them energetically to move forward and continue with their badgering or bullying or manipulation. Keep this in mind the next time you feel that someone is attempting to manipulate you into moving in a direction or situation that just doesn't feel right to you.
Having said that, in our relationships---particularly close family and friendship relationships---those we love WILL lovingly 'push' us into taking actions that we may be resistant to but that are in our best interests. The difference is, that it always comes from a LOVE-CENTERED place, much like a loving mother will push her child to achieve what she knows that her child is capable of doing, because she lovingly sees the potential there. It is more the energy of 'encouragement' rather than the energy of 'manipulation' and these two actions hold very different energy. My husband lovingly 'pushed' me recently to book a Dr.'s appointment regarding a health issue that I had been 'worrying over' the past couple of months. I had been using the excuse that I was too busy, when I was actually feeling rather fearful and I was attempting to put my head in the sand rather than to deal with it. Happily, I had my Dr.s appointment yesterday and I am relieved to learn that my concerns were unfounded and that all is well. The point is, were it not for my husband's urging, I would likely have continued along 'worrying over' the issue for some time. I share this with you in order to illustrate the difference between someone 'pushing' us in our best interests, as opposed to 'pushing' us in their best interests. The Divine Feminine within you knows the difference! We are ABSOLUTELY, as a collective, moving away from the old paradigm of a masculine, competitive way of being societally, and toward the new paradigm of a feminine, cooperative way of being societally---that is what the SHIFT that we are currently in is all about. That does not mean that we completely discard the Divine Masculine---what we need here is a more balanced way of being---the Divine Feminine has been disregarded and has not been honoured. We require a balance of the Divine Feminine as well as the Divine Masculine in order to express our best selves out into the World.
Today, you are being asked to lovingly embrace the Divine Feminine within you...and to witness and honour the Divine Feminine in others as you go about your day.
Blessed be...
(And isn't it 'interesting' how I chose the quote for yesterday's post on the day before the 'Divine Feminine' card presented for you? I LOVE the synchronicity of it all!)
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
No daily card reading today
There will be no daily card reading today, Wednesday, May 13th/15, as I have an early morning appointment. Visit back here tomorrow for your card reading.
Blessings to you,
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
This is your card reading for Tuesday, May 12th/15. Your card skimmed out of the 'Yoga Inner Spirit Reflection' card deck, authored by Angela Wiens. I met Angela, who was conducting the daily yoga sessions, out at the Vancouver Island retreat with Panache Desai that I attended in August, 2014 and we felt a strong connection to one another! I selected Angela's deck for today's reading because I will be gifting a copy to my dear friend today for her birthday! Your card is 'Manifest', and Angela's message for the card is this:
"All is possible when I manifest from spirit. I observe and release my limiting beliefs so I can imagine more than I thought possible.
REFLECTION: What do I want to manifest in my life?"
My message for you today is this:
'Change your thoughts and your change your world.' I have this quote displayed on my wall downstairs. I have long held the belief that what we focus upon expands and that we have the ability to manifest what we wish to draw into our lives through the power of thought and focus and INTENTION. But I have to share with you an adjunct to that perspective that Panache Desai has revealed for me, that resonates with me, also. Panache expounds in the 'Tracking Our Thoughts' chapter of his book, 'Discovering Your Soul Signature', that:
"If our thoughts created our reality, we'd all be in very big trouble. Just imagine if your every thought became real. 'I hate myself and wish I were dead. I hate this other person and wish she were dead. I think I have cancer. I don't have enough money to pay the bills'...
But the truth is that our thoughts---without being backed up by emotion---have no power. They have no juice. Only when a thought is consistently accompanied by a feeling does it yield any control over your life."
Panache says that emotions are energy in motion. It is the energy that you attribute to the thoughts that empower them and that is how you utilize them in assisting you to manifest. That is why we are advised to FEEL the joy, satisfaction, pride, etc. of having drawn into our life that which we wish to manifest BEFORE it is being experienced in our reality here in the physical. The energy of the emotions that you attach to your thoughts and desires is what actually draws that experience to you. It sounds complicated, but it is very simple. As you sit with the thoughts about what you desire to bring into your life experience, allow yourself to FEEL that experience in the present moment.
Do not become your own 'thought police' as Panache describes it...that is futile. It does not serve you to be self-critical for the thoughts that enter your mind and to do so is just a waste of energy. There is another popular idiom these days that says, 'What you resist persists'. The more you try to deny certain thoughts, the more they pop into your head. Rather than resist them, just allow them to float on through, without self-recrimination. Then, when you desire to manifest, consciously choose where you will place your attention and spark that attention with the fuel of the emotion that accompanies it for you. That is the best recipe for manifestation right there! As you create your vision board, for example (if you choose to do so), feel the emotions that the images evoke for you. As you plant the seed of manifestation, feel as you will feel when your seed is fully grown and in radiant bloom. You get the picture...
The Universe is abundant and it is working in your favour. Be open and accepting of that.
Your thoughts and your emotions are a gift from the Divine and are not meant to be 'conquered', but rather utilized, in assisting you to best navigate this Earthly experience for your own greater good!
Blessed be...
Monday, May 11, 2015
Nemetona ~ Insight
This is your card reading for Monday, May 11th/15. I am excited to be using my new deck, authored by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes, which she launched at the Spring Fling event I attended this past Saturday, hosted by my dear friends Cindy Smith & Jaden Sterling! Velva Dawn was a speaker at this event and I felt an instant connection to her! Her deck is entititled 'Awakening of the Divine', and there are 45 cards in the deck---each aligned with a Goddess. Your card today is 'Nemetona ~ Insight', and Velva Dawn's message for the card is this:
"CRYSTAL ~ Azurite
Do you have a sacred space in your home? Do you have an altar in your home? Have you connected to the sacred space within your heart? Do you feel called to protect sacred lands on Earth for environmental health?
Nemetona is the goddess who will help you connect with the Divine so that you may gain insight in your life. She is a Celtic goddess whose name represents 'sacred land.' She watches over and protects sacred sites around the planet. Nemetona is very connected to nature, the elements, and the Divine. She will also help you create a divine altar to represent your dreams and goals.
You may have drawn this card as Nematona is affirming that it is important that you have your own sacred space in your home. This can be an altar where you have your own special crystals, photos of loved ones or animals that you are praying for health. In this space you may wish to place candles that you can light with intention. You may also place sacred objects that you have gathered from sacred sites around the world, and much more.
Your sacred space can be an entire room in your home that is intended for you to have a supported environment to become still and go into your heart space. This space can be gridded with crystals, divine energy and fresh flowers to lift the vibration when you are releasing.
Nemetona is also inviting you to connect with the sacred space within your soul. Connect to your inner wisdom, divine light and sacred blueprint to begin manifesting a life of ease and grace.
This can also be an affirmation to take action and protect sacred lands on the Earth from being overpopulated and overused in any way that isn't supportive of our divine Mother Earth.
CRYSTAL HEALING ~ Please place the blue azurite crystal on your third eye, closing both of your physical eyes which allows your inner sight to adjust and become focused. Please turn your energy within and invoke the essence of the Azurite to help to see what it is that you are ready to see. This crystal will also lend us the inner sight to perceive where our motives are based. This is a very powerful crystal for awakening your clairvoyance.
AFFIRMATION ~ I am divinely connected to my intuition, honoring and trusting all that it is trying to tell me. I am a divine being who is clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, and claircognizant."
My message for you today is this:
When you consciously create a sacred space---whether within yourself, or outside yourself--you are honouring the Divine. You are notifying the Universe and Spirit that you desire to make that CONSCIOUS CONNECTION. It's the difference between having fleeting thoughts run through your mind about a friend that you'd really like to connect with, and actually picking up the phone to call him/her. When you consciously choose to create sacred space, you are in essence 'making the phone call'! You are taking action!
Understand that in creating sacred space, you are not only honouring the Divine, but you are also honouring yourself. When you strive to live your life consciously, and to utilize all that the Universe and the Divine offers you in terms of support and guidance, you will find your life enhanced in unbelievable ways!
I had a small altar in my bedroom for many years...although I would not have called it an 'altar' at the time. It was my late paternal Grandmother's old Singer sewing machine and stand that we had had refinished and I had placed on it items that were significant to me. These included: my late paternal Grandfather's tobacco pipes (their scent still brings back beautiful memories of him), a framed photo of my 3 children, a black bear (my power animal) candle holder, a stuffed bear that my husband gifted me to honour my power animal, a large dish of my collection of crystals (I was very private about my love for and interest in crystals at that time, so I kept them hidden away in my you will see crystals EVERYWHERE in my home!), an etched wooden box gifted to me by my late father-in-law that I filled with special notes from my children over the years, a small bouquet of red leaves to honour one of my Spirit Guides, and a 'Dreams and Wishes' box that I placed notes in occasionally. All that is required when you create your 'altar' or place of honouring, is that you CONSCIOUSLY choose what you place there. Understand that your place of honouring will morph and change and evolve, just as you will... I now have a room in our basement that is my sacred space and it is where I conduct readings for others and it is also my retreat when I want to get centered. Having said that, the ABSOLUTE BEST place for me to make a conscious connection is out in the coulee on our farm amidst the trees and grass, the wildflowers, the water in the dug-outs and creek...and there is a grouping of large rocks on the hillside that I often stop at on my walks to spend some time in peaceful reflection. Mother Nature offers us a multitude of opportunities to experience sacred space...she provides the incredible backdrop, and all that is required of us is to take some moments to BE in that space! Call upon the goddess Nemetona to assist you in consciously connecting and in tapping into the insight that is always available to you. Utilize the crystal, Azurite, to assist you, also...
Blessed be...
Friday, May 8, 2015
My apologies for not posting your reading today... Happy Mother's Day Weekend!
My apologies for missing posting your daily card reading today! I have a happily chaotic and very full household right now, and the day just flew by in a flurry of toddlers and baby!
Enjoy your Mother's Day weekend!
Many blessings to the Mother's...may the LOVE you have shared with all of your Being, be returned to you in kind...
In love and gratitude,
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Kyanite ~ Inner Bridges
This is your card reading for Thursday, May 7th/15. Your card skimmed out of 'The Crystal Ally Cards' deck, authored by Naisha Ahsian. Your card is 'Kyanite ~ Inner Bridges', and Naisha's message for the card is this:
"Kyanite has come to you to aid you in making those inner and outer connections that are necessary for your development. Perhaps a new relationship or opportunity is moving your way which will aid you on your path. Or perhaps you are being asked to 'make the connection' between disparate aspects of your life.
All events and circumstances in our lives are a silent dance that the Universe orchestrates for our highest good. Every coincidence or happenstance is actually a carefully planned event that connects you to your next level of learning. Beneath every event and circumstance is the hand of the Divine, co-creating with you in your life.
Kyanite is sending you a message that the obstacles that you see on your path will soon be overcome. New bridges will be built that will carry you over difficulty, and will allow you to perceive your connection to the Divine.
CHAKRA: Sixth and Crown
AFFIRMATION: The Universe is working to connect me with my highest good."
My message for you today is this:
Kyanite is a very high vibration crystal that is aligned with the Third-Eye and Crown will support you in accessing your 'Higher Self'...the intuitive aspect of you.
Now is the time to pay keen attention to what your 'gut' is telling you. The cosmic energy is very hectic these days and you may be feeling overwhelmed with 'what is on your plate' right now. You feel intensely that change is about and perhaps you are feeling a lack of direction as to what your next step should be. Be your own calm amidst the storm. Allow yourself to just get still and be aware of what the Universe is presenting to you. Just BREATHE... Rather than feel overwhelmed, allow the synchronicities and 'coincidental events' to lead the way. You may not notice these synchronicities if you allow yourself to become embroiled in all the external noise. If you have a piece of Kyanite, carry it or wear it today to assist you in 'being in the moment' and in sorting through all the perceived 'pressures' that you may feel today. Allow yourself to step out of the chaos (because the chaos is really only an illusion that you have created in your mind) and know that that there is time enough to deal with all that you feel that you must deal with, one task at a time. It is when we compile an extensive 'to do' list, that we can feel overwhelmed. Focusing upon 'the list' itself, actually detracts from working your way step by step through the list! Allow the energy of Kyanite to assist you in understanding that the Universe is indeed working in your favor, and to relax into that. Take guided step at a time... In this way, you work WITH the energies that are there to support you, rather than fighting against the tide.
Blessed be...
Friday, May 1, 2015
So excited to be attending the 'Embodying Your Soul Signature: Awakening Your Inner Connection' Conference
I am so excited to be attending the 'Embodying Your Soul Signature: Awakening Your Inner Connection' Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona May 1st -3rd!
Panache Desai describes himself as a 'vibrational catalyst', and an empath, who sees that everything is energy and that we are energetic Beings. This will be my third conference with him, and I look forward to the learnings!
Blessings to you,
Universal Law of Abundance
This is your card reading for Friday, May 1st/15. Your card sailed out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte and Marlene Chapman. Your card to close out the week is 'Universal Law of Abundance', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Abundance states that supply is unlimited because the source of all life is infinite. The abundance of the Universe is easily witnessed in nature: the countless variety of animals, plants, birds and bugs, the abundance of stars in the sky, and the never-ending circle of life all demonstrate infinite supply. Although nature constantly and consistently produces more than enough, an individual must harmonize with abundance to partake in it. Thoughts and feelings of abundance align you with the abundance of the Universe. Thoughts and feelings of lack block you from the abundance of the Universe. This card is reminding you that abundance is always present, and the Universe is ever ready to offer an unlimited supply of whatever you desire. If you are experiencing lack in an area of your life, it is because you have consistently believed there isn't enough of whatever it is you want.
Conceptualize the abundance the Universe has to offer and watch your belief in limits vanish. "
My message for you today is this:
In the words of author, teacher and lecturer, Esther Jno-Charles: 'What you focus on expands. So focus on what you want, not what you do not want.' In order to draw abundance on all levels and in all aspects (love, health, relationship, finances) into your life, you must first believe that abundance is available to you. This sounds so simple and yet we often unconsciously block the abundant Universe through our beliefs about our own worthiness or the energy we give to believing that all that we desire is actually available to us. It's as though we are frightened that if we 'dare to dream' then we may suffer such deep disappointment. Your message today is that it is IMPERATIVE that you 'dare to dream', in order to attract the abundance of the Universe to you! The seed in the ground doesn't doubt that the soil surrounding it is nurturing, nor that the sun and rain will be sufficient to nurture it's growth and eventual bloom. Your optimism and trust that there is enough for ALL, and that you are WORTHY of receiving is what will energetically allow that abundance to come to you. Everything is energy, and the Universe responds to the energy that you emit. It is NOT EGOIC to expect abundance in your life...when you live an abundant life, you inspire and encourage others to reach for that abundance, also. When you come from the place of understanding that your receiving Universal abundance in no way diminishes the potential for others to also receive abundance (quite the opposite, actually), you help to create a beautiful energetic cycle of positive expectations and interaction. As stated in the card message, Nature is a perfect example of the limitless potential and abundance of the Universe. One solitary apple seed can potentially create a whole amazing is that? Consciously choose to see the world as abundant, and 'focus on what you want'.
Blessed be...
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