This is your card reading for Wednesday, December 30th/15. Your card dropped out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid. Your card is 'Come to the Edge' and Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS: Courage; taking a leap of faith; overcoming fear and accepting risk.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE: Facing the unknown is the only choice you really have right now if you want to progress. It's okay to be afraid. Now is the time to take a risk that is not calculated---to feel the exhilaration as you ready yourself for a leap of faith. Spirit is present, so let go of fear. You are called to express your true self. Listen to your heart and soul, not your head. Come to the edge and discover that you can fly. You must step into the unfamiliar so that you may find your miracles."
My message for you today is this:
I had labeled 2015 as the year of 'conscious action'. I am now understanding that a portion of that 'conscious action' was 'internal' in nature. A measure of our 'conscious action' was in releasing what no longer served us, and also in bringing to the surface and dealing with old patterns of behavior which were no longer in alignment with our 'new', authentic way of being. To a degree, that 'conscious action' has revealed itself as preparatory in nature. This was key to bringing us into 2016 wherein we will bring to fruition much of what we had planted in 2015.
Were some of you, like myself, feeling slightly deflated that as 2015 draws to a close, you hadn't completed certain projects or goals that you had set for yourself, during the year of 'conscious action'? LET THAT GO! All that you have engaged in during this past year has brought you now to the place where you need to now take that 'leap of faith' in 2016---whether you recognize this yet, or not! With hindsight, you will know what I am talking about here. Even those situations that you may label as painful or disappointing experiences over the past year; have served you in moving forward and in preparing you for that 'leap of faith' that you must now take in moving to the next level in your spiritual development and authentic expression. In yesterday's reading it was shared that living your life 'on purpose' means to express all that you are authentically, in living your life---living from a Soulful place. This takes COURAGE. This means being vulnerable to exposing who you truly are. As we come to the conclusion of 2015 and move into 2016, know that you have been well prepared as you have made that journey 'to the edge', and that you are fully supported in taking the leap of faith that is necessary for full, honest self expression. You are receiving some strong inner guidance at this time. Pay attention. Follow through on what your Soul is speaking to you.
As I was typing this last line of your message it came to me that 2016 will be the year of 'Creative Courage'---we are going to be pushed to express our Divine gifts and talents with daring and tenacity---in every facet of our lives, and in our own unique way!
We have 'come to the edge' and we are preparing to soar!
Blessed be...
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Archangel Michael
I trust that you enjoyed the blessings of Christmas and that you happily indulged yourself in the joy of giving and receiving; the delicious food that abounds at this time of year; and the communion with family and friends. I certainly did! A cheerfully chaotic time, followed by some serious relaxation time! Perfect!
I am excited to be returning to posting your card readings! This is your card reading for Tuesday, December 30th/15---the final 22 Master Day of 2015! (No wonder I felt inspired to post a card reading today!) Your card coasted out of the 'Messages From Your Angels' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'Archangel Michael', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"I am with you, giving you the courage to make life changes that will help you work on your Divine life purpose...
I have come to you because you asked God for safety and protection, and because you asked about your life purpose. Since you are a lightworker, I am overseeing the fruition of your Divine purpose. You have been a lightworker for a long time, and you have felt different from others, isolated at times. Be assured that you have never been alone, and that you never will be alone.
When you feel pushed to make a change at work or at home, that may be my influence, encouraging you to make your life's purpose a high priority. I can rearrange your schedule and support you in other ways to make your path smooth and harmonious. Simply ask me, and it is done. I will also help you feel safe and comfortable during your life's changes."
My message for you today is this:
Numerologically, today is a 22 Master Day (2 + 9 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 22). According to Elizabeth Peru, this 22 Master Day encompasses this:
"On a 22-day we are being reminded about the importance of creating a life of great meaning, personal reward, dignity and respect.
The 22-energy is a master energy, being Angelic (and highly responsible) in nature. The Angelics invoke the energy of 22, which asks for temperance and justice in all ways.
The 22-day also breaks down to a 4 day (2 + 2 = 4). The 4 vibration asks us to slow down and take a steady approach, applying diligence and patience with all of our tasks. . .
This is a 24 hour period where we are focused on our inner guidance. You know what soul is telling you. Acknowledge, accept and then hand it over for the universe to help you. . .
This is a day to focus on owning your value and worth. You do this by acting in your best interests, rather than following old outmoded patterns of lifetimes. Do what is good for you today."
How perfect that Archangel Michael, whose name means, 'he who is like God', presented for you today. Archangel Michael is the supreme Archangel, and he is known as the paramount protector, as well as the archangel who will assist us with our life purpose.
The most common question that I am asked, in Akashic Records consultations with clients, is 'what is my life purpose?' We all want to know our reason for 'being here'!
What is interesting to me, is that we are evolving past defining a specific career path, or life path, as our designated 'life purpose'. We are coming to the deeper understanding that our LIFE PURPOSE is not what we are DOING, but rather, how we are BEING. Our life purpose is, in fact, reflected by the way in which we approach any and all aspects of our life here on Earth. We have come to this understanding as we are growing and maturing spiritually. We now recognize that our 'life purpose' is not a goal that we must seek out and achieve; but rather how we utilize and share our own unique gifts as we navigate our way through all the various stages and experiences that our lives present us with. This has been a SIGNIFICANT revelation and understanding! We now know that we are meant to live our lives 'on purpose'---which is to say, 'consciously'---rather than to seek out a specific 'goal oriented' destination. Living your life 'on purpose' is about how you conduct yourself and share your unique gifts while on the journey of your life; rather than about reaching for a specific destination, which would be so limiting to our potential, and the potential that the Divine sees in us! Your life purpose will be expressed through you in a myriad of ways over the course of your lifetime! Choose, however, to express your Divinely gifted talents and abilities in a conscious way in each and every expression of yourself. Know that you are worthy of being here, simply by BEING HERE! Listen to the inner guidance of your Soul in knowing how you are to share the expression of all that you are. You know that you are living your life 'on purpose' when you feel in complete alignment with your Soul, and the joyful, heart-centered feeling that brings. To be in this space does not require an audience, or any exterior form of validation---it just IS. I KNOW that you have had this experience and that you know what I am talking about! On this 22 Master Day---the final one of 2015---and as the year of 'conscious action' draws to a close, take the time to honour yourself for those moments when you have experienced living your life 'on purpose' and make the decision to strive to do so more consistently and consciously in the time ahead.
Blessed be...
Monday, December 21, 2015
Merry Christmas!
The stockings are hung in our household, and I am in deep gratitude that we will all be together here on the farm for Christmas this year---including our 3 'kids' and their spouses; our amazing 4 month old grandson; and the 3 rambunctious pups that are part of our family, too!
'May the spirit of Christmas bring you peace,
The gladness of Christmas give you hope,
The warmth of Christmas grant you love.'
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas, and all the blessings of the holiday season!
Much love and blessings to you,
(This is a very busy time in our house, and so I will not be posting daily card readings until sometime after Christmas... Thank you, from my heart, for taking the time out of your day to embrace the readings I post for you here. It is a joyful act for me, and my prayer is always that the messages will serve you in some way...)
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
No card readings Tuesday, December 15th to Friday, December 18th/15
There will be no card readings for Tuesday, December 15th/15 to Friday, December 18th/15. I am in joyous anticipation and preparation for our daughter and son-in-law's arrival to Canada from Brazil tomorrow, and the family time that follows!
Check back here on Monday, December 21st/15 for your next card reading.
Love and blessings to you!
Monday, December 14, 2015
This is your card reading for Monday, December 14th/15. Your card floated out of 'The Spirit Messages' card deck, authored by John Holland. Your card is 'Serenity', and John's message for the card is this:
"The most important relationship you can have is with YOURSELF. This is a time to honor, nurture, and love yourself more by seeking out and removing any negative feelings and emotions that are left over from yesterday. Don't let past issues and resentments interfere with your serenity today!
We here in the Spirit World sent you this card to remind you not to feel overwhelmed at this time. Sometimes the answers are not readily available, so it's a matter of living 'one day at a time,' as this will assist you in letting go of the past and all the negativity associated with it. The past no longer serves your highest good, and it can prevent you from achieving the serenity that you've been so desperately seeking.
You've learned from your past mistakes and the lessons they've shown you. Letting go of what no longer serves you enables us to help you even more. We're aware of the fears or insecurities you may be experiencing right now. When you take the time to let go of and disperse those unwanted thoughts, divine guidance can find its way to you from Spirit, giving you peace of mind. Find comfort and courage in knowing that you're not alone. We're connected to you forever."
My message for you today is this:
At this time of year, we often drop into a place of reflection. The Christmas/Holiday season is a time of celebration and gratitude and gathering with loved ones---both friends and family---and yet it also brings to mind those who are no longer in our lives. This could be because you have drifted apart; you have had some sort of dispute that caused a rift; or due to someone transitioning to the other side. The often intense emotions associated with this time of year---when we feel the conclusion of this year drawing to a close, and the promise of the 'New Year' drawing near---may have caused some memories and recollections from the past to resurface for you. I have certainly been experiencing this myself, of late. As we are tearing down some old farm buildings, and 'repurposing' that old farm building wood into a new building here on the farm that I grew up on, I have found myself dropping back into memories of my childhood. I had an intense day last week---just prior to the New Moon---of missing my younger brother, Frank; and my Mom and Dad; who are now all in the Spirit World. Memories---both beautiful, and also painful---came rushing up to meet me on that day, and I found myself walking through the old corrals and the tack barn, and visiting with our horses, as those are what I strongly associate with my childhood and time spent together. I allowed the feelings to wash through me and over me, until the feeling of longing for 'what was' became a feeling of gratitude for having had those experiences and having shared that love; to appreciating here and now, 'what is'. When the words 'living one day at a time' came up in John's message for you today, I was deeply touched, as that is how my Mom described how she lived her life, in those exact 'coincidence' to me, that those words were part of the message today! It is in such ways that our crossed-over loved ones will communicate with us, and let us know that their love remains with us. They know that it is often at this time of year, that we miss their physical presence in our lives very intensely. While it is 'work' for those now in the Spirit World to lower their vibration to communicate with us here in the physical, they are able to 'oversee' us from the other side, and they will lovingly make the effort to support us through sending us messages. Our role is to be open and aware and to trust, allow and believe the messages they send for us. Strive to higher your vibration, so that you can meet them 'part way' energetically. You can do this by lighting a candle; taking a sea salt bath; sitting quietly in meditation; or whatever 'feeds your Soul', and brings you to a heart-centered place...and then be open to the amazing ways in which our loved ones find ways to reassure us of their continued love and presence in our lives. When you receive a message, express your gratitude. Gratitude holds a very high vibration. Allow yourself to reside in the serenity of knowing that love never dies, and that your loved one's presence in your physical life was a gift that colored who you are now. They do not want us to dwell in the past, but rather, to carry their love with us in the present and on into our future.
Blessed be...
Friday, December 11, 2015
Coming into Power
This is your card reading for Friday, December 11th/15---the day of the New Moon in Sagittarius! Your card skimmed out of the 'Gateway' oracle card deck, authored by Denise Linn. Your card is 'Coming into Power', and Denise's message for the card is this:
"I step into my power boldly and confidently...
CARD MEANING: You have been gathering your inner forces and are coming into your own strength. Assume your power. Accept the vibrant truth that all you need is already within you. It is safe to own your deepest inner gifts.
THE UNIVERSE WANTS YOU TO KNOW: If you have given away your authority to someone or something else, now is your chance to reclaim it. Pulling this card indicates that it is time to stand in your own light. If you are holding on to any beliefs that you won't be liked or will be rejected if you step into your potential, then let them go! The more you shine in your own radiance, the more others can see the glow of their own capability. Your strength can heal others and bring light into the hearts of many."
My message for you today is this:
The perfect card to present for you on the final New Moon of 2015---the year of 'conscious action'! Yesterday, we found ourselves in the energy of releasement as we prepared for the manifestation energy of this New Moon, leading us into 2016.
Conversely, the energies of this day, according to Astro-Numerologist, Tania Gabrielle, are joyfilled! She shares this message with us in her post on this New Moon:
"December is an 11 Universal Month. The Sagittarius New Moon occurs on December 11, an 11 Universal Day. . . There is a quickening in the air since 11 governs our nervous system. We are stimulated, lit up with LIGHT, being guided towards the Light and being shown the way moment-by-moment. Listen for the signs, pay attention as your life unfolds rapidly and brings magical miracles!"
How beautiful is that? We are moving into the energy of huge insights. Be open and aware, and know that you have all the support in moving into your power. We had been in some intense energy in December and now we are moving from releasement into potential and possibility.
Elizabeth Peru states in her 'Global Tip-Off Energy Forecast: "The major theme under this New Moon is envisioning your 2016. The Moon is dark and we are planting seeds of abundance to come. Try not to get impatient, for all you desire is coming together under the surface of your reality. There is a tendency to feel that everything you once knew is morphing into an unknown future. This is true and the message is to trust in the light-footed change currently taking place. . .This is a day to focus on what is to come whilst sinking into where you are right now. You will be receiving divinely inspired visions of where your life is heading.
Bask in the energy of this New Moon and consciously create in your mind's eye the future you desire for yourself. You are SO supported in doing so!
Blessed be...
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Eireen ~ Peace
This is your card reading for Thursday, December 10th/15. Your card today skimmed out of the 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'Eireen ~ Peace', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"There is no need to worry, as everything is working out beautifully...
MESSAGE FROM EIREEN: Even though appearances may seem chaotic, I assure you that a higher plan is in action. This all-loving power is carrying and supporting you completely. Relax into the arms of Divine love; and breathe away all cares, concerns, and worries. Put your focus into enjoying and appreciating each blessing. Your gratitude helps you attract even more blessings into your life.
ABOUT EIREEN: (pronounced Eye-reen): A Greek goddess whose sisters include the Goddesses of Lawfulness and Justice, Eireen brings peacefulness to all who call upon her. The Romans referred to her as Pax, which means 'peace'. Eireen helps us replace worry with faith. She also reminds us to retain our childlike awe and enthusiasm for life."
My message for you today is this:
'Tis the season! How timely that Eireen presented for us today, as a reminder to always strive for peace, even amid the chaos. 'Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me,' is the Christmas song that is repeating over and over in my head; as I type this message for you. As beautiful as the holiday season is, it also brings with it certain pressures that may even bring you to a state of feeling overwhelmed, at times. Emotions are often close to the surface, and on this day---just prior to the New Moon tomorrow---the cosmic energies are inspiring strong emotion, also. Acknowledge, rather than deny, any strong feelings that arise for you today, as well as over the holiday season. The way to peace is not AROUND these strong emotions, but rather, THROUGH them. Acknowledge what you are feeling, and then channel these feelings in a conscious way. You may choose to journal; to go for a walk or run; to take a sea salt bath; to watch a tear-jerker movie; to meditate; to (fill in the blank with what feels 'right' for you).
Call upon Eireen to assist you in moving toward that place of peace. Remember that to be at peace does not mean that you are not necessarily situated in the eye of a storm! To be at peace with what is, is a conscious choice. As Eireen advises in the message above (and as has come forward, synchronistically, in your reading previously this week..."When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change"), consciously apply your focus. Choose to focus upon your blessings, even as you acknowledge strong emotions that you may be experiencing. Allow the strong emotions to flow through you and be released as you focus upon what brings you peace. This energy leading into the New Moon of manifestation is instigating and supporting this releasement. Honour yourself in that.
Perhaps you will also find these song lyrics: 'Let there be peace on Earth, and let it begin with me', floating through your mind as you move throughout your day... Let that be your mantra.
Blessed be...
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Wisdom Guide
This is your card reading for Wednesday, December 9th/16. Your card propelled out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art card deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Wisdom Guide', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Wisdom Guide is here to help you with taking in new information and teachings. Whether you are taking courses, going back to school or learning a new skill or craft---you will find that you are able to process and retain new information more easily. Wisdom Guide also helps you to gain new insights and understandings through intuitive channels, turning your knowledge into Wisdom."
My message for you today is this:
Wisdom Guide is the energy that is being offered you today, but the truth is that your personal WISDOM resides within you. The word 'wisdom' in Webster's Dictionary is defined in part with the word 'insight'. Think about that...'sight from within' = 'insight'. Your intuition is the greatest source of wisdom in your life. Your intuition is your Higher Self; the Divine within you; your conscious connection to Universal knowing. Tap into that knowing in order to incorporate the wisdom that is available to you to access. You are being reminded today to access your own innate wisdom in regards to whatever you may be contemplating currently. If you have a decision to make, or a choice to make in regards to some action in your life circumstance; quiet yourself and honestly focus upon: "How would I feel if I said 'yes' to this; how would I feel if I said 'no' to this?" Be real with yourself.
I had a situation present to me some years ago that challenged me in a deep way, regarding a public speaking engagement, under very emotional circumstances. To decide whether or not to agree to the engagement, I asked myself the question above. I realized that, while it would be 'easier' to say no to the request being made of me; I would feel disappointed in myself for not rising to the challenge and that that feeling would override my fear and anxiety about taking it on. I now realize that my decision to take on that challenge, and to be successful at it, was KEY in proving to myself that I am capable of more than I sometimes give myself credit for. It was a HUGE confidence building event in my life, and I now look back upon that event as inspiration for myself, in the knowing that 'if I could do THAT, then I can surely do THIS'! Much against my 'better judgment', my intuition and inner knowing advised me to take on that speaking engagement. I am very grateful that I listened to my intuition! My Higher Self knew full well that I was not only capable of taking on the challenge, but of excelling at it, to be honest! Even I knew, at the close of the event, that I had 'nailed it'. YOU know, also, when you have been 'in the zone' and have achieved what you had not always believed that you could. Let's be clear---once I decided to take on the speaking engagement, I was diligent in preparing for it, and I was ready! Once you listen to the wisdom within you, you must take conscious action, also!
What comes to mind in regards to the message from Wisdom Guide for you today? Are you being presented with a challenge or event at this time? Are you contemplating/being drawn to, a new course of learning? Is there some area in your life where you need to employ your insight/intuition to better understand what is actually happening?
Wisdom Guide has presented for you today to let you know that you are supported in doing so. Trust in your inner knowing.
Blessed be...
Monday, December 7, 2015
No card reading for Tuesday, December 8th/15
There will be no card reading on Tuesday, December 8th/15, as I will volunteering at the Samaritan's Purse, compiling Christmas Shoeboxes. This is a charity that I used to be involved with with my own children as they grew up---putting together Shoebox gift boxes for children of the world. Some dear friends got me involved in volunteering to put together additional Shoeboxes some years ago, and I love this time of communion with my friends while helping children at this special time of year.
The gift of giving is the greatest gift we give to ourselves...
When we give OF ourselves, we give TO ourselves...
Much love and blessings to you,
Wow! I was called away this morning to help with some construction happening here on our farm---trusses being placed on the building---and so I was unable to complete the posting of your card reading for today until now! The card I had drawn for your reading this morning is 'Imagine', from the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' card deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid.
Colette's message for the card is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS: Turning imagination into manifestation; creative thought; visualization; the power of aligning imagery and feelings; creativity; illusions.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE: Who do you want to be? What do you need to believe in order to have the life you want? You were gifted with the power to imagine. If you can dream it, you can create it. This is the time when your imagination is the key to manifesting the life you desire. Spend time day-dreaming, fashioning a vision board to help you see your goals, or meditating. Allow the power of your creativity to deliver images of what feeds your soul. Then allow your feelings to mingle with your inspirations, and imagine these things being real right now. Then repeat. What you imagine will become your belief, and soon you will see those things come to pass in the outer if by magic."
My message for you today is this:
You know how certain phrases and quotes seem to capture your attention at just the right moment in time? This quote has been coming into my frame of reference a lot recently:
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." I believe that this quote is to be attributed to Wayne Dyer. I LOVE inspirational quotes, and always have some quote or another (often multiple quotes) posted around my home. I remember seeing this quote some years ago, but it has made itself known to me again recently. I truly believe in the power of words, and so, when a particular quote is brought to my conscious attention I recognize it as a message. Pay attention to phrases from songs that 'replay themselves' in your head, for 'no apparent reason'. Pay attention to quotes and phrases that repeatedly present to you. There is a message there for you. You may choose to adopt particular phrases and quotes as a 'mantra' in your life. Recognize the power of the word and implement it as a tool of manifestation. State your mantra repeatedly and BELIEVE IT!
This is a form of visualization. Imagine...and believe.
Blessed be...
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Page of Fire
This is your card reading for Thursday, December 3rd/15. Your card today darted out of the 'Angel Tarot' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine. Your card is a minor arcana card in the deck---'Page of Fire'---and Doreen and Radleigh's message for the card is this:
"SITUATIONS: An exciting new opportunity comes your way! The angels guide you to wholeheartedly embrace this new endeavor. It may seem like a challenge, but it's one you're ready for. Dazzle people with your originality and ingenuity!
PEOPLE: A youth who's outgoing, creative, and passionate about life. Someone who enthusiastically seeks out new experiences and can make things happen. Optimistic. Confident. Courageous. Exhilarating. Busy. Mischievious.
ADDITIONAL MEANINGS OF THIS CARD: Good news. A creative project. Believing in yourself."
My message for you today is this:
There is some mischievious energy about today. Pay attention to the way in which you interact with others, and how they interact with you. Today is a day where you may find yourself 'playing with fire', so choose how you react to situations and people as they present, rather than merely being 'reactionary'---fire can be an incredibly powerful catalyst! This is not to say that you need to mask your true feelings or temper your opinions. Remember the colloquialism that 'you gather more flies with sugar than with vinegar'. You can absolutely be charming and authentic at the same time! Turn on your charm and watch how the day proceeds! All it takes is a smile to shift the energy in any given situation! Remain true to you, but choose to consciously express your best self, even if challenging situations occur.
Amidst this 'mischievious' energy today is also the energy of 'opportunity', and if you drop into being 'reactionary' you just may miss those opportunistic moments. Approach today being conscious and aware, confident and enthusiastic!
Blessed be...
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Amazonite ~ Personal Truth
This is your card reading for Wednesday, December 2nd/15. Your card dropped out of 'The Crystal Ally Cards' deck, authored by Naisha Ahsian. Your card is 'Amazonite ~ Personal Truth', and Naisha's message for the card is this:
"When Amazonite appears in your cards, it is reminding you of the importance of expressing your personal truth through your words and actions. If you live your life according to your truth, you will gain a sense of trust in yourself and your own motives. Your path of growth in this world will become clearer when you cease living your life to please others.
The current situation will not be resolved or freed to move until you have stated your truth. Have you been hiding your feelings in order to keep from 'rocking the boat'? Or perhaps you are being asked to take a stand before everyone, declaring your personal truth in order to make it a reality.
Allow the frequency of Amazonite to resonate deep within your heart and throat chakras, stimulating the words and actions that are living within you. Call upon the spiritual warrior's weapon of personal truth, and know that in declaring your mind and heart, your path will be made clear.
CHAKRA: Heart and Throat
AFFIRMATION: I express my personal truth, and step onto the path of the spiritual warrior."
My message for you today is this:
How beautifully synchronistic, that of all 50 crystal cards in this deck, Amazonite revealed itself for you today, following your reading yesterday. It would seem that the theme of your messages this week is to do with TRUTH.
This begins with telling the truth to yourself! Sounds simple, doesn't it? Yet, we humans find all sorts of ways in which to 'bury our heads in the sand', sometimes. We attempt to fit into a perceived way of being, and into fulfilling roles that we feel are expected of us by others in order to maintain THEIR perception of 'who we are'. This is NOT to imply that we do not have roles and responsibilities in our lives---of course we do! Yet, we can make the conscious decision to maintain our integrity and to stand in our own personal truth while undertaking ANY aspect of our lives. Neither does embracing your personal truth imply that you need PREACH it constantly to the world---those who are fully embodied in their own personal truth RADIATE authenticity, whether they actually SPEAK it or not. I know that you have recognized such people in your life, and that you have experienced this within yourself, as well. How does it feel when you are 'in your truth'? You feel very heart-centered, self-honoring, and empowered---and even joyful---don't you? In order to experience you heart's desire in your life, you must first be truthful with yourself about what that desire actually IS. NOT what you have been told that you desire, by society or family, as well intentioned as they may be. Ask yourself the 'simple question', "What is my personal truth that needs to be acknowledged by myself at this time?" Write this question down on a piece of paper and then just let the answers flow---from your Soul---do NOT attempt to 'script' it. You may be surprised at what comes forward...or you may not. The point is to acknowledge what your Soul is speaking to you and to then consciously embrace that personal truth into your life experience.
Pictured with your card today is a pocket-size piece of Amazonite that I have. You can utilize the energy that Amazonite holds to assist you in exuding your personal truth. Carry a piece in your pocket, wear it in a 'jewellery cage' around your neck as a pendant, place it on your nightstand, hold it in your hand while in meditation, etc. Or simply employ the energy of Amazonite being shared with you through the oracle card and crystal pictured here.
Blessed be...
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Spiritual Growth
This is your card reading for Tuesday, December 1st/15. Your card glided out of the 'Healing With the Angels' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue (published in 1999, and the first deck Doreen authored). Your card is 'Spiritual Growth', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"You are going through a time of rapid spiritual growth. Enjoy the process!
During this time, you may feel a mixture of many feelings: confusion, excitement, fear and wonder. You love your renewed connection with the Divine, and you wish you could read, study, learn, or meditate on a full-time basis! Simultaneously, though, you may worry about the implications that your spiritual studies will have on the rest of your life. What impact will your new spiritual pursuits have on your job, marriage, or friendships? These worries create a fear that may erode the enjoyment your spiritual studies bring you.
Surrender these fears to God, dearest one! Trust that you are supported, loved and guided each moment. Don't worry about HOW your future will blend with your spiritual growth! Trust that the same power that brought you to your spiritual path will also take care of everything else for you. After all, this Power supports all of the planets in the sky. It will surely support you perfectly too."
My message for you today is this:
I have used this deck of Doreen's on many occasions for your readings here, and I have never felt compelled to share the publication date of this deck previously, that I can recall. Yet, as I was typing up Doreen's message for this card, which was published almost 15 years ago, it came to me that we have moved past the FEAR that stepping openly onto our spiritual path once held for many of us. I have been actively studying the metaphysical for almost 2 decades now, and it has only been in last 5 years or so that I have been 'open' about my authentic beliefs and abilities---I called it 'coming out of the psychic closet'. Truth be told, I am still somewhat reticent about whom I share my spirituality with, in certain circumstances---it is so heart-centered for me. For many years, I would explain that I was attending a 'personal development' class, or such (if I referred to my learnings at all); rather than to say that I was studying 'Reiki', or that I was under the tutelage of a shaman, of all things!!!
We have matured now to the point that MANY are actively pursuing and developing their own unique spiritual selves, and it is far more common to hear the word 'spirituality' used where once 'religion' was the only moniker commonly referred to in seeking connection to the Divine. The 'You Can Do It' and 'Celebrate Your Life' conferences, and many more events like them; are far more commonplace now, as a gathering of those seeking to explore, develop and integrate the spiritual aspect of themselves into this lifetime.
Collectively, the great shift has been about personalizing and experiencing intimately, our Divine connection and our spiritual selves. Rather than merely being 'preached to' through imposed dogma, we have been seeking what feels authentic for each of us individually, in terms of our relationship with the Creator. This is not to say that organized religion need fall by the wayside---the rituals and support offered there is key to many. Yet, organized religion has also been undergoing a shift, as made evident with the popularity of the Argentinian Pope, Francis, and his deviation from some of the long held dogma of the traditional Catholic Church.
Essentially, the message for you today, is that in regards to your spiritual growth: 'You've come a long way, baby'! Celebrate that and know that you are here on Earth at this time because your Soul contracted to do so. Your Soul longed for the freedom of spiritual expression that is possible at this time. Relish in it, and know that you are loved and supported by the Divine on your journey.
Blessed be...
Monday, November 30, 2015
Meditating at Celebrate Your Life ~ Phoenix 2015
I was just sent the link to the photos posted for the Celebrate Your Life conference in Phoenix this past November 2015...guess who was shown in meditation at one of the break out sessions? Yep...that is myself, and my friend, Patti, to my left! Awesome!
So grateful for the entire experience!
Love and blessings,
So grateful for the entire experience!
Love and blessings,
Hummingbird ~ Joys, Dreams, and Accomplishments
This is your card reading for Monday, November 30th/15. Your card today floated out of 'The Animal-Wise Tarot' card deck, authored by Ted Andrews. Your card is 'Hummingbird ~ Joys, Dreams, and Accomplishments', and Ted's message for the card is this:
"Though one of the smallest species of birds, the hummingbird is also one of the most amazing, awakening a sense of wonder in everyone who encounters them. Hummingbirds have long bills and tongues that enable them to extract nectar from flowers. In fact, they are often critical to the pollination of many flowers, and thus Hummingbird's appearance signals a time of new nectar within our lives. New joy is manifesting around us and our dreams are closer to being fulfilled. We are entering a period of accomplishment.
The Hummingbird is a skillful flyer, able to hover and to fly backwards and forwards, and is so skilled that it shows no fear toward any other bird. No other bird can fly backwards, and this reflects the re-awakening of the past and the drawing of new nectars from it. Past dreams and opportunities to manifest them are resurfacing. Take advantage of them at this time.
Regardless of the present circumstances or those of the recent past, Hummingbird's appearance always heralds joy and accomplishment. We will begin to see the attainment of our dreams. Opportunity is manifesting around us and we should grab it heartily. Hummingbird signals a time of blessings and new sunshine. New ventures of success and renewed health are the promise.
Hummingbirds are fiercely independent and seen to revel in freedom. They are also extremely hard workers and very playful. Hummingbird promises successful accomplishment as long as we set about in our own unique way and have fun with it.
The ruby-throated Hummingbird is a wonder of migration, making journeys of several thousand miles, on what food and energy it has stored in its tiny body. Scientists still are unsure how it is able to store up enough energy to make such a journey. But it does. Because of it, the Hummingbird is a symbol for accomplishing what seems impossible. The Hummingbird helps us to find the miracle of joyful living."
My message for you today is this:
Such a beautiful way to close out the month of November and to begin the week that leads us into December! Hummingbird has appeared in the cards today for you as a messenger of encouragement and also of validation. You ARE on the right path. Sometimes it seems that the journey is longer than we had anticipated to get 'there'---only to find that once we get 'there'; the blessings and learnings on the journey were as important to our spiritual growth as the actual getting 'there'!
So go ahead and fearlessly embrace your dreams and plans and actively pursue them; with the understanding that Divine timing and Universal knowing is at play in ways that we cannot always fully appreciate in each and every moment. Those who have achieved 'success' and accomplishment in ANY facet of their lives acknowledge that prior to having attained their goal, they met with various perceived 'stumbling blocks' and missteps, that in retrospect actually served them in the big scheme of things. Approach your dreams and goals with joyful enthusiasm as this 2015 'year of conscious action' draws to a close, and lovingly gaze back upon how far you have come thus far! Embrace the energy and tenacity of the Hummingbird as it is being offered you, to support you along the way.
Blessed be...
Friday, November 27, 2015
This is your card reading for Friday, November 26th/15. Your card pitched out of the 'Messages From Your Angels' deck, right onto the floor! This deck was authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card today is 'Oceana', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Take action. You're in touch with your truth in this situation, and you need to trust your gut and lovingly assert yourself...
Dive right in! There's no need for more research or time. You can trust your feelings on this one. I will guide you through the actions that are necessary, considering the circumstances. Your main concern is to avoid procrastination at all costs. Break the situation down into small steps so that you don't become overwhelmed. Then, take those steps in regular intervals.
You already know what to do about this situation, and you have made up your mind to take action. I am here to validate that your decision is on the path of Light. Although there might be some temporary or emotional turmoil, this will soon be replaced by a lightness of spirit akin to gently floating on a summer breeze.
Sometimes you may feel too emotional or tired to take action. That is because you're unsure of the 'correctness' of your decisions. Usually, unfounded guilt is the culprit that is draining your energy and happiness. This is when it's very important to call upon the angels to shore up your faith. Notice how the doors open smoothly with each step you take. That is one more sign that you're taking the best course of action."
My message for you today is this:
We are heading into a traditionally 'busy' time of year...the Christmas season. This is also the close of a calendar year and the lead in to the next calendar year; wherein we naturally begin to evaluate what we have accomplished over the past year and if we have met our goals. It is very easy at this time of year to drop into a state of 'overwhelm' as we become inundated with 'to do lists' and goals that have not come to fruition. I have frankly, been finding myself doing just that! 2014 has absolutely been a year of ACTION for our family! Both of our 'children' ( 29 and 27 years old!) and their spouses have moved back to Canada from Brazil; it was decided that we would host our daughter and son-in-law's wedding celebration here on our farm next July, and so we have become 'inspired' to take on several projects here on the farm that had long been on the to-do list, but now take priority (such as tearing down old decrepit farm buildings on the original farm site, and building structures for the wedding celebration). Our kids also arrived home with their of them a 9 month old pup. Our first grandchild blessed our lives in August of this year and changed everything in the most beautiful way! Add to that the ongoing wedding plans and preparation aside from building and 'unbuilding' outdoor structures... So our household has been happily chaotic with all the changes that abound at this time.
A friend posted on Facebook the other day that she had completed her Christmas shopping and THAT threw me into an absolute panic! Yikes! I AM that person, typically, who has her Christmas shopping done by this time, but not this year!
Also, I have been judging myself about not having dedicated any time of late to a project that I began earlier in the year that is very close to my heart and that is absolutely soul based. Yet, when I list here all that has been going on, that self-judgment is crazy!
I share this with you as an example of how even the best laid plans can take on a life of their own, and our means of being of the Light at these times is to take an objective look at what actions we CAN take at this moment, rather than to become overwhelmed with the steps we feel we need to take.
Our children moving back to Canada from Brazil has been my heart's desire---I can decide to consciously choose to reside in gratitude that it has transpired sooner than any of us had anticipated and relish in this time together and our family preparations for the wedding next year; or I can waste this time feeling guilty about other projects that I believed would have come to fruition by now. I SO appreciate Doreen's message from the angel Oceana, "I will guide you through the actions that are necessary, considering the circumstances." I LOVE gift shopping and wrapping and am usually 'ahead of the game' in that regard. That will likely not be my circumstance this year, but I will have all of my kids home here in Canada for Christmas and will be supporting them in making the transition to their lives back here in Canada---as my brother-in-law said to me, "Dreams do come true!"
Choose to take a CONSCIOUS look at what is going on around you and at what you can reasonably expect of yourself in checking off your 'to do' list. Look back at ALL that you have accomplished in 2015, and do not allow unfounded guilt about what you perceive that you 'didn't accomplish' hold you back from moving forward in a positive way with what you can and WILL accomplish! Shift your focus! Focus upon ALL that you have accomplished and achieved as we move toward the close of this calendar year, and notice how acknowledging that inspires, rather than deters, you from moving forward. Ask Oceana to assist you with this.
Blessed be...
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Nike ~ Collective Victory
This is your card reading for Thursday, November 26th/15---the American Thanksgiving Day. Your card today skimmed to the desk surface from the 'Awakening of the Divine' oracle deck, authored by Velva Dawn Silver-Hughes. Each card in this deck is aligned with a goddess. Your card today is 'Nike ~ Collective Victory', and Velva Dawn's message for the card is this:
"Are you finding the old way of competition is no longer bringing harmony to your soul? Are you ready to let the old patriarchal paradigms melt away from your root chakra? Are you ready to work together for the unified glory of oneness for the human collective and our divine Mother Earth?
Nike is the goddess of personified victory also known as the Winged Goddess of Victory . . . Nike is the goddess of strength, speed and victory. She works very closely with the Greek goddess Athena.
You may have drawn this card to affirm that you are feeling the need to play an important leadership role in moving from an individual competitive victory to a unified collective victory. In sports, we need to shift the competitive thinking mind to a heart based trust of the collective. Releasing competition and supporting one another in our strengths to build th light on the planet is key in collective victory.
Have you been feeling the heavy old engrained energy of your childhood programming weighing you down with negative self-sabotaging thoughts? Ask Nike to help you release any old fear based programming of competition from the mind which may have imbedded negative self-sabotaging mind chatter for many years after this took place. Give thanks to your old coaches, parents, teachers, leaders of group, and other individuals who led from the place of the mind versus the love of the heart.
Have you been called to assist in the harmony of all life? Are you living upon Mother Earth to bring a balanced perspective of respect for one another, love for each other's perception and spiritual growth, and developing a deeper trust for working with the ebb and flow of karmic healing on our planet? If this resonates with you, then listen to your heart and begin to speak your truth with love and strength to a light in the collective victory of ascension upon Mother Earth.
Now is the time to lead the world to a victory of unification, a balance of the divine feminine and masculine from the heart space."
My message for you today is this:
I have stated many times in my messages to you that the great shift that we are in here on planet Earth encompasses moving from a paradigm fully engaged in the masculine, to a paradigm that embraces the feminine. 'Masculine' and 'feminine' do not refer to 'male' and 'female' in this case. The term 'masculine' refers to the competitive framework under which our society has operated; and the term 'feminine' refers to a cooperative framework toward which the 'shift' is moving us. We are (gradually) moving away from the 'dog eat dog' means of meeting our needs to the understanding that the Universe is abundant, with enough for all, when we work in collaboration with one another. We are maturing to the understanding that we are not SEPARATE, as was held by our old belief system. We are all, in effect, the global perspective...and that is not meant just as a platitude! With social media and the internet and the vast expansion in technical communication; it is impossible to ignore what is happening on planet Earth on a global basis. We are 'aware' in a way that we have not had access to in the past, of what is occurring globally. And with that knowing, we have come to a place where we now understand that what happens to another---although it may be thousands of miles away---impacts us also. We are FAMILY.
This does not mean that we need actively embrace into our own experience all members of our global FAMILY...just as in our nuclear family, sometimes it is necessary to love certain family members from 'afar'. This simply means that we now hold the knowing that we are not separate and that the Golden Rule ('Do unto others as you would have others do unto you') can be appreciated on the deepest level, for what we do to another, we ARE in essence doing to ourselves. We are NOT meant to simply abandon all aspects of the masculine, societally---rather, we are seeking to bring BALANCE of masculine and feminine for the greater good of All.
The goddess, Nike, has presented for you today because you are one of those Souls who contracted to be here at this time of great shift, to assist the greater collective in moving forward into the new paradigm of feminine/cooperation. Your are here to be an expression of LOVE. You are here to assist in redefining 'family' on a global basis. You are here to exemplify that to shine your Light brightly in no way dims the Light of another---and conversely, that it serves no one to dim your Light. THAT is your shine your Light! Call upon Nike to assist you in fulfilling your role.
Blessed be...
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
My apologies for missing your card reading Tuesday---our household is happily chaotic these days and yesterday was a FULL day, but I intend to give notice if I will not be posting a reading on any given day. Sorry that there was no notice given for missing yesterdays!
This is your reading for Wednesday, November 25th/15---the day of the Full Moon!
Your card flipped out of the 'Wisdom of the Oracle' deck, authored by Colette Baron-Reid.
Your card is 'Breathe' and Colette's message for the car is this:
"ESSENTIAL MEANINGS: Patience; waiting; going slowly; wellness; meditation; trust.
THE ORACLE'S MESSAGE: Patience in all things is called for right now. What do you need to do when you're in a rush? Slow down, of course. Meditate, and trust. Breathe, and repeat. Humans cannot exist without drawing breath. Now is the time to allow the life-giving element of air to replenish your body, your being, and your very existence. Stop to smell the roses, breathe in the sunlight, and release the darkness---and miracles will appear."
My message for you today is this:
The first thing that came to mind for your message today, as I typed up Colette's message for you is the power of a Full Moon's moonlight, and that it would serve you well to breathe in the MOONLIGHT, as well as the sunlight on this day. I also appreciate the synchronicity of her message 'release the darkness', as Full Moons are typically associated with assisting us in releasing what no longer serves us...yet, each Full Moon also holds it's own unique energy conducive to the surrounding global energies at that time.
Elizabeth Peru, in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast', has this to say about today's Full Moon:
"This is a very chatty and cerebral Full Moon. Your head will be charged up and could easily over-run your heart if you're not aware. The way to take advantage of the high vibration we are under is to break out of any self-imposed social restrictions you normally place upon yourself...
Over the next 24 hours it's important to be involved with activities that you enjoy and that are beneficial to your soul. TALK YOUR LIFE UP and listen to what you are saying. We are looking to strike a balance between what we say and what we do. Express how you really feel, for it will elegantly reveal your next action steps over the coming days..." other words, you may find that your 'head is spinning' or that you feel slightly scattered in the energy that abounds today. I LOVE that the 'Breathe' card presented for us to remind us that the absolute most effective way to center ourselves into our hearts is through our breath. I so appreciate the phrase that a wonderful yoga teacher shared with us many years ago: "Rest in the stillness of your breath". Panache Desai often advises us to "Bring your awareness to your breath" as he guides us through meditations and vibrational adjustments. Both are beautiful phrases and reminders that it is through focusing upon our breath---not attempting to change or MANIPULATE it, but merely OBSERVING it---that we slow ourselves down and bring ourselves back to a Soulful place. It is from this Soulful place that we know what our next best course of action would be. It is from this fundamental place that we then express our authentic self, which is centered in LOVE.
Know that the internal 'chatter' that you may be experiencing in the energies of today's Full Moon are messages you are receiving from the Universe, and that the best means of tapping into and accessing those messages amidst the chatter, is through relaxing into your breath. To focus upon your breath brings you into the present moment and draws your attention away from all the external noise and distractions. To focus upon your breath naturally 'slows you down'. It allows you to become deeply receptive, rather than reactionary. (There is a reason that we were advised to 'breathe and count to 10' before acting upon our anger!) Our breath is the most underused facility of calming and centering that we have naturally available to us; physically, emotionally and spiritually. Today's Full Moon is reminding us of that. Consciously breathe in the Full Moon energy being offered up to you. Utilize your breath as the beautiful gift that it is, on ALL levels.
Blessed be...
Monday, November 23, 2015
This is your card reading for Monday, November 23rd/15. Your card flipped over in the deck to reveal itself, as I shuffled the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is 'Self-Talk', and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"This is a high energy card and it is directly related to how you are treating yourself! Note how the teeth inside the mouth point inward in the image. Your guides are telling you that it's time to work on being kinder to yourself. It is important that you become aware of your self-judgments and inner dialog. It's time to start consciously talking to yourself as if you were your best friend---using kindness and compassion. You do this for others, now it is time to do it for yourself."
My message for you today is this:
If you follow my readings, you have ascertained by now that I do not believe in 'coincidence'---but in 'synchronicity'! I strongly believe that synchronistic events and experiences are one means by which the Divine guides and communicates with us here on this physical plane. As always, when I am doing a card reading for you, after setting my intention, I intuitively choose a card deck from my multitude of decks (I am finding that I no longer 'resonate' with some of the decks that I previously did, and I am seldom drawn to them---is anyone else finding that, also?). I fan the deck over my heart chakra and ask for the message of the day to be revealed for the greater good. Then, as I shuffle, a card (sometimes two) reveals itself. I take a picture of the card in whatever way I feel guided to--I sometimes stage the card in a few different ways and then choose the photo that 'feels right' to post with the reading.
Why am I sharing all of this with you? Today, when I staged the 'Self-Talk' card, I took the photo of the card with a Cinnabar Quartz crystal sphere that is on the desk of my office. I am blessed to have a large variety of crystals in my home, and while I love them all, and value the energy they infuse my home with, I don't 'know' definitively what the energetic properties of each crystal are, necessarily. After typing up Cheryl Lee's message for this card above, and having taken the photo of it with the Cinnabar Quartz, I was guided to look up the metaphysical properties of this beautiful crystal---and then I understood exactly 'why' I had been guided to take the photo of the 'Self-Talk' card with it! When we trust and just 'go with it', the Divine will communicate with us in just this way...
Here's what I found on 'The Magic of' regarding Cinnabar Quartz:
"...Cinnabar Quartz works with the emotional energy body and will help you to let go of deeply held resentments, disappointments, and/or fear. It can support you in reviewing the choices of your life without judgment or avoidance. You recognize that everything is continually shifting energy and that it can be manipulated and changed.
Since Cinnabar stimulates the Root and Reproductive Energy Centers and aligns them with the Third Eye it supports stronger intuitive insight and the ability to imagine potential futures while grounding a person with a sense of reality..."
Synchronistically, this crystal perfectly supports the message of the fractal art 'Self-Talk' card for you today. Employ the energy within this fractal art card, in unison with the energy of the Cinnabar Quartz crystal; to support you in striving to CONSCIOUSLY 'speak' to yourself in kindness and compassion today! Understand that the words you use internally and externally about yourself hold power. Let go of residual self-judgment and self-criticism. Understand that your time here is a journey, and bless the lessons you have learned and will continue to learn along the way. Express LOVE toward yourself today and then bear witness to how that 'colors' the way that you perceive your potential and possibility for moving into the future in a Soulful way. Louise Hay has long promoted the 'mirror work' that she has found to be transformational in her life, in which you simply look into the mirror, into your own eyes (which are the window to the Soul), and say aloud, "I love you...I REALLY love you..." Quite honestly, it may feel uncomfortable to begin with---we are not used to expressing self-love in this way and have been taught culturally that to do so is 'wrong' and 'egoic'. Yet, in order to be a true expression of LOVE to others, you must first hold love for yourself. So, I encourage you today to take a few moments to employ this beautiful exercise in self-talk that Louise Hay shares with us. In fact, I encourage you to do so from this day forward. It only takes but a moment of your day, and can impact your day in amazing ways.
Blessed be...
Thursday, November 19, 2015
This is your card reading for Thursday, November 19th/15. Your card today skipped out of 'The Spirit Messages' oracle card deck, authored by John Holland, whom I had the good fortune of taking in a pre-conference workshop with at Celebrate Your Life in Phoenix in early November. Your card today is 'Love', and John's message for the card is this:
"Love is the foundation of your existence, and you're just as worthy of RECEIVING as you are of GIVING love and compassion. While love can be a beautiful emotion, it is equally a form of energy that propels you through life.
We're reaching out to you at this important time in the hope that you'll discover new and meaningful ways of nurturing and loving yourself. Love is energy, and that beautiful force is also part of you. To experience and feel the power of love in one's lifetime can be one of the most beautiful, significant, and life-changing events that your soul can acknowledge and receive. Yet, love is so much more than being able to say that you've loved another person.
Love is not meant to be a fixed destination; it's about the journey. It's the process of becoming the person you were meant to be---a person living and loving from the heart and soul. You ARE love, and you ARE worthy of love! Now is the perfect time to weed out the people and situations that are not empowering you, and surround yourself with those who can gently encourage you to be all that you can be!
Start your journey by letting the energy of LOVE enter your heart and your life. By doing so, it will allow you to receive and give love, and to radiate as the pure soul that you truly are."
My message for you today is this:
I so appreciate how John reframes the way in which we look at the word LOVE in his message for this card! He speaks not only to 'feeling' love but advises that love itself is an energy! The spiritual mentors and leaders of today are taking us to the next level of understanding regarding LOVE and all of the other emotions that we experience here in our physical being. Panache Desai describes emotions as 'energy in motion'. Emotions, such as love, fear, anger, joy, etc. are all vibrational energy. Panache also advises us that there are no 'good' or 'bad' emotions---these emotions are simply energy---it is how we choose to ACT on these emotions that matters. To simply deny so-called 'bad emotions' such as jealousy or resentment, causes them to become what Panache terms as 'densities' in our being. He advises that we allow ourselves to acknowledge and experience these emotions as they arise and to then just allow them to flow through us, rather than to attempt to deny or squash them down. This does not mean that you need to take immediate physical action based on that emotion! Merely acknowledge within yourself that that particular person or situation annoyed or upset you, and then take CONSCIOUS action, rather than merely be REACTIONARY. Panache also says that emotions are guideposts to help us navigate our way through our lives. We are not meant to reside in the energy of love continuously throughout our entire physical experience---we are here to experience the myriad of emotions that are available to us and to learn and grow through this. Yet, LOVE is always sought as the vibration we seek and reach for, and that is a good thing, for it is truly the core of our being! At the Soul level, we are LOVE.
The vibration of LOVE is the highest vibration. SOURCE or the DIVINE or CREATOR or GOD---or any way in which you choose to 'label' it, is UNCONDITIONAL LOVE energy.
In this physical experience, we are blessed to experience unconditional LOVE energy through our relationship with the Divine; but also in many interpersonal relationships such as with our parents, our children, dear friends, and even our pets. I was in the deepest appreciation for this perspective that Neale Donald Walsch shared with us in his presentation that I attended at the Celebrate Your Life conference:
"You can withdraw your approval without withdrawing your love. Unconditional love does not mean approving unconditionally someone's behavior."
This stated so eloquently what I have experienced in this lifetime within a few of my close relationships. I have been pushed in this lifetime to love some people from afar, who were once integral to my life, and that is okay. I have come to the place where I am grateful for the learnings and for the love. Yet, Neale also advised that we can DECIDE to be the fullest expresssion of unconditional love, and this includes love for ourselves...advocating what John Holland also shares in his message above.
See LOVE from this expanded perspective that has been presented for you today. We are maturing spiritually at such an accelerated rate at this time of great shift, that our perspectives and understandings ARE constantly developing and unfurling---opening us to greater levels of awareness. As the Beatles sang, "All you need is love,"---yet we are coming to deeper and more complex understanding of what 'love' means...
Blessed be...
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