Monday, March 31, 2014
Your card today was drawn from the 'Healing With the Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is the 'Dreams' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Pay attention to your dreams right now. Keep a dream journal."
My message for your card today is this:
Wow! Have you been experiencing a lot of lucid dreaming recently as well as vivid dream recall? Lucid dreaming means to BE AWARE that you are dreaming, while in the dream state. So, you may be having some sort of strange experience in your dream and then while STILL in the dream state you realize that, 'Hey, I am dreaming this', yet you remain in the dream state. This is a natural phenomenon, and can actually be fun and informative! As for vivid dream recall; that is when you wake up to remember graphically all the intricate details from the dream you had, and for a few moments, it's as though your are still 'in it'. When you are fully awake, and the conscious mind takes over, you will retain those details briefly, but not for long. That is why some people keep a 'dream journal' by their bedside, so that they can record the images and details of a dream and then look for messages that may have been conveyed within the dream. I have spoken many times about the 'cosmic energies' that influence our Earthly experience. I do not claim, in any way, to have in depth understanding about the cosmos, solar flares, planetary alignments, etc---but I DO know that I feel energetic shifts and that those energies absolutely impact my life. (I am SO grateful to Elizabeth Peru and Brenda Brush, and others, who lovingly share their knowledge of and understanding of the cosmic energies, so that we can utilize these energies and move through them with ease and grace!) During certain cosmic events, our dream experiences can be intensified, and we have been in just such energy recently...
We experienced wonderful Black Moon energy yesterday evening! When there is a second New Moon within a calendar month, it is called a 'Black Moon'---there was a New Moon on March 1st/14 and then again on March 30th/14. January also had a Black Moon (New Moons on January 1st and January 30th). To have a Black Moon in January and then the following March is astrologically very rare and yesterday's Black Moon was (and IS...the New or Full Moon energy impacts us for 24 hours either side of it) POWERFUL! I have stated before that New Moon energy is typically manifestation energy (Full Moon energy is characteristically about releasement and letting go...New Moon about manifestation and new beginnings). This Black Moon's energy is COMPELLING us to take action and to follow our DREAMS! THAT is the other aspect of your message today! There is great potential to make big changes---you are being called to action! Can you feel it? Be brave, be bold and be audacious enough to ask from the Universe what you DREAM for yourself! Take guided action in bringing your thoughts and desires (some of which may have been revealed to you in the dream state!) into reality! YOU CAN DO IT! You are SO supported!
Blessed be...
Friday, March 28, 2014
Evolution ~ Herderite
Your card today came flying out of the 'Crystal Ally Card Deck', authored by Naisha Aishan. Your card is the 'Evolution ~ Herderite' card, and Naisha's message for the card is this:
"When Herderite appears as your Ally, you are being asked to acknowledge your part in the total evolution of humanity at this time in history. Your choices and actions are like a drop in a pool, its ripples affecting everything else around it. Are your current motions--your thoughts and actions--moving you toward a higher state of evolution? Or are they ripples of past ways of being that need to be reformed or removed before you can experience your life on a higher level? Herderite heralds a time of great change. When Herderite appears, it is telling you that this particular time of change is greatly directed by the thoughts and actions that you take. You know in your heart the direction Spirit is asking you to move in. If you accept Spirit's guidance, your actions will cause ripples in the entire fabric of humanity, moving the spiritual evolution of us all forward a step.
Chakra: Crown and etheric chakras
Affirmation: I allow my physical self to align with my Higher Self now.
My message for you today is this:
When I picked the card up off the floor, where it had 'flown' out of the deck to, and I saw the image of humanity taking flight, I 'got' it! Perfect! This is an excellent card to wrap up your messages of the week and to pull them all together. While I have not been guided to suggest this previously, I DO suggest that you read back over the messages of this past week and see how they have led you to your message today.
Herderite is a relatively rare mineral, found most abundantly in Brazil. This crystal's energy supports and encourages the Divine within us...that is a piece of Herderite in the photo above. Herderite can be colorless, pale yellow, green, brownish, gray and sometimes lavendar. As stated in the 'Book of Stones', "Herderite has come at this time as an extremely powerful tool for the evolution of human beings."
What will be your unique Soul contribution for the betterment of humanity? Your contributions 'ripple out' in ways that you can not even begin to imagine! Be conscious and aware about the energy that you are sharing and projecting out into the World. To quote the country singer, Brad Paisley (didn't expect him to be quoted within the context of this message, I bet!): "Today is the first page in a 365 page book. Make it a good one."
Blessed be...
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Your card today flipped out of the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is the 'Gratitude' card, and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Gratitude is a very powerful energy which can open both the heart and mind to all the wondrous blessings we are given. Take time each and every day to offer your deepest, heartfelt gratitude for all that you have and are given. Make a conscious effort to look for all the good that is flowing into your life. Send your love to all those you cherish and love. Your acknowledgement of the Divine flow, that supports and provides for you, opens your energy in a powerful way. You will become your own bright Light..."
My message for you today is this:
I have expressed many times in your daily card readings that 'the Universe loves gratitude' and how being in the energy of gratitude is actually powerful manifestation energy. The age-old adage, "Count your blessings", has stood the test of time for good reason!
When my 3 children were young, (around 7, 9 and 11, I believe) I remember being frustrated with their sense of 'entitlement' at one period in seemed that they were complaining often about why they couldn't have or do this or that. I determined that they write in a gratitude journal each night...they had to write 3 things they were grateful for that an effort to shift their perspective from 'why can't/don't I?' to 'I feel grateful'. I still enjoy reading those journals when I come across them. Of course, there were those entries saying, 'I am grateful that my mom & dad love me' and such. But there were also those entries that showed that they had given thought such as, 'I am grateful that, even though we lost our play-off hockey game today, I scored a sweet goal and I won the 'Heart and Hustle' award'.
We ALL need reminders to 'count our blessings' at times...that is just part of the human experience...and the truth is that there are definitely those life circumstances where it can be VERY difficult to find the blessings within a situation. Still, the Divine wants you to know that it is important to reach for the energy of GRATITUDE when you are able, even if it is in a small way, so that you can allow the Universe to assist you in manifesting what you desire.
You can always find SOMETHING to be grateful for...consciously strive to focus upon that, rather than the 'lack'. Witness how the energy of gratitude sincerely raises your vibration and thereby attracts good into your life!
Blessed be...
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
In Flow
Your card today is drawn from the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is the 'In Flow' card, the Universe has given you the PERFECT card to follow up the message brought forth for you yesterday! Love it!
Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"This is expression in full flow. Let yourself be heard, let yourself shine! Time to take centre stage. This is all about feeling the universal flow of energy, joy, creativity and communication. Sing, dance and let yourself be seen in all your glory. Set your creative inner being free! Express all those things inside you that you would normally hide from the world."
My message for you today is this:
When Cheryl Lee states in her message, 'Time to take centre stage', this does not imply that you need be on a STAGE to shine your Light... This means that it is time to acknowledge your unique talents and abilities and to OWN them and express them...however that looks for you. Understand that YOU are the STAR in your LIFE. You are being encouraged by the Universe to feel the flow of that and to express out into the world your Divine self. It takes courage to allow our authentic selves to be revealed, and yet, think back to when you have done so and how joyful and RIGHT it feels when you let your Light shine; not from a place of Ego, but from a heart-centred place of service and sharing of yourself. It is at those times that we truly feel that we are in our PURPOSE. We are ALL creative Beings and the means by which we express that creativity out into the world are as diverse as each snowflake that falls from the sky...when you examine these snowflakes closely, no two are exactly beautiful is that? The Universe is reminding you today that there is no other YOU...only YOU can be YOU. To understand this frees you up from the need to self-criticize or compare yourself to others, thereby easing any anxiety you may have about expressing yourself fully. Be brave. Own your talents and abilities. Share your special talents from a heart-centred place. Experience the joy that doing so brings to you and those around you!
Blessed be...
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Your card today dropped out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish, and your card is the 'Celestial' card.
Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
The Celestial card brings with it Divine energies of the benevolent beings who are here to assist you with the human journey of incarnation. Perhaps you have been struggling to understand exactly what your purpose or soul's role is on earth. You could doubt whether you even have a purpose, or if you hold any special gifts or qualities. This card has come to you today to reassure you that you are indeed uniquely gifted in your own special way. The Celestial beings who love and support you here want to ease your worry and doubt.
Most people find their purpose almost as if by accident. And although it would be nice to have a magical scroll fall from the heavens, which stated clearly what we are here to do, it isn't going to happen that way. We must discover this for ourselves. It is the act of struggle, and effort itself, which reveals to us our strengths and gifts. Each unique aspect of you and your life path, is revealed in its own Divine time.
Your Divine celestial beings are asking you to hold on to your faith, to trust the journey of discovery you are taking, and to believe in yourself. They ask that you simply take action and step forward---whether you feel confident or not. It's the movement forward that matters most here. You just might make a discovery about yourself in a way which you least expect!
The entire Universe is supporting you at this time. Do not give up on yourself. You are not alone or forgotten down here. Spirit is here with you, loving and guiding you each step of the way. You are on the path you are meant to be on and doing exactly what you should be, to take you to where you need to go.
My message for you today:
Perfectly said, Cheryl Lee! I say 'Thanks', I say 'Amen'!
Blessed be...
Monday, March 24, 2014
The Empress ~ Archangel Gabriel
Your card today dropped to the floor from the 'Angel Tarot' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine. Your card is #3, 'The Empress ~ Archangel Gabriel' major arcana card from this deck. Within a tarot card deck, there are major and minor arcana cards and some choose to separate these two components of the deck. I choose to leave the tarot deck intact and allow whichever of the cards, from either the major or minor arcana, to reveal themselves as Spirit determines. There are 22 major arcana cards and the major arcana cards in this deck have each been aligned with the energy of a specific Archangel. These cards relate to major themes within our lives. The minor arcana cards fall into 4 suits: fire, water, air and earth. The minor arcana cards tend to provide us with information about the details of our lives.
Doreen and Radleigh's message for your card today is this:
"Your creativity and hard work are bringing you great rewards, according to this card. You have the Midas touch right now, so anything you nurture and give your loving attention to will flourish...Whether you're trying to give birth to a child, nurture life into plants or pets, or help a new project or business to grow, your creative endeavors will be successful. Enjoy the beautiful things in life, knowing that you deserve to be wonderfully provided for. Take excellent care of your body with massage, yoga; or anything that makes you feel healthy, vibrant, and luxurious.
My message for you today is this:
I think of Archangel Gabriel as 'the angel of communication'. She also presents to me as feminine in form, although Archangel's are neither masculine or feminine. They present as male or female, based on the energies and specialties that they share with us here on Earth. Gabriel's name means, 'Messenger of God', and many experience her aura as Copper in color. Crystals said to align with her energy are moonstone, aquamarine and citrine.
Gabriel has presented for you today to encourage you to give birth to your dreams. She advises that there IS abundance available to you, and that you need to believe that, even if it is not evident in your life at this very moment in time...your FAITH is a necessary component in allowing that abundance to come to you. Reside in the energy of feeling nurtured and provided for and in so doing, you invite the abundance to come to you. Express your desires and dreams clearly and then trust that you are supported in pursuing them! Take guided action in moving toward your goals. The Universe supports you! Call upon Archangel Gabriel to inspire you and to give you the courage, opportunities and faith to bring your dreams into reality!
Blessed be...
Friday, March 21, 2014
Your card today was drawn from the 'Daily Guidance From Your Angels' oracle card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'Listen', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Quiet your mind, Beloved One, and listen to our gentle reassurance that everything has been taken care of. Stay in a a quiet and receptive state, without worrying about the exact nature of your desire's manifestation. A quiet mind and body hears us quickly and clearly. This is our request to you: Listen."
My message for you today is this:
You have been receiving the same message in a different way, all week long...
Know that the Angelic Realm, your Guides and the Universe as a whole, longs to support you on your journey! You have been reminded to be open and aware for the messages being shared with you---and as reiterated in today's message---to be aware often means to 'listen'. To 'listen' simply implies to be in a receptive state. Instead of expending your energy in asking and re-asking your question, once you have asked just KNOW that you have been heard and relax into trusting and allowing the guidance and messages to be delivered to you. If your mind is so full of the 'dialogue' and chatter of ASKING, how can you be open to hearing or receiving the guidance? I believe that it was the psychic medium, John Holland, who pointed out that, 'Once you have placed your order with the waiter in a restaurant, you don't keep calling upon him to place your order over and over again. You trust that you have placed your order and know that what you requested is being prepared for you even though you don't see it happening. You trust that, when the time is right, it will be delivered to you.'
John Holland uses this analogy to counsel us that, 'so it is with the Universe' your order (request) and then trust that you will receive your order (response) when it is ready (Divine Timing). Do not get mired down in the energy of ASKING and thereby stymy the energy of RECEIVING!
All week you have been reminded through various messengers (Yemanja; Archangels Jophiel and Michael; Guardian Angels) that Divine guidance and support is available to you. Ask, and then allow yourself to be a clear conduit for the messages to come through. Do not try to force or script how the messages will come to you. Trust in the Universe to bring the messages through to you in the best possible way. ASK. TRUST. ALLOW. BELIEVE.
It is that simple and that profound!
Blessed be...
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Be Gentle With Yourself
Yes...that IS fresh snow on the window sill today, on the first day of Spring! I have included this beautiful Herkimer Diamond in the matrix, in the photo of your card today, because Herkimer Diamonds are wonderful at 'bringing in the Light'. Here in south/central Alberta, we have been enjoying such lovely, Spring-like weather these past couple of weeks, and to have this winter-like weather occurring today of all days feels slightly insulting, quite frankly!
I chose the 'Archangel Michael' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue for your daily reading because Archangel Michael is the Archangel of protection, courage and strength, as well as offering us guidance through life's changes. Here we are today, in the midst of the change of seasons which is not presenting as we may have hoped, after what has been a very long winter! Interesting how it is the 'Be Gentle With Yourself' card that flew out of the deck! Doreen's message for this card is:
"MY PRAYER: Archangel Michael, please guide me in treating myself with gentle, nurturing love in everything I think, speak and do. Help me know that I deserve this compassion. I release any feelings of guilt to you so that I may experience lasting inner peace."
My message for you today is this:
Archangel Michael's name means "He who is like God." Many experience his aura as royal purple in colour. A crystal said to align well with his energy is Sugilite.
Archangel Michael is presenting for us today to remind us that you can be strong and gentle at the same time---to be gentle does not imply weakness, or lack of strength. Quite the opposite! True strength comes from a place of compassion, and this includes compassion for yourself. Why is it that we often times express compassion toward others more readily than we do toward ourselves? We can be our own worst critics, and can sometimes feel 'guilty' when we indulge in self-care and self-love. Archangel Michael reminds you today that it is only when you take loving care of yourself that you can fully share your love with others.
We are coming out of some powerful cosmic energies recently and it is not only OK to indulge in self care, but it is necessary to show yourself compassion in this way!
Ask Archangel Michael to be with you and assist you to recognize that such indulgence is warranted and necessary. Be gentle with yourself, as you would advise a much-loved friend to be with him/herself. Love yourself as you so readily share that love with others...
Perhaps we are to utilize this 'first day of Spring' winter storm that we are currently experiencing in south/central Alberta, as an indication that we need to 'cocoon' and care for ourselves today. That message applies, no matter where you are in the world as you read this...take care of YOU...take time today to rejuvenate yourself and your Spirit in whatever way feels right to you. Honour yourself in this way and you are then able to share the best of yourself with others!
Blessed be...
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Angelic Being
Your card today is drawn from the 'Divine Guidance' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is the #1 card in the deck, 'Angelic Being'. Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Your Angelic Being has been with you since the day of your birth, and will continue to be with you when you cross through the veil and return home. Your angelic guardian is asking you to look for signs and synchronicities. They are trying to communicate with you now. In a whisper of gentle guidance, you may hear your name being called, or feel the subtle touch of a feather or a tender tickle. You may see a sign on a billboard, a magazine or even on TV. Keep your awareness open to the message they are bringing to you."
My message for you today is this:
You come to the Earth will at least 2 Guardian Angels and you may actually have or acquire more over the course of your lifetime. Guardian Angels are high vibrational beings and have never been in physical form. They are with you always and never leave you! Due to the Universal Law of Free Will, however, they cannot intercede in your life without your permission and therefore you must ask for their guidance and assistance, but this doesn't mean that they don't try to make their presence known to you without your asking! Their love and devotion to you is unconditional... You may feel that some loved ones who have crossed over now serve you as a guardian angel, and this is true in a sense...crossed-over loved ones DO continue to love us and care about our well-being and will visit us from time to time to serve as an 'angelic' presence in our lives. Crossed-over loved ones are not of the same vibrational energy as Guardian Angels, however, and they must 'work' to shift their vibration in order to be with us here in the physical. Guardian Angels vibration is such that they can remain with us at all times. Also, crossed-over loved ones retain their personality and aspects of Ego, even when they cross over, so it is not possible for them to determine from the same elevated perspective what may be in our greatest interest, in the same way that your Guardian Angel can. So, we bless our crossed over 'angels', and give gratitude for them, but we understand that there IS a difference in how they interact with us here on Earth as opposed to our Guardian Angels. There is also a legion of angels available to assist us, that have not been assigned specifically to any particular Soul, but are anxious to serve nonetheless. All in the Angelic Realm are governed by the Law of Free Will, and so you need to ask for their assistance, also. It is not necessary to say a specific prayer in order to invoke angels for guidance and fact you need not 'say' anything, you need only 'think' it, as the angels receive your requests in that way, also. The simple phrase or thought, 'Angels, please help me!' will immediately draw them to you. The Angelic Realm~ including Guardian Angels, Archangels, Angels and Nature Angels~ is a beautiful gift to us from the Creator to support us in our Earthly experience. Once you have asked that they make themselves known to you, your role is to be open and aware as to the means by which they seek to deliver their messages to you. The ways in which they will communicate with you are as unique as you are. How will you know that you are receiving Angelic messages? You will just will have a sense that your attention was meant to be drawn specifically to that song playing in the background and that the words will have significance for you at this time; when you see that feather in an unusual place, your heart will warm; when you 'just happen' to look up in the sky and notice the angel shaped cloud formation you will understand that, had you looked up moments before, the image may not have been there for you to see... Once you have asked for Angelic communication; and you have been open and aware; the next step is to TRUST in the messages that you have received.
Your Angels want to be in communication with you and to serve, support and guide you! They are an incredibly beautiful energy founded in unconditional love and to welcome them into your CONSCIOUSNESS will only enhance your life! The 'Angelic Being' card floated out of the deck today to remind you of that... I say 'Thanks', I say 'Amen'!
Blessed be...
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Patience & Answered Prayer
I was guided to draw from two decks, authored by Doreen Virtue, today. One of your cards is the 'Patience' card, from the 'Archangel Oracle Cards' deck; and the other card is the 'Answered Prayer' card, from the 'Healing With the Angels' deck. These are Doreen's messages for the cards:
"Archangel Jophiel: 'Your dreams are blooming more rapidly than you realize. Still, they need nurturing and patience.'
Answered Prayer~
"Fear not, beloved one! Your prayers have been heard and answered. All of your prayers are always answered. Sometimes you may not feel this way, because the answer comes in unexpected ways...By drawing this card, the angels request that you be extra observant. Notice everything that you hear, say, think, and feel. Be especially alert to help that comes to you, and be sure to accept that help. You do deserve this assistance, and many times God enlists people to act as Earth angels who bring you answers to your prayers."
My message for you today is this:
I can't tell you why I was guided to draw from 2 decks for your reading today, or why it was these two decks in particular, but when these two complimentary cards flew out of each deck I was grateful that I had trusted in that guidance as your message for the day became clear!
You've no doubt heard the song by Garth Brooks with the line, "Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers..." In truth, ALL prayers are heard and answered, but what the song refers to is that the WAY in which they are answered isn't always understood until some time has passed and we realize that the Universe had a greater plan or dream for us than we could have imagined for ourselves! We are living this physical existence and we do not always have the HIGHER PERSPECTIVE that our guides and angels do. They are able to view the 'bigger picture' on our behalf. I FREQUENTLY remind you, in your daily readings, to be OPEN and AWARE when you are seeking guidance from your guides and angels. The ways in which our prayers are answered are often subtle and require that we be aware or conscious in order to recognize them; and the means by which our prayers are answered are seldom presented in the way we had imagined! Allow the Universe to support your greater good by not getting TOO specific about how YOU believe things need to play out...this is where 'patience' comes in. The joyous energy of Archangel Jophiel---whose specialty is healing negativity and encouraging awakening, illumination and wisdom---has presented for you today. Jophiel's name means, 'Beauty of God' and many experience her aura to be deep pink in colour. Some crystals said to align well with her energy are: pink rubellite, pink tourmaline, ametrine, smoky quartz and rutilated quartz. She reminds you that, in fact your prayers have been answered, though you are not yet experiencing that being manifest in your physical experience. This is when we need to reside in FAITH, as well as PATIENCE. Express gratitude for where you are now and notice all that has transpired to bring you here. Know that the seeds have been planted and relish in each stage of the development rather in the impatience of seeing only the final bloom! This is what is often referred to in the metaphysical community as being 'present' or 'in the now'. If you are constantly in a state of impatience and waiting for what is to come or what you expect or wish to come, you don't appreciate or enjoy what is in your PRESENT, and sometimes your most specific desires detract the Universe from providing for you what you hadn't even known was in your greater good! Remember that GRATITUDE exudes powerful manifestation energy! Have patience and reside in the understanding that your prayers ARE being answered. Call upon Archangel Jophiel (Archangels are high vibrational beings who have the ability to be with multiple Souls at once, so you aren't pulling her energy from another by asking her to be with you) to assist you with appreciating the joy and beauty of the moment and to help you to recognize and embrace with gratitude the various aspects of your answered prayer as they are revealed to you.
Blessed be...
Monday, March 17, 2014
Yemanya ~ Golden Opportunity
AMAZING!!! Your card today dropped out of the 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is the 'Yemanya ~ Golden Opportunity' card.
I must share my personal 'story' about my experience with Yemanya recently. If you follow my daily card reading and also my 'Blog & Events' page on this site, then you are aware that my husband and I were in Brazil this past February to visit our son and Brazilian daughter-in-law and our daughter and her Brazilian boyfriend. Our son and daughter-in-law now reside in the coastal city of Vila Velha, and their home is a brief 5 minute walk from the beautiful ocean. Our first visit to the beach, I was told about the Goddess of the Ocean, 'Yemanya' (pronounced Yeh-MAHN-jah). In Brazil, they believe that this Goddess has the ability to wash away any negative energy you may be carrying and they pray to her for blessings and wishes fulfilled. On New Years Eve, it is Brazilian tradition to jump 7 waves to indicate your desire to work with Yemanya; to give offerings of white flowers thrown into the waters; and to send a tiny boat out into the ocean to carry your wishes to Yemanya. If the waves swallow your little boat, your wish has been granted; if it is washed up on shore, Yemanya has denied your request. The people of Brazil don't only pray to Yemanya on New Years Eve, however...we witnessed many people at the beach standing in prayer either prior to entering the ocean, or once back on the beach, and we understood that they were in prayer to Yemanya.
So...I walked into the ocean as I prayed to Yemanya to please wash away any energy I may be carrying that was not mine. My family respected my desire to be alone in doing this so that I could be fully present...they remained on the beach, playing racquet ball or just relaxing and taking in the sunshine. The color of the water was an incredible blue and I just stood in the ocean water, in prayer and gratitude for being there! I had on my sunhat and my sunglasses because I had no intention of going underwater...but Yemanya held a different intention, it would seem! This prairie girl is not accustomed to how powerful the waves of the ocean can be and before I knew it, I was not only underwater, but I was barraged by wave upon wave as I tried to get back to shore! Although I really wasn't in peril, I WAS desperate to get back on land and out of the waves that kept knocking me down, pulling me back, and dispersing sand in places I would rather not mention! I was sure that my loving family would rescue me, but it turns out that they were too busy laughing as they watched me crawling and clawing my way back to shore! Whew!!! When I finally made it back onto the beach, the comments were that Yemanya obviously felt that I needed a pretty thorough clearing! Even though I may have felt that I was cleared, she kept pulling me back into the ocean to clear me some more and that they hadn't assisted me because they didn't want to interfere with my being 'cleared'! (Uhhuh...) Not only that, but Yemanya took my brand new aviator sunglasses as an offering, because both my sunhat and sunglasses were washed off my head when I was hit by the first wave! The sunhat eventually washed ashore, but not the sunglasses...they are now Yemanya's! Yemanya is a powerful Goddess took me a couple of days to rid myself of all that sand!!!!
Doreen's message for the 'Yemanya ~ Golden Opportunities' card is this:
"Important doors are opening for you right now. Walk through them."
Doreen's message from Yemanya is this:
"Like the ocean, life moves in waves and tides. Timing is everything so when an opportunity presents itself, you must dive in at that moment. Everything that you've done to prepare yourself will accompany you. Yet, if you hesitate or procrastinate, another opportunity will surely come along just as the tides wash in and out continuously. Like the ocean, life is rich with variety and beauty. Enjoy experiencing its various rhythms, and allow all doubts to be washed away."
My message for you today is this:
Ocean energy is cyclic and is closely associated with the cycles of the is no 'accident' or coincidence that this card presented for you on the day following the Full Moon last night. I have often referenced the strong 'releasement' energy of Full Moons. Full Moon energy is powerful energy in which to release that which no longer serves you so that you can move forward in the best possible fully embrace the 'golden opportunities' that await you! This past weekend was about releasement. Allow Yemanya to further cleanse you of any negative energy or beliefs that you may still be carrying. She will facilitate clearing your energy and then your transitioning into allowing yourself to receive. We begin this week with Yemanya stepping forward to grant your wishes and to support you in manifesting your desires. Align yourself with Yamanya's powerful manifestation energy and trust in the timing of opportunities that unveil themselves to you. Call upon Yemanya to help you to 'ride the waves' of opportunities and to move with the rhythm of the waves that seek to carry you toward your desired outcomes with ease and grace and JOY!
Blessed be...
Below is a photo I took of the Full Moon last evening...
Friday, March 14, 2014
Horse ~ Movement and Balance
Your card today dropped out of 'The Animal-Wise Tarot' card deck, authored by Ted Andrews. Your card is the 'Horse ~ Movement and Balance' card, and Ted's message for the card is this:
"The horse is probably the major contributor to the spread of civilization. Before the domestication of horses, the distances between people and societies were great, and there was little interaction. The horse has served humans in travel, agriculture, war and a multitude of other areas of life, enabling people to explore and to find freedom from constraints of their own communities.
Rich in lore and myth, horses have been associated with magic, divination, and astral travel, but most of all they represent movement and travel. If Horse has shown up, there is going to be movement. This movement will best be accomplished through self-discipline, both physical and mental... Horse reminds us of the need for self-discipline in our endeavours. Self-discipline helps our growth to be controlled and steady. Horse reminds us to continue forward in our efforts. If we discipline our movements and ourselves, we will find our sense of power renewed.
The four legs of the Horse reflect the need for balance in our endeavours. Horses in our life can mirror an example that the best and smoothest progress will occur through balance and not through extremes of any sort. Horse brings with it new journeys and new balance, suggesting that it is time to travel and to discover some of the multiplicity of life and the powers it holds. Horse will teach us how to ride forward into new directions to discover our own freedom and power."
My message for you today is this:
We are currently in the Year of the Horse, beginning January 31st/14, according to the Chinese zodiac, in which each of the years in a 12 year cycle are named after an animal. These animals then interact with the five elements: wood, metal, fire, water and earth. 2014 is the year of the Wood Horse, specifically. According to Feng Shui practitioner, Raymond Lo, "The upcoming Horse year is also a 'yang wood' year, when people will stick more to their principles and stand firm." The wood element is about reaching onwards and upwards.
According to the Feng Shui Society, we are to "Watch out for extremes of emotion" during this year. The Feng Shui Society also advises that, "A burning desire goes a long way to bringing blue sky visions into the here and now, yet it would serve you well to keep your feet on the ground at all times"...such is the energy of the Year of the Wood Horse.
It certainly was not on my mind in any way, when I chose Ted Andrew's deck, that your message of the day would be incorporating information and guidance from the Chinese zodiac! I just love how Spirit brings forth the messages for us in ways that we cannot even conceive of! While the Chinese zodiac information provided above speaks to the energy of the YEAR, it came forward for you as part of your DAILY reading, so pay attention to how that information may relate to you at this time specifically. The Horse card brings together all the messages of this past week very cohesively...
You began the week with, 'Connect With Nature' and Fairy energy has absolutely has absolutely infused all of your messages this week, including today's, with Horse as your animal messenger and just look at the messages that Horse inspired!
How do you see yourself galloping forward at this time? Work in partnership when it feels right to do so. Stand in your beautiful loving power and principles as you strive to move forward in a balanced way. Utilize the energy available to you to assist you in your progression. The Universe truly wishes to support you in all ways...
Blessed be...
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Your card today is drawn from the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is the 'Revealed' card, and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Do you know how beautiful you truly are? It is time to stop hiding from the world. The Universe is calling you. You have so much to offer, so much to give. This card is a reminder for you to see who and what you truly are. You are a part of the One. You are beautiful and perfect in every way. When you hide yourself you are withholding, not only your energy---but your Love. Love for yourself and Love for others. Embrace yourself and all your quirks---we all have them! Let yourself be free. Let yourself shine."
My message for you today is this:
I took the picture of the card today with the dancing porcelain doll, because you are being encouraged to DANCE in whatever way that means for you! Dance the dance of life! Show yourself! Be present! Be courageous enough to reveal yourself and to lovingly embrace all that you are and all that you are meant to share with the world. Give gratitude for the wonderful current blessings in your life and in so doing, invite in all the future blessings that the Universe has waiting for you. Absolutely every person on the face of the Earth has a unique, valuable contribution to make to the whole. So it is for you! Choose to recognize , appreciate and REVEAL your own inimitable gifts to the World! If 2 people were to dance the 'same' dance, and to strive to be in unison, each person would still bring their own singular aspect to that very same dance! Thank God for that! Rather than spend time in comparing yourself to others or wasting any of your time in any kind of 'competition' energy (ie. 'I can't dance as well as so and so'), celebrate who YOU are, knowing that you are meant to make your own unrivalled contributions! Dare to be brave and to be authentic. It does take courage to allow yourself to be vulnerable enough to reveal your authentic self...Spirit is acknowledging that. Yet, in truth, you can only be YOU...see the blessing in that and share your Light. To do so further Lights the way and illuminates the World for us all!
Blessed be...
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Being in the Flow
Your card today was drawn from the 'Gateway' deck, authored by Denise Linn. Your card is the 'Being in the Flow' card and Denise's message for the card is this:
"I am in the flow of the Universe...
Everything is falling into place because you aren't resisting the drift of the great river of life. Let go of the shore and allow the currents to dictate your direction. You don't need to decide and plan everything yourself. Let things flow effortlessly. When you are truly in the flow, you don't need to push or exert great effort to make things happen. If there is a situation in your life that isn't falling into place, let it go. It's not the right time. If there aren't smooth currents regarding a specific area of your life, it might mean that you are trying to control the outcome, or that you are being overly self-critical. Know that you can flow around any obstacle. The way you do so is with gratitude and appreciation. Allow others and Spirit to support and care for you."
My message for you today is this:
Interesting how the word 'GRATITUDE' has presented so prevalently in your readings this week! It is lovely to witness the flow of water as the snow melts during this blissful warm spell we are experiencing in Alberta right now! I was grateful for the soothing sound of trickling water as I sat beside a temporary stream on a hillside on Monday. Signs of impending Spring! Peaceful, serene and uplifting! Then the card, 'Being in the Flow' presented for you today!
To 'go with the flow' does not mean that you do not take responsibility for your life... Understand that, if you desire to move forward with ease and grace, it is in your best interest to work with, rather than against, the natural flow that you are 'currently' (pun intended!) in!
To be in the flow does not imply passivity! It means that you are awake and aware and you utilize the present energies to assist you in moving forward! When you are in the flow it truly does feel like things are just 'falling into place' for you in ways that you couldn't have controlled or scripted if you tried! I know that you can call to mind instances in your life when you have experienced this! You can also bring to mind instances when you 'fought so hard' to bring something about, and yet it just wouldn't happen, despite your 'best' efforts! Every river (life path) has peaceful, meandering aspects as well as segments of turbulent, rushing water. To be in the flow means to be aware that you are not in control of all what you will encounter on your journey, but you ARE in control of how you will navigate your way through it. Sometimes we need to surrender to the current and allow ourselves to be carried along in FAITH and GRATITUDE for the support that the Universe provides us if we are open to receiving. Work WITH what is presented to you, rather than AGAINST it and you will move in your desired direction with ease and grace. Obstacles are not presented to you by the Divine as punishment or retribution...but as guideposts and learning experiences and opportunities for redirection. The Divine holds a higher vision for us than we do for ourselves, often times. Spirit truly does wish to support and guide you on your journey. When you trust in your Higher Self and follow the guidance available to you, no matter how still or rough the waters, you will 'be in the flow'...
Blessed be...
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Raising Your Standards
Your card today is drawn from the 'Healing With the Fairies' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is 'Raising Your Standards', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Don't settle for less than your dreams. Once you make the commitment to manifest an improved situation, the Universe will find a way to deliver it to you."
My message for you today is this:
I chose this deck today, because the fairy energy is VERY strong right now! Remember that , in yesterday's reading, it came forward that fairies will use animals as messengers for us? Yesterday, following posting your reading, I decided to go for an extended walk in the coulee to spend some much needed time in nature. At one point, I was overlooking the beauty of the running water and the melting snow and the awesome feeling of impending spring and I was just in such gratitude! The thought 'crossed my mind' that the Canada Geese will be returning soon, and at that moment I heard 'honking' over my head; looked up into the sky above me, and a pair of Canada Geese flew over! Again, I inwardly expressed gratitude, because I understood the 'connection'. Before continuing to walk, I looked down at my Garmin watch which read 1:11 (indicating how long I had been walking so far)!! I see this number combination often and I know that in 'angel numbers' it is a message that the angels are with you, and to keep your thoughts positive because you are in powerful manifestation energy at that time. I thank the fairies for making their presence and support known to me in such a way!
Today, the fairies are reiterating to you the power of gratitude in manifesting your desires. They are reminding you that you have the power to manifest your desires and that knowing that you are WORTHY; holding positive expectations (even if your desires are not currently evident in the physical); and expressing gratitude for what is yet to come, are all powerful tools of manifestation. Rather than express negative statements such as, 'How could I ever afford that?' or 'Noone would ever attend a class that I am teaching', see your desires as already playing out just the way you imagine. The fairies will help you with this. Their playful, positive energy is available to lift you up and assist you with the understanding that you deserve all the good the Universe has to offer! Be ready, because sometimes the WAYS in which our desires are manifested for us by the Universe and the angelic realm is wonderfully surprising!
Blessed be...
Monday, March 10, 2014
Connect With Nature
Your card today floated out of the 'Magical Messages From the Fairies' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is the 'Connect With Nature' card and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"You're rejuvenated and inspired by spending time outdoors."
My message for you today is this:
I chose the 'Fairies' deck today because with the recent chinook, and subsequent warmer weather, we are getting a glimpse at what spring might look like! Many people in Alberta were growing weary of the cold, wintery weather and with this respite from that, I wondered what the fairies would have to say to us today! Their message for us is perfect!
Of course, fairy energy is available to us, no matter the weather, and we do not have to be outdoors to connect with them. Having said that, these beautiful angels ARE strongly connected to nature, and so it is easier to connect to and experience fairies when you are in a natural setting. We have the great good fortune of our warm, heated homes to shelter us during the sometimes harsh winter season, and we give gratitude for that. The fairies remind you, though, how spending time outdoors in nature can be invigorating and inspirational for your Soul! You are strongly encouraged to spend some time outdoors today, even if that means taking a walk on your lunch hour at work. While you are outdoors, pay attention to the messages you receive, and do not dismiss any creative ideas or moments of inspiration that spontaneously 'come to you'. In contrast, do not attempt to 'force' such messages from the fairies...simply relish in your time in nature...relax and embrace the energy. In this way you invite the fairy energy to you and place yourself in the energy of receiving. To reside in gratitude places you in a powerful state of receiving! Fairy energy is playful and light and even mischievous! Allow yourself the experience of feeling playful and light and child-like as you spend some time in nature today. Pay attention to how the fairies seek to connect with and support you! Consciously ask the fairies to present themselves to you and then be aware, without having a preconceived notion of just how they will make themselves known. Remember that the fairies may use animal messengers to connect with you, also. Messages or not, spending time in nature serves your body and your Soul! Enjoy, and give thanks to Mother Nature for her bountiful gifts!
Blessed be...
Friday, March 7, 2014
Your card today is drawn from the 'Healing With Your Angels' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is the 'Celebration' card, and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"The angels want you to know that this is a light-filled time in your life. You have been working toward making changes, and your intentions have now manifested into form. This is the time for you to fill your heart with a warm feeling of gratitude. The angels ask you, through this card, to hold strong in this gratitude. You are like a gardener who plants seeds and nurtures them because she has faith that her labours will yield new growth. Keep watering and tending to your seeds, and you will soon see them sprouting through the surface. The angels are your co-gardeners, who help you tend your crop."
My message for you today is this:
Once again, the Universe amazes me with how the messages are brought forth! I had already decided to take the photo of today's card with my beautiful Smoky Quartz and the 'growing grass' bowl that is here in my office...I had them all set up, with the angel card holder in place, just waiting for the card to be revealed. The 'Celebration' card flew out of the deck; Doreen's message makes reference to planting seeds, etc.; and there is the growing grass in the photo! Validation that the Universe desires to work with us!
Of course, my friend, Patti, is on my mind as she flies out to England and then Ireland today, and I just knew that the 'Celebration' card definitely held a message for her (and, as always, for anyone who is guided to read this today, also)! Your messages all week have been about self-empowerment, holding intention, knowing that you are supported by the Divine as you seek to manifest your desired outcomes... What a perfect way to close out your messages this week with the 'Celebration' card! When we celebrate we are expressing deep gratitude. The Universe loves gratitude, and when you are in the energy of gratitude, you are also very strongly in the energy of receiving! You can be grateful for what you know is coming into your life, and in so doing, create the space to fully receive it! This is a powerful knowing! Gratitude is such a key component to manifestation! To reside in gratitude allows that which you desire to flow to you with ease and grace...when you try to 'force' something, you actually stymie the flow. Celebrate where you are right now on your journey. Give gratitude for where you are right now, then celebrate yourself and the courage and faith you are demonstrating by stepping outside your comfort zone into the potential of all that you are. Know that there is always cause for celebration and gratitude, because your spiritual journey never really 'ends' are constantly in a state of spiritual evolution. Your life purpose is really just to continue to 'grow your Soul' and to express the very best of your beautiful, unique self out into the world. THAT is definitely cause for celebration!!!
Blessed be...
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Crystal Clear Intentions ~ Archangel Michael
Your card today is drawn from the 'Archangel Oracle Cards' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is the 'Crystal Clear Intentions' card, which is aligned with Archangel Michael's energy. Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Archangel Michael: Be clear about what you desire, and focus upon it with unwavering faith."
My message for you is this:
Archangel Michael's name means 'He who is like God' and he is known as the supreme protector and the archangel who assists us with life purpose. Many experience his aura as royal purple in color. A crystal said to align with his energy is Sugilite.
Michael's message for you today is that you need to get CLEAR about what it is that you desire to manifest in your life. Lightworkers are feeling compelled to really step onto their spiritual path...much like there is an unseen force urging them to 'get real about what it is they are truly here on Earth to do'. This is a very common theme for 2014. Archangel Michael wants you to know today, that you have ALWAYS been living in your purpose and that your life purpose is not a destination to be reached for, but rather, a journey, which will take you along various paths during the course of your life. What you are feeling though, with the energetic SHIFT that we are in, is the need to step more CONSCIOUSLY into your spiritual mission or purpose. What came before led you here. You now have a greater understanding of how you are meant to be of service and you are being supported by the Universe in taking the action steps necessary to move in that direction. Have FAITH that you are supported, even if that is not evident to you at this very moment in time. Trust that everything will unfold as it should, and that the Law of Attraction is a very real Universal Law that is at play here. Your role is to be real with yourself as you go within, and to be clear about what it is you wish to manifest; to trust that you are supported (even if you don't see tangible evidence of that at this time); to take the guided action steps presented to you; to have faith that 'all is well'; to understand and KNOW that there is abundance for all and that what you desire is absolutely available to you!
Call upon Archangel Michael to assist you with feeling safe, protected and guided as you seek to manifest your Soul's desire... 'Rome wasn't built in a day' and Archangel Michael reminds you of this. Embrace the 'urgency' you may feel to 'follow your Soul's dream' for yourself, while understanding that the word 'journey' means to 'move from one place to another'...every journey is made up of steps taken and Michael reminds you to embrace the journey itself for all that it is, rather than missing out on where you are now because all you see is where you want to go! To set crystal clear intentions for the future does not mean that you don't relish in the present moment (that's what having FAITH is all about)!
Blessed be...
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Your card today is drawn from the fractal art deck, 'Divine Guidance', authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish. Your card is the 'Empowerment' card, and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"This card shows a gentle, yet powerful opening and energy flow of the third chakra---the power centre. Through your own willingness to stand tall and be all of who and what you are meant to be, you naturally vibrate a dynamic energy that has a positive and empowering effect on others. Through your own acts of self-kindness and self-love, you have given yourself permission to shine a gentle and loving strength. This is exactly what the world needs right now. You are giving the gift of self-empowerment to everyone you meet."
My message for you today is this:
This card is the #17 card in this deck. According to Doreen Virtue's 'Angel Numbers' book, the #17 means: "The angels applaud you for staying positive and optimistic. They say that your optimism is warranted, as your affirmative thoughts are coming true. Keep up the good work, as you're on the right path!"
The third chakra, known as the Solar Plexus chakra, located in your midsection, is the energy centre of, 'I can'. The color associated with this chakra is brilliant yellow and you can see that golden color in the fractal image above.
As I lay my hand upon this fractal art card, the first word that came to mind is 'glowing'... When we are in our power people often describe us as 'glowing', because we are shining and sharing our Light! Seeing you 'glowing' can serve to inspire others to want the very same for themselves! Lightworkers are often uncomfortable with placing themselves in the 'limelight' or being the centre of attention. Perhaps that is what will be asked of you in order to truly shine your Light, and perhaps not. To stand in your power simply means to own who you are, to acknowledge all that you are and to honour yourself! You may or may not be asked to take on a tangible leadership position, but it does not take standing on a stage and speaking in a public forum to impact others with your self-empowerment! Our means of expressing ourselves out into the world are as varied and unique as we are, and THAT is the real beauty of self-empowerment!
Blessed be...
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
The Magician ~ Archangel Raziel
Your card today was drawn from the 'Angel Tarot' card deck, authored by Doreen Virtue & Radleigh Valentine. Your card today is the the #1 card in the major arcana portion of the deck, 'The Magician', which is aligned with the energy of Archangel Raziel. There are 22 major arcana cards (numbered 0-21) in this deck as well as the minor arcana cards, which are in 4 suits, comprised of the numbered cards (ace through 10) and the court cards (page, knight, queen and king). The major arcana cards tend to represent major themes and events in our lives, while the minor arcana cards tend to be about the 'details'. Some people separate the major and minor arcana portions of the deck to work with them...I leave the deck intact and I shuffle it as a whole, allowing whatever is meant to drop out of the deck to do so. Doreen and Radleigh have aligned an Archangel with each of the major arcana cards. Doreen & Radleigh's message for your card today is this:
"You are ready! You have the resources or the ability to manifest them. Life is magical.
This card signals that the time is right to begin new projects! If you have had any doubts about your ability to manifest your dreams, leave them behind. In fact, the more self-confidence you have, the more success you experience! Fortunately, the angels can boost your inner strength if you'll call upon them for help."
My message for you today is this:
Archangel Raziel, whose name means 'Secrets of God' is known to assist us with healing spiritual and psychic blocks. Many experience his aura as rainbow stripes, and crystals said to align well with his energy are Clear Quartz or Rainbow Fluorite. I personally call upon Archangel Raziel to assist me with 3rd eye work.
Raziel has stepped forward for you today to assist you in taking the necessary guided action steps to move you forward on your spiritual path. If you are already taking those steps, he is here as your cheerleader to applaud you and let you know that you are indeed moving in the right direction! Place your doubts aside! Know that it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between excitement energy and anxious energy! It is completely NORMAL to feel a little nervous when we are moving outside the status quo or our comfort zone, and in truth, that is part of the thrill of challenging ourselves, isn't it? Usually, underlying the nervousness is a 'knowing' that this is the right thing for us, as uncomfortable as it makes us feel to take that step. Ask Archangel Raziel to ensure that your nervousness does not hold you back or paralyze you...he is the Magician! Raziel has the ability to move things along for you in a way that feels move things forward with ease and grace and joy! Embrace Archangel Raziel's energy and support...'YOU ARE READY'! Go for it! I am excited for you!
Blessed be...
Monday, March 3, 2014
Nemetona ~ Sacred Space
Your card today is drawn from the 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue. Your card is the 'Nemetona ~ Sacred Space' card. Doreen describes the Goddess, Nemetona in this way:
"About Nemetona (pronounced Nem-uh-TONE-uh): Nemetona's name means 'sacred grove', because she protected the ancient Celtic ceremonial sites, which were outdoors in sacred groves of trees. Nemetona continues to watch over sacred sites, especially those connected with nature. She'll help you build your own sacred space, and will assist with medicine wheel or labyrinth ceremonies."
Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Message from Nemetona: Your sacred space is within you now. By creating an altar or visiting a sacred site, you connect with the symbols and energy that have been infused with meaning and prayer over the centuries. Don't take these symbols lightly, for they're powerful indeed. When you connect with sacred symbols, you help your inner sanctity find a home in the outer world. You also tap in to the ancient wisdom and spiritual grace of the old ways. Explore spirituality through sacred symbols and sites, and allow your soul to joyfully meander among the various ways available to you to unite with the Divine. It's not a matter of how you connect, but that you do so frequently."
My message for you today is this:
Some of my dear friends are leaving later this week on a group trip to Ireland, where they will be visiting amazing sacred Celtic ceremonial is just so awesome that Nemetona presented for them today to let them know that she will be with them on their journey!
I taught an angel course yesterday in Airdrie where the topic of 'sacred space' also came up in a variety of ways throughout the day. Nemetona is also making herself known today with the message that creating sacred space is an important aspect of any type of spiritual work or desire to make a 'conscious connection' to the Divine. As Nemetona shared with us in her message above, 'your sacred space is within you now'. Yesterday in class I led a guided meditation to commune with our Guardian Angels and in that meditation we created our own unique sacred space to consciously interact with our Guardian Angel, with the intention that we can access that space in meditation any time we wish to. We created an 'internal' sacred space.
Nemetona is also advising us of the beauty and sanctuary we can experience when we create a sacred space for ourselves in the physical. Perhaps there is a certain place in nature or on your property that you feel drawn to. I have the blessing of living in the country and when I am out walking in our coulee, there is a large rock that I often stop to sit on and spend a few moments in quiet reflection...I hadn't realized it until this moment, but that is a sacred space for me, and I thank Nemetona for bringing that understanding to my attention!
Where in nature have you felt drawn to time and time again and when there, you have a beautiful sense of peace? Nemetona wants you to understand that that place is sacred space for you. You can also create sacred space in your objects that 'matter' to you in a certain area of your home and designate this area as your sacred space. Lovingly create the space in a way that expresses your desire to honour the Divine, and in so doing, honour yourself! Ceremony, whatever that means for you personally, is an important aspect of making the Divine connection in a conscious way. Call upon Nemetona to assist you with constructing your own personal sacred do so will honestly fill you with joy! You may be pleasantly surprised with how your sacred space manifests for you...I know that I was, when I first created my 'special room' downstairs in our seemed that it just 'all came together' in a way that I could not have scripted if I tried! How will you create sacred space? Trust in yourself and your guidance, knowing that Nemetona supports you as you create your own unique place of honouring yourself and the Divine. If you have already created a sacred space for yourself, you are being encouraged to spend time frequently in that space. Perhaps, as you lovingly spend time there, you will notice changes you would like to make to represent changes that may have happened within you. We are always evolving and our sacred space can represent that...
Blessed be...
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