Wednesday, March 18, 2015


This is your card reading for Wednesday, March 18th/15.  Your card flipped out of the 'Spirit Messages' deck, authored by John Holland.  Your card is 'Strength', and John's message for the card is this:
"Strength comes from many sources.  Staying strong brings confidence, conviction, and a balanced body, mind, and soul.  Spirit has its own unique and beautiful way of replenishing your soul with strength on a continual basis.  You're never really alone, as we're always with you.
You have drawn this card because Spirit is reminding you that in life, your greatest weaknesses create your greatest strengths.  We're aware that you may be facing new challenges or suffering from a sense of uncertainty, or even feeling vulnerable or insecure. In the past, just when you think you've had no strength left and that you've reached a point where you cannot go on, it's your inner strength combined with our energy that has gently pulled you through.
This card is confirmation that you're stronger than you believe, and now is NOT the time to give in.  Use your inner-confidence to overcome life's obstacles, and know that from each experience a valuable lesson can be learned and stored as wisdom to be used in the future. Do not be surprised if help or assistance comes to you...and it could arrive in the  most unexpected way!  Remember, we're here for you always."

My message for you today is this:
As we lead up to the powerful cosmic event this upcoming Friday---the Super New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse and Spring Equinox, in symphony with one another---we are in the final stages of releasing what no longer serves our greater good.  This powerful portal of opportunity that we are headed toward requires that we come from a place of self-empowerment and self-confidence and self-direction.  
Know and understand that you have the strength and will and SUPPORT to 'clean up' any loose ends so that you can fully focus your attention upon what it is that you wish to truly draw into your life in this upcoming eclipse season.  Perhaps you have been putting off making that difficult phone call; or you have not been setting personal boundaries in a relationship that you have been struggling in; or you have been procrastinating in making that life change that will impact your health and well-being; or you have been reticent in promoting or standing up for yourself as you need to.  Whatever the case may be, please know that you are not alone in any of it!  The Divine truly wishes to support you and to remind you of the strength that you have within you!  Sometimes our only prayer needs to be, 'Give me strength'; and then we need to surrender to all the good that the Universe has to offer us, rather than attempt to script exactly how something is to play out in every detail. Spirit will often amaze us with the ways that it contrives to support us in what we want or need to do!
To feel vulnerable or insecure or sensitive is NOT a sign of weakness!  It takes great strength to own your vulnerability and insecurity and sensitivity---to see these as guideposts in your life, and to take guided action despite feeling vulnerable or insecure---THAT is true strength and YOU have that strength! Know this to be true!
Blessed be... 

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