Monday, March 16, 2015

Everything's Okay

This is your card reading for Monday, March 16th/15.  Your card sprung out of the 'Magical Messages From the Fairies' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Everything's Okay', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Don't worry.  It's all working out in a beautiful way.
The fairies know that you're concerned about the outcome of this situation, so they've sent this card to you as reassurance that everything's working out in a divinely perfect way.  Take steps to uplift your outlook and unburden your heart and mind, such as taking a nature walk, spending time with loved ones, exercising, or enjoying a creative project.  The more you can stay centered and filled with faith, the better the outcome you'll experience.
ADDITIONAL MEANINGS FOR THIS CARD:  Write down your concerns on paper and then ceremoniously dispose of the list by burning it, pouring water over it, or burying it. * Talk to the people involved in order to double-check your facts---your worries may be based upon untrue assumptions. * Make sure that you're getting enough rest and eating healthfully, as physical strain can lead to anxiety and exhaustion."

My message for you today is this:
The Fairies are Nature Angels, and so are very aware of and aligned with the rhythms of Nature, of Mother Earth, and of the cosmic energies that we are exposed to here on Earth.  
They sense and know that we are heading into a powerful time this week, with the Super New Moon and total Solar Eclipse, as well as the Spring Equinox on Friday, March 20th/15. That these events will all occur on the same date is rare and pivotal---they will not coincide in this way again until 2034!  So the Fairies are lovingly advising that we approach this amazing cosmic event CONSCIOUSLY, and that we utilize it, rather than 'fall victim' to it. They want us to remember that we ARE supported but that it is necessary that we ask for that support and guidance, due to the Universal Law of Free Will, which states that our spiritual advisors are not to interfere in our lives without our permission.
This is a week that will facilitate the changes that you desire, so focus upon the positive and KNOW that the life that you desire and that you have been moving toward is possible---that you are NOT simply floating along like a ship without a rudder, although it may have felt like that at times!  The energy of the expectations that you hold fuel this ship, so set your sights on your desired destination and ensure that continue on your steady course, despite the tumultuous energies that you may have been experiencing.  Be prepared and take care of your physical Self, so that it can best support your Spiritual self during this upcoming time of escalated growth and opportunity.  
This is also a great time to release at an even deeper level, what no longer serves you, or any shadow beliefs that may be holding you back, before we head into this powerul New Moon of manifestation.  I personally use fire ceremony to transmute and release, as Doreen has suggested in her message to you.  While Doreen also suggests 'burying' your list to 'release' it, I have always viewed burying something in the soil as 'planting a seed', so to speak; and so, I have used that technique to encourage 'manifestation', rather than 'releasement'.  Go with whatever feels right to you.  It truly the INTENTION that you place behind any action that you take that energizes and encourages the outcome. 
The Fairies are a powerful aspect of the Angelic Realm, who are highly accessible to us here in the physical, because their vibration is denser and closely aligned with the Earth and with Nature. They have a strong desire to assist us here in this physical existence, so....ASK! And then step into the faith that everything truly is okay, whether you can physically see that yet, or not---the Universe is conspiring for you and wants the best for you, but you must BELIEVE that, and then take the guided action that is being presented to you. Stand in your power as we head into this amazing portal of opportunity that awaits us! 
Blessed be...

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