Friday, March 6, 2015

Listening With Your Heart

This is your card reading for Friday, March 6th/15.  Your card dropped to the floor, out of the 'Gateway Oracle' card deck, authored by Denise Linn.  Your card is 'Listening With Your Heart', and Denise's message for the card is this:
"I trust the messages I receive from my heart.
CARD MEANING:  The heart knows what the mind cannot cover.  Trust the messages you receive from your heart.  Angels and guides are communicating with you.  In sweet, soft stillness, listen to their gentle whispers.  
THE UNIVERSE WANTS YOU TO KNOW:  If you're facing a decision and your mind says one thing but your heart says another, follow the dictates of your heart and you'll be on the right path.  If you get a nudge to speak to someone or go in a particular direction, don't hesitate.  Follow this guidance.  Whenever you feel challenged and you don't know where to turn, quiet your mind and listen with your heart.  The correct path will appear, for Spirit wants to speak with you.  There's a message for you right now.  Watch the signs, and the message will unfold effortlessly.
QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF:  * What or whom do I need to listen to? * Is there an area of my life in which I need to listen to my heart rather than my mind? * If I was aware of a secret message from Spirit right now, what would it be? "

My message for you today is this:
Following the Micro Full Moon last evening (it's energy 'spills over' into today, especially for those highly sensitive to Moon energy); and the releasement of what no longer served you in combination with the drive to fully embrace ALL THAT YOU ARE and all that you ARE MEANT TO BE, we find ourselves firmly settled in the HEART CHAKRA, today.
Allow yourself to be completely open to what Spirit is communicating to you and to honestly accept that you are Divinity embodied---this means even those aspects of yourself that you would judge and seek to deny or hide from others.  
As Elizabeth Peru states in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast' (Elizabeth Peru ~
"The planetary vibe allows us to truly accept every emotion, every feeling, every idea and thought that we bring through.  Accept what arises for you and own all of it.  No more pushing away the true you.  Your soul urges you to accept and be whole...
For example, your dark aspects of power can be your strength, particularly when viewed as the force that allows you to stand up for yourself and raise your voice if you need to etc. Over this period you can view these (often hidden) parts of yourself in an empowering light.
Use your dark to empower your light...Embrace the all."
Accept the totality that is YOU from a heart-centered place...step out of self-judgment that you need be 'more of this' or 'less of that', and simply embrace fully who you are.  Know that you are unconditionally loved by the Divine for ALL that you are, and that being in this physical form precludes being 'perfect' in every way! 
You are a powerful manifestor at this time...allow your HEART and your connection with Spirit to lead the way!
Blessed be...

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