Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Energy Healing ~ Merlin

This is your card reading for Tuesday, March 24th/15.  Your card propelled to the floor from the 'Ascended Masters' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Energy Healing ~ Merlin', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"The situation you've inquired about involves energy healing.  You have healing abilities that you can direct through your hands, thoughts, and heart.  Send loving energy to elevate and heal this situation.  You can clear the energy in a home, office, or vehicle as well.  Your experiences with energy healing may be so powerful that you decide to conduct healings as a profession.
ADDITIONAL MEANINGS FOR THIS CARD:  Take an energy-healing course such as Reiki, Qi Gong, Pranic Healing, or Healing Touch. * Your life purpose involves conducting energy healing. * Clear the space in your home or office through feng shui, burning sage, or other energy-healing methods. * Send love to the situation or person. * Avoid situations, places, or relationships with harsh energy. * Everything is healing and will be okay.*
MERLIN:  No one knows for certain whether Merlin actually lived as a mortal man or not. What is agreed upon is that Merlin is the quintessential magician and sage-wizard archetype.  He's associated with King Arthur's Camelot, Avalon, and Glastonbury.  He's also considered to be an aspect of Hermes Trismegistus, the teacher of esoteric wisdom.  Merlin is a powerful ascended master who helps spiritual teachers and healers focus their energies in beneficial ways."

My message for you today is this:
This card presented for you today as reassurance that, although you have been experiencing some powerful energy and shifting of late, all is truly well.  If you---like me--- have been feeling somewhat 'off' and out of alignment since last Friday's Super New Moon, Eclipse and Equinox; and if you have been enduring vibrational fluctuations and alterations, then know that Spirit is advising that you are being supported through this.  Rather than just fall victim to the ensuing energies, take good care of yourself energetically.  We ARE energetic beings, and you are NOT imagining that change is about!  Many of us have been experiencing both physical and emotional manifestations of the energies that have been prevalent.  Keep in mind that this change is for the good of all, including you; but if you wish to move through this with ease and grace and to do so CONSCIOUSLY, then you need to employ whatever means of energy 'self-care' comes to mind for you today.  If you have studied Reiki, recall that you can flow that energy for yourself...we often forget about that and only think of flowing Reiki energy to serve others.  We can ALL conduct energy in some way, consciously if we strive to do so---ask Merlin and the angels to assist you with adjusting to this infusion of Light that you have been receiving (that we have been receiving as a collective), with ease and grace.  Simply visualize yourself taking in the Light and having it flow freely into every cell of your body. Ensure that you avoid any harsh energy regarding people, situations or places; if you can today.  Be gentle with yourself, and strive not to fall into self-judgment or self-doubt about what you are experiencing.  This is a very personal experience and you are striving to acquaint yourself with the new you!  Give yourself some time today to just rest in this, rather than resisting it.  Practise extreme self-care in whatever way you can---even if that means just carving out a portion of the day to do so.  Be adamant about this---it is key to your opening yourself to being the embodiment of Light that your Soul so desires and that the Divine sees in you already! 
Blessed be...  

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