Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Mary Magdalene ~ Unconditional Love

This is your reading for Wednesday, March 4th/15.  Today, I was guided to use  the 'Goddess Guidance' deck, authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Mary Magdalene ~ Unconditional Love', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"Love yourself, others, and every situation---no matter what the outward appearances may be.
MESSAGE FROM MARY MAGDALENE:  I'm not what most people think, yet to defend myself would be to sink to a lower level than I feel comfortable with.  I am one with the Divine, just as you are, and it is here that I choose to reside.  The lower levels of human bickering, judgment, and chaos are just that:  lower levels.  I choose to do my work from the level of the higher consciousness, where love reigns supreme.  It's here where the most good can be done, and I urge you to do the same.  Where you dwell in consciousness is where you truly dwell.  So, focus your thoughts on the good things that you can find in people, and rise above all appearances otherwise.  
VARIOUS MEANINGS OF THIS CARD:  * Don't worry what others think or say. * Heal this situation with love. * Send love to those who have hurt or misjudged you. * Forgive yourself for what you think you've done or not done. * Release old unforgiveness toward others to help yourself heal and move on. "

My message for you today is this: 
Mary Magdalene has been perceived and presented in various contradictory personas, by society and institutions, since her time here on Earth. At the very least, a devout follower of Jesus; Mary Magdalene was present in support of Jesus at the time of his Crucifixion and was also the first to whom he revealed himself upon his resurrection.  There are those who would deem that  Mary Magdalene was a repentant prostitute and others who view her role her on Earth as an apostle, in the years following Jesus' death.  Some have come to identify Mary Magdalene as the wife of Jesus. In truth, societies and theologians have reinvented her persona, as they perceived it, throughout history.  Despite these misconceptions and misrepresentations, Mary Magdalene's Spirit remains strong and LOVING and centered in the true knowing of herself, regardless of outside perceptions.
Mary Magdalene's message for you today is to stand in your own authenticity, regardless of the labels or judgments that others would place upon you. The energy of the Divine is that of unconditional Love.  You are loved unconditionally by the Divine, as is everyone.  
We are here in the physical and it would be impossible in this human form, not to drop into moments of self-doubt, judgment, criticism or even hatred---especially at those times when we feel that we have been wrongly represented or perceived.  Mary Magdalene is encouraging us not to deny, yet also not to RESIDE in those feelings; but to strive to see the situation from a place of elevated consciousness, which is unconditional Love.  This does not mean that you have to EMBRACE the person or situation in which you feel that you have been misjudged or wronged, but rather RELEASE it, by choosing not to allow it to dictate YOUR PERSPECTIVE.  Do not allow the perspective of another to color your own perspective of who and what you are.  Lovingly release all external perceptions that are not in alignment with who you know yourself to be.  Mary Magdalene's beautiful energy has presented for you today to assist you with any issues of unforgiveness; judgment or self-judgment;  or that which intervenes in any way with you standing in your own authentic self. Allow her to shower you with unconditional Love, and the strength and courage to be who you truly are!
Blessed be...

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