Friday, March 27, 2015

Awakening & Boundless

This is your card reading for Friday, March 27th/15.  Two cards soared together out of the 'Path of the Soul' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your cards are 'Awakening' (the card being 'held' by the angel figurine) and 'Boundless' the card on the right in the photo), and Cheryl Lee's messages for the cards are:
"This card expresses creative energy and self empowerment.  It signifies a deeper inner awakening to previously unseen inner abilities, powers and gifts.  There is a strong spiritual and creative force rising within you.  Rise to the call!  Feel your own strength and utilize the many gifts you possess.
Empower others with your strong leadership qualities and ability to find creative solutions. Allow yourself to shine.  It is time to share your strengths and gifts with the world."

"This is a card without limits.  It is eternal and infinite.  Either you are just beginning to experience your own unlimited nature or you are holding yourself back from it.  This card asks you to remove any doubts and fears you may have.  Move forward in faith, knowing the only limits you will ever experience are the ones you have created for yourself based on your own beliefs.
A world without boundaries or limits is opening to you.  Anything and everything is possible."

My message for you today is this:
Wow!  Two dynamic cards presented together for you today...and no wonder, with the energy we have been in!  Today is a super energy day, cosmically, and a good day for, as advised by Elizabeth Peru of Delta Waves, in her Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast:
"Creating new empowered habits; listening before speaking; trying something new; testing your limits."
As Elizabeth further states in regards to the energy of today:
"The cosmos has surprises in store.  The message is that...we are being delivered with something even better than we previously could have imagined.  How will you spot this delivery?  Trust, is the order of the day.  Trust in what? Trust that you work in tandem 'with' the Universe.  You are not an island unto yourself.  The divine forces are in sync with your desires and today we see the manifestation of this, and swiftly.
You are urged to consider bold and expressive moves today and be ready to promptly update your requirements at a moments notice.  We are stepping out of our comfort zone and this is a very good habit to get into.  The energy is asking you to follow and open up to the possibilities that you are creating for your life.
Manifesting skills are turned onto high.  You can make massive leaps and bounds forward on your most personal and meaningful projects this weekend.  The cosmic forces are with you.  What a team!"
So, I share this quote from Elizabeth's take on the energy of today, because it is NO COINCIDENCE that both the 'Awakening' and the 'Boundless' fractal art cards presented for you today!  You are being given the same message from many different sources.  We have been experiencing a recalibration vibrationally, and we are 'awakening' to the 'boundless' possibilities available to us!  Listen...I 'get' that many of us have been experiencing these recent energies as disconcerting...I have been one of those people!  Please know and understand that we ARE being pushed outside our comfort zones---to a place where we will shine our Light of Divinity just as we came here to do at this time!  Know that the Universe IS truly conspiring in your favour, by having you face and release what no longer serves you in terms of old habitual patterns and ways of being.  You are honestly being encouraged to step into your best self---acknowledging and releasing old hurts and patterns is often an uncomfortable process, but one that is SO worthwhile!  Today, embrace the knowing that you are awakening and that your potential is boundless...just sit with that and feel excitement for what awaits you!  The Divine sees you as a shining's time for you to fully recognize that, too!
Blessed be...

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