Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Honouring Your True Feelings

New Moon today!
This is your daily card reading for Wednesday, September 24th/14.  Your card flew out of the 'Healing With the Fairies' card deck authored by Doreen Virtue.  Your card is 'Honouring Your True Feelings', and Doreen's message for the card is this:
"By drawing this card, you're urged to listen to, and follow, your true feelings.  Do not betray yourself, or rationalize that it's acceptable to deny your inner voice of truth...
You have an inner counselor who is very wise.  This source of wisdom speaks to you in both physical and emotional ways.  Perhaps you have gut feelings that are speaking loudly to you, or physical reactions to situations, such as a tightened jaw or a nervous stomach. Your heart may be drawing you toward a particular geographical location, a specific career, or a 
certain type of relationship.  You may feel compelled to leave a particular situation that is unacceptable.
The fairies know the importance of heeding their own feelings, and they ask you to do the same.  They say, "Please don't discount what you know to be true in your heart.  Follow your emotions, as they are your inner compass that will steer you home and keep you warm, safe, supported, and joyous."  If you're unclear about which emotions you're experiencing, write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal to gain clarity and understanding.
Affirmation:  I listen to, honour, and follow my true feelings, knowing that they are answers to my prayers."

My message for you today is this:
Wow!  Excellent card to come forward for you today, considering the energy of the current New Moon, and the overlying cosmic energies of the day!
As Elizabeth Peru (of, informs us in her 'Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast', the cosmic energies are encouraging the following for us today:
"You will likely feel under some pressure today.  What sort of pressure?  Well, it is soul, bursting through the surface of your skin, demanding that you take the leading role in your life.  Soul is talking to you personally (heart to head) and desiring to lead.  Drop the control and trust.  My advice is to do what feels good in your heart and you will not go wrong."
Elizabeth's message for today tellingly melds with what the fairies have presented for you also!  Beautiful synchronicity!   We are also in New Moon energy today, and the energy of this New Moon urges us to truly recognize what our Higher Self is saying to us in regards to how to best move forward in living a Soul-filled life.
Fairy energy abounds these days, as in the Northern hemisphere, we experienced Fall Equinox on September 22nd.  We are in the autumn season...a time of harvest...of 'reeping what we have sewn'.  Be conscious of the seeds that you have planted and take a heart-centered look at your 'garden'.  Consciously choose, from that heart-centered place, the seeds that you will plant for the future.  Honour what your Higher Self speaks to you through your authentic feelings. Ask the Fairies to assist you with this.  Fairy energy is powerful, but also playful.  Their energy is strongly aligned with the Earth and Mother Nature, and their vibration is such that they are more easily accessible to us than other aspects of the Angelic Realm. They have presented for you today, on this powerful New Moon, to support you in making the connection to your Higher Self, and the emotions and feelings that act as your spiritual guidances system.  There is magic about---embrace and utilize it for your Soul's greater good!
Blessed be...

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