Wednesday, March 8, 2017


This is your card reading for Wednesday, March 8th/17.  Your card today shot out of the 'Return of Spirit' fractal art deck, authored by Cheryl Lee Harnish.  Your card is 'Contact' and Cheryl Lee's message for the card is this:
"Life's great synchronicities and the alignment of fateful events is very dependent on our contact and connections with other people.  You have drawn this card today because it is important for you to make contact with someone in particular in your life. This one-on-one communication could be by phone, email, text message, or in-person.  In whatever way that contact happens, it is important that you reach out. 
Sometimes we resist or procrastinate doing the very things that will help to move us along on our path. The Contact card is asking that you look at whatever resistance you may have, and gently push yourself forward to do what needs to be done.  Perhaps you need to contact someone and deal with an emotional issue you would rather avoid.  Maybe you have neglected speaking with a family member, loved one, or friend.  Do you need to get past your fear of making a business call?  Spirit is asking that you be brave and make contact with a certain individual.  The stagnant energy that is being held through your resistance needs to be released and cleared. This will help to aid in the flow of new energy, healing, empowerment, and manifestation in your life.  Energetically, you will be free to set-up and align the next step of your journey.
This card can also indicate that there is a very important person coming along in your life, with whom you are about to connect.  Be present within yourself when meeting anyone new over the next week or two.  Be mindful of the energy surrounding anyone you connect with--especially if it is unexpected or synchronistic, as this person could be playing an important role in your future."

My message for you today is this:
Notice all of the incredible shades of blue in your card today...the turquoise, sky blue, and indigo.  These are the colors of communication; including the sky blue of your Throat Chakra, and the indigo of your Third Eye Chakra.  Even those of us who would consider ourselves introverts of a fashion, spend a great deal of our time in relation or communication with others. Through the internet and social media, we are even more 'connected' with others in certain ways. This greatly impacts our life experience!  We are not solitary beings, but are all affiliated in ways we can not begin to imagine.  We can all recall instances where someone entered (or reentered) our life in a synchronistic or fateful way; and how their presence in our life at that time shifted things for us in a profound way.  I know that I can bring to mind many such instances for myself.  At the time we might say that this connection seemed to happen 'out of the blue' (pun intended!); when in fact it had been beautifully orchestrated by the Universe in support of our Soul growth and Soul path.  What contact or connection would it be in your best interest to open yourself up to at this time?  Pay attention to how the Universe/Spirit is creating the opportunity for this to happen.  Embrace the theme of 'courageous expression' that we are experiencing in this year (2017).  Trust in with whom your Soul is urging you reach out to; even if doing so may feel challenging or pushing you outside your comfort zone.  Know that taking this step is for your greater good. You will actually feel relief, once you have reached out and moved past your perceived anxiety about it.  Trust in your 'gut feelings' about certain people and opportunities that feel pivotal in your life at this time or in the near future.  What you sense is very real, and it is important that you honour your feelings. Be brave enough to take appropriate action in moving forward...take that leap! Know that you are so supported in doing so!
Blessed be...

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