Thursday, December 1, 2016

Universal Law of Vibration

This is your card reading for Thursday, December 1st/16.  Your card today revealed itself in a unusual way from the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Vibration', and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Vibration states that everything in the Universe--in it's purest and most basic form--is vibrating energy.  Your thoughts and feelings have their own vibration, or frequency. Emotions of fear, such as guilt, anger, resentment and anxiety, have a certain type of vibration, whereas emotions of love, such as happiness, joy, and gratitude, have another type of vibration.  As a result of the Law of Attraction, the vibration of your thoughts and feelings will attract into your life the circumstances that correlate with that vibration.  You have the power to change your vibration by changing your thoughts and feelings.  Once you do, a change in your external circumstances will inevitably follow.  The Universe is asking you to be who you want to be now.  Align your thoughts, feelings and actions with your ideal self.  Change your inner vibration by holding your posture, moving your body, and speaking and acting in accordance with your ideal self.  Assume the vibration you want and you will become it."

My message for you today is this:
I so appreciate how the author's didn't designate certain emotions that they listed in their message as either 'good' or 'bad' emotions.  Panache Desai shares the message that emotions are 'energy in motion', and are therefore neither 'good' nor 'bad', but simply are 'energy', and can serve a guideposts in our lives.  Having said that, different emotions DO hold different vibrations, and are therefore experienced differently.  We innately ENJOY the experience of the higher vibration emotions, such as joy, gratitude...and the highest vibrational emotion, which is LOVE.  Yet we abide in this world of duality, wherein we are meant to experience a multitude of vibrational experiences.  The Law of Vibration states that we draw into our experience what is a 'vibrational match' to us.  You CAN ABSOLUTELY shift your own personal vibration, in order to draw to yourself the experiences that you desire.  One powerful and highly effective means of shifting your vibration is through your breath.  For example:  when you are in a state of high agitation, your breathing becomes faster and more shallow.  You can shift this and calm yourself by consciously slowing down your breathing and deepening it.  Where do you think that the age old advice to  'just breathe' came from?  This advice has been carried forward through time, because is works, even if the 'why' of it wasn't understood many years ago.  Do not drop into fear that because of the Law of Vibration, you must now deny and avoid any 'lower vibration' emotions (fear actually being one of them)!   Panache Desai claims that when we deny and squash such emotions---which are naturally part of the experience of being human---we actually store them in our body and create energetic blocks that do not serve us.  He says that we must acknowledge the presence of these emotions; allow ourselves to experience them; and then they will flow through us, rather than take up residence in us.  In allowing them to flow through you, their vibration doesn't STAY with you. The Law of Attraction doesn't work instantaneously---that would be too difficult in this 3D world that we live in!  We are going to experience disappointment and sadness and grief in our lifetimes, but this doesn't mean that doing so will draw more of the same constantly to us, unless we choose to RESIDE in the vibrations of those emotions.  Do you see the difference?  That's what the quote 'Choose to be BETTER, not BITTER' refers to.   We are vibrational beings.  Knowing this implies some responsibility in how we will CHOOSE to represent and present ourselves vibrationally.  It was a PIVOTAL moment in my life--almost 2 decades ago---when a shaman revealed to me that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY---it was absolutely life changing to have what I had been experiencing all of my life be affirmed, having been extremely sensitive to the energies around me!  Today, sit with the understanding that you are first and foremost, a vibrational being.  Contemplate the 'energy' or 'vibration' that is now representative of YOU.  Are there ways you wish to shift that vibration at this time, in order to better represent who you are authentically?  No judgment here...this is about being CONSCIOUS of the vibration you now hold, and to striving to shift it, if it isn't in alignment with how you desire to share your energy.  As vibrational beings, we are always 'in flow' and shifting our vibrations, even if only minutely.  Today, do so with intention. This is a beautiful aspect of self-care and self-love.
Blessed be...

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