Monday, December 5, 2016

Return to Silence

This is your card reading for Monday, December 5th/16.  Your card flew out of the 'Universal Wisdom' deck, authored by Toni Carmine Salerno.  Your card is 'Return to Silence', and Toni's message for the card is this:
"This card has shown up in your reading today to remind you that the true essence of life exists not in the external world but within.  If there is confusion or trouble in your life at this time remember, the clarity you seek will not be found in the outside world.  Confusion is a result of scattered energy, the constant thoughts you emanate as you struggle to find answers.  Return to the peace and tranquility that exists deep in your heart and soul and all will seem clearer.  The harder you struggle, the more confused you will feel.  Life is not meant to be a struggle, so stop getting caught up in external events and start listening to your inner voice.  Meditate and you will discover a great sense of peace.  The clarity you seek is within you."

My message for you today is this:
Toni shares this message as the artist/author in his guidebook for this deck:
"The meanings of these oracle cards lie equally in the messages and the images. The messages appear in the following pages, while the images hold their own messages, energetically, through their vibration.  There is no single meaning to each card, for the images contain many layers of meaning. . ."
When I teach my students how to work with oracle cards as a beautiful and accurate tool for divination, I share with them the message that Toni shares above about his card deck.  That it is not only the words associated with the card that hold the message.  When you are using a card layout that holds multiple cards, the cards also 'interact' with each other to bring forward the message.  In a single card reading, because everything is energy, an individual card may hold a slightly different vibration according to the prevailing energies of the time. 
Your message for the card today is to trust in your inner voice.  Take the time to anchor in your thoughts, ideas, and plans by writing them matter how 'far fetched' they may seem!  No need to share them publicly at this time; but by writing them down, you bring your thoughts, ideas and plans from the etheric into the 3rd dimension.  Your creative juices are truly flowing at this time, and it would serve you to honour your creativity by jotting down 'what is coming to you'.  You don't have to know the 'how' of things yet...merely make record of your inspired thoughts.  The message for you today is to take the time to do this.  It needn't be in the form of 'sitting in meditation', although it is a great day for this, if you can. It may simply be that you jot your inspired thoughts down quickly, as they come to you, and that you then revisit them and reflect upon them later.  You are being strongly advised to pay attention to the voice within today...
Blessed be...

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