Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Universal Law of Purpose

Wow!  What an incredible Super Full Moon last evening!!!  We had been advised to expect the unexpected on such a powerful day, and that's what happened here. We had our son, daughter-in-law and grandson here for an awesome, spontaneous visit and for dinner, and then our grandson overnight!  LOVE these family times, but it meant I wasn't able to post a more detailed reading for you yesterday, or hold the Full Moon ceremony I had thought that I would last evening.  Yet, I know that energy is in flow and so we remain in the residual energies of the powerful 3rd consecutive Super Full Moon yesterday, so I will hold my personal ceremony today, instead... We are learning to 'go with the flow', and that 'all is well'.  I have long believed that everything is about the intention you place behind it, and the rest is secondary...
Your card today projected out of the 'Universal Laws of Conscious Creation' fractal art deck, authored by Lara Solara, Dana Da Ponte, and Marlene Chapman.  Your card is 'Universal Law of Purpose' and the author's message for the card is this:
"The Law of Purpose states that all life has a purpose.  You are who you are for a purpose, and your individuality serves the whole.  Your existence serves life, whether or not you are consciously aware of how you do so.  The Law of Purpose is reminding you that who you are today is perfect and serves a higher purpose.  A common purpose of life is to grow and expand, to become more quality and quantity.  Part of growing and becoming more is to expand your consciousness and awaken to who you really are:  oneness experiencing individuality.  As an individual, you also have the power to consciously choose a purpose. Perhaps you feel your purpose is to inspire others or heal the environment or be the best parent you can be.  Choose a purpose that serves the whole and you will align with the Universe.  Whatever purpose you choose, hold it in your heart and mind as you go about your day.  Infuse your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your purpose. Hold your purpose in mind as you act, and put the feeling of your purpose into each action.  The Universe will support your purpose with ease, grace, and synchronicity."

My message for you today is this:
This is simply the perfect card to present for you following yesterday's Super Full Moon and as we draw to the conclusion of this 9 completion year!  How do you know when you are living your life 'on purpose'?  Your heart sings!  You feel a joy and a peace and a deep Soulful satisfaction.  You will feel this, regardless of the reactions of others or the circumstances surrounding you.  In other words, you needn't be in the experience of 'achievement' or what some would deem 'success'; in order to feel that you are living your life 'on purpose'.  Outward accolades do not determine whether or not you are living your purpose!  Some choose a purpose that many would not deem as living a 'successful life'. Many who have been given huge awards and recognition, and would be considered 'famous', would tell you that they feel as though their lives are 'empty' and that they are unfulfilled on a Soul level.  We are coming to the profound realization that living our lives 'on purpose' is an INTERNAL state of affairs!  This doesn't mean that you won't likely be given recognition or have external validation when you live your life 'on purpose', because when you do, you are literally shining your LIGHT, which becomes a beacon for others and an inspiration for them to do the same.  We are also coming to the understanding that living your life on purpose doesn't mean that you won't experience the duality of being human and the upswings and downswings that that entails.  It DOES mean that you choose not to reside in the downswings and that you see the underlying learnings in all situations.
Many of us have been experiencing some level of frustration recently as we strive to step more firmly onto the path of our life purpose---whatever that IS for each of us.  Your message today is to understand that the HOW of living your life 'on purpose' is continually morphing and changing through the course of your physical lifetime.  Do not drop into self-judgment, but instead look to what brings you deep satisfaction and seek to engage more in that.  Look to your INTERNAL BAROMETER of satisfaction and rely upon it, as your guide post for living your life.  You have likely been experiencing some strong emotions rising within you during the intense releasement energies we have been in.  Know that these energies are serving you and go with them, rather than deny them.  Take responsibility for yourself and how you choose to share yourself with the world.  You are honestly a gift to the world from the Divine...dwell in this knowing.  
Blessed be...

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